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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PHILO NEW GIRLS alLtuUl, aUuh, unIt~ortdy moingn Margaret Fontaine, Edna Heath, Oaro Catherine Hitcllens, Mildred Hersey, lino Eppes, Eileen Evans, Muriel Bishop, Dorothy Ackerman, Bertha Gill, Louise w.w. JUNIOR MATH CLASS HOLD Weaver, Julia. "Montgomery, Mildred Helen Stone visited the week before. "Billy" Boyard, "Billy~J Bay, Rose Johnson, Sarli Robinson, Rebecca Shook PICNIC ley, Aliee EYans, Margaret Lee Nclsoa, The Alumni made a good showing this Todd, "Flo" JoneS', "Flossie" Vichy. The W. W. club take .• great pleasure Virtuo Shockley, Esther Johnson, Ella last week·end. Of the class of '28 quite Ruth Schlinke, Mary Rice, hlartha Rice~ in announcing that Miss Edith Kinkead The Junior Math class held a. picnic a number were seen. Walter Kinhart, ".'1.1" Albright" and Miss Hannah M. Mace have been at Tramp Hollow on Wednesday after Weir, Dorothy Timmons, :Marill.ll Hum- "Pete" Gnrrett, Clfr. and Mrs. Gilmor phreys, Elizabeth RDC,Helen Jones, Ce- formally pledged to the dub. noon, October 3. The hike there was leste Renson, Meromas, Virginia "Tom" Reid was here the week-end Lippy, Helen Buker, Mabel Barnes, Mrs .. Miss Doris L. Hoffman entertained followed by the usual picllic menu of before. lIe is working for Du I'onts in Black (nee Tommy Massey) ; Ruth Hub· the W. W. club at a bridge party at her "hot dogs," bacon, rolls, lllllrshmallows Sterling, E'"Clyn Winifred Bush, 'Vilmington, Delaware. hle, Sillin, Hugh Ward, Charles Holt, Beatrice Crowther, Elsworth, Mary home in Westminster on Saturday at- and pickles. --- Humphreys, Louise Crozier, }fary War- John Wooden, Mnr)" Dryden, Roger ternoon. reuy Hclen Wn r-reu. 'Miss E. Bpieer spent the week· Whiteford, "Ed" Brown, Arthur Cecil, W. W. entertained at a. movie party WEBSTER LITERARY SOCIETY end with Dorothy Hooper. Betty's Sam Bryant, Richard Hurley, Hubert K. on Tuesday evening, October Z. wedding is announced for November 3. Johnson, hlr. and 1[1'5. R. II. Roop, Lew- Mr. Ken Brown, vice-pr ealdent, pre- BROWNING a few of the girls were back for is Hyde and his wife, Ecu Lynch Hyde; CERCLE FRANCAIS sided over the meeting of the Webster J. C. initiation. Among those pres Edna Pickett, Bus J..ippy (who has re- Literary Society on MondlJ.y night. A Browning's program though short was ent were "Dee" Bcacbley, Betty Def- ceived a scholarship to Pcabody ) ; Mary an excellent one. The meeting opened Helen Bntler, Ann Reifanider; La premiere reunion du Cercle Fran· splendid tnlk on "churscter" was given fenbaugh, "Toot" Rosenstock, Betty with the of the 13rownillg song, Hawktua, Bloom Hildebrand, enis a eulieu mercredi 10 3 Oetobre a 7 by Mr. Dennis. 111'. Rein entertained Bemiller, Margaret Betty Davia, hcures et demie. Aprea une petite al- the society by a hnmorons selection in was read And Margaret Wilson, Carnes, Mae Lnurn Hutehins, Fred- Lnwder, locution par Dr. Bonnotte et Mil Noble, Italian dialect. The topics of the day the members were iu prayer by the Mills, and Florence Massey Black. 11.1'". Ester Iu Preaidente pour cett annee, et nn were brought 10 the attention of the chaplain. 