Page 14 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 14
L_A_:~_~_~_:W_:_~_:_:_B:_FO_EK_S_' ----,II :::~:~::,! PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GO W. B. "The Gypsy," To lntes In a talc which is so imbued reo ill ted the and sort only of that work sort. for which get he in is any fit with the vital essence of sin nud its attendant other kind means misery, and a job not Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during sorrow that the smug mental so well done. "'0 work at one which one its zenith nil the environment lends the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, eney of the reader is disturbed dignity and loveliness to the spirit. God, Maryland. Entered as aeeond-claas matter at the Westminster Poatoffice. ecnvention-bred inhibitions are stru-tted. eountry and man are all hnrmonioua. Subscription Price, $2.00 a. Year By ruthlessly portraying the senile cmo Great edifices are not needed by msn for tions and longings of a still virile ar in whieh to worship when the out tist for his jouaously benutifnl Gypsy Here is a comment that 11 "Bucknel· presents the most gorgeous ca MANAGING STAFF and her avanoua desires for his liau"' editorial offers about making t.hedral of all. So let us give tbanks un- Editor-in-Chief. .......................... Casper P. Hart, '29 comforts, the author arouses in frosh speak to upper clnssmcn and to earth. the Lord who made this heaven and speculations of Managing Editor _. . .Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., '29 tne almom his as reader impressive and and otbcrs : sus fancies "Instead of frosh to say Asst. ;Managing Editor . ... Edwin Warfield, '29 j.~illing as Oscar Wildc does in his 'hello,' we ought to thcm to use a When is an alarm clock not an alarm "Portrait of Lorian Gtny." From the mode of address. It may do for clock' Every morning this week the Business Manager.. . Paul Bates, '31 first vil'id and colorful meeting of these and ditch diggers. Col clock was set for six o'clock and believe Asst. Business Manager J. Hammett Simms, '29 two main characters with its startling lege !Hen ought to knoll' better than to me it nevcr failed once to take advant- Advertising Manager. . Mar-vin B. Sterling, '30 and devestaung change upon the life of address people, in age of its opportunity to arouse the oe- to thc Iast the Circulation Manager , Roy L. Robertson, '29 the their artist life together, the unhappy moment rul. of such a crudc and way. in poor taste for a stu cupante ever in studied room. the first But few those ehaptera who and elemental respectful have James A. Stach, '30 ing pasetons and laws of resolve dent to greet a professor or a tOWIl of Mr. eatce ' "Psychology of Eduea- Asst. Circulation Managers .. . Thomas Braun, '30 and war about " a weak of no business mlln or banker with any such tion" know that every stimulus docs { A enough emotion, Leslie Grover, '30 vatuo. incapable soul incapable of good, but salutation. agree tlmt tho Senior Council not feelings, arouse etc., to bring sensation, .a sufficient eviL" equally of "We forth Art Editor .. "Pete" Gomsak, '30 Aside from the stirring reality of sin did a good thing in stndents response. JJonday morning breakfast !lnd sorrow "The Gypsy" affords to the Council Sports Editor .. . ..... L. G. Ekaitis, '31 to greet others. But for U8 at Maple Inn. Well, reader, a fascinating insight into the was teaching manners, it should have that time clock received perfect REPORTORIAL STAFF tribal life of the average Spanish gyps)' tanght good manners. It is just obedience. It was more than a clock. It band; and a eontrnat between ex· as easy for a freshman to say 'goo(l acted as a spring simply forcing one ont News Editors quisitely neat precisely ordered lifc as it is to say 'hello!' And of bed. Tucsday morning (In English '\V. G. Eaton, '30 Margaret Mat-tignoui, '29 of the artist at the merey of hia Jnes- tnere nothing highbrow about such a report had to be finished 60 that the timable and CUltured occidental wife and salutation, either." book could be taken back to the library Associate Editors thc filthy deteriorating existence ullder before the first period. This morning the gypsy menage causes him to ponder the clock got somewhat of a r esponae :\[31'Y Wahl, '29 Curvin M. Seitz, '29 over the apparent