Page 80 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 80
Page Four The Gold Bug, Wertern Maryland Oollege, Weatm.iDJter, Md. 1Ijttrrary 1£xprrnninn TO LITTLE DANGER ROCK Alumni The spirit of the Wander- Bprkng! lust lifting its head! MilCij and miles of trails! Unexplored nnd forbidden I EDITED BY HELEN WHEELER AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI LETTER TO THE EDITOR GLIMPSES With the block tomcat at their heels, "Dad's" alpine stick towering above Any news lteJll3 concerning W. M. ed Crose, the Croix de Guerre and div Would that the genius of Robert Have you ever walked down the main them, stolen cookies in their pockets, Burns were nmgieally trauamuted to my street of a small town, peering in all "Dnd's" canteen dangling about John's Alumni will be gratefully received. iaiun citations. He lias them-but he doesn't wear them. eerebelluui. I could then write some- the small area-ways between the feet, nnd 1111 air rifle militantly thrust ti'ing to so tr.ivial a tlling all a. mouse houses in the Spring' I love that way over Eddy's shoulders, tlle two small ''Bill'' Veasey '26, was seen on the. Today he is a member of the firm of and get away with it, but thanks to our of wtching unusual bits of sky; vine boys started out to discover the world. "Hill" last Snturday. Gill, Green and Waters, attorneys. His Bull mascot, "Prineess," the mice have ecvered arbors; dear old, mosey walls; A wild, furtive dash from the barn to office is on the 18th floor of the Citi- sought more peaceful quarters, and I ragged, unkempt back yards; rugs 'on t1le woods, then a cautious stalking, Mr. and ]\fr9. ''Bob'' 1faeLell. a.ttend- zens' National Bank Building. Win· of his suite look down on the must coniine my eneontums to a more sturdy clothes-lines waiting for their Tndian fashion, and the Midland Tra11 ed the dance this past wek. Both dowa peaceful picture of the city and har- general fleW. May Ibe specific enough, semi-annual beating; glearutng- newly- lay before them. Stealthily they hur- were former students at IV. 1\1. C_ ncwevcr, to mention a shirt which al- white-washed chicken coops; a freshly ried over the well-known half-mile to Many of the Washington alumni will bor-but no view, llowe,'or serene, can ways uue a dirty collllr wIlen it is re- painted lawn-swing in a charming lit- the grave yard. There thoy stopped for quite blot out the memory of the Oham- turned to me from the laundry. This tle kitchen·garden; a Heting glimpse of :;I minute or tWI) before a slightly be glad to hear that "Jim" Straughn, pagne, in Prance, during the last Ger- man drive. '99, was with us Sunday e,·e.n;ng. He necessity of the present age always a mid-afternoon moonj a corner of a. wea.thcredlleadstonBefwood,onwhicl" is uow preaching in Washiugtnn. seems to have been washed but the pro- rubllish heup..-crefuse from the large de- in coutrast to the fifty odd otlIer shafts Of it Gill docsn't care to talk much- eedure in the laundeyiug of it (evidence partment storo ; n group of little chil- of the anmc humhle material, the in- Miss Lettdc M. Dent is the first wo- nnd of his decora tious-c-not at nIl. the iron rust, grime, rat-tracks, and dren seriously engaged in their play; scription waa elearly discernible. "John man in the state of Maryland to held "Don't quote me," he begged. There loose threads) would seem to u a drab mother lWJ\ging llewly washed Henry :Uorton-18iiO-191Z. Ploueer. the position a s superintendent of coun- wasu't anything glorious about what I floor mopping-up contest. 