'floe business of the meeting col- "Don" 'Willard, Tont chant par "M11e Grumhine, a eu lien In members' by :1>11'. Liuk. In a dehate on was attended to lind then Catherine The f[}otball gnme with Dickinson Royer, "Poss" Lawson, reception des nouveaux membres. II a the coming Presidential election Mr. H. lege many other alumni out. Brul":'I, .hlrs. Helen RadclifI, eteellsnite"otequelesreunionsseraient O. Smith, as his name would imply, up Among Bennett, seen nt the game were Herr, "Bob" Carman, Don Ie premier et Ie troisiemo mercrdi de held the principles of th._e Democratic Clarence Dorothy Gilligan, Porr, J. H. K. Shnnnahan. chaque mois, a sept henres un quart. party, while the Republican party had a Quantite ile non"eaux membres se sont great supporter in Mr. r,. Watkins. THE NON·COMMISSIONED OF· "Dad" SMELSER fait inacrire et Ie Cerde promet d'etre Webster is glad to announce the follow FICERS APPOINTMENTS tresinteressantcettoannee. ing new members, namely: ~eBSrs. For· ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, lilles, Stillwagon, Van Metre, J. P. Phi]· other. COLD DRINKS Y.W.C.A. lips and Koockogey. Browning had the pleasnre of weleolll The non'commissioned officers for the nine uew members into her circle R. O. T. C. Battalion are: Open eYery night until 11 ;30 p. m. Echoes of Eaglesmcre Y. W. C. A. close of this meeting. IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY Color Sgt.-Pelton, B. C.; Bnnd-lat conference of last summer were bronght EVERHART Sgt., Bush, J. E.; Sgt., Dellllven, C. T.; to the members of the "Y" here at col Tf the spirit which prevailed at Tr· THE POETS' CLUB Sgt., Watkins, J. L.; Sgt., Stach, J. A.; lege last Wednesday night. Edith Kin· ving Hall on :Monday night is shown at H. E. BARBER and BOBBER haid, )Jargaret Leonard and Evangeline On e"ening, October 4. the Sgt., Yingling, every meeting this year, tllere arc bound T_atham, in a short skit depicting a typi Poets' Club it.s first meeting of the Company A-1st Sgt., Sterling,:!'If. B.; .At 'rile Forks to be some things issuing from the wcst cal scene in Eagleslllere life, gave a few ~'ear in Smith Hall. Because it was an Pt. Sgt. 1st Pt., Belote, P. A.; PI. Sgt. side of Alumni Hall that will cause us 1st of the ideas wllieh they gained from the to be aware of a new life on "TIl(> meeting, sel'eral members of the 2nd Pt., Bunce, L. H.; Sgt. Rt. Gd. Pt., Westminster News Company lectures they lu)ard and the problems Hill". and a number of studcnts, both Pt" Gomsak, P; Sgt. Lt. Gd. 1st they discussed. of the college and of the at Smith, H. 0.; Sgt. Rt. Gd, 2nd Pt., A. It ORNDORFF, Owner Edith Kinkead made the annonnce· The regular progrum of the e\"eniu!! teniled in order 10 hear Mr. Phillips, W. P.; Sgt. Lt. Gd. ~nd Pt., WE HANDLE THE ment regarding the annnal fall confer lIas ",nde up as follows' l\lather's illustrnLed lecture Oil Bowers, C. L. ence of the "Y" which this ycar may Impromptu talk ~Ir. Hick(·ll Yosemite Natioi,al Pnrk. BALTIMORE SUN be held at \Vestern Maryland. They Cnrrent News Items )11'. W. Day Company B~lst Sgt., Bell, W. V.; hope to have Sherwood Eddy as the Vocal Selection Ur. DeHann Pt. Sgt. 1st Pt., Hal'C1l8, C. W.; PI. Rt. King's Pharmacy chiefepeakeratthisconvention. HUlllorous ~ide )Jr. Uanrmill Sgt. 2nd Pt., Phillips, B. H.; Sgt. Although :Mr. Hickell is new to the Gd. 1st Pt" Bmun, T. D.; Sgt. Lt. Gd. THE REX.A I,L S'l'ORE pmLO ranks he has already de"elol)ed enough 1st Pt., Weisbeck, G. J.; Sgt. Rt.. Gd. of the "Spirit of Irving" to help him ~nd Pt., :l>liller, ~I. J.; Sgt. Lt. Gd. 2nd 55 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. Using the words of the poet Kipling as suececd as well ns to "give impetus" to Park were well expressed, Supplement· Pt., Heed, A. M. un