Page 76 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 76
Prsg' Four The Gold Bug, Weltern Maryla.nd Oollege, WestmiDJter, Md. Class, Club, and Society Doings Alumni NrUl!i EDITED BY Hl:LEN WHEELER AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI w.w. by "Margaret Martignou.i, and n talk by Mr. Eltingo Reifsnider, who }lRS The present state of affairs between Professor and Mrs. James B. Ranck spent several intereefing years in Paris. Italy and Soutb Tyrol, one of her Any news items concerning W, M. the counties, be established the first entertained the W. W. girls in their The meeting adjourned with "Ln Mnr- ninety-two provinces, may, if allow- Alumni will be gra.tefully received. sanatorium outside of Baltimore city in home Thursday nigllt, March the ftrat. seillaise." ed to fester, sooner or later ennan- 1908. Dr. Todd, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. W. W. entertained at tea in MeDau· ger the entire health or Europe. Rose Conaway, '25, is teaching Eng. Laird Todd, was born it farm 011 iel .H.a1l parlOT Tuesday afternoon, Judging from the tone ot the Italian lish at Meebautcsville. She wus seen tween Salisbury and Delmar on Decem- be- Mal'eh the sixth. DELTA PI ALPHA papers upon the subject, diplomat!'. :.t the baakctbnll game last 'Tuesday. ber 9, 1860. He graduated at the local patiently awaiting Mussolln1's re- ply to Dr. Ignatz Seipel, tear the Dr. George W. Todd, '81, of Solis public schools nnd from Western :Mary· FRENCH CLUB 'l'he club WIISaddressed Iasr Wednes Dnce'e reply will be sharp. Dr. Seipel's bury, Md., was given n prize of $~50 ill land Oollege, later stlld)'inf; medicine at day evening by Dean Miller, who point the University of Maryland and in New French Club met in MeDuniol Hall, ed out that there is no eonflict in his speech to the Austrian National OOUI:>- gold for doing the most for the good York. Wednesday night, March the seventh, a.t mind in the so·enlled eontllct between cll stated that the 6,000,000 Austrlal: of the town. At the age of 17 while yet a senior in and the 75,000.000 Germans living in seven o'clock. The program opened Science and Religion. Following hla South Tyrol under Fascist rule mere Mrs. Helen King, '03, snlled for Italy thesehool,heQeCllmCtlteneherfortTIIl with the ainging of "Quand Madelon." talk in whicll he presented some very Iy delivered tha.t they he allowed to last week. She will be there for an In- eight.h and uinth grndf'll lit Salisbury The prcgreru eouslated of fl violin solo reascnaule points of view, the meeting use their own language as the ItaWbl definite period. When she left Wnsh- High. ITe later mnrrted a student IUJ by Dorothy Gilligan, an original story was thrown open to discussion. speaking provinces of Trent!no and ingtoll for New Tork, lllallY W . .:u. C. ila(l taught at that luetltutiou, 1fil:lS Ro- Trieste were a.llowed to do betore AluDlni saw her off. aelda Woodcock, in 1892. the war nuder the old Austro-Hungar- Dr. Todd founded the hospital, whleh BABY TERRORS SCORE SECOND UNDERGRADUATE CRITIOISMS Ian Empire. The ''Neuva F.rele Among those who attended the },lili was hiler to into the mammoth in· VICTORY OVER M. S. S. D. AT Presse" writes: Bill! were: :l\lall(]e Brown, '27; sl'itution of iu a fmme resid· Footl)all having pll5sed off the boards, "This section ot German people (in \\"oodell, '27; Billy Be· cn~1lcomprising sel"'eurooms and a sun FREDERICK eurri('ular reform is ngaiu engaging atu· South Tyrol) does not demand ft'ee- \-ard, ex· ':!S j "l;>run" Brntt, ':27; parlor, on ""rst l'otninslreel at thc head c1enl atieution i.n several colleges. 