Page 72 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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The Gold Bug, W6Itern Maryland Oollege, Weatminlter, Md. Class, Club, and Society Doings ~nrial News Alumni Nrm£l EDITED BY HELEN WHEELER AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI DEl. TA SIGMA KAPPA. THE GEORGE WASDlNGIl'ON TEA. Mr-s. Stover will spend this week in Boston. Any news ltlllllll concerniDg W. M. were entertained 'by these two On Wednesday afternoon, February gentlemen at a dinner. :Following Dalta eSigma Kappa announces with Alumni will be gratefully received. gr~at pleasure that Mary Virginia 22, the Y. W. C. A. celebrated Wash- Marjorie Waters Is visiting Luclle the dinner, the mltmen were then- by s~rvlng tea party. theatre a guests Reynolds has been accepted into full ington's birthday The room was decor- in Proakey. Boxing Team Entertained by Alumni graduates at expressed their interest Both in the ''Y'' room. membership. Dorothy Johnson was at her home, ated with American nags and red, Among those present at the recent Western Maryland and were glad to white and blue streamers, and the in ·Siher Spring. boxing meet with Yale University at hear of the progress of the college. waitresses look'ed like true cotontet Gladys Hamme was at her home, in G1TILS- 'ENJOY ENTERTAL~MENT dames. Alice Small played the piano. Hanover, tor the week end. New Haven, coun.. were two W. M. At a recent meeting of the high C. alumni, K. R. Greenfield '11 and D. WIlen the guests had finished their tea, they danced and thoroughly ell- Evangeline Lathem entertained her D. Smith '09. Mr. Greenfield is a scuoot teachers or Cecil county, Mar- "Bcky" outeran entertained a num- joyed themselves. Miss Margaret roommate rrcnr Hollins College. professor at Yale, and Mr. Smith is garet A. Bowers, '26, was one ot the ber of her college trtende on Saturday Blaine, of Shanghai, China, was the proprietor of a bookstore on the Yale speakers. Other alumni at the meet- evening, Febtuary 25, at her home. guest or h_on_,,_. _ Dorothy Gilligan spent the week campus. ing were "Pete" Garrett, '26, "Weary" About etx o'clock a delicious supper end with her parents in wasntngton. !Uter the meet, the W. M. boxers wauer, '26, and Eva Lynch, '27. was served. atter tuat the girls POETS' CLUB CELEBRATE WASH. Charlotte Wheeler visited at her played bridge and danced nntil near- INGTON'S BrnTHDAY. home in Chevy Chase, this week end. "Y" DELEGATES ATTEND INTER. ly ten. They all declared they had one enjoyed a banquet -at. which from the !lad a most wonderful time. Katherine Johnston attended the STATE MEETING nreeentattvee spoke. Margaret various or- wuson, ganizations 'rucse present were: "Mandy" On February 22 the Poets' Club Episcopal DIocesan Conference in of western Maryland, was the stlflak- Belt, Rutll Caples, "Libby" Clough, celebrated George Washington's birth- Washington. (Continued from Page One) er representing the Tri~state councn "eee'' noums. ance Huston, Mar- ,day at the home ot Mr. and 'Mrs. H. Helen Baker and Murtha Engle of Christian Associations. garet Leouard. Hannah Mace, Evelyn T. Stephens. Mr Bowers read "George spent the week end with Billy aevare munity and of unity in 1'orelgn mta- Western Marylsnd College was Mather, "Ginsy', Merrill' "Betty" Mit- .Washington" and Miss Frings read at her home In Eldersburg. ston fieldS. well represented at conference, chell, r.IsI'Y Moore, Anna Raughley, "My Boat or Inspiration," both orig- The eomrulastcn "Mutuality In Mis· the roucwrnx delegates the being present Catherine Read, Ruth Sartorius, Ev- inal poems. 1\118S Gilligan read poems Those who attended the "Y" con- stuns" was led by Dr. Kenneth La- for either all or part or the sessions: elyn Smith, "Tfllie" Thompson. "Kit- by Margaret E. Sangster and Oliver terence at Gettys-bul'g are: Misses tourette, of Yale Divinity School. The. Professor and Mrs. Ranck, tv" -ron, Nils wanace and Frances ,W. Holmes, commemorating the wnson. Schlincke, \Villiams. Staley, dteeuaalon of this group was concern- Wilson, Ruth Grace Mar'garut Arm- \Yard .: ,birthday of our f·lrst president. Miss Raughley, Brengle, Armstrong, Kyle ed with the growth of churches in Bcbuuke, .jonusou read the ten maxims which missions lands and their consequent strong, Frances Raugbley, Julia "-'1\1- .