incentive for a program lnst Monday, cd by the vcry beautiful and very reid· older members whe !lIay have bee,ome a Philo organized one of the finest meet little I'usty. istic eolored stereopticon vie',-s, th~ The corporals are: Bates, Usinger, Fox, ing it hilS had this year. E\":lngelinc lecture became almost a talking mO"ing Kohout, lIcGQwan, Lawrence, Rcbert, T. W. Mather & Sons After these numbers, Viee·President Latham gave a short sketch of Kipling's picture. The Poets' Club feels itself Wooll('y, Reni, Reed R., Mark, Stach ,'lSked the new men to rise and life and then Margaret Martignoui read ,"cry much indebted to Mr. Mnthcr for Knox. eritise the mceting, whother er not onc of the poet's poems entitled "Tbe his instructi"e and interesting services. Westminster's Leading Store they intended joilling. Six men were in Vampire." Still carrying out the Kip· A short bnsilless meeting followed the SAflUEL COHEN sympa.thy with Mr. Sterling'S statement ling idea, Margaret Lee Nelson Sling program at whieh B. H. Phillips, the 45 E. Main St. "On Tho Hoad To ],Ianilalay." After that the society's slogan should be to newly elected president, took over his T.el. 21-J cater to the select meu of the college a reading given by Glady" Miles anil duties from Dr. H. T. Stephens, who has rather than merely to t.he masses. They Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing O"CI' 38 Years of Sq!!arc Dcalillg entitled "Cupid's Arrow," a quartette served fait'hfully and well in that cnp readily saw his IIrgUlllcnt that there is The bcst presser in town. composed of Eleanor Noble, Dorothy :lcity since t he club \\"a.~ founded. It Roberts, Catherine Grnmbine, nnd Snca greoter opportunity' for the drsired im· was suggested 110M the club make u Special Rntcs to Colleg'e Students Freeman sang that famous work of Kip· provement when the mcmbership is liug's-"The Recessional." small enough to permit. more frequent D. S. GEHR A number of nell' girls joined the so· appeorance of the snme incliviilual be Smith & Reifsnider ciety and after this members nel\' and fore the society. ceived. The Poets' Club takes gr('at piC'asure (Bstablished ]866) olil enjoyed some light refreshments. :Mcssrs. Rebert, Snyder, Aildison, Westminster,1I[d. Sunday, Herrick, alld Moore were mO"ed in announcing that the following have JUNIOR CLASS MEETING j,ojoin their lot with In'iug and to par· been elected to membership: },fl'. aud Lumber, Bnilding Supplies and Coal Wholesale and Retail t.ake of tl,e glories she is going to at· Mrs. George Mather, )JessI's. Hayner HARDWARE The first .Tnnior class mecting for the tain in this year's contests. and Hickel, of the college, anil :Messrs. Sash, Doors, Blinds and General Mill new term was held Thursday c,-ening, Browil and Robinson, of tI'e seminary. Pholle 318 October 4, in Smith Hall. ll. O. Smith, SOPHOMORE CLASS ELECTS Work the former class president, callcd thc ROOfing Materials "\Vcstminstrr, l\Id. meeting to order. An official list of OFFICERS '1"he soeeer tcam eame into its Oll"n 011 Tuesday night of l.~st week when the Juniors eligible to \"ote was read and a The Sophomore dus!!, in a I'rry inter· now election of offieers followed. 