Page 65 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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GOt VB. FROSH CAGEMEN VARSITY DEBATERS VB. HANOVER ELIZABETHTOWN COLLEGE SATURDAY P. M. TOMORROW NIGHT Vol. 5, No. 17 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Feb. 23, 1928 DR. E. D. STONE GIVES SHAKESPEARE IN RECITAL HALL COLLEGE €'ALENDAR CARROLL BATTLE o::r LONG ISLAND TO FORENSIC SEASON WILL COUNTY PAGEANT GIVEN DEPICT SENIORS SMITH BY SERMON IN CHAPEL A Shakespeare reeitnl was given by FJU DAY, FEB. ~4- The story of Gol. Mordcen l Gist and OPEN WITH PA. COLLEGE Elianbatht Sen.lor members of thc epcecf depart· Debate, 'I'erun ve. own Collcge hill. gallant four hundred will be one of C. nr- W.],L "Christ is All" is Theme meut in Smith H:lll 011 Friday evening, neglltive in Smith Hall. Debate, the earrt most spactnculur nccuta ill 'I'be Pag Dual Debate wttn Elliabethtown firmn t.ive Pebruary 17. of Carroll. It will be stsged in College W. M. C. negutive ve. Eli~alJet.h- Hoffa, Field, Westminster, June second Dr. E. D. Stone, '95, pastor of the The first reading 011 the program was to\I-n College affirmutive team nt, and fourth by the Reserve Offieors' Hampden ).r. P. Church, Baltimore, "The Wooing of Blnuea," from "'l'he Ellznbcrhtown, Vursity basket- Tl'aining of Western l\1nrylaml Tbe initial forensic eneouutcre of the of Shrew," 1I1iss preaehed in Baker Ohapul, Sundar Tam_jng whose the father has by forbidden Kolh. hOI bull gume, W. 1>1.C. ,·a. University College and be direeted by Captain year will be held tomorrow night, when Blnnea, Western taeea Maryland evening, February 1[1. marriage until her elder sister, I,ather oJ: Mnrytnnd at College Pnrk. H. D. Woolley. both at heme nnd abroad. Elleahet.htown question 'The Taking IlS his text the words of St. tne, has been wed, ill wooed by several SATUUDA¥, FEB. :!5- Since llIost of the men who comprised Paul, "Christ is nlt, and in ail," Dr. suitors. This scene port.ruya the rivalry Debnte, W. b1. O. vs. Albright the famous Maryland Line were eiti· for debate is, "fary· ~onstitute the negative team, will trovel. his atutement, cnst's 110 had met in hi~ sern!11h lire cOllyillc,od that lie has be- hl. Linc sacrificed four 1mndred lJrave R. C. Chambers is alternate for the come a lunaric. Women's JJitel'(lry 80eieties, (;:30 o:xpcrience. mell at the battle of Long Ialand in or· negative. The ]logatiye team will also Another readjng from "liamlet" was Otllers, liko the Proiligal Son, belio\'e P. ),!. derto protect the sllccessful retreat of (jebate with Albright College on Satur given by Miss Seblilleke, who portmred thnt happiness ill. to be found in pleas· TUESDAY, PEE. 28- Woshington's forceQ during a crucial day night. uro. But t.his also does Hot 8..1tisfy, al· Opholia's madness, rnused by grief for bas!.--ti!~t iH~)u,\l.(>.!LaJ'''·'ng__jJ~!!Jcs B)'le Ditlge. l,rqel.a,. lll!rr1tl!ld MlII1 tbe t(l..tlm .J;u:ge.,.audionc.l.l- which pncked the forest. m!lnl1ger~ T{oontz [lnd Rutting I'fedirt- Duited St:lt~s Naval Academy. L<:'lJan· Jrill shed. Longridge and Keen ap· The falllouij bond Hcene from "'I'h(> I'd tlml Lhe.\· \\'o\lld he nble to put OIL on Vallcy, Gctlysbul'g, :lHd Georgetown, pl.'arcd ;n the place of Ellis and Smith, l\Jorchnllt of Venice" was read b~' _Mr. a "Cl'.\' creditablo perforImlJH'e this ~'ear. will be the ont-of-the·stnte colleges mel. IlUd both men performed we1l, Long- HARD SCHEDULE FOR TERRORS Burnes. Tho merchant., AntoniO, desir- Thne will be an Ba~tern Shore trip Games h31'e ~lso been scheduled with the ridge geUiug tho longest shot of the THIS WEEK Con,p 1I1eade Tank OJrps and fhC' lin· ~ geal from tlw eX:lH center of ing fllnds for t.he woonig of Portin, hoI" this ),('ar, !Jut, it \\'ill not l'e during the rllws three thousand dll~n(s from the ,,-rrk of Rl'ring Vl1.eatiOll, which i~ H()I., rinr8 of QUllntico, Virgini:>. and Kern besides a fine defeu· The IIthletie program for Westerll Jewish n!oney-Iender, Sh~'loek, :llld nt Week. '1'11(' trip will prolmhly be mnde The foll(ming men of last yeur's team sive gallle, scored a field goal. Mllrylnntl for thi~ wcek is olle of the the Jew's binds himself for 11 during ti,e s('ro!ld week after the ,"uen- will be th~ uHcleus for lhe 1928 nine: '{'h" "isitors started out well but wero harrlost, e,'C'r s('hedu\{'(l for a single pound of own fleslL if IH! fails to lion. Pitchers, Joe Kcell, Bob Ellis nod Dan >lUOn o"erlakeu :ual were behind at 00(> week in the aport calendar. pay promptly. 