Page 78 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 78
Page Two The Gold Bug, W8Iltern Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md, era of Mrs, Russell, wrote of numer- :-: :-: lIntrr-Qiollrgiatr ous student Wisconsin because of who its fam- Ali Wou 14ike lit hail acquaintaneea to come Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during NrWli ed liberalism, because they had heard the the academic year by the student! lIf Western Maryland, Welltmiuter, of sin Idea". "Wisconain spirit" and "Wiscon- Maryland. Entered as second-elan matter at the Westminster POBtofllce, He said: THOUGHTS ON SPRING FISHING The aeholastdc record for the first "And now- semester of the class of 1931 of Dart- Subsc:rlpt1on Pl'1ce, '2.00 a Year. "They neve met me, singly and in Fishing is a delusion entirely aur- mouth has jumped far ahead of thnt of groups, during this past week, inered· rounded by liars in old clothes. IIny previous entering group in the his- ulity and dejection written on their It's chiaf purpose is to develop uu- tory of the institution, showing a point hutnau nrt the MANAGING STAFF average just below 2.048. The "best pre- faces. On youth, I swear broke down occupied with both "beings ill in a puddle of in feet sleeping viuus record was 1.894. lind wept. Editor-in.Chief ... . .. J. Paul Lambertson, '28 " 'I can't tall you how this Russell the hot sun with a can of worms. cpleode has affected me,' lie said. 'The [Fishermen are called "Nimrod's." Ma.naging Editor .. .....••.•.. , Hubert K. Johnson, '28 The editor of Plhu Fun told the clos- whole bottom of my belief in the Univ- "Nim" is from the latin, meaning Association Col the Asst. Editor . Samuel H. Bryant, '28 illg lege session of of the EAst, whiah was of held ersity and in Wlsconain has dropped "dumb' 'and "rod" is from the Bane- Comics Business Manager .. , .. Earl B. Lippy, '29 at Atlantic City, N. J., thn t eollego out. I have enjoyed my work here; erit meaning "all wet." is inspiration Fish in the now, into there Ass't Business Manager .. . ..... W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 graduatas, especially those attached over night, I have become But quea- classes: are salt divided fresh four water, general cyniea.l, water, store college Advertising Manager . . . i'lIarvin B. Sterling! '30 nttent.Ion publicatiolls, should tum in- tioning the fino professions of our lead- and conversational. Fishermen are tc the motion picture their fail and Circulation Mana.ger .. . W. Edwin W'urfield, '29 dustry. He says thnt there nrc many ere who falter tho deepest at the test. I have It divided them into many classes but none you, of shock is, I tell count. this fiaM Asst. Circulation Managers. ...... {ROY L. Robertson, '29 opportunities of good in material. due to the ever experienced in my life. I am Salt water fishing is the snme as un- senrei ty J. A. Stach, '30 eonaidcreiug resigning from the Umv- skilled labor aud is relatively of no Art Editor ,. . ... "Pete" Gomsak, '30 Those members of the senior etese at eraiby because its Significance, for me, importance. It is to fresh water fish· m)}auingless! l)eeome quail Sports Editor , ..... Clarence H. Bennett, '28 Princeton University, who are in good has Another student, writing " ill The ing what ehieken stealing is to by nn- REPORTORIAL S'fAFF standing, will not be required to attend Cardinal, said: hunting, with and the is indulged form in ouly of Insnn- glers milder lectures during the remainder of their "I came to this university from a News Editors college coursa. distalltstatesollllybceauselfeltthnt ity. For the real violent eases fresh D\\rothy L. Gilligan, '28 W. K. Bl1rnes, '28 Tha l\.ndergraduatcB coune.i1 requested it waa the most liberal institution in water fishing is alonll designed. this opportunity aud it was granted by this eountry. When 1 find liberalisJll Assooia.te Editors Dean Gauss. III the past it has bean nlld freedom being ean:lassly cast WITH THE BUSINESS MEN Ruth Frencb, '28 Alvin Albright, '28 the custom fer 8anion of honor atllnd- aaide by our IHeside.nt and dean of Evelyn E. Pllsey, '28 Oscar L. Morris, '29 ing to bave "unlinlited cuh" and sinea men, it BaellS tlwtllllight juat as well Tba winter vucations ara over and Elizabeth H. Davis, '28 "Jap" Weisbecl{, 30 there 1mB been a demand lo extend this have gone to Podunk Normal, where 1 the tired bu~inass man will have to privilege to nIl students not under dia· submit himself to the drudgery of bUH' l)a there REPOR'rERS aiplino. could be sure and that 60 would would expect no iness until Easter, when he will ngaiu li"beralism, nevcr M. Gertrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C. Woodward, '28 it." get awa'y for two or three woaks rest. Dorothy 1\iellott, '28 Curvin hi. Seitz, '29 Yale alumni ,,'ere rold by James Row· An alumnus wrote that the Dn;Y Wa often ,,'Under what makes tha N. 11. Pennewell, '31 Casper P. Hart, '29 land Angell at their 15th llunual alum- ersity "has lost something of its pres- tired business man tired. It nlllst he Elsie M. Held, '28 George E. Salter, '29 ni meeting, that a eommittee of the. un· tige in the nation ns a liberal institu· t.hat he docs not gat enough sleep when :Margaret Ullrtignoni, '29 Josepb L. UathiA.s, Jr., '29 dergraduuta fl!.aulties has been work· tion ... It has h}llg been a. notiou that he is away from busineas--no ono Mary A. Walzl, '29 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 ing throughout U,e academic year COli- the right of peaceful assemblage. aud other than a business mall would