Page 13 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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Vol.6, No.4 October 18, 1928 DR. IRA HILTON JONES FACULTY ADVISER SYSTEM EX- COLLEGE CALENDAR Harrison Christian, Noted Baritone, AND REVISED TENDED SPEAKS IN ALUMNIHALL For R nnmber of years it has been FRIDAY, OC'POBER 19- To Give Concert in Alumni Hall the policy o:f Western Maryland College Social Hours, 6.30·7.45 P. M. "Chemistry and the Future" is Subject to assign the freshmen to instructors LIBRARY HAS REVEIVED MANY In United States for Brief Time Be- comprising the freshman faculty for Concert, ],fr. Harrison Christian, NEW BOOKS THIS YEAR fore Continuing Study in Europe DT. Bilton Ira .Jones, until recently advice and aid in orientation and gen· baritone, Alnmni Hall,S:OOP.M. Professor of Chemtetry and Chemical eral adjualment to college life. It ;~ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20- Perhaps at no time dnring the paat LARGE AUDIENCE ANTICIPATED Engineering :I.t the Oklahoma Agricul· t:!e aim tllis year that there be at least }'reshman football. Western few years has the eonege been so fortun- tural and Mechanical College, and now one conference a week between the stu- ~fnrylflnd ve. University of. Md. ate as this Fail in the matter of acqnir· As announced before Mr. Harriaon connected will, the Chemistry Depart dent and his adviser for the first weeks iug new books for the library. Dozens ment of the University of Chicago, lee- of the year. This is with a view,u Yarsity football. Western }oIary· of volumes on all possible subjects ha\'e lured in Alumni Ball on Friday even- eliminating poor marks in the first sea- lund \'S. University of )Jary been purenased, and are already partial- ing, October 12, on the topic, v Cheruis demlc month. land, College Park, Maryland. ly registered and elaasifled. It has been try and the Future." Dr. Jones ex- This year the adviser plan has been necessary to instal a new catalogue case plained that chemistry is a study of the extended to include the sophomore class, societ Houu 6.00 to 0.00 P. M. and an extra reference shelf in order atoms in their various relations to each which in previous years has been acme- HONDAY, OCTOBER 22- to accommodate the. recent additions. In other, a study whieh "applies to busi· what neglected. The freshmen were a short time every student may have ac- ness success in peace and national safety assigned to advisers and after a ~tn Women's Literary Bccieties 6.30 P. in war." Dr. Jones stated that al- dent had selected his m:ljor eubjeet the M. cess to them, and will find among these though today we have in America the head of that department became his ad .Men's Literary Bocietiea 7.00 P.M. newly acquired volumes many which greatest productive science in the world, vi~r. As mnjor subjects are not sel wrn prove of pllrticnlar interest to him. yet scientific development is greatly ected until near the end of the second TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23- Under the heading of works of his- hampered by the attitude of the mall.'!of year the sophomores were left almost Social Clubs 7.30 P. M.. torleal interest m.:>ybe found. people, who either discourage or ignore without' faeulty adviec. 'I'his was "The Eve of the French Revolu· it completely. Science and business found to be an unsatisfactory arrange- WEDKESDAY, OCTOBER 24- tion," Lowell; "The French Rcvclu- still remain unreasonably antagonistic ment. In assigning the sophomores to Y. xr. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. 6.30 tion," Matthews; "Case! on Interna to each other. advisers Dr. Bertholf, who is in charge P. M. Lional Law," Scott; "History of the Dr. Jones gave several illustrations of this work, took inlo eonslderatfon tll(, United States Army," Janoe; "History showing how the same kind of an atom vocational objectives listed by the stu or Ireland," in two volumes, O'Connor; Harrison Christian in different combinations would form en- dents at registmtion. This will cause WE MUST KNOW CHRIST "Aneient Greece at Work," (Hist. 'If tirely different kinds of substances. For the adviser to t:lke a greater interest in Civilization Series) Glotz; "The Far In Europe Mr. Christian is known as instance, a certain kind of medicine, an the student and nmke the student feel PRESIDENT WARD URGES East," Trcntj "·.Phe Men from the East Arrigo Cristinn;. He has spent the past excellent dye, and a poisonous war gas freer in consulting the adviser. and Weal," Rihbog ; "The A. E. F. In three years in Italy and will return to are all derived from the same basic ma An attempt is being made to secure Battle," Von Every ; "History Refer Italy shortly after his appearance in terial. He emphasized the fact that a greater differentiation between the President ·Ward selected Paul as the euees,.' (2 vola.) Lindsay. Westminster. chance has often changed the whole work done in the firllt two years /lnd second apostle to be pictured on one of There are several works on journal Mr. Christian worked for some time course of an experiment, and has rewlt· that done in the junior lind senior the windowg ef the great ratnedral that iSln, book·reviewing, and the ]lol'cl. under the direetion