Page 75 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 75
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Thre6 i SPORTS I Two Terrors Picked for State Tearn iSPORTSI CAGEMEN BEAT LOYOLA QUINTET TWO TERRORS ON "SUN'S" TEAMS SOPHS DOWN FRESHMEN 25·1-1 STATE CAGERS SELECTED BY Maryland men received the following IN FAST GAME THE SUN gradiug: Forwards-Broil, seeondj All-Maryland Teama The girls' inter-ern sa basketball aea- gua rde-c-Vnn Buren, seventb; centers- Western .Marj-Iaud's basketball tenm First'l'eUlu Second Team son started Monday, :1Ifa reh 5, with 11 'l'wo members of Western Maryland's Machamer, second. defeated the Loyola eagera Tuesday. fnst game between the SOpl'Ollloresnud court Terrors were named by W. Wil Mr. Wingate in discussing the cham- February 28, in the State Armorr by Giraiti.s, MeCartee, Freshmen. Each class had organized son Wingate as nll-atars 011 the first and pion o.f the season just closed, wrote : lheaeor!)of35-31, Washiugton ..... F .... St. John's teams although neither side had had scecnd teams for 19::l7·1928 seaaou. "However, while Washington had its mueh praettce. At the end of tile first "Oth" 131'011 was given one of the ter- chance to clinch irrefutably its state Loyola Starts Fast Broll, Diehl, lmlf thc score stood 13-4 in favor of ward posts on the nrst team and "},Jose" championship argument by gOillg down The Loyola dribblers started with a western Md .... F ... Baltimore U. the Sophs. The Freshmen picked up 1'I[aehalller was awarded the center before Mt. St. Mary's and Maryland by ruah and stepped out ill front with a during the second half, but could not berth en the eeeond fiVe. the margin af one and two points re- 10·4 lend ill the nrst tcn minutes of Debuskej-, 'Maehamer, get the lend from the Bopbs. 'I'hia game In picking the men for the position epeetivuly, in gnmes at Emmitsburg play. With Bunting gun.rding BroIl, Hopkins ..... C.... Western Md. was a splendid "starter-off" for the Mr. Wingate selected from the state nud College Park. Tom Kibler's Flying t.he Terror's aec, the Western Ma rylund teams the tell ueat forwards and Pent.ngon fi"ished with t.he best per- outfit seemed unable to hit It stride. Ker-rigan, Dopson, The line-up: guards and the fiv-e best centers. centage. So, it can not be said that Then the Terrors staged n little or- 11ft. St. Mary's ... G ... WUlIllington The first forward position is gi"en to the 1927 ehumpion of Maryland has fensive of their own. Brnrtu mal Van Sophomore Freshmen Giraitcs, of Waalungton College. Gi been dethroned by Maryland, Western Buren found the cords for successive Dean, Radice, Mitel'(jll R.. F. Noek l':Jites lead his team in acortug, gettiug Maryland, NouIlt St. Mory's, or auy field gools !llld the Westmiuster aggre· 1>Iurylnnd G.. Maryl!ind Rickards L. F. Cnin lIbout one·half of his teams points ill other five. gat.ion pulled up on eveu..terms and then Best bet-Gil'aitis. Best bet-MeCartee. Smith J. O. Dads eneh game. gradually forg('d a.hcnd to hold thee(lge, Garcelon S. c. Hunt TllCsecond f(ll'lvlIrdposition is award· than did nuy of J. Stoner Geiman 17 to 14, at the half. cd to "Otts" Bron. 13rell played more Street It G. RaUUl consistent basketball Two more field goals by the 'ferrol's CO-EDS DOWN GALLAUDET 38-27 RADIOLA, FRESHMAN, ZENITH, widened the gap as the seeon{l session Russell L. G. Tull the other forwards aud gel.s the call opened and theD the battle was nip-nnd· 'l'he girls' "arsity bnsket\Jall team Snbs.-Sopholllorcs: Mace for Rick· fer this reaSOll. AND KOLSTER RADIOS tuck to tho fuJish. Loyola spnrted nnd won an eaBy victory over tbe GaHau· ards, Rickard~ for Mace, Mace for ]I.