Page 82 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: :-! lIntrr-C!rollrgiatr '\ lIJarirty Offieial newspaper of Western Maryland College, pt-bliahed on Thnrsday during As lou 14ikr lit NrlUfi A REVIEW OF BOOKS, the ueademte year by the students of Western Maryland Collage, WeatminJIter, PLA.YS AND LIFE Maryland. Entered aa aecond-clan matter at the Westminllter Poetoflice. RULES FOR THE PROPER CONDUCT Dr. John H. Latane, a professor of American history and Creswell lec- OF THE YOUNG LADIES PROMINENT EDUCATORS WOULD SubllCl'ipt10n Price, $2.00 a Year. turer on 'intema tional law at Hopkins, EXCLUDE FROM COLLEGES ALL OF W.M.C. ¥D delivered a pubbc address in the Civil BUT TRUE STUDENTS Engineering Hall at the Johns Hop- LEADERS 'I'hese rules and words of advice l,avc MANAGING STAFF been (~arefully fonnolated for the young kins Univereit.y on Thursday, March Hi. In the ju(lgment of two eminent col- The subject of Dr. Latnna-s talk was, legQ deans, Dean Mildred Thompson, of apply Bditor-in-Uhief ... . J._Pl,lul Lambertson, '28 ladies and of college to life. the ill lllost their specific "Tho Havana Conference and the Prob- Vassar, lind Dean Ernest Wilkins, of very detn.ile Managing Editor .. · Hubert R. Johnson, '28 minuteness lies half of their value, for lems of Latin America." the University of Diricago, only those a marked Asst. Mana.ging Editor · Samuel FL Bryant, '28 these tiny items of our lives-some of Another vitamin known as Vitllmin F who show poss,,~s thl) aptitude for of study lind who qualities lead- Business Manager .. _ Earl B. Lippy, '29 which arc scarce worth recall-arc tue was recently discovered by Dr. Evans, erahlp, should be admitted to our al- nmtnsprtngs of our exitaenee. Ass't Business Manager .. .'W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 Upon Rising of the University of California, aftcr ready over-crowded Amcrieall colleges. in the of Advertising Manager . .. Marvin B. Sterling, '30 The decreed hour is anywhere from throe years on small re-search and Dr. experi- dren, Writing the Magazine July for issae of "Cbil- animals. Parents," Evans mentation both Circulation Ma.nager. · W. Edwin Warfield, '29 six to six-flffeen, this left to the dis was assisted in this re-search by Dr. present their viewa on the question of .... {ROY L. Robertson, '29 aret.ou of the student .. Thlls tile stu' George O. Burr, noted chemist of tlH) "Who Shall Go to Ooltege'l" While Dean Asst. Circula.tion Managers. dent will hnve ampre time to dreee and Univorsit.y of Minnesota, aud Dr. Sam- 'I'hompson holds that college is a place .J. A. Stach, '30 engage in serious, quiet thought. and uel Lepkovaky, of the chemical staff of only for boys lind girls who like and Art Editor ."Pete" Gcmsak, '30 eontcmplat.ion before breakfast. At the anatomy laboratory of the Univer- kl10W how to study, and who have an Sports Editor . .... Clarence H. Bennett, '28 Iuls time, as at all timllo, any loud jest- sity of Californill. impetus within them to go to college, ing or ec-caucd horse-play is gross. Dean Wilkins ,,-ould admit only pc- REPORTORIAL STAFF tential leaders. He says tllllt potential At Breakfast in 1843 by wtt- News Editors The eouvereatton should lie animated A student lamp made leadership mar be judged on the fol- -Weeks experiment Di'ro111Y U. Gilligan, '28 ,V. K. Ban.cs, '28 but dignified. At the same t.ime all liulll Jones unsatisfactory as an table illumina- to lowing essentials: dexterity); Teehuical ability replaee (workmanship, power of ex- due ,:arc alld caution ShOllld be taken to tion while stnd.ents were ''burning the Associa.te Editors retain 