Page 81 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 81
GOl SENIOR SPEECH RECITAL BALLOTS FOR NEW STAFF TUESDAY, MARCH 27 IN WILL BE COLLECTED AT SMITH HALL-7:30 P. M. CHAPEL, FRIDAY A. M. Vol. 5, No. 21 WESTMINSTER, MD. March 22, 1928 ". K Comedy "As You Like It" NETMEN TO WARM UP AFlER VACATION COLLEGE OALENDAR HOME ECONOMICS CLUB HEARS ABOUT "D' Olng IS eynote 0 f Ch I ape "NEW PHASES OF HOlijE ECONOimCS" FOR SCHEDULE OF NINE MATCHES Studied by Shakespeare Club .FRIDA Y, J.L\RCH 23~ Sermon by Rev. E. T. Reed The Varsity 'I'eunis schedule for the 'n.e Homo Eeouomica Clob ,,1,,· Election of 19~8-29 Gold Bug st.uff, tained at a ten 'Monday afternoon, season of 1928 is one of the hardest Girls Present Scene 8:35A. M. March the twelfth, in honor of Misa Text on Biblical Parable any Western Maryland team has ever urrunged. The team Buffered the JOS9 Tile two inter-collegiate debates Amor.\" who af terwardcd spoke 011 "New 'l'he Reverend Edgar T. Read, The Shnkesp~nre Club llIet in MeDan- Phases of Heme Economics!' 'This was of two neunen last year, and the nu- College graduate of the weetuuneter Theologi iel Hall parlor Wednesday, at eight with Lebanon Valley the second of a series of instructive cleus of this year's team will be eon scheduled this enl Seminary, and 1I0W a pastor at Eas- o'clock. After a short business meet- whieh W{'TO for and int.eresting talks that are making tcred around Broil, Reed, and Bryant. date were eaneelled today. ten, lIlIIng mall to in the play is reached in .Rosalilld. She decide who will fill the two positions '1'110 spenker ga.-e thrce fundnment:!I Everyoue lIluM h'1\-" exemplifies the fad that character and 110W V/lCllut. It is urged that a.1l men as Inter - Collegiate Orator definitions of tllO word faith. lie 8uid situation cannot exist apart in drama. intcrested in tennis eome out for the tlley wcre: (1) a body of truths; (2) a She is created for the situations in team, especially Sophomores und Fr~sh· meUIIS of knowing; (3) giving credit t.o 'llld UllattHinnble, a goal toward whieh she is found and t.he situations JOhnson 1s. Alternate ant.horitative testimonr. we strive yet never quite rca~h. We ure created for her. Her ch,aracter and "Religioll," said Dr. Forlines, "is not IllH.)" »ot Iw called IIpOIl to dic for an ]lowers nre gradually disclosed. The INTER-FRAT DANCE TO BE SEMI- 'l'he prcliminary Inter.collegiate Ora. something hnllded d01\'lI,~it is life. It idcal ns did the enrly Chri.r..tiun martyrs peculiar quality of her wit lies ill the FORMAL; DATE SET FOR toricnl Coutest, held in Sll\j_th Hall on i~ ex-terual, not internal. A Chri3tiall or tI!() more rllcent lLC"roes of the World facttliat it isneitiler boisterous nor MAROH.sO ._ personal. -- the eYc"h.lgof-~tllu ..h trftcenti"'"r
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