'rhc performld in Westminster, Wedllesday night, lH\\'o to be nt top-form 10 gi\'e the Old ing of the Shrew," ill which Petrucio }'ebmury 29, ill the State _Armory. May 23 Nm'J-nway. Mary'a sa. Liller~ II defeat. May ~:) Getty~burg-here. 'l'heFreshmen made the evening avery tries to snhdue his wilful wife, Kath- Willdow cards annoullcing this great Wednesday night, Gone1, Harlow aud eriue, ll,\' depriving her of foo{l and event l!nve been phlced ill the local one by nosing out tbe "moun his lllen engaged in the first athletic . thwarting nil of IH'r wishes. ~tores and nearlJy towns. The oppo- preps, during the last minute of rontest between Wrstern Mar.dand lind nent "'ill be Temple UlIivcrsit.,;. Th(l PROF. SCHAEFFER'S ::rATHER DIES play 25 to 21 in a fast preliminary. Yale University. Yale Ims a \·cry good loather-jlushera of the Philadelphia in- The ~core rillg teom, b1(ary]n_ml's list of although not bal'ing the repntation of roat}' 14, 19~8. He was agerl sixty-tw(> Longridge, f, Two ten1ll$ eOI\1]losed of men who are .rears, eloven months, and twelJt~'-se\'en nell- atllietie competitors when tho rillg- their guests have [ll'rformod '·er.'· wcll l\.1aehnmer. e. trying out for inter·collel!inte Ilehatillg days. Death was due to a complication !lien of Rutgers will swap blows with tldsse:lson. Keen, g. this year wont last Jo'riday night to ot diarll8CS frnm \l'hi!!11 he had heell 10 the ringmen of "\Ves.tern :\f:).tylsnd. 'l'he George "Eknitis, 160 pound ring-mnll, suffering for some time. Ur. Selwefi'el' Van Buren, g. mell from Rutgers won all their meets MnnelH1ster, Md., where they stagnd a has n re(lorJ of three 1(, O!a nlld two He last year. t1cbate bnfore the P:ueut-Tellehers' As- decisions eut of six bouts. Bort Galla· was tl,e 11 retiro,l Albert farmcr. and Elizabeth was a More· sou 13 4, 30 of late Coach Rarlow took the fol1ewing ijoeiatioll intllei\IandJ('sterlligllscl,ool. han, 115 ponnd rcprC!;('ntative, is a good loek Schaeffer. Among his survivors Mount Saint Mary's (23) Willard S. Hawkins, who was gradua.t· mixer. ha\-ing broken eyen in his con· G. F. T. Oll tllo trip: 115-pound class-Cal- nre his wife, Mrs. Laura Schaeffer; lah~ll, 1::5·pound e!1I_Crosby, 135· ed from this college in 1926 and who tests. Dtlug Crosby, 125 pounder, also Prof. Carl Schaeffer, of Westminster; ).1eGnrrigllll, f. pound elaSll---Hart, 145-ponnd class- is now principlll of t.he )'fanchester has scored sovewl winll. "Cas" Hllrt :lIld M.iss MiriHlll Schaeffer, of West- GnnnelJ, f. Norris, 160·pound elass-Ekaitis, 175- High School, IIrranged the del/Me. hss lost SOUle "ery elosc houts, but cAl1Ie minster. "McCall, .c pound elass-W(>isberk. No hea\"Y- The que~tion debated was, "Resolnd through in hi~ last ''Ditk.r'' Nor- Kerrigau, g. wdght mSIl will hI' taken on the trip tlmt the- direct primM)' as u method of ris will l'urlli5h ~pl'rtator~ with The [ullerul took plaeeon Wednesdny, Ryseavnge, g. as neither Yale Hor Rutgers box thiB sOllie good lJoxing. :i\lcHolJio or \Veis· February 16, at St. :Mary's Lulheran O'Shell, g. nominating atate nnd nntion:L1 officials cllllrch, Silver Rnn. TlJe pastor, Rev. class. should be a1)0Ilshed." 011 tho affirma· beck will box the light-hcavyweiglIt 'V. E. Saltzgiver, officiated. 'rhe l)Ori,,-l Hemler, g. Tn riftI' the first shoulder to sllouldcr tive tram wero 1fesan. Shri,-er, Bell, dass and plenty of flOtiOll will be seen took placo at the Union Cemetery al Haubriek match in the history of the n.. O. T. C. lind Lamhertson; the llegati\-e team was wheu this bout ill fought. Downer or Silver Run. Mr. J. W. JJitUe WlIS tile Totals will be fi!ed by a team repr('scnting Kohout will lJo the Green Ilnd Gold rep 5 " eomposp(\ (Ii' Hessr«. Reed •.\,. N., MII.- rosellintiv\l in the heavyweight class. funernldirector. West~ru JInrylond. The mllrksmen of Score by halves: thias, and Johnson. The admission for the meet is: gen- The Gold Bug wishes to express its Western Maryland will eompete with W. M. C. 12 18 30 The affirmative won tbe judges de- eral admission 75 eellts, ringside $1.00. ~ineerest sympathy to Prof. Schaeffer the marksmen (lJ the University of and to MiM Schaeffer in tbeir bereave- Mt. St. M. 12 11 23 Maryland, Friday afternoon on th Old cision and the negative that of tho au· Tieketa can be sellu'red at the 8.thletic Referee-Newell Day (Indiana.) Liners'1ILnge. dienee: office at Bou~&ck's. meut_
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