'fhe dom, for tIley knolV that Fascism cloes "Bill" Hnhn, cx'28; "E .." Wil1iama, of ~'itzwatcr, noll' used a.s a residcnce "Tolllmy" '26; G,·/tnt The Western Maryland little eourt undcrgnl(lU:lte reformera havlJ t.u.I{en not give such and it would be illogi- }f.nssey, '26; Willioms, '~7; Carpenter, ex· andfurnilureslore. "Hank" Terrors lH'I.l1dedthe dribblers of tile fair llotiae of the erjtieiBm~ overflow cal to ask tor it. South Tyrol only '~S; "Don" Par~, ex·'28j Gr~ry StOIlC' As s-urgeon for the hospital he Maryland State Sehool for tho Deaf on ingeurrntpl'riodiealaandhnvendoptl)u asks for toleration or language and sifer, lliSll Snader, '27. brought Dr.• 1. J\lePa(ldrn Diek from a the lattru-'II aourt at Frederick by the n vigorons style in attacking thei]" cam- economic e~istence." ':!Gj Baltimore hospi,tal and the two praetie· score of 30-23, laet Friday nIght. pus problems. ed as partners for several years. Miss The Silecntees started off with n rush The University of Washington Daily, Agaiust vetel'ftus and young com· DR. TODD IS RECIPIENT OF 1927 Helen V. Wise, now supcrintendent of and lad tile yearlings tl.t the end of after publishing a serie~ of stuucnt munists marched shoulder to should- Peuiusular General was first assigued that by Dr. Toddm the original the first quarter nine to three. Tho eriticisms of tI,e nniversity and ita er in the gella. parade through Mos- in celebration COllOon Fcbrunry locals rallied creating a tic score of wOl'k, hM by blamillg the 26 Was State Pioneer in Each Venture E>;rt:lblislilnentof a hospital hue was 11 all-nt half time. faculty "for the lack of intelleetnal of- the tenth anniversary ot the Rcll scoff",l at by other physicians at :first, army of RUBsia. Commission of stimulns and study encouragemc-nt }Jrel" The two quints matched point for VoroshHofl' wtth several other (From "'TI,e S(l.'i~bl(ry 7'hl1lis" JIarcll but the i.nslitution grcw nntil it became S!ll"iet point uutil the waning minutes of the alelltoll thecal1llluS." The maill draw leaders reviewed the passing trooDS 5, H)28) lIeeessary to expand the buildings. The lJael{ it'es as "tho nppnlling ov secoud bait, when the baby Terrors cr emphlHllaon activities fol' aC.tidtie's from the tops of tha mausoleum of present sHe on South Didsion and Lo· broke through the l(lsers' defense to sake, tlmt insistence on activities their gront. l,et(l L"1"in,. Tho geller' for 48 _ye:lU, foulI(]ur eust streets IYOS!K'Cured for $2,700, clineh the game. Lindenberg'S stellar \\'a~llingto" which results in tlte aver nt al theme of Vorol!.hilofl"s addre1>S: of Generni Hospital and of though not uutil n aat of tlll~ plllyiIlg featured the contest. age collegiau striving to be an activity "Yon who plot against us, see with the Easler\] Shore 'fnhereuloslB San Legislature gr3nted a to the prop- Tim saore: hOUllllfrom fn;shlll;).n days to thc end what yon would have to reckon it 'ItoriuIll, D,-. George W. Todd, was pub· erties. of The faculty is blumed for ever you should try to defy us;" licly prcseute(l with the 1!J27 Allllunl The Penillsulu. General HOSl)ilal tOdHy Freshmen (30) lllll"ing to eliminate- superfluous seemed to be directed more towards Salisbury Awnrd at the Arcade Theatre is olle of the largest in lIlaryl:md fully activities, a1\(1thc Daily presents tile the foreign military attaches than to- ye8terdny nfterllolJll. neeredited \I'ilh Illore than one ]lUndt(>(l G. F. Jll"oblemrl.BOllefor the t('a.cllers to solve. wards that vast u.:rmy followed by ChOS~llfrom :Ill audience whieh Hbout becls. Dr. Dick is t.he ehief of $tafi' ancl Lindenberg, f. ° 12 P,rcsidenL O. D. Gray of College armed workers-men and wearing women. fiile(l the theatre Dr. 