reo Catherine E. Read, '30 W. G. Eaton, '30 sidering ways of reliaving the situa of free spoech woos more of an aetual quire mora than eight hours sloep a.ny- Virginia C. Merrill, '30 William H. Brown, '30 tion in tbe undergradullte sahools ity in Wisconsin than in most other WRY, caused by largo numbers, by ereating a states." Many of them have discoverad that Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news, t.hird college at Ynle. ~'he president That 1Iira. Russell did spell k, that her business is like a gasoline engine, it stated that the ovar-subscriptions were tnlk led 11 Ohicngo Tribnne reporter to runs best when you let it alone, ample eHongll to l)tovide for uppra- romnrk, ",\Yhy I'Yegot to file 300 words We are heartily in favor of business eiably Inrger expenditure for additions for the Tribune on thia lousy Ie.ct,uro, men laking frequent vacations for two E-D-I-T-O-R-I-A-LI to Ula staff. nnd I llavau't got a sensationo.l state, rellsona: (1) they not only enjoy them- (2) ment to hang on her," tltat Jlarcnts selves rest but while their employees get Ii. away. they are good 'l'he jnnior class of JOhn's Hopkina prnised and students denoUllcod tbe CONCERNING PEOPLE'S ATTI- University WOII the decision o"el' the wholesale eallaelll1tions,-soon may bc People 'He just discovering that suc- TUDES ]Jariety senior class in a de.bata on the question: forgQUen. But studant feeling ill .Mad cess is not best aehiaved by working "The TInited St.n.tes should llOt use ison is that President Frank's "good hard, it is much moro :lPt. to corne to A REVIEW OF BOOKS, those. who work easily. 'Vhat is wrong with the attitudes of armed intervant.ibn ill ·Lntin Ameriea, taste" defense wa~ 11 betrAyal of the can man some of the students on "the hillt" PLAYS AND LIFE oxeopt in easeoL war." The jUl~ior5 up- "\Viseous;" l!ka"-the winnowing and in If a wh;1' should dll he eight spend boun tan work hours six, What is the causa of all this recent held tile affirmative side. Two of the sifting by which aloue the truth CAn be doing itl The old idea was tlH~t n loafing, indifi'erenae, and co.rclessneso HOW TO PREVENT CHEATING votes east were east for the juniors by found-and that the University is now mnn was a sluggard unless he worked on the part of so many of the stll the head of the English department nHo merel.'· another state nuiveraity. dantef It has been notiaed and ra- hia assistant "'hile the third vote, east From "The Ncw Student." frOIll sunrise 'Ul uightfall every day, 1. Students will lllareh to class under no matter how little he had to do. Of marked upon by several persons of llite. as a result of a poll of t.he (ludienall Decidedly, something must be dona·off shotgulls. present resulted in a 248 te 51 vote in course and mell had didn't play golf to get iu those away no iuaentive days a"boutit. 2. They will be stopped at doorwa.ys favor of the winning side. ensy. Golf is to the tired business A collage. student is expected to be and sellrc.hod for contraband notes ma.n what Lincoln was to the slaves. keenly interested in life, to have a and the like. lIodb News sincere curiosity about what is going WISCONSIN THINKS IT OVER It is easy to see that golf came from on in the world, and to be ll.nlbitiuu8 to 3. Before entering the alassroom ench Sar ex{',eed('d 2,500,000 and payment enthusiastic place. he Ims cheated. so far as students at Wiseensin and to the U. S. of a sllort tarm loa.n of elsewhere lire eonc(lrl16d, is the fellling $lOO,OOO,OIlO CIGARS, CIGARETTES, CANDY, thu.t tbe University generally cre,lited has been eOlllpleted this Befere msrking the papers the past ,,'eek. Offieinl estimates show 'an The ],nll was filled with the dense professors will discount ten points with being the bulwark of aead/lIllie increase in agriculture nn!l deyelopmcnt blue smoke from eigarettes of the men from eaah paper on the ]lo~sibil- fredom iu the United St.3.tes, failed in trade ll11d industry in the ]last two SODA, SUNDAES, SANDWICHES standing IIbllut in groups. Tlmy were ity that the st.udent lms elleated. when put to the test. .vears. chatting about the ,·arions Illerits of '1'lle Daily Cardinal, which editor- -"Center Colonel!' leading !IIusicnl comedy adresses. ially decried President l:'rllllk's aensor· "So ~'our feellk old father is les"iug ship, jlublishad numcrous letters from T. W. MATHER & SONS Theu suddenly 11 boy's voice all Siheriaf" un(l(>.rgraduntes alld gro.dnates, which llounced: "Tho curtain is up!' "Ye~, he can't st.and the Steppes." Aud the man dllshed inta the next His face was deathly pille. Never had almost without execptioll mourued the -Pitt Panther. Westminster's Leading Store room and leaned far out tha open will'- It sicker mnn Imng over the rail of n passing of "liberal WiScollsin," In this llen"ing ship, and just before the eritj- fe!'ling they w~re joinad by students dows-ga~ing at the windows of the EVERHART e~l moment he cried out warningly, and editors in otller colleges who asked girl's dorm next door.---Gargoyle. "Look out, belo,,.p' Alas, a poor Frcnch· in effect, "if this is Wisconsin, what man, taking tho words literally, thrust Illay we expect elsewhere I" The College ARMY SHOES First Girl-Travel is so broadening. his head through a port-hole. E. L. Meyer, for the Mad· BARBER and BOBBER Second Feline--And yon'ye traveled No wonder French and .American re- ison Capital Times, who, ably support· l'!!) much, my dea.r.-Bison. lations are sometimeft atrained 1 ed by that newspaper, led the defend- 1
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