Page 74 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 74
Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, 11tttrr-QJ:nllrgintr II :-: :-: ]Jnrirty Offieiai newspaper of Western Maryland College, publlehed on Thursday during NP1U.6 A REVIEW OF BOOKS, 1\n inu 14ikr 11t the academic year by the students of Western Maryland Colltlge, Westminster, '----B-LAME----T-HE--F-AO-UL--T-y--- , P_L_A_YS__ A_N_D_L_~_E ~ Maryland. Entered 1108aeecnd.elaas matter at the Westminster Postoflice. Several atudeuts lingered in amaa- ment around the door of a certain class- BubllCrlptlon Price, IJ2,OO a Year. Bya vote of 482 to 36, students of MR. AVERAGE MAN room. They were rather unused to the Louisiana State University declared Aeeording to the investigations in ways of the school, and had small ac- their honor system a failure. Opinion tabulation of a uuiveraity payehnlcglat quaintance with some of tho higher MANAGING STAFF was equally divided on the establish wbo used ar-my records, life insurance courses of study. The thing which drew mcnt of faeulty proctcrahip. Muellof statistics alld various other data, the and fixed their aetentton was an exhi- Editor-in-Chief .. . J. Paul Lambertson, '28 the cOJIllllent written onto the ballots average man does 1I0t amonnt to much, bition going on inside, the like of which indicated tllat faculty suspicion was in Ma.naging Editor. . Hubert K. Johnson, '28 pnrt, at lenst, held responsible for the Tho average \\lnn, he finds, is super- has n6ver been eeen hefore or siuee-ex- capt, perhaps, in a kindergarten. Looks Asst. Managing Editor. .Bamuel H. Bryant, '28 ~ollllpse of the hOllor system. stitious, poorly educated, eonventlonal, of profound absorption were visible 011 Business Manager , , .. , . , . Earl B. Lippy, '29 and mentally on.lyH years old. He has the faces of the prof and the three se- grams -as a that weiglls 1300 Ass't Business Manager .. .. w. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 RETIREMENT compared with brains of ~OOO grams lect students within . .Arms were flap- ping up and (lowu, sideways, and, in tIle Advertising Manager , Marvin B. Sterling, '30 "111m seventy years old nnd it is some people nave, and 600 grams, He lms fact, at every eoucelvable angle. The of tho great ope weighs. im- nutnrally much Circulation Manager .. .. , W. Edwin Warfield, '29 time 1.0 go on the shelf." Johnson n vocabulary of about 7500 words. He onlookers were inquired ellgerly of some Dr. Frank In this manner __{HOY L. Robertson, '29 leaves aehool at, the eighth grade; talks pressed, nnd Asst. Circula.tion Mana.gers. GOOdIlOW,president of Johns Hopkins older and wiser students as to the na· J. A. Stach, '30 University, explained his resignation. mostly about persoualities and the of this strange course and the Art Editor . .. "Pete" Gomeak, '30 Dr. Goodnow is d iatmguished not only weather; is a Methodist or Baptist 1)0- mcnntng of theee antiea. falls an easy Iris eauec was, uud father Inquiries were made and the follow· Sports Editor . .. Clarence H. Bennett, '28 because he is not going to write a book prey to tricksters, mediums, oil stock ing information elicited. In the course but mainly for retirement, after hia REPORTORIAL STAFF scholastic devotion whiell has made salesmen and the like. of the study of Xenophon's Aunbasia, --~---- A pretty glum plcture l Johns Hopkins outstanding for ita this Greek erase, fer such it was, had News Editors gra duute work. Yet thiugs arc not as bad as they reached the point i11 the narmtive D!'rotlly L. Gilligan, '28 W. K. Barnes, '28 seem. 