'l'odd was so vis- of and Dr. Todd remains on the ]~oard of gas- J)irectors. ibly oift'cteil by IhOl'ronoullcement shouldering rifles Wellingru-,f. has al)IJoillted :l. student eOIllDlittee of masks-Red cross nurses. and boy his llllnlens the redpient that hia accept- Dr. Todd sold his home at Souih Dil'· and twelve to eXltmillC the eurricuhnn Wilker, e suggest mOllifications and changes. The and girl piolleers singing revolution- nnee of the honor wall inaudible. He ision and Oamden streets ill 1908 to Atwood, g. students will carryon tho work begun ary hymns. Il"ns eseortcd to the stage by "i'm. S. sta.rt a pril'ate sanaLorium for tuberen· Groswith, g. by a senior committee last year. Three Gordy, Jr., and UIHe accepted gold l:lt patients in a gr{l\'O 011 the Ui\'er Rein, g. olher groups arc working on the same HUMOR mednl and $2~5 ill cash frolll Dr. Gor· Roael. In ]922 this was sold to the noted diagnostieian of ehest problem, one composed of teachers, for ~'nars ha~ been a elose St.ate of Mtlrylllnll and its honsing e:,p' to is being coustantly illuensell Mity Total 14 2 30 ll110therof alumni, :Ilul a third, Berl'iIlg "Are all those you]" kidsf" frirnd of Dr. Tod(l. eate for the larger number of a~ advistory, of outsiders. "Yep, Pill Ihe goat." -Rice Owl. Dcciding thl1t therc were no llehic\'Il' IIe was the first Sa.lisburinll Students ill the Oollege for WOlllcn M. S. S. D. (25) menta in lf1~1 thut wonld ol-ershndow an J\utomobile---n one·cylinder, high at 'Western neserve University have thosil of the past, the Board of Trus wheeled Oldsmobile, sallS top, fenders "Hug me tighter," said the to G. F. T. ~clccted rellre~ntati\"es to servo as their the pants as they began to slip. tees ror the .Award Wllllt back iuto 1\ and many other ncecssories wh.ieh today prcseuting to the.faculty com· Drinks, i_ ngentsjn agllillst the eurrieulum. They generation to give rueognitiOll arc considered essential to the motor cur. plaints IIenklein, f. Edit-or-Who wrote th~scjol{ea' Dr. Todd for "8Crl"i~es of the gf~nt WiI.h mud IluHlor he recalls his first arc members of the studentcoullcil,who sir. ill the "horseJesse:lr· professionul"isit Knodc,c. wi.ll work ill conjunction wit,h a faculty Contributor-ldid, You must be older thun est benefit to Ihe Ilfippincss, prosper- riage." 11. was wilh "Billy" Edison, aiil'nnCCIll(jntor lllor~l i!)", illtelledual Editor-IT.Ill. Gneiseo, g. ~ollllllittee, to whom they will uHlke you look. -Ollapod. grOIl'UIof Ihe conllnullitr." son of the famous iUl'entor ~u(1the pa· Lowe, g. reeommend3tio1l8 after pallsing on sLu- The trlbnte pnid Dr. 'fo(ld recalls tient li\'ed at Roekall·ulkiu. The "elliotc Topier, g. dent complaints. "Wllat's the tip$tiek doing on your pioneer worll in mediulll circl()s in the had just rellthed the gate of the fnrm The l111dergraduate curriculum com- counties of ll(lr~'land in which the pll)"- house when it "blew lip." A message mittee nt Haverford' College i..!! dmit.· fHce'" siciall\\"nsthelcader. 'l'hehospitalhe wag rtesplltched to Snlsibllry for the Dl]' girl's trndomark." Total 5 ~3 ing iill annual report to the faculty. Its "Oh, that's juts -il1iUll_ Ski·U·)Jah_ fO\lnded in 1897 was the first gener!!i needed bolts und rh'ets and several Score by halves: scope is wide, IUlll its suggestions will outside Bnltimore City; in~ug· honrs later two bedraggled pioneer mo- deal not. only lI'tli the curriculum l'rop· "What's that big hole in tha side- anti-tuberculosis muvements i.n torisls arrh'ed in Sulisloury. W. M. C. F. 11 19-30 er, but. also with the eonduct of student walk'" M. S. S. D. 1112-23 aft"nirs aud sueh matters as impnl\·e· "Some 8keptic threw llis Plul,el' pen ment of lib"ary lightiug condilions, aHd Out of the ~6tll $tory window." King's Pharmacy Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr Referee-Esworthy. prollIpt dismissal of el~9ses. -The Cyniu. ~'l,e main points ill un unde.rgradu The RexaU Store '.rhe NewllSL and Bes!' Clotbing and at.e rcport just presented to the fa("ulty "And at the end of his letter lIe put Furnishings ilt The Col1eg~of the City of NC'I\" York II eOUI)le of X's. 