Page 79 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 79
The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd Oollege, Westminster, Md. Page Three I SPORTS I Basketball Season a Great Success I SPORTS I CO·EDS AGAIN LOSE TO LEBANON Terrors Close Basketball Season Second in State SUCCESSFUL READING PERIOD VALLEY Harvard'a "reading period" has car '1'lIe girls' varsity basketball team of ried the dny. The deans of the tjniver- Western Maryland, which played at The curtain has fallen Oil the 19~7- and six games outr:<:' "\\I;. ~\l.30 Blue Ridge 23 ~ity, in session to eonaider the new Annville, Pa., on Baturday, Murch 10, the season half over program after its first trial, have de- of teu won. lost its second encounter Ivitn Lebanon 28 Terror basketball season. The sea "\V. M. 38 Lebanon Valley 34- elm-ed it suceeeetut. The setting aside Twen- a very successfnl one. son was Yalley this season by the close score ty·one games were played with the Ter· Resuming play en January 31, the W. M. 27 of two and a hnlf weckB before exnmi- 24·20. The game was fast and at the Terrors defeated Loyola 27-25 to c.halk Loyola 25 untious for reading was regarded as a end of the first half the aeore was tied. rora winning twelve contests and drop- up three stTuiglli wins. Penn State' (. "i.'Y.30 Penn State Forestry 23 revolutlounry step. Skeptics argued l Each member of tho team did excellent ping nine. Poreatry made the streak four games '." playing, but Pat Murphy starred, mak- 'rwo Terrors gniucd reeognition 011 when they lost 30·23. Drexel was made W.lf.33 Drexel 25 UI!l_tit would mean onl? cramming, if ing nine of the ten baskets for "\Vest· the Baltimore Sun's AU·Star teams. the fifth straight victim 33·25. Temple Wi M. ill Temple 38 any work was done at alL But the "Otts" Brcll, who led tue Stn te in seer ern Maryland. stopped the rampage by defeating the deans found t.lmt ngt only was the per· Lngnetted 259 points, was selected for Terrors 38·3]. Gettysburg took a hard- Gettysburg 37 iod taken serionsly, and reading nctnal- The line-up for Western Maryland: 0110 of the forward posts. Capt. "Mcse" fought game 37·32. Baltdmcre Univer- 'V. ~I. 32 ly done ill the elective manner hoped Mnchamer, the tall Terror center, was sity, another State riyal forced the 'I'er- W . .M.29 Baltimore 25 for, bnt the innovation ill education te- Murphy-c-R. F. the other eborce, and was awarded eeu- Engle-L .F. 011 the mythical second team. roes to go an extra :five minnte period, W."M. 30 GeU,ysbnrg 44 fluetcd in the examination results, spe- Johnson-J. C. tcr Th(l Terrors opened their season Sat- before they bowed jn de~eat 29·24. ace- W. M. 30 Mt. St. Mary's 23 cifically in grades. So enthusiastic were Todd-S. O. urday, December 10, with United States tysburg hand~d the Green and Gold the deans that they stated that "even Warde--H. G. Naval Academy. Although the Nav.1' another defeat, t.his time 44.·30. 1\ft.. St. W. M.29 Maryland 30 if the grades had not suowu any im Willinger-L. G. five won 22·19, tilhe Terror quint forced Mary's was the big game of the sea- W. 1L 35 Loyola 31 prpvement., we could nevertnetese re- the Terror eagemen beat their and SOli Subs for Western Mnryland : the AnDapulis team to the limit to win. ancient rivals 30"23. Marylan(l nosed gard it as a suceess." ton for Johnson, Miles for Engle. The first vietory of the year came out the Speirmcn in :I. very close game W. M. 36 Bucku61l40 Although anxious not to have one test. with 30·15 triumph over Lafayette Col· 30·29. Loyola was the last Terror vic· Totals-"\\T. lIL, 618; opponents, 639. accepted as eoncluaive, tho teachers did lege, whieh boasts of very good'athletic tim, the loenl winning a very eloae say t1!