Page 73 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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CAGE SEASON CLOSES SPEECH DEPARTMENT TONIGHT AT ARMORY GOt BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY PRESENTS PLAYS VS. TERRORS TOMORROW NIGHT Vol. 5, No. 19 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 8, 1928 DIRECTOR OF PAGEANT SUMMER WORK FOR AND STUDENTS IS COLLEGE CALENDAR DEBATERS WITH LOSE AMERICAN ENCOUN- REV. 1. N. LINK SPEAKS DUAL TER INTERESTING U, VARIED DANCES IS ENGAGED 'I'hn eternal problem of the college THURSDAY, Th!o.RCR 8th- The Western Maryland debaters lost IN BAKER CHAPEL student is what to do during the BUIIl- Last Vnrsity Basketball game- the special fcreuaie cneouuter of the To be Assisted by Miss Millard mer vneaf.ion. Only a. few ure con- Bucknell University VB. W. M. C., seaSOll held here in Smith H8l1 on gat- "Jesus, the Greatest Friend" nt weetmineter. tent to idle away the thuc in loafing ur dny evenillg, March 3, by a 2-1 do· i\IiuGladyaBurns, of Baltimore, has find pleasure-seeking. The great mu- FRIDAY, MARCR 9th- c.islon of tho judges. 'l'he affirmative 'l'he Reverend J .N. Link, a grQd~mte been engaged to CQllch ihe dances Iu jority, beth of men and of women, are Speech department. presents playa alde, contested b~· 1he Amcri~an UIU- of Western Maryland College and of the pageant of Carroll COUlIty, writtcn unxl ous to secure plenannt and profltu- in Smith Hall, 7:30 P.],f. vcrsity ienlu, was upheld by Messrs. the Westminster Thoologieal Seminary, 1L1Id directed by :Miss Dorotjo- Elder- ble elllployment which will pre vide Speer, Carpenter, and Rice. For West- prcucbed in Baker Chapel, Suuday dice, to bll g+vcu in .JUllC. She dsit.ed them wHI! illtere5ting o..'rtsou. 'J'be resolution terllsts her nt first may fail in tl!at qual- SHAKESPEARE CLUB is 110<1' ine{lq!flr~ted iu thc constitntion 1'IIe cast of eh~r~eters i8 as follows: ity in the long rull. liarmony of taste I\ftcr dis]lensiug \\"ill, the regular blls al law of the l\fen'~ ulid Women'a Stu· TOll.\' ... ?f.iss Ward and i(1eals is also (lesir:1\)h'. The ShakespeHre Club will hol,l its illO~S routinr, all lIlembers II dent Go\'ernlll~nts, alld it fe/H) as fol- Grnndpa .... . :Mr. Salter Besides these (Jualilic!ltlons, tho regular meeting on the of Wed highly musical progr:l1n. Those who lows: The T~itno Old .. Mr. La!lllJcrtson "ideal 111""" should be kind, 1110ughUul, lIL'sda.\·, .i\Inrch fourteenth, at eight participated in the fulfilling of the pro· "TJ,at there be a ela.use inserted iuto eOllsiderate, cheerfnl, 1I0t, easily dj~· o'clock. A special stud:-' will be made grnm wen' ).Iessf$. Jenkins, Warner, the eon~tiluti(jlls of the {liifereut Stu· His Three .Friends ..... {~:: ~:::lerB eonrngcd, loyal, true, honest, frallk, of the comedy "As You Like It." 'l'hia Phillips, ~mith, NeweOlller, Reed, .'llere· deut, Conncils to the effect llillt no (llIe lleace·lodng, patient, forb091'ing, U1l- ]!rogralll will eonsist of an original pa· dilh, and Heiehenbather. may le$.\"e the room durin.g exambm· Mr. Eaton selfiab, and courageous. He should have ller, some musical selections, lind a rep' ~ir. Jeukius rendered se\'~al musical tions. We reeOnllllCnd that the exami· The Short Green GTan .. Miss Maddo;x Christilln faith, syml'!lthclie u.nder· rescntation, in eost.ullle, of one of the melodies. His first number WliS nn orig nations be made out such as will per The Willl Flowers. . .. Miss Martiuo IItallding, charity to overlook faults, llnd most intereijtillg scenes of the play. innl mAsterpieee in b fint. The secOll(l mit of their completion in a rensou, Tllo'l'rees.. .. Miss Noble gooa common sense. Above all things Everyonc who eT'joys ShQkesp('are is in· bricftimc." 'fhe Sonl of All the TIubbits . seleeUon was a fAstdanee nUlllbcr with Mr. Callahan else, lie shonld 10"0 you and yon ~honld "ited. Warner intHpretillg with nn old {.j(Jg I'rol'ision wasadoJ1ted by thCMlll· lo\"n him for without lonl everything is We an' glad to say tlmt, uc~ordillg (jance hilled Stuil,mt Conncil~ lI.ut wlwn a M:inWillingc! llli",S""kleY Il.fnilurc. to Dloat recent reports, "Joe" Mills is Three flllWl'ry sl'e{'ches hlossomprl perSall leaves :111 ex:nn room bef!.)re TIle spen.krt defined lo\'e liS bl,jug lIluell hetter in several "W/'I.V!!. Be is in cO!ll!)leting the exnminatiou the l)CrSOIl The Spirits (If the Sunsct Miss KollJ first, sel1'-offtrmation, making 1..I..icbest excellent spirits and greatly enjoys any from the sill·cr." tOllgue of :\1.1'. Phillips ahaH be Ilceompanied eithcr by the { Miss Lesher of one's 8slf; seeond, self-impartlltion, eompan~' and all the kind t.houghts of in "What Webster Lik<:'B;" :'Ilr. Smitl', ehairman of the room er a Illemhrr of Miss'l'uylor gi'i"ing one's self; and third, seIf-diseov· his mnn.\' friends. IIe has been sitting ill "What Webster Necds;" Rnd Mr. tha Couneils. ---- This ]llay is writtcn in three sceues. Ueiehenbaeher in "Ris ImpreSllions of ery, discovering a likeness to one'~ self in a wIled chair and enjoying a change It shifts from "this side," wbich rep- in the loved one. of scenery lately. the Society." All showed promlsiJlg NOTICE resents our physical existence, to "the In eonc.lusion, Dr. Forelinell advised features us fnture Webster orators. The other side" which represents ~pb-itual the girls to choose a young lIlau with reo her husband. Moreover if t.hey waited eritlc'$ report was then read, lind the The American Magazine may now be existellee and back to "this side." Touy, gard first to the basie qualifieatiolls to llnd!l. man with all the qualities list- meeting was adjourned with the promise found en tl,e rack at tbe !lollege 1i- tbe inquisith·e child, leaves to learn wbieh eould not be ('banged. The other ed they would probably wait a very that Mr. Smith would furnigh an un· bra.ry. The subscription is a gift £rnm many things and returns to tell ::lobout qualities a ·wise. wife might develop in long time. usu.a] progrsm· for the next m~cting. the Phi Alpha lin club.. it.
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