inferiority of the gyp' Lynchburg t.ouege ha9 made a changc but it was rather dull lind sluggish. By Edith Kinkead, '29 Roy C. Chambers, '29 "yo in its class cut system. '1'he frllowiog the time Friday moruing came, the clock Evangeline Lathem, '29 Charles E. Rensch, '29 is an excerpt from the "Critograph" was st.ill set at the usual time because explaining the change. morc important work had to be aecom Mussolini, the Man of Dcstiny, by Reporters "Under the prc8ent working of the plished, but nnfortunately one occupant Vittorio E. DeGioro, trmlslated by "!'Ifnr· Virginia Merrill, '30 Roy T. Edwards, '31 co A. Pei, "To live dnngerously" ;s cut system, when II student cuts n class nover heard the shrill gong at all and Sara Freeman, '29 Roby Day, '29 said to be the fnvorite motto of Benito twiee the lllllnber of timcs which the tile other person had almost forgotten Helen G. Dennis, '29 C. E. Punk, '29 Die!ater of J.t is in ('lass meets por week, ne must tl,ke an whether or not thc "clicker" had been Catherine Reed, '30 Jackson ,\V.Day, '31 teresting note how has liycd examination for re·instatement, as for turned off. Thi~ is only a. simple ex 'I'helma Reid, '30 Panl Howard, '29 up to his motto. He seems to have g»t· but ench subsequent abscnco> i~ perience that every student has some· Elizabeth Clough, '30 N. A. Pellnewcll, '31 t.en everything that he hns' made up his os nn Ol'crcut, and an examin time during his school life, in fact many Dorothy Johnson, '29 Brauch Phillips, '30 mind to have, and that, by force, and atiou must bc taken for which a fec of times, but it goes to provo thnt an Grace Armstrong, '30 Wilmcr V. Bell, '30 through the power of his own person two dollars will be charg~d, except in alarm cloek is not always an ala'rm Helen 'Wheeler, '29 ,\Villiam Brown, '30 alit)'. During the war when ~lussolini case tne nbsences were due to the fact clock. was at tile front, it is snid, that he w/!s that the student wns rcpreS'Cnting the Saturday morning, and a class--or among the most reckless Icaders, sthool in some official activity." two-or threc--or maybe four I What order In Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. and he WR~ always at the points of one must make to participate average in athletic., one abominable nuisances these Saturday a of point greatest danger. classes so oftcn insistupou being! When "on any semester or mid·semester ro yon wnnt to turn over in bed and take There may be a great mau)' things abont :Mussolini that one cannot com· that delightful little morning "cat· IE-D-I-T-O-R-I - A -LI mend, but there arc cert.ain qualities there eomcs the thought of the which one cannot help admiring. Oae which just must be attended. You of these qualities is his determinntioll, cannot enjoy the fell' minutes of grace 'fhe recent triumph of Mr. K~llogg in SMILE A LITTLE for according to De Fiori "II Duee" that you allow your!olClf because every comment eOll8ingthe nations of Europc t:) rarely stops until he has aecomplished table "Swarthmore on Phoenix." gOl'crnmeut in hnlf minute you find yourself glancing the outlaw \\'ar another step along the Therc are encouragement and philo· the task he has sct himself. Coupled ultimately bc decirl~d, ncrvously at the clock, whosc hnnds eeem rond to the prophcsi~d era of peaee. But soph.r in the incident reported from Dc· with his deterlllinatioll, is his ability for but by the facnH,\' to mo\'e with a prol'okingly slow rapid· troit in the case of the collegc of it.y. of you know II'hnt thnt when we stop to eon~idcr tHe ideal of hard work; for Mus801ini mrrdlessl~ affairs. And just. When you finally do screw up peace among men we can only wonder 19 arrested fo' speeding in a dril'es himself, as well as his confeder· gi~te " to use the phrase of the the conragc to get out of bed and go hoI\' long that road is. We !ICe so lUany, until a statcd task is aceomplisllcd. opinion on the mntler, therr is omcer who nlUl into court. Filr' "Discipline and work are mainstays o~ throngh the morning rush of dressing, signs of conflict we go (lnd not n Puritan an.l 110 donbt as to the decision of the com of grubbing what you hope will prove in el'erything we In fact themorc l\fussolini's int.ernal policy." The dic- mittee. It is an old story. Student presided when tator seems to hal'e a llIagneti!lIll about