-at "the upperclassmen have TWO MORE OLASS GAMES PLAY· game 35·31. Bucknell el0ge(1 the sea GRilles li'on-12 lost-9. After returning from the Christmas provod that they have. the capacity and ED-SENIORS AND FRESHMEN son with a 40·36 triumph. In ·State the '·a.cati(}n"Barney" Spl'ir's outfit made a Terrors mIlked second having taken six the interest to work indcpendeiitly, and WIN OVER JUNIORS BLAME THE PROF fOUl'·day"invasion" into Pennsylvania. out of nine contestsan(l were ileaded by thoy have profited by their experienee." Dropping the fint two games to Peun Tho girls' inter·class basketball games "\VlIshingtonwho won seven out of nine Wllen a eouno of study .is boresome From the interest with which other are going with full foree now. On State and Bueknell, by the decisive contests. and "alueless, most often it is the fault institut.ions watched the Harvard plan Wednesday, March 7, the Seniors de· scores of 49-20, and 48·34 respectively, of the instructor, in the opinion of in operatiOll, it may be inferred that feated the Juniors in a close game by the Green and Gol(1conrtmen defeated TIle season's record: Universit,y of Kanaas students. This Susqnehanna 35·21 and St. Thomas 29· the score of 22·18, and on Monday, TlJis was the first defeat the Tom· W. M. 19 Navy 2~, conclusion was announced by Dr. P. P. the friendly report of the (leans will Mareh 12, the Juniors lost again, this 25. mies ~ustained on their court. Blue O'Brien, director of the scbool service lead to the institntion of the "reading. timo to tIle fresbmell by the score W. M. 30 Lafayette 15 bureau, who has been making ILU edu· period" elsewhere. 24.6. The teuillS arc now better or· Ridge dropped a hard fought game to cational survey. Sophomores, juniors, -New Stndcut. ganized and doubtless the next. games the Terrors in the next tilt 29-27. }.ft.. W.},[.20 Penn State 4-!l and seniors named nearly one hundred St. Mary's were too good for the Ter· will be faster and closer. W. lIf. 34 Bueknell 48 courses which they "rejoiced to be done rors and won 3{·22. For the second The line-u]l for the Junior·Senior time in a week the New "\Vindsor Col- W. M. 35 Susquehanna 21 with upon completion." In most eases J. Stoner Geiman game: Jege bowed to a Terror five. This time the students objected to the pr{)fessors' RAIlIOLA, FRESHMAN, ZENITH, 30.23. Lebanon Valley was (lefeated in W.}'L 29 St. ThOlllas:!5 viewpoinh and methods, while personal. Seniors Juniors the next combat 38·34. ity !lnd similar factors Olltered to a AND KOJ..STER RADIOS Young R. F. Wheeler 'Vith examination time only a week W.M.29 Blue Ridge 27 lesser, but still a large, extent. 77W.MainSt. Barnea L. F. Barnhort off the Terrors snspendedactivitios with W. M.22 Nt. St. Mary's 34 -New Stu(lent. WESTMINSTER, MD. H.utehiJls J. C. MeLone Bryan S. C. Walzl Jones R. G. Noble (iilligan L. G. Subs: Seniors--Jollllston for Gilli gan, liamme for Bryan, Hamblin for Barnes, Barnes for Hamblin, Juniors -Ely for "\Valzl,Rowe for Noble, Walzl for Ely, Ely for Warzl, Holland for Howe. Score by quarters: Seniors 6 7 5-22 Juniora 1-18 The line·up for the Freshmnn·Jun· ior game: Juniors }o'reshmnn Wheeler R. F. Noek Barnhart L. F. Oain McLane J. c. Davis Ely 8. c. Noble R. G. Haum NOT ONLY MILD, BUT A MILD Kinkead L. G. Tull Subs: Juniors---Rowe for Kinkead, Wal~l for Ely, Kinkead for Rowe, Rowe for McLane, Voorhis for W'alzl. CIGAR~TT~ THAT SATISI=II;:S! Score by quarters: Freshmen 10 2 10-24 JnniOrB o 1-6 _ reMon erwugh you'll jirnl for CHESTERFIELD'S immense popularity PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Westminster Stabonery Store BILLY DIT]JAN, Pro.,. Greeting Cards for all oeeasioDB HAVE YOlJR SHOES REPAIRED AT THE COLLEGE SHOP SPECIAL PRICES FOR STUDENTS C. KROOP 25 E. Main St. Prosperity Methods! the tobaccos used in Chesterfield cigarettes are of finer quality and hence of better taste WRY PAY MORE' Gents' lIuits eleaned and pressed .. $1.00 than in any other cigarette at the price. Gents' euitH pressed. .35 LIGGE'IT &: MyERS TOBACCO Co. Knickers cleaned and pressed .50 LIl.(lies' eoats cleaned and pressed 1.25 Ladies' one-pieee drellses deaned Ct-i ESTERFI ELD and pressed. 1.25 24-HOUR SERVICE-24 ALBERT "ABE" TOZZI CI(;!\RETTES College Representative of U. W. MILLER, Cleaner and Dyer Hersh Ave. Westminster, Md. Estab.1906 ALVIN T. ALBRIGHT, Levine Hall Representative
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