-Washlngton wrote, Rnd used as and Warfield, and xreeera. Gibbs, ability to finance their enterprises tame, Rnth Staley, Mary C. \Val·tilllt:, guides for his own behavlnr. Miss Braun, \Voodward, Phillips and Ro- and to direct their own destinies. Gertrude Ranck, Frallces Ward. Mar- J. G. C. INITIATION. ..:-'1il18 took charge of an impromptu bertB. garet Kyle, Anna Ely, Thotnas Braun, poem-writing contest. After the de- ~ ihueChl'ei:~:~o~~ aa~;~:::~b~~ld ~: Eugene Woodward, W'atson PllilJjp~, cision of the judges, the prizes were )fARYLU'D RIFLEMEN OUTSCOKE so-called "native" churches? all,1 Wesley Day and Thomas GI'OV'tli.lit!'. all~II~~~e:1J~fc'oin~~:t!~rl~a~fCO~: "awarded by Dr. stephens. The first w. ~m.TEAll:T. "How mnch rreedom SllOUld missiun Roberts and Mr. Gibbs, from t"tl -~-- prize was given to Dr. W-ard, the boards allow the "nath-e" churches in Westminster Theological Seminar}" ,~~a~e0~n~9lhh!:~hs\lt~:re~g~~e~~~i::~ ,:::o~:ir~l'i;;iZ~ ~~8~1i~!S~~i::~' Dal~~ Conep....H.8:I'Ir,'M~~) fixing their creeds and in delermiu- Wel'e also present. Ing the form of their organization?" -University of Maryland's Rifle "1 th:mk YOIIfor tile flowers you BCll!," ~~nt~e a~~S~I~V;it!~da~~V~:~:~!~i~~e: ~;\ :!:bf::I~;I~;e ~:~: !::IP:I:~~ Team defeated "'estern Maryland came up fnr consideration. Civilizati0D she snid; Can "How Western this mighty organization. jly Miss C. Wueeler, Mias Frings and College shots by 56 points in a should_ Contribute to the Bringing in of the And aIle smiled. and hlushed and Wednesday night the bewitching . ?1iss G ligan, accompanied on the or-to-shoulded match on the Mary- Kingdom of God" was the topic of the (}rool'ed ller hcad. scent of iodoform was detected In tJle y 1\1"rs.Ward. land range. ~Jal'yland scored II total fonrth commission, led by Treadwell ''I'm s(ITr~'for the words T spoke last dormitory halls. Immediately all GEORGE WASUINGrrOX. of 1.321 to 1.265 for the visitors. Smith, at Columbia University, and night, juniors scampered to their rooms and Nine men fired for each team. The Arthur Moor, a traveling secretary Your sending tlie Howers l)roved ~·ou remained there until called. hlgll five total Bcores counting for of the Y. M. C. A. The group agreed \\'ereright- Thursday the chosen ones appeared George "-'ashingtoll, he record. The Old Line team gained a tha.t western civilization in itself waf> Forgive me." ;:tt breakfast attired in gingllam dress- Cut down a cherry tree small lead in the prone stage and iu need ot several changes-a chang" He forg([ve her. ,es, apl'ons, with bandannas wrapped With hatchet bright. .added to It thl'Ongbout. £picknall, of from racial antagonism to toleranc.p; And 'IS thc~ walked amI !alketl lJelleath around their heads. TIle usual shoe- George never told a lie, \1aryland was high gUll with 272 out from Challvinlsm to intel'natlonalism; the bowcrs, .hOl'n was used to s-peal' food in the 'I'hat is the I'eason why of 300, while Cook led Western from industrial autocracy to Indu.s- He \\,()Ildcrcd lI'ho on Clltth had ~cut. dinlug-I'oom. The costumes worn on His pl'alses sound so high Maryland with 259. Tn addition to trial democracy. Remedies might he thOMftowcrs- Friday were mnch more attra(~jtye. This glol'lollS night. Lhose liJatetl below. Reed, Norris, De- discovered in a reorganized educa- The victims donlled gsy colored Haven and Bram--made the trip, but tlonal system and in the development smocks, t!owlllg ties, and pert little It makes our hearts feel sad .did tlot shoot iligJI ellough to qualify. ot religion along with or ahead of berets. Oxfords, cotton stockings, and To think how George's dad ~ ~e1ence. Koontz Confectaurant .puletles gave a touch of realism to Heaved a big Sigh; I "\.. MARYLA~'D \ The fifth commission, "The Trans- the ensemble. Knives wel'e substi- As he In gloom Bilive ed Prone J{neel. Stand. Tot. InOon cf Internationalism into Cam- tuted for the shoe-horns In the din- The havoc George had made Spickuall 100 91 81 272 pus -and 'Individual Living," was led Jng-room. ""'itll that historic blade--- Troth 98 89 81 268 by W. J. Kitchen, Y. M. C. A. secre- No more cherry pie! Friday night the girls gathered III WellS (Capt). 