1l01ltrol of one's orange jnice (on pression; aceuracy of obscrvatioll; per- been midnight Huth Frell(~h, '28 Alvin Albright, '28 g31ll (lays \\'e have oranges!) as ladies University oil" by hns lllukers gi\'en to Yale serverenee; power of concentration; the SOIL E\'(~lyn E. Pusey, '28 Oscal' L. Morris, '29 llc\'cr deBcell(l to physical violence, and The lamp was made by plaeing t.wo sense of proportion (including a sense powel' Elizabetll II. Davis, '28 "Jllp" Weisbeck, 30 what could be more base thRn to try peg lamps on a cross piece at- of humor); intellectual to e,uriosity; bealth of a'bility initiativej reason; REPORTERS and ussullit yonr Ilonteniporal'ios witll tached a ean'ed wooden upright. of body j appearance; manner (bear· fruit. extract. Boles in tlte upright pE'.rmitted raising (charm)j :M. Gertrude Runck, '28 Ellgclle C. Woodward, '28 After Breakfast or lowering the crossbar with its lamps, ing); attractivcness cleanness; ability to moral honostyj eO'operate; Dorothy Mellott, '28 CUl'Yin lIf. Seitz, '29 irOll bron~ll pins being used in the holes. faith in knowledge; purposefulness; N. 11. Pennewell, '31 Casper P. 11art., '29 TIlCl young ladies shouM retire to vision and social mindedness. Elsie ]1.[. Held, '~8 George E. SalLer, '2!l their rooUls to perform domestic tusks, Margll1'ct Martignoni, '29 Joseph L. l\Iathills, Jr., '29 sudt as swceping, dusting, and cspecial Six fri()nds of Wllsleyan University Dean Thompson writes: "Therc aro Mary A. Wnlzl, '29 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 ly scwing. At this limc the stutleut liaNe pledge(l a total of $600.00 to be some ki.nds of young l)eople who, un- Catherine E. Read, '30 W. G. Eaton, '30 m:ly eon\"erse ill qniet toncs.· A well- added to the endowment fund to as- doubtedly, would better reeeive their Virgillilnd provide for retire- it will be mU(lh happier outside of col- it This E._D_I_T_O_R_I_A_L\ spirilual ad\'isorB, t..he tel,chers. tile tender ment allowances d!'sired for faculty mcmbers. lege where material." may deal simply with concrete to occasion profitabJe is inelutle $500,000 funds Ot.her minds !lnd souls of the youug ladies, for additional scholarships and loaos to aud rigid fltt~ntioll should be gi\'1ln. SOCIAL IMPROVEMENT his manners. III the hustle a1I(1 bustle studcnts; $~50,000 for the librllryj of the iaetory and offico he has forgot· \Yhi~pering, slulllping, giggling, and $100,000 for adequate COlltses in art and There is a woeful laek of any vital, ten thefiue pointsofeonsiderutiQn and "amiable gentlemen ogling" will in not the be direction of lllnijic; and $100,000 ior re8toring and 1li ltlll 0r Hill tolerated. corporate, so(,jul ntth'ities at Western courtesy that his lcss industrially in· remodeling 'buildings on tile eampus. :Maryland. That is, there iJ:llittle or no dined 8uropean brotl,~r n(l\'cr .forgets. Indecil, any of. this nonllCnsc will mere" corporate socialliic, which is officially Americans have a world-wide rcputa- ly render you an object of odium. It has been announced that II, lIew snnctioned by tile college. It is true tion for being noisy. For an example, eour~e, Ilesigned particularly for those "I just lost my e:o:pensiv6 handker- that from time to time there arc "p:u- take the mad confnaion that rules tile A nervous nnd eager atlention shonld st.udents intending to tench after chief." tics," which the college pllople of 1890 ll\'crugo Amo.rican cit)' struot corner. bc.displ:lYlld. Ne.\'cr bo too confident graduntion, is being put into the eur- "Gee, that must haye 1.leen an awful wonld widk a mile to a.\'oid, but th('r~ Automobiles toot their horns in6ess/mt· in .'