[it- Debu~ky, ef Hopkins, and Machamer, 77 W. Main St. cut the ad"antage to 29-2.8,only to seo det tCHm in Washington on Snturday, chell, lIIltehell for :Mace, Rnrry for of Western Maryland, wcrc the out· WESTMINSTER, MD. Smith and Machamer loop tllfl:lllgh Marel, 3. At one time in the first part Street. Freahlllell: Heehtforllunt. l lIo· state centcrs. Nejther of double-deckers nnd aend Western "Mary· of the game the score was nearly tied, gau far Davis, Davis for Tul], Reid for thesc men pln}'ed ench other this EVERHART lalld ont in the van to stay. but Gnllaudet .failed to keep up with Cain, Leister for Reid, Hunt £01' Hecht, seasOll, but 1\fr. Wingate selected the easiest his of Baltimoreon one Dudley Fhlds Range Western Maryland's fast playing. Mur· Ott for Leister, Tnll.for Dnvls, Caiu for DS The College phy made 38 of the 38 poiuts scored by Ott, Roop for Davis, Hecht for Huut, tlulicestofill. Dudley, thc Loyola stnr who had been our teaUl; Todd and Wheeler did their Ott for Noek. The guanls on the first t.eam are BARBER and BOBBER kept under cover throughout, sud{lcn1y usual good playing. uWl.ll'dedto Kel'l'igan, of lit. St. :Mary's, "Around the earner." gaiued the range Oil the bnslmt. Three Score by quartors: and D~:ln, of :i\Inrylsud. ahots.fromthefloorill rapid fluecesslon The liuellp for Western Maryland: Sophomores 8 5 6-g5 011 the Sun's second ali·team were seut a chill to tIle j,e.uts of ''Barney'' 1>.IurpllY,R. F. Fresllmcu ... 0 4-14 selrdml :i\icCartee, of St . .John's, and 1I[aell Koontz Confectaurant Speir's quiut, but a gignntic effort ell Engle, L. F. Diel,l, of Baltimorc University. abled the local driblJlers to hold the Johnson, J. C. alller, 1\'h(lis probnbly the best reboun(] margin at the fuJal whistle. Todd, S. C. An Englisbman was seeing lIwn ill tIle State ani! pivot. of passing Willinger, R. G. Western Maryland Wheeler, L. G. "collegiate" dancing for the first attack centering nround lJe amI Broil, G. F. T. Subs. for ·W. :1ILC.-Hamilton for time. Hc seemed greatly impressed, gets the center berth by a narro\\' mar· CIGARS, CIGARETTES, CANDY, Broll,f 1 2-5 Todd, Coe.kburu for Hnmilton, Bmdy and afler a Jengtlly pa.use inquired of gin. Dopsou, of WashingtOll, :l1ld Ra{1ie~, Sullivan, f 0 0·0 for Engle, Thornburg for Brady, AU- his guide, "I say, my dear chappie, of ilfnl'yland, nre tho guartls on the Smith, .f ~-3 12 nutt for Willinger, Warde .for Allnutt, they marry nfterward, don't tlley?" second team. SODA, SUNDAES, SANDWICHES Longridgc, f 1 1·1 1 Willinger for Warde. -Buccaneer. On the 8\111'S grading test Western }'fachnmcr,c 3 2-3 8 VanBureu, g 0·3 8 Keen, g 0·0 0 " Totnls 14 7·15 Loyola G. F. T. Twardowicz, f 5 ~-5 Dudley, f 3 I-I }Jonehan,e 3 I-I ListOJl, g 1-2 5 Childs, g o 0-1 0 Bunting, g o 0·2 0 lIf.artini, g 1 Q·O 2 Totals 135-1231 Score by 11ll.lveH: Western ]l.IrirylQllcl17 IS-35 Loyola 14 )7-31 Referee--Holew. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Dr. A. J. Morrell CHIROPRACTOR 110 E. Maiu Sf. Phone 175 Westminster StatIOnery Store BILLY DITMAN, Pro~. Greeting Cnrds for all ocC:lsions HAVE YOUR SHOES REPA.illED AT 'l'ITE COLLEGE SHOP SPECIAL PRICES FOR STUDENTS C. KROOP FrRST STAR-tiThey tell me you'll endorse any cigarette for a consideration. ~5 E. Main St. SECOND STAR-"Sur"" so long as the c(msiderah()1Z isn't that I give up my Chesterfields!" Prosperity Methods! WHY PAY MORE' Gents' suits cleaned and pressed .. $1.00 Gents' suits pressed .35 Knickers cleaned and pressed .50 Ladies' coats donned and pressed 1.25 Ladies' one'IJiece dresses cleaned aud pressed. .. 1.25 24-HOUR SERVlCE-24 ALBERT "ABE" TOZZI CoHpge Reprellentative of U. W. MILLER, Cleaner and Dyer , Hernh Ave. Westminster, Md. THEY'RE MILD Estab.1906 a"d yeJ THEY SATISFY ALVIN T. ALBRIGHT, Levine Hall Representative
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