'I'he sludenhga\'ea esting meeting, eleeted its officers for The Prosperity Plant same officers of the preceding year were the year :Mondn)" immediately nfter Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr re·clected, except the class treasurer, },Jr. lunch. W. G. Dawson was elected to this po~i· to wait until the nextoccaSiOll when he Cleaning and Pressing alld The oHieers elccted were: The Newest IlIlcl Best Clothing tion. The officers of tloe class ~re: would be fully for such nn President, Mr. Joe C. Ncweon1Cr;"'iee Prcsident, H. O. I'iee·presi nITair. :Mueh to\\"!oOllle"rr 1I00T CILHIBERS Furnishings prcsident, Miss Hnmi1ton; seerehr)", dcnt, }'. E. Ranghlc)"; V. C. Ward H~ll 143 Miss Victoria Smith; Treasurer, Mr . .hlerril; treasurer, W. G. Dawson; his Hayes B. Callihan; class historian, 11r. ED. WARFIELD Goods for young men torian, E. A. Clough; prophetess,},J. L. Roy T. Edwards. Proakey. The date scheiluled ill the college ellto After a short illness Dean 11iller h:os Senior Hall 10 pel" ce:lt off to college students A committee was appointed by the ngain resumed his dnties as dean of Representillg U. W. MILLER president to make arrsngements for a log for the el('ctioll In,s Wednesday, Oe· gi,-en frcshman the party to be -_-- class at tober 3, at .. P. 1f., but due to' the in The "arsi!.y anll freshmen football attend, of some later date. ability present the football men the to election. tealllsha,'e new uniforms thiayear. The Westminster Savings Bank Babylon & Lippy Company those postponed DELTA SIGMA KAPPA Thnrsdny morning Dr. Ward detained varsity jrrsr.'·s nrc ilark green with I1n the Sophomores after that the Capital $50,000.00 Delta Sigma Kappa announced that whole class might agree on date for 350,000.00 FT.JORSHKIl\I SHOES ?I.1SB ~argaret O. \Varner was formally the election. After some discussion the STE'rSON HATS pledged to the club on Sunday e"ening, luneh hour :Monday was decided upon ae 1,'. TIlOS. 13AB"YLON, l'resident. October the seventh. most praetieal, though even this date Delta Sigma Kappa entertained a was unsatisfactory till Dr. Ward per in College Tea Room MTLTON P. :MYERS, Vice Pres. number of guests on the evening of Oc· sOllfllly offered to pay for substitutes JACOB 11. HANDLEY, Treasurcr. International made-to-measure tober thefiflh, from six to eight o'clock. the dining room in order that several HOME COOKING Suits The guests were escorted to the "Y" Sophomore wniters might altend. Geo. Securit.~ Savings Service room, whieh was decorated to represent Ekaitis wag elccted temporllr)" ehairm1\n Open Until 10 P. M. "La Paraphine" Roof Garden. Spe for the coming election. eial song lind dance numbers given in At 1~.45 Monday chairman Ekaitis See Hoot Chambers AFTER THE SHOW costnme added \"ariety to the e"ening's raIled the crowd of expectant Sopho· programme of dining and dancing. mores to order. Nominations for pres· On Tuesday morning, October the ident were receil"ed and Messrs. Nrw £0' fifth, the members of Delta Sigma Kap comer, Ekaitis, Reill and Callihan were pa hiked to Maple Inn, where they "ful· nominated for thM offiee. President COLLEGE JEWELRY Koontz Confecfaurant Iy" enjoyed one of those famous Maple Newcomer won by such pluralities lhat Rings, College Belts, Fraternity Pins, Inn breakfasts. his choice was made unanimons. He The alumnae "Delts" who were on then made a brief speeeh of acceptance Clnb Stationery, Favors n",d Programs MAIN OPPOSITE BOND I the Hill for the week·end were "Dee" and took charge of the meeting. The Bcachley, :Mae Mills and "Betty" Dav' el~ction was then continued till tbe ros· Representing 1~=.lJj is. tel' of Sophomore officers was complete. SKILLKRAFTERS
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