·Ollr fGIIWrks "nd :liways Ilefer to ricuiulli at Gouehur Collogc. The pur- blow!" -Sniper. ,Ire 110 ~OrJlOrl\te social events to which Iy, newsboys aCl'eam t.heir !Jair-raising tILe worda of your rigiltful SUIJeriors. posc of the course is to aid the stu· t.he majority of the students look for lIeadline!l:, electric cars claug impatient Another itcm descn'lng special a.tten- dents in getting better position~ in their A judge had ward with any degree of pleasure. bells, and harsh \'oiecs c13sh inharmon- tion is that of note·taking. It is quite tel).ching profession, and to give them a terse (leeision: concluded a.henring dollars." with "Assault. Ten ro 'be more concreto, lilt us cQllsider iousl;-·. There is hurry llnd efficiency i.ll di~<:;olll'ertiug to a Vl'Ofess ....r to hu\'e his thefulldamentais neCcssnry in order to Some days luter the defendant, 8. tho weI! nigh universal menlls of cor- Ule nir, but no beauty. carefull.Y COlllled sentences trailed by mannge and direet pl:.yground work, mecllllnic, conchided aome repairs npoo porate nmuscment, 1'lm :ul· Not. only in regnrd to noise lire the the ser~tcJJilig of Jill anxious pen. Na- and other athletic work. the magistrate's carnnd rendered au ministration is opposed to daocing. No Americans Ol'fensivo; thllY (lre also lack· turally /lutl properly students are di~- The clnsses for this particular work oqually terae d~cision, "Battery. Twen doubt its reasons are good aod sufficient ing in consideration for the other f!'l turbcd loss of all)' possible infor- will bc conducted under the direction ty·five dollars." -Chaparral. fnHll its own point of view, but what ill 10\'-, even when the other follow is 11 but their first consideration of Elise \'on Barrie, hea{l of the plly- it tloing to meet n praeUcal problem' brotlJcr American. "Every mall for for thOSe who arc its source si(·al education department of Goucllor 'Trithec-Domanisll, why do~t wear Perhaps the Adm.iJtistrat.ion believes lJimscl.l''' is the accepted motto. If it if any oue JLUS such ]loor breeding ns Cellege. thy !!(Icks wrongsidc out!" that the stud('llta who wiah to dance pleases an American to grind out rasp- to pa5~ you tJ. note ill class, take it but "My feet became overheated, Samnri· nn(l wllo enjoy tllat form of anluse· ing jazz 00 his phonograph nil SUll{la~' do not reud it. Be wOlilan enough to iu tan, 80 I turned the hose on t,hem." ment ure thwarted ill their desire b.v Ilfternoon, it doos 1I0t tronblc his con form tlwt student of his error is nicely adjnsted. Once again, show -Froth. tlw adl1lillistn,tioll'~ disllppro\·ul. l'hose ~6~!lce that the inmate of the adjoin- elass. Anothcl' matter commnuds at- no selfishness at th{) table. Encourago I;cquuintea witb the iacts lmow better. iug re~i(le"'ie lllU~' tlesire to spend the tention. It is in l'egard to students ,vonl' ueighbor to untilize the lut drop "This is so so(ldelll" said the re- It is true (hat the campus i~ free from ufteruOOll in pesce and quiet. Every le/ll'illg l'ias~es. It is agreed tilat faint- of coffee, even if it be to your owu cently married husband us h" gracious- that tabooed practice, uut young anti man has 11 right to his own £ree(lol1), iug 01' We!lrilll>~s is ladylike. But al· disaU\'untngc. 