to be the right books, of hurrying over we learn of this world the more we not gOI'erJnnent, at its best, is n myth when the case \\'as c(llled, and i.ortunately him which causes men to follow and to the recitation hall, aud of being ice the myriad questions over \\'hid, therrecnsed .rankly,if sneepisHly, an although in fact he 11emands the itcrofflles the path of thcndmiHistratim1. jostled none too gently by the rest of the thcreiscontinnaleonflict,.ndargumrnr. his own ease. Asked the motive of his followers. It seems hardly It isobl'ious that if the fraternities do Inst·minute claS8'-goers, it is with a sigh ~o sodal imrlitution which man has prompted him to unseemly deeor possible that one man can hal's reduced not accept this change \'oluntarily they of relicf that you sink into the first seat builtnp is free from the spectre of dis· ation and exeessil'e he stated a nation to such subjection, as Italy IS will be forced to do so ... yon can find. As the class settles down sension. In it in terms which 19·year·old bo~'s at present repr~scnted fl.!! being to Mu~ the "Let thnnge. U8 consider we '1l1d will perhaps the nccept eat- to the Saturday degree of quiet, does have 'l'hen will understand-"just to be crar-y." solini. Immediately after the ''forld yonr mind evcr wander (as even the To enu, Tne judge saw thc point and, il1ste,ld War disorder was so in we are sufficient hypo b~st of minds will do, know) from Ulerate el'en the most outstanding on~s 01 fining him, said he would refer the that it became dangerous travel saying that we decided the thc under and do you would take more spar,e than is here mntter to a snnity eomni~sion to deter- a large city. After Mussolini gain~d notice various expressions and atti· mine whut kind of craziness this COlltrol, however, most o~ the el'ils we~e tudes of other students in the room' For /l\'aiJable. But what docs all this si;;:- is. ..... and yet an expression of some rcason or other, students in a Snt· nify' -What is the ultimate effect of all corrected. order has been restored; work understanding and sympath~·. In order to secure the victory of the in every field aHd factory; urday class seem peculiarly different this dil·ersit~· of opinion' Could one Of course, this type of collegiate lun· Fascist Party in one of the electioU5 the battle for the defense of the lira from thoS'C in a class held on any other not say that all of this dissension, fos week·day. Ovcr there is someone who acy can go t.oo far and mny need rebuke, hlussolini and his followers resorted to begun and won; the government put 0'1 tered as it is by thc dil'ision of races looks just like you feel-hnlf swnke, but undergraduates may be pardoned castor oil. hlussolini said that all)' man a paying thc struggle for the in through langn:::ge and geographical bar· when we remember WHat some of their who refused to I'ote lor the FHscists tensification agriculturebroughttolt wondering what it is nil about and not rlers produeewar1 If so a say aJ,d do. Thrir intelle.~· would be gil'en a dose of the medicine, successful completion; a great organi· tr~'ing especially hard to find Ollt; next settlement the vital quegtions be· flil'\'crs are sometimes dccorated sincc flny mall who would stuy awa:' zation of syndicates, of workers, employ to him is a person who does not even tween nations would finally mean that with banners Mrrring stranger del'ices from the polls on election must be ers, professional men anrlartists created, take the trouble to wonder whnt it :6 war would no be necessary. But jf,an the second-hand l'ords of theirpu and a sick person a ph~·sie. with the result that class war has come about, but sits vncantiy Btaring at ,. b'e differences opinions remains and pils.lntheolddaystheadolrsccntcol The won the election. It is said to an end, and strikes have disappear- Dlap on the wall; here near you is a eon so does \\'ar. The recent eanonl;) lege student delighted in a Byronic or that the castor oil method was used up»n cd" seicntious his soul who and for is once Ilag not trying pre· lesson auxiously be regardcd as another of paper .:'i:"apoleonic p08C--his craziness ~ssumcd all drunken persons, and that a large "Fascism is an ."ristocratic ideal, a a "grand, gloomy and peculiar" style, bottle of the OJi was sot on the counter renewal without whieh no