of Percy Rector cd in the disco\'cry of how to make new years. This in accord with the gen will some be built at Western "SOUle Newspapers snd Stephens in Ne\f York, and after with snbstances. The increasing valne of by· eral tendeney in American collegiate Maryland. the the Men," by Villard, "Aspects Maestro Enrico Rosati the famous Ital- prodncts was also mentioned by Dr. education to-dIlY. lUan of extraordillll.ry dis NOI'el," by E. M. FOlster; "Book Rc ian teacher and teacher of Gigli, the Jones, especially the growing importance The freshmen are being advised loy c~rmnent, who knew the l1;story and viewing," by Gard, nnd "Ethies of great tenor, Metropolitan Opera Com- or cotton seed and of sawdust in making Dr. Bertholf, Dr. Yonut, Professor San· philosophy of the world of his time, and Journalism," by Crawford. pliny. He sang a great deal in concert JIUmerOUsprodn~ts u~d in modern life. ders, Mr. Benninghoff, Mr. Jenkins, Nr. who studied nnder the greatest teacher Among the biographicnl works :Ire: in America before coming to Italy, and At the close or his lecture, Dr. Joncs' Brumbaugh, ~!r. Hendrickson, )fr. JIlil of hie day, was almogt an exact. oppll~ite "Trader Horn," by Horn and Lewis; in Rome hc coached for a year under pointed out the gravc dangers of the ler, Lieutenant Waters, Miss Browne, of Simon Peter tho simple, unedncated "Andrew Jackson, an Epic in Home· .Maestro Teofelo dc Angeles, who enjoys next war, in which all fighting will be (Continued on Page J<'onr) fisherman, whom President Ward chose (Continued on Paga Fonr) the finest rcputation in Romc. He haa done by poisonous gases powerful as Ihe first aposllefor thecatlledraL eoached for two ye:lrs in Milano under enough to destroy thousands of people President Ward changed the \~ording Maestro Marcontoni, and c:ln appear in In concln SHAKESPEARE at once, and emphasized the necell.'!ily CLUB of the text found in I Corinthians 2:2, FT. L'N'D. WOOD CLAIMED any theater with absolute confidence and of preventing a future war. so that it read .~s a positive statement: assured approl'al of the critics. He will sion, Dr. Jonea stated that in all science HAS INITIAL MEETING "}'or I determine to know Jesus Christ, R.O.T.C, MENLAST SUMMER go far as a lyric artist. there is "one force, one matter, and and ITim crucified." This statement Admission will be by ticket only, but one fnndamental law. The modern scien· reveals Paul's attitude townrd Christ TWENTY W. M. CADETS IN CAMP there will be no chuge for the tickets. tist, in seeking the trnth for his own PROFESSOR WILLS SPEAKS nfter he was converted on the road to Alumni Hall seats about 1100 people. -_-- self, has foun<1.God---(}negreat, eternal, Damascus. Bcfore the conversion, On the fifteentn of June, 1928, about After reserving seats for the student- first Paul, then known as Saul of Tarsns, was The Shakespeare Club held its infinite God." meeting of the year in ~lcDaniel Irall determined to exert his influence and twenty men of the present senior class body and the faculty, there will be 600 COLLEGE STUDENTS PARTICI- Parlor, Wednesday e\'ening, October power in doing aWIlYwith Christ and the of Western Maryland (Jollege reported tickets to be distributed to those who These tickets will be giv- at Port Leonard for snmmcr training ask for them. PATE m CIVIC LEAGUE PLAY 10. After the neccsaary business, Miss Church. Saul lIincerely hated Christ, and ·Wood, formerly known as Cllmp Mellde. en with the distinct underst.1nding that Frances Raughlcy read the "Pyrllmlls thought that progress in the world could nnd Thisbe" seene from "A Midsum Hot be achieved as long as Christ ex The usnal military camp routine be they nre to be nsed. If any holder of Thursday and Friday evenings, Octo gan at once. Reveille at fil·e·thirty A. these tickets finds that he cannot attend ber 11 and 12, the Civic Lcagne of Iller Night's Dream," and )Jiss Aman· isted and interfered with the old order M., calisthentics, practical instruction the concert, he is asked to gil'e his tick- Westmill,'rtcr presented a modern mnsiCal da Bell sang a solo entitled "Now the of But on the road to Damuscu$, in the principles of offensive warfare ets to someone WJIOwill a.ttend, or re- romance, "Spanish Moon," in the local Hungry Lion Roars." The main fea· Saul Tarsus disappeared and Paul, :lnd infantry drill constituted tlle pro· turn them to the College Officenot later Opera House. The plot concerned ten tnre on the program was the very inter the great preachcr, appeared. Just as grnm for the fint two weeks. than Thursday afternoon, October 18th_ young wide awake American advertisera, esting and instructi\'e talk gi"en by Panl asked Christ the question, "Who The third and fourth wd were present. Several college students dill.'