'Whnt dOI's tllat ii5 E. :lIlain St., Westminster, :lIrd. Good~ for yQuug men WORLD YOUTH OONGRESS [Jropose r(""isioll of e~dain prescribed mean'" ]0 per cent oil' 10 eol1egestudents eOllrs~s ill order tl) pcrmit gr\lnrt::r free· "Simple girl; it mealla he's double· To study Ihe causes of war and their dom ill the rhoiec {If electives, ana the c.rQssing you." D. S. GEHR Westminster Savings Bank elimination, and to focus the attention institutiollofhouotCOnfScB.Ill(lc\"el- -Biaon. of youth on age.ncies dealing with the OIling th~sc points the student inves· $50,000.00 Capital Peaee Congress will be held Augnst 1, tig(ltors became erilicnl of some of the Compliments of Wholesale and Retail Hardware, Surplus "Earned" 300,000.00 problem of war, the first World Youth Cixisting conrars. to 26,atEerde,liollalld. Youth,intllis -The New Student. Building .hlaterials, Cullery, Ammunition, Paints, Oila, cue, is interpreted to mean persous un }'. 'rITOS. BABYLON, Presideut. der 30 years of age. Five hl1ndrt:d dele A KANSAS EDITOR SAYS- Bonsack's Stoves, IlllHges, Purnacee, Mil/rON P. lIlYEHS, Vice Prea. gates will he at the congress, three hUll' !ron and St£el Produel.s dred and fifty from Europe, one hun· Ahnoat an~'one ellll be all l·:(}ilor. (E:rtablished 1866) J.t.\con II. llANDLEY, Treasurer. All dred from the Amerieas, and fif!"]'from Lhe Editor 10 do is 10 sit. al 11 (\I'sk, Asia, Airie.'! and Australia. Of Ille hns Babylon & Lippy Company We~tlUinster, Md. Security Savings Sel?ice American hundred, eighty will rep~e· {i days 1I week," weeks in 11 1IIonll1,aud ]2 months ill a ~-ellr, and UNlit" such sent the United StRtC8. An American stuff as this: The Blue Ridge Transportation Company committee on the eougrcas will pasH Oll Mrs. Jones, of Clletm:l ('reek, let l' upplieantB from the United States. All Cflllopcner slip andcutlleriielfill!.he .FLORSllEIi\\ SHOEg We are Specialists information may be hud from the Ot1 American Oommittee, World Youth pantry. STETSON lIA'l'S SPECIAL TRIPS A lnischievolls boy at. Pi.kctOll"nthrew Poace Congres6, 10-1 Ea!t Ninth St., a stolle and cut 1'Iir.Pike in the alley Anywhere Any Time New York City. For intormalion phone WESTMINSTER 389 or WESTl-llNSTER 52 last. 'fuesday. Joe Doe climbed ou th~ roof of his Jllternotifmal "lln(k-to-Measure SnIts home last wcck, looking for a leak. H~ Tom-How are yOll getting along fl)lI. striking hilllS~lf Oilthe hnck lloreh. LUNCH WITH US TODAY! with your womau! While Darold Green wlla cscortiub Shipley's Cat-Oll, aJlything I tell her goes. lItiss Violet Wise from the Church so· Hot Soup! Tom-Yeah' ci,tI, last Sat.nrday night, a snl'agc dog tJICm nnd llit Grecn on attacked Cat-Yeah. It goes all Ol'er sehool the public square. .O\T 'fHE FORKS Hot Toasted Sandwiches! in half an bour. Illtliall Trimmer, of Running Creek, --obio State Sun Dia.l was playiug with a cat OIlFrid,ly wben it scrat.ched him on the "eranfta. a hron· For Things to Please Griffin's Goodie Shoppe :Mr. Frong, while harnfssing "That's uncalled for," said the man eho last Saturday, was kicked just south yOllr Pgljlte ..._ __ in tbe Dead Letter Ofliee.-Cyuic. of bis coru·erib. ~_5_9_w_E_s_T_M_AI_N_sT_R_E_E_T ,
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