rna rcad along iu the book and keep a to be disregarded by powers when an affectation of the hauits and wicked in the saloons as a reminder !lot to im· economic, or political reconstruc· jump ahead of the professor, who seems the)' dedde to settle quarrels by the is tion would ha\"c been possible." to be covering ground more quickly than sue of arm!!. Of what use has been th~ \lesses of genius. No\\' motley's the bibe too freely. usual; in the back of thc room three hshionab!e wear and one'!! crazill~ss De Fioro, the author of "l\fU!lSolini, In the opinion of the author MU5S0' Hague Tribunal and International la;y must be that of tbe mob. the Mnn of Destiny," has been closel~' !llli's only aim il< gaining power is one girls are surreptitionsly whispering and when nations mOI'e their forces agaimt And why not, so we don't outrage the connecteil with The Dictator. Although of patriotism. giggling about the "dateg" they hnd one another' Mus· ")Jussolini wants more re!JVect for the cveniug before; over in the corner sense of public propriety too IlIneh' We the writer seems to strongly fal'or Kntions who hn'I'C signed the Kellogg must all play the fool from time 10 solmi and the Fascist movement, it is t.he land of Dante and Machiol'Clli, Da sits a youth who is unabashcdly adding Briand treaty have in the meantime loO time. Nature requires relaxation and eddent that he could not for long hold Vinei and .Michel·Angelo, Galclco and au extra instnllmcnt to his morning nap; doubt considered how might squeeze Jifewonldbeadreadful business if we cloBeto such a man as the Columbus. lIe wants the voice of the your neighbor looks at ller watch every more tnxes ont of their in order were always 8erious. To be a little without siding with him, onto nation that wns a vital factor in the fil'e l1linut~s and wonders if she will to build more nirplnnes nnd truiuing orcasionally llIay be the height wardly least. According to the anth- World War to be heard; he wants its make the early bus for Baltimore or e,nnps. Chemists hal'e not uellsed th~ir of may 8a\'e ns from thc crime or hi'nseif: "The term 'dictator' does strength and power to be recognized; he not; and so it goes ou down the line. labors in an effort to find their elixir- and dnngi'r of chronic S'tnpidity. not exactly describehlussolini. for there wauts the Cinderella of the nations ~o Of course, therc are always a few excep- the most deadly gas pos8ible to seienc~. -The are many kinds of dictatorship. Nor awaken and receive a worthy place tional people from whose "bright morn Perhaps this prs8imistic attitude toward Baltimore Sllt1. docs it suflke to say that h~ is Premier, among the nations of the earth." ing faces" even Saturday morning can- all efforts nt peace is not the proper onil Mini8ter of Foreign Affairs, of War, of In spenking further of the Dictator not take the !!hine, and who nobly con· tn take and thnt it ahould be replaced the Navy and of A\'iatlon. He is also he says: "They call him Caesar, Na tribute pieces of valuable information a more optimistic viewpoint which Now is autumn, Rpicles, and out of at the head of the sysdicnl organiza· poleon, Cromwell, 110be!JVierre, but he to theelassroom discussiol1. towll.rd the heralded Golden Age the belt of Bootcs thc clcar splendour tion." cares little; the son of a blacksmith in· Now do you blame professors for cer· when mall shall forget his feuds ~nd of Arcturus has risen; now the grape· De Fiori says: "Fa!olCism today is at tent upon the work of restoring to Italy tain idiosyncraaies commonly attributed quorrels. But nn individual illterpreta clusters tske thought of the sickle, nnd the peak of its power. Since the march the form, substance and spirit that will to them' Why, when you considcr all tion of social trende and mau's inher men thatch t_h_eir cottages against win· on Rome, Italy has madewilnderful pr:) again make her grent and mighty among that they have to face it is a wonder ellt combatil-e nature may lead one in ter. greiffi and achieved surprising resnlts, the natiQns, he_js satisfied witn being for that they are not more than abscllt· the former patb, ANTIPATER OF SIDON;, the morale-of the Italian people has ris· the P[~cntJ simply Benito Muswlini." minded, especially on Saturday morning.
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