94 92 77 263 tal)' of State College of Penusylvallia CIGARS, CIGARETTES, CANDY, Lhe tower for the final and most 1101'- We should George emulate Sehorn 97 91 73 261 and Gladys Taylor, Secretary or the dble stage of the initiation. One by And always hesitate Wooster 97 93 67 257 NaUnnnl Student CouDoll of the Y. one the \'Ictims were called. Eac~l A fib to tell, W. C. A. The discllsBlon of this SODA, SUNDAES, SANDWICHES one ascended the tower steps, knock- For tllen we all might go 486 45& 319 1231 group was mainly concerned with the ~d loudly upon the portals of J. G. C., To that warm clime below,- status and treatment at fOl'eign IlUlI ,and aftel' shrieking the names ot h('r And It would be sad you know, WESTERN MARYLAND colored students on American cnlll~ grandfather, malden aunt, and trutl There long to dwell. Simms 95 85 78 258 puses. Babylon & Lippy Company love (In terms of W'8steru Marylanu I Summers(Cpt) 97 88 67 252 Saturday atterlloon was left free to the utmost capacity of her lung~, Let us all Georges be Downer !l2 S1 73 246 so that tilOse attending the confer- finally gained admittance to the sac- And fell some cherry tree Cook 91 80 82 259 euce might visit the ba.tuefleld a~ red precincts. Beyond this point the With sldliful band. Lusby 91 &6 73 250 Gettysburg. Saturday evening ever)- VI,ORS1IE!.\I·SllOER .outside world has beell able to dis- Then shall OUl'praises ring, co\'er notblng (1) Girls sball sweet posies bring 472 420 373 1265 s'rE'I'SON UA 1'S And men our virtues sing King's Pharmacy Yes, auother J. G. C. Initiation has Through tills broad land. -WaShington Post. come and gone, and the new J. G. C. The Rexall Store girls are enjoying their memberShip Delicious refreshments, quite In In this venel'able and Ume-honol'ed Dr. A. J. Morrell 55 K Main St., Wosll11illsl~r,M!l. IlIlcl'l'llliulial )lailc·ln·l\!cnsure Snits organization. CHIROPRACTOR SNAP COURSES_ She had never even seen a garden. till ~;. ~t:1i11 st. Pllone 175 D. S. GEHR Westminster Savings Bank but she surely knew her onions. She lVas a dressmaker's daughter, Wholesale and Retail Hardware, $50,000.00 Wholesale revision of the Columbia but sbe wasn't all slle seamed. Cnpi!1l1 University curriculum within the -Old Maid. Westminster StatIOnery Store lluiidillg Mule-rials, Cutlery, Surplus "Earlled" 300,000.00 uext two years, -and the probable ln~ # l!'oductlon of ';snap" COUI'SSSwas dis~ BiLLY Dl'rAIAN, r'O_:l. Ammullition, Paillt.s, Oils, F. 'l'HOS. BADYLON, President. cussed by Dean Herbert E. Hakes A girl with cotton stoc1.-ings never Grediug Cards for all occasions Sl(}l'es, Runges, FUrnaces, ?!JL'l'ON P. Ml'El~S,Vice Pre!!'. in an alumni day talk. --Chaparral. Iron and Steel Prndncts Dean Hawkes said that a commit- (E~tnblished ]866) JACOB II IlANDl,El', 'frellsnrer. tee Is considering the iutroductlon of H..\VE youn suomi REPAIRED A'l' Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr Se~urity ;'snap'~ courses. These he favors. He 'I'HI': 6bT~L]~GE-SITOP Weslll'iuster, Md. tol(} the alumni that "If the system is SPECIAL PRICES FOR STUDENTS 'l'lie N~\l'cst olld Best Clolhing aud put through as I favor It some of the Furuishings best lecturers in college will give C. KROOP Goods for youug men The Blue Ridge Transportation Company courses two or three times a week for l"5 E. ]lbiu 81. JO pcr cent off 10 college students We are Specialists on which there will be no examination I think this will lieI've to ac- Prosperity Methods! and for which half credit will be SPECIAL TRIPS gh'en. Compliments of Anywhere Any Time quaint the students with the snbject For intormaliQn phone WESTMINSTER 389 or WESTMIl>
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