'rhe only re- ~lothe~ ill her met.lculcualy kept yurd. by the ty schools. She has taught school beth did. They were lmnding out decora- gret I huve ahout this contest is that All tl'ese common scenes, unostenta· May h(l rest in peD.CJ3."Sobered months in Prince George's and St. Mary's tions and I just lJapl)ened to get romembrance of those tragic I am not present to wagcr two to ono tiously di.splayiug their wealth of at- a little more than II yenr ago, when eouuty since her graduation from We~t- thenl." on the member of' the listB who lllOPS tractiveness, awaits you, 0, observant hlld be(lome ill and was thc)] ern Marylnnd College in 1915. Miss The military career ef the yOnng with Illy shirt. brought ont hcreaad left amid tho SliOW Dent loft Baltimore for her home, Bur- lawyer ~tarted with hi9 eaptnincy of Now, hnd I not known of the news- and eoyotes, the brotl'er8 continued in lington, nellr Leonardtown, where slle tlie 1l7th treuch morlll.rbattery, in Au- paper panderiSlll of the day and the silence tlIeir climb up the SOlIddunca, is living with her fathor and motl,et. gnst,1917. In August 1918, he became fact that a Dempsey-Tunney fight oc- THE STORY OF THE WIND towards the bat.tlements. Tho butt1!)- Ilssistant chief of staff in the 421ld div- cupied the promiueut columns of tile ments! '1\ho~~blno Ulountau,s, snow- ision. On Soptembcr 4, 1918, he was greatellt Merllllries and Peaco Pamph- eapped the year round, whic.h look as OVER .THERE AND OVER HERE promoted to the rank of major aud a leta of the day to the sorry and filmost "Illlnfree," if they nrc just boyond tl,e next lIIl.ud GILL BET AGAINST DEATH- month later was assigned to the gen- complete !!xclusion of more important Sang the wind. duno, but in reality ara thirt.y miles eral stuff of the division. He became news, as for instance-a new scientific "All time und all space away. Forgetting their momcutary de- AND WON a lieutenant colonel in l'IIarch 1919. painless killer of eockronches,-I Oan eouqner me never_ pr<'9sion,the youthful pioneTS joyously Prior to the days whon he did his would never have attempted to be- I fluunt all creatures, elumllered o,'er bonlders and left the Editor's Note:-This story about Rob- lUOst brilliant work as an officer, Gill IImear these columus of a liberal paper 1 brave all power_ path to ehase some fright.ened, littl~ ert J. Gill, a graduate of \Vestern :Md. had participated in minor operations in with snch UlIJnghts as the abo,"e (You I am terrible, my fear animal through the undcrgrowth and College in 1910, appeared in the Febru- Lorraine. Prom thore his troops were will be relieved to know that I learn- Is all-reaching. exquisite flowers which grew in such ary ~9 issue of The Baltimore "Post." ordered iuto the Champague sector. ed this out of college.) I whirl great ships profusion on eithor 5ide of the trail. On July 15, 1918-a sweJteril,g mid- But, now hope of a suc.cossful h!!at- From their charted courses. Happy, pleasantly apprehensive, they 1918 i.ll Franee--1928 in Baltimore iug bids me continue. The dirty shirt, I whip np the waves, worked on towards t.hcir goul-Little The w~r was only fI. strunge inter suulJuer dny-he came into his own as . you will say is an accident, but that is I growl at the ocean, Danger Rock-oblivious of the wenJth lnde for Robert J. Gill, former lieut- a hero. the redeeming thillg ubout hbi~ pheno- I snarl at the sky, of benuty allont tl~onl. :Mountains ris- enunt-colollel and assistant chief of His citation relates his deeds 011 the mena wl,kl, helps U9 to ullderstnnd it- A.nd boom lik!! the eannon. ing abruptly abo~·osand dnnes, of overy stnff in the Rainbow Division and day: "Captain Gill wns in command of The accidents are frequent rulOughto be I wail liko a lost child, eolor of the rainbow, with glorious nm- cOllllliandcr of the 117 Trench MorIaI' the 117th Treneh mortar battery. He ~onsilltent and the dirt is never failing 1wring heRrts with despuir_ 1>lt. Logan, t.he mightiest of nll; Battery. handled his battery so well that all It lik(l "Old Faithful" Wllicl" by t1l1)way, I laugh with fierce malice l)inks, nmraposo lilies, blood- ·When America echoed the buttle cry result the advance of the Germans was hl'l(l up eOtlsidorabIJ;. IDs men continuo is SUell an of Il teacher to lion- At, the disaster I cuuse. red poppies, wild gemniuJlls, Russian