1f :'ou have to pour the lr accepted another produet of his I'ivaciou~ students find meaus of aCCOlll- !'ea~ons the American, ulld if the man though lnd?like, thl'Y hal'e tilCir plnce. water, do exereise extreme caution, not. wife's baking. -Pointer. plishing their ends, all o]Jpo~ition to !Ill' next door docs not like the phonograph, At Luncheon the pitcher at too great dis tnble looks ~ontrary notwithstallilillg. let liim betakc I'imseif to lIome nook The menls shoultl be accompanied by tanfe from a11d the cndllugers as the that damask. "'1;'00 bad Shakespeare wasn't born in Inl'k\\'ard 'Ve s.ugg,,~t that tile President at the ,,·herc I.e can not hear it. tales of the moruiug classes. At tlte It is attracti,e to extend the little London." next meeting of tile Bonrd of Trustees Alld, with all his crudeness, the aamc tillHl watch your ",nUllers. In finger of the haod which you hal'e em· "Why sot" ask the Board to permit the students to Amcriean is on the whole a loyable per- Gl'trn"ting a portiouof the butter, see ployed for the act (we have already ''1 said he was, on thut exam." hold {lauees once a week or t"ice a son. Hia noisiness and his lnek of eon· to it that you do not overealculntll'yonr -Bluc Dragon. month, the 111'm'ber to be deci(j()d by sideration are more unconseions outlets llotieed the beauty of this in our own tlie Presideut, at which the fa(lulty for ~ Imrras8ed and husy nature limn due. At the same t.ime, jake your prop· dining hall). Ii you Mppen to be lcft- "Hey, wllllsh your name'" pll.yillg father should be present if the~' wish, aUlI for deHuerate offenses against society. 'fhe ('t shnre. then'fore Your Y01l Me is entitled for to it, it. hnnd('d, in extentl the the fourth pitcher. finger. Try Thi~ it "Willard." b~\ant:i.lIg Rlld aida which th" college on:1'estra furnish the American, abrllpt and unpolished as he Neyer r{'nell Heron tho tabln as this and sec for yourselves. "Willard ",haU" music. is, 1mB a heart of goill. But it would reQulh :in a necessity for a "Oh, Jess-Willard." -Drexerd. lil' well£or him to tRke time to reflect Retiring We IJelien that, if such (l!llleM could motiOll of thnlimbs. A.lso, uevcr allow be helll iu Mt'Daniel Hnll Parlor tIn) upon Ilis manners and to fi.nd mea.ns .l'Ollr e,l'es to strn.Y t(llhoscgreef· Thillk! thou let it slip Ilselesa The Afternoon away'" SODA, SUNDAES, SANDWICHES feet the:,. lllHy be producing upon Ellro- WISE SAYINGS peall minds. "'hellG\'er an AmcriCIlH l'hea.fternoon is a time of true profit (lo('s d!'tach hillll:!('lf [rom l\t(' moh :lntl Pinally. eduention :)Ione call conduct aml eujoymcul-after classes. At tlli~ snrl'eys the mllnners of his eountr~'men, us to tlint wldch is, nt oaee, tilll~, the ~tudent may worthily mllke T. W. MATHER & SONS he realizcs suddeJ1I~- that hi8 fellows J",~.t in an{1 illfinite in quantity. use of l)ooks. A most essential one for Shipley's nro.l)rtlsqueandearelessIIIIll<)stlothe -Horace )fllnn. l'vl'r.l· stndt'nt of W. l\f. C. to read is Westminster's Leading Store point of plain rudeness. America is u "'I'he Life of John Wesley." lUlHl of progress, wealth, liml powerful AT '.rUE FORKS Dcuth Ilresscs hfavily on that mall Supper business organization; but it is also a \\'ho. being too well known to others. Supper should be served early ao land of social crudeness, inconsiderate ilies in ignoranec of himself. practices, and 'ongainly noises. ~f'ICh -Seneea. tlUl.t the young ladies may receive thc For Things to Please 3S it may hurt hhn to admit. it, the proper amount of rest. Before leaving ARMY SHOES lie enly is a well-made mIll" who hilS her room, the student should smootb ber honest American realizes that tlte rap- id development of his business life has a good det.ermination. hair and see tha{'tlle AiLsl' of·her white Your Palate The shoH authorized for the R. 0, T. O. _Emerson. voile dreslI (the proper thing to wear) been accomplished at the expanse of
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