Page 77 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 77
GOt ORATORICAL CONTEST WARFIELD ANDRE~Nl TONIGHT HAVE STUDENT .' DIRECTORIES Vol. 5, No. 20 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 15, 1928 SPEECH DEPT. GIVES TWO YESTERDAY AND TODAY COLLEGE CALENDAR HOME ECONOMICS CLUB TERRORS TOATTEND INTER- years the PLAYS IN SMITH HALL minster were not ago accustomed of West- tho partment of Heehschi1i!, trainillg Qild COLLEGIATE BOXING MEET Thirty people :lIfrs. Harlow, de- head of the to Koll!l idea of a eo-educational college, nor 'rHunSDA Y, MAROH 15- Company, Baltimore, spoke a.t a meet- The junior members of the Speech were they entirely familiar witb thc Prelhniunry Intercctleginte Ora- ing Of tho Rome Economics Club last Slowly, but surely, Western Ma tyland Department, under the (lirection of Mias sight of a group of girls marching torical Contest in Smith Hall, 7.30 Tuesday afte-rnuOll 011 the subject of is gnini,ng its riglltful place in the in Esther Smith, presented two playa in down the maiu street by twos, although· P. M. (Not publiu) "Oppcrtunit.ies For College Women in ter-enllcgiata sport world. The la.teat, Smith Hall on the evening of March closely chaperoned. Western Mary- Department. Sto-ee." steppiug stone IS an iuvitattcn from E. ninth, "Square Pegs" by Clif!'ord Bax, land College was from tho first IUt ill' PRIDA Y, M ....ROR 16- ''It is necessary," she- remarked, "to B. Cozens, Secretary of the American and "Puddly Pools" by Miles Mallo- novatjou, Innovations are always open Sodal houl's 6.30·g.00 P. M. choose one's store carefully. Many eel- Fnter-collcgiatc Bo:arning rather thuu genuine intellec- iug, and the meetings of the literary life--grcat reali~ation !Iud great ex- condition. 'I'here are work rooms wher~' eials aupercedca tlwt or Central Boar(l tual ability, and Phi Beta Kappa for societies. Then the grand parade. pcetation. Realization always crentea flCW thing9 are macle al](l Old ones reo nnd takt)s t.he appointm(lnt of officials lendiug its support to such a messure grenter c:1u(' slllok\, uf Virginia's Bl·~t. upheld for Western MllTyland by dlOosing; (2) the direet primary pre- favorite mOlllent for this pn~time was Ues~rs. Shri\'er, Bell, an{1 Lambertson. vents thc exploitation of the govern- The Varsity Club held its reguhr aftAr eaell llleal when the fair one~ Bucknell was reJlrescllted l)y ,lohn C. lIIent by a few; (3) the direet primary semi·monthly meeting .Monday evening, walked up ltnd down "the Path," the ing about t.hem am1 (\Qmparing them )liuniek, Alired H. Rawlinsou, and 1~. is n. suceess toda.y. in the Y. ],L C. A. Hall. The Fresh- limit of their campus privilege. 'I'he with mudern t;mcs, C!lallle~ IlS to Ull- Henry Coleman. Prof. G. B. W;ll~ wn.~ The debato was a well llmtellcd one. men members out of the sports were gentlemen were allowed as far as the derstand clearly w11Y the former stu· ch~irlJlan of the debate. The der.ision of the judges was two to prcseut Rnd were welcomed to the club drive. Between the drivo and I.he- dent.s can not understand wlmt the The main contantions of the affirma one in fa,or of i.he affirmative. by Ale:< O'Lear, who gave an interest- Path was "Belgium" or "No Man's Western J,faryland world is coming to. tive were as follows: (1) the direct pri· Those ju{lging the debate were: Dr_ ing talk. :Mr. O'Lear asked for tIle co' Land." Many a 11l~;sage was flashed The sort of college student that the mQry is wrong in principle, because it Dorothy I. Morrill, head of the depart- operation of Ihe Freshmen. President acrOS9 "No Man's Land" by a beauti no\'elists rave about is atill censpicu· ,iolates the policy of representative ment of English of Hood College; Sam- Weinstock appointed two committees, ful smile. ously absent· there~b\lt, even so, we're gevernmcnt snd because it ia popular uel M. Jenness, principal of the Sykes· a. serap·book eommittee and a dance Such were the "good old days" ILt mod'1'n enough to be thllnkflll we 'es: lrr form rather than representa.tiYe; (~) ,;lIe lligh School; and M. R. WoH,pi'in. oommittee_ Western Maryland! A bit of think· caped the "gay nineties." the direetprhiUtry h8:s not ailcoiriplii!hed cipal of the Neli-' ~'indsoi In£'ll Seb·oor.
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