of the European "Ilntions and joined (lymooners in this (lay of ~trict mar· III great fury T delllolish- thistles of royal purple, caclus flowers ill the conflict "Cnptain Bob"-as his ed to fire the mortars uutil every last ringe laws. No structure withstands mc. from fiery Ted to a warm nnd men ealled him-lnid down his law bit of nlllmunition was gone. When But, wcwilllOll\'C the shirt nQwand I looson de1'p moorings, delicato white; sagebrush and greas(l- books. Whan the war was over and they had done this, Gill offered the talk about apples, a.nd the frc~her I dash over rough cliffs wood nlingling th<.lirpungent odors with dcmocmcy had been saved to fight for sen-ices of himsel.f and of thepcrsonnel ut.ion~ of life like cnbl.1agesaHd SOllle Conlfortable hOllles,with sweet joy. tll\:: n,ore illusive OliOS of Spring and unother day-why, l,e simply picked or the buttery to the Freneh alongside." freshnlOn; it is 3. pity that cin","'- I mock with my wailing mOllntain air, lind earth had little mean- up Ius 11lw books aguin_ Gi.ll's battery was ma{le lip almost en- ataneeslmvefore.ed rue to ollserve UnIt The distress of creation. ing for them. Suddenly, after creop- 'J'hnt.'$ tha wny CUJltainBoh puts it. tirely of Marylanders. thofrosliarethelllostcollspicuouselass With soitened spirit ing 1I.1cmga ledge of a sheer rMk, the "Just an interruption," he tells you. 'fhe pnrticular French troops in whoBe on the Hill along lines in which con- And guilelcss pretonding hoys were startlel1 to see hefore them But he forgets to toll YOll it callle ncar service Gill onlisted llimsclf and his spicuousness is not all of good purposc. I luuguish with wurmth, an iron fence about five feet high sur- being a permanent interrnption on a llIen were commnnded by tlle famous Yon ask me llOw tllis happens. 'rlu) I deceive with goft ~asc. rounding a amall plot of gronnd witli sweltering, red day in July, 1918, when Frendl ganernl, Gouraud_ answer is that a peculiar l:Iituntion ex 1 cnlm with my l"Juiet.neas- a ta.blet in the middle stating that hero em the buttlefiields of Frsnce, l,e bet Not contont with triumpha u, the istsinthattl,erenl"e nofreshmeu rules, III dead silence I ponder lay" the remains, ill a cigar box, of lli~ neck agaillSt. a Distinguished Ser Champagl,e, aftor Cupt_ Gill had re- wbicli fnctis no e,·U in itself; but piny· Grcut cvils to aurry. __ , who was driving from Salt Lake vice Cros_and won. eovered Ill! of his trench mortars, he fulness beronws a. thing to discipline 11.1 hot burning sands City with a wagon-loud of If he forgets to tell abont it his com- marched on with his troops into the when the air becomes thitk with apples Of the world's great deserts "erine. A cold fear, a desiro for home, manding officcr, Mujor Ceneral CI)JITI(ls t!lick of the Ch.'lteall Thierry offensive around la{lies heads, when yOUllggobs 1 creep up ailelltl~' over('.1l.methe little boys a~ they stood T. 1\Ienoher, didn't. As a result Cap· on July 20, romaiuing th~re ten d[L~-s, t,hink thcy :lre running tho ship be- On worn, wenry traV()\~r9. and ga~!!d at tho desolate grave cov- I.uin Bob, has, be~ides tlie Diatinguisll- und then intI! the St. 1lfihiel d.rive. cause they CUll east the cook's potn· They turn with gladness erell witl, flowers, an(l felt tIm terri hIe tooa fore and a.ft, WllCnsullen Milenee At promj$e of frcah winda. lonliness ,~nd silence. They turued aud or mumbled relorts are the only aJ'SlYcr 1 bow lI'itll snbtle gmce--- retraced their steps, maybe $Ollleother Compliments of Dr. A. J. Morrell to salutations ml!11eby thoije \dlo lmn~ T fawn like the court.ier. day they wouM climb Little Dun-ger a right to the respect of Hrst year men, They receive mo with smiles CHIR.OPRACTOR and when the atm(.lsphere be polluted Aud gIalldened are .Rock. Bonsack's wiLl, thut attitude, ''1 don't give a darn Worn, weary faces_ 1.10 E. Mllill ::
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