Page 11 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 11
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TERRORS V5. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY iSPORTSi iSPORTSi Saturday, October 13 Philadelphia Green Terrors Win 14-0 TEMPLE U. TO DEDICATE NEW NAVY PLEBES DOWN W. M. FROSH bled and the Plebes took the b:l;\1 on STADIUM SATURDAY 20-0 their Dwn 39·ynrd line. A well-executed Victory over Dickinson ELeven With the Dickinson game in the win The Baby Terrors opened their eea- forward bronght From to the there tl,,, a Freshmen's Df series line. 29·yard columu, Dick and his Terrors are point· son by putting up a hard fight against bucks nnd runs brought the Plebes their A crowd of two thousand per sons CODk gets 3 varas on line buck, Slivin ing for the game with 'I'emplc, in Phil- the Navy Plebes at Annapolis, last Sat- first touchdown. Navy again kicked off. saw Coach "Dick" lIarlow's Terrors de- ske gained one yard. Shumack punts I1dclphia, on Saturday. urday. The Plebes, held seDreless and The ball was downed on the Baby 'per- feat the leather-chested representatives out of bounds on 30 yard line. A tor- The Terrors will be the official open- in their own territory during the entire rors' 22·yard line. The PrDsh were .of Dtckinaon Cotleg c, Saturday after ward netted five yards. AnDther pass en of the new stadium, which is said first half, rallied in the third and fuur t.h forced to and from then until the noon, Dn Hoffa Field in thc Dpcning made a first. Two more passes were to be one of the best in the East. Tem· quartera to make three touchdowns. De· end of quarter, the ball see-sewed game Df the 1928 season. incomplete and Dickinson is penalized pic has njrcady played two games in the feat was due, not ao much to the Plebe'S in the Plebe's territDry. PDur new men st3rted the contest. five yards. Weisbeek intercepted a fifth stadium but have held off the offlein l superiority, as to the lack of Frosh ru- 4th Quarter "Jnp" Weiabeck was selected to be Bob Dickinson pass. Shorty LoOng recovered opening and dedication exercises until serve material. The Frosh came into the last quarter Van Buren's running mate at guard. Jap u fumble and went around end for the Tenor game. 1st Quarter determined to fight, and made tWD first proved to be a wor-thy one, playing a twenty yards. Dtekinsou is penalized Temple has already played two The game started at one o'clock with downs while the ball was in their pos· "bang-up" game. Jiggs DDwner ap- fifteen yards bringing the ball to the games, shDwing in boOth that they are to "GDrd" Lamb, of the Prosh, kicking off SeSSiDn, but the Plebes gained poeacsston pears as the successor to Nate Weiu DickinSDn 25 yard mark. LoOng gets a be ranked as one of the best teams in to Naey. After easily holding the of it on their 38·yard line and, by the stDck's positron and was "in there" first down and "Pete" Gcmsak takes ball the East. The first game of the season Plebes for four downs, the Baby 'per- aid Df a. forward lnterial pass, worked breaking up many Df Dicklnaobta plays. twelve yards to the three yard line just was with a very tcugu St. Thomas team. rora mnrched down tho field to Navy's the ball dow.n fDr another touchdown. In the backfield, Klepac and Chrunbera as t.llD game en(la. Filml score W. 1.1. This game was played on a sloppy field. twelve-yard line. Here they lost the The fnrther addition of new matcrial started. Klepnc made the first tackle, 14, DickinSDn O. The final score was 12·0. 'l'his score ball on downs. Navy kicked out of and a fumble by the Frosh on the drDppiug Brillhart without a gain on the The lineup: docs not indicate the ease with which danger. The Froah again tDok the ball kick·off resulted in the thinl and last .opening kick·Dff. Other ncw men who handlcd St. 'l'homas. Tho sec· farintD the Plebe's territory, being held Wesut"n Md. Dickinson tally for the Plebes. 'were inserted in the game were Bates, was against Galluadet. Temple Dnly on the H·yard line. Nacy 'worked The Frosh rallied, and, taking t.he balJ 'at end, Kochinski, backfield, the latter Clark L. E. WalcDtt used U,eir sceond and third teams to Dut"tD their 48·yard marker, where the Dn their 36·yard line after the kick·off, making several appreciable gains O'Lear J.,. T. Shumack run·up a 34·0 victDry. Freshmen gained pDssession by a fum· llOld it until 30 seconds before the final through the line. Wellinger featured Weisbeek L. G. CDtzaek Temple has an all·etar baekfield. Han· ble. After again marching deep intD whistle. BDlton carried it to tIle 48· in wDrk nt running back punts. Havens C. Chambers sen and Wearshing both being triple· the Plcbe's territory, the ball was IDst yard line and Doughty made anDther Coach HarlDw withheld his star, Cap· "Van Bur(ln R G. Lavature threat nien. The other two men can do with an forward and Navy end run deep into the Plebes' territory. tain Neal, from taking part in the game, DDwner R T. Mcntzcr over.ything but kick. The team, with again punted of danger. A succes· A splendid series Df bucks, runs, and the team being euptaiued by "Whitey" Pelton R. E. Brillhart the exception of one man, is the same sion of kicks fDllowed until the FrDsh passes brDught the FrDsh to Navy's Clark in the absence Df the Terror lead· Miller Q. B. Angle ns last year, which numbered Bucknell received a weak punt Dn their own 38 ten·yard line when the final gun was ". LoOng L. H. Henzes and BrDwn as tlleir victims. yard line. They had just started Dn fired and the Plebes hnd won tIle day. Play by play aeCDunt of the game: Klepac R. H. Casner The Terrors are not underestimating another long march, when the quarter Tn view Df the fact that this is the Long kicked Df!' toOBrillhnrt, who was Chambers F. B. Slivinske the Temple gridders alld have been ended. first game that the FrDsh have ever downed on his own 14 yard line. Cas· working hard the past week toO correet 2nd Quarter SctDre by quarters: played together the shDwing they made ner and Hcnzes failed, netting only a 14 0 the mistakes made in the Dickinson DDughty, and Clarey carried WfiS far frDlIl poor. On the cDntrary, yard and Shumoek punted out of bounds Western Maryland 0 0-14 game and to strengthen all the depart· the the 3l·yard ribbon where the the DutloDk for the rest Df tho schedule at the center of the field. Angle re· DickinSDn 0 0 0 0- 0 ments. Dick ranks Temple with the -"'rosh wcre fDrced to punt. The ball (in which the Plcbes were the mDst dan· covered a Western Maryland fumble. W. W. and J. team the Terrora met last was givell 10 Navy on their Dwn 20 TDuchdowns: 1I1iller (2). Tries fDr gerous is very bright. DDughty M. was penalized five yards. Slivinske pDint-Long (2 place kicks). Substi· year, with Temple hDlding II slight edge, yar(l liue. 'The Plebes lost grDund
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