!ectionof the works detract from can we find onr "all." itsdf by making the highcst average FRESHMAN "RAT RULES" LIFTED were also in the cast. Mr. H. B. Calla· their enjoyment. Shakespearian pial'S scorcofanyofthesehoolsrepreseuted han and Miss Doris Hoffman were arc no exception. We find it rather in the compo FOR GIRLS among the principals, and }Ofr.C. L. laborious at first to read them, but with SATURDAY'S SCHEDULE The last week culminated in a twelve Bowers and Miss Elinor Ebangh were each lIUccessive play the difficulty be' mile hike for the entire battalion- On Saturday night, October 13, the among the chorus groups. Especial men comes less and the pleasure greater. In order to enable those stndents and fonr hundred and fifty men strong. Freshmen girls were condncted by their tion should be given ?rr. Gailahan, who~e There are three chief difficulties to be professors who ha\'e Saturday classes to the three following factors had been If the mighty sophomores, -_-- acting and singing in one of the stellar I)\'ereome in the reading of Shakespear get to the.Maryl:lnd-Western Maryland und cercmonial rites roles was one of the highlights of the ian plays. The first is that of langn· football game at College Park on time missing we-might, to use the well known the "Rat Rules." performance. age. ~Jany of the Elizabethan words the honrs for the periods have been re- phrase, say that a fine time was had by After a short bnt trying ordeal the allj-but the unceasing rain, the water are now obselete, grammntielll changes :lrranged as follows: OF INTEREST TO BALTIMOREANS ha"eoceurred, and the connotations of First Period 8:20-- 9:05 logged sandwiches, and the forced four freehmen were conducted to the "Y" room, where dancing and refreshments miles of cross·country rnn to Camp for 1'I01n€ words atc entirely different. The Second Period 9:05- 9:50 gal'e proof of the friendly nttitnde of An item noticed in the Baltimore second difficulty lies in the fact that thc onr company prevented such a pleaaant 'the sophomorcs. American, which may be of interest to customs alluded to in tlle plays :Ire Third Period 9:50--10:35 state of affairs. some of our Baltimore students, stated Elizabethan England and seem strange Fourth Period 10:35-11:20 Of course some pleasnre aside from that Baltimore forged ahead of BOfJton to ns. Thirdly, we must realize that the routine of military life compensated PI ALPHA ALPHA ENTERTAIN in population. the pbys were written to be acted, not tion of the te;rt, noting the similarity these worthy youths for the sacrifices "Already seeond only to New York in read, and thereiore, it is necessary for or lines in the various plays, and the they had made in order to spend the THE MEN OF THE FACULTY e;rport shipping, Baltimore has now us to visnalize the characters and the puns npon the words. It:s abo impor· summer at 1"ort Leonard Wood. Wed· passed another seaport, Boston, in pOpll Elizabcthan stage. Prof. Willa showed tant to contraet characters, and compare ncsday afternoons off, week·ends, Fri Last Wednesday evening, October 10, lation, according to estimated figures to the clnb a colored picture of the the plays. CriLical estimates, and com· day night dances, visitors' day on July the Pi Alpha Alpha Clnb held a smoker made public by the United Statel! Cell Elizabethan stage, and explained i,s mentaries on Shakespeare's art should thirteenth, and the visit of the Wcst in honor of the men of the taculty in su~ Bnreau at Washington. Baltimorc many variations from the stage of to· be ignored until the reader's own reo Point Cadets all did their part to reo their clubroom. is now seventh among the sisterhood 'If day. sources are exhansted. This method of lieve the monotony. A fine informal spirit existel through· American cities. Baltimore's boosters By reading passages from "Rom~ reading Shakeapearian plays may seem Even considering the l.ecessity for out the evening, fostered by card games are claiming that she will pass St. Louis and Juliet," Prof. Wills explained the tedious, but it is necessary for the at shared raincoats, the majority were in which everyone held a llllnd. Among and rank sixth by 1930. best approach to the reading of a tainment of satisfaction and enjoyment rather sorry to leave when Jnly twenty- those of the facnlty who were present As our students are from all parta of Shakespearian play. In the first few from the task. sixth rolled around. It was hard to were Dean Miller, Dean Schofield, PI:) the country, it also may be of interest lines the setting is usnally given in the part trom LaJayette, Georgetown, Get- fessor ·Wills, Professor Hendrickson, as to the order. New York first, 6,017, conversation of $C\'eral minor charac· tysbnrg, .Maryland a.nd Hopkins friend$; Professor Ranck, Professor Schaeffer, 500; Chicago, 3,157,000; Philadelphi:l, ters. The plot mO\'es rather slowly nn I think the first virtue is to restrain and such admirable men and able com· nnd Captain Woolley. 2,0'64,200; Dctroit, 1,378,900; Cleve· til it reaches the climax in abont the the tongne: ho approaches nearest to manders ss Captain Norris of Gettys- During the evening the Club had the l~nd, 1,011,300j St. Lonis, 848,100j Bill third act, and then proceeds swiftly to the gods who knows how to be silent, bnrg, Captain Jones of Penn State, and honor to annonnce the names of three timore, 830,400j Boston, 799,200j and ths denouement. It is well at first to eyeD though he i~ in the right. Lientenants Yonng end howers of pledges: Messrs. W. D. Phillips, JQnn Pittsburgh,673,800_ pay strict attention to the interpreta· -Cato. Uarylaud. It Rickel and J. K. Day.
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