'Phese results are based mostly lI"h.ielldescribe!! the march of Cyrus ana, not on intelligence tests bnt ou educa· Assooia.te Editors AUTOCRATIC tion tests. They tako the e:>::amiued !Jis soldiers through Arabia, and how they hunted ostrielJes amI wild asses. Ruth Fl'encl1, '28 Alvin Albright., '28 Refusal of the Cornell Univc.rsity mail out of his clellient, out of his hnb· A. be3utjful port.rait of au ostrieh kick Eyelyn E, Pusey, '28 Oscar L. Morris, '29 student conUBiito permit publication of its of tl.etioHand thought. No man cau ing stiffly forw(tr(l at a mau in front Elizabeth H. Davis, '28 "J.' ter was that rush of Ihe fnriously bat- Let, us be of good cheer remember- Au extellent uo\\'s story-but :t(l ill- tling young ladies plnyed a inning ing that the misfortunes whieh arc ,1eeurate one--cx~ited Lhe university smnrt llJan bllt the eemmon man. game, -TheP3thfln(lcr. There is a stray theory wandering hllrdrst to bear are those which never werld last week b~'anllonnciug tlmt the aimlessly a.bout the world. There are Univer$ity or Wiscensin would drel), at many sueb unclaimed theories, but -LOwelt. the end of the present yetlr, 1700 of its She---Let's kiss and make up. The lilies in tbe reception hall have this ons is espeeially interesting. presellt. ~!lOO freshmen I!ecause t,hey lJ.l"e He-I'll kiss YOIl, but yeu're made bcen noted lIS producing a decide(lly "When questioned it whines to us with Blessed are the hnppiness milkers; "mere children." While tile story was up enough. -Bea1lpol. softening i.nfincnce on Ih!' impatient, a. long face that after death we human blessed are they who know being breadens!. throughout. the la.nd, het·he!ldrd "strikes." }'requcnt an· along 1lOW beings are transformed into that shine on ollc'SglOOIll ",ith their cheer. 1.0 Frank Holt, r<'gistrar of tho University nouneements are heDrd ringing thelil- the halls "-is \\"Ritingamid creature, object, or thing whiCh WP. -Beeeher. who claims he wu~ incorrectly fluoted, PEACE STUDY OUTLINE most resembled in our mundane ex- took all the fire out of t.lleallUOlJllce· lies!" i$tence. It regards us mournrully, \llent by saying !liat ou the basis of A study outline for the World Youth visualizing, with its supernatural ]f yeu strike a them or rose prel"ioU!';reeords, about 1700 students Pea1.'e C:ongr{'ss,to be held in August, Wilen powers, our future states, then shak- Keep Q, Goin'l from Lhe three lower classes probably in Hollsnd, has been prepllred to }ler· 'MARY PICKFORD Wanted a Good es its thin hair, and slowly amble~ If it hails or if it snows would not rel-uru, sOllie l)etau~e of fi mit ad,'ance study of tile subjects that PHOTOGRAPH away. Keep a Goin'! 1Hl.n~ialdifficulties, ethers becRuse work wilt b,' trented l)y the 500 delegates She sent for We are puzzled, and for a lime 'Taint uo use to sit aud whine atLracted them more than books, nntI Till' six !leetion6 of tile ~tlldy outline worried. But then our cherished ego When the fish ain't on your line ~ome 1)ceall8llther l:aJUlotdo nuh-ersity are entitlea, The Economic Aspect, The Sereck S. Wilson alaps our baek and laughs. Bait your hook aud keep ou tryill' stlludarr1 ef ",..rk. The Jirst story re- ]'olilit:ll _"-speut, the ~duclI.liOllal As- "You! Why you'll be a bird, a Keep a Goin'! ported tllnt thelJeardof "iaitors had ]Jcrl, 1'111/ Rrligions all(l Moral Aspect, laughing brook, a beautiful 'Picture, 11 lIppre,-ed dismissal of 17(10 freShmen be· The Race Problem, !lnd lnteruatioual mighty mountain, a. color of the sun- CIIIIS>.'tlj{~y"'egard~d college 11$ "a glori- Co-operation of Youth. The congress, T. W. MATHER & SONS .set. You'll be something beautiful. fied pla~'gronlld," and l.JeNlIISOthey Sim- the first of its kind, wiJI briug toget!,cr SOllleQnehas said, "There arc lllore strong, and admirable. Now thllik clubs and organizatiollson tlle Hill than ply were "ehildreu:' Presi::pectthuuder en all sides. -New Student. The shoes authorized fcr the R, O. T. C. tr.ue remarkableness and greatness: of these societies. -New Student_
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