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GOt \IlCi RECITAL IN SMITH HALL VARSITY VS. BY SPEECH DEPT. G-BUltG FEB. 17 P. M. AWAY-FEB. 17 Vol. 5, No. 16 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Feb. 16,1928 "Prohibition Is a National Blessing" Says COLLEGE CALENDAR Alumni Banquet in Honor of Class of 1903 Secretary of Inter-Collegiate Dry Association Acclaimed Most Successful Reunion in Years FRIDAY, FEB. 11- Varsity basket-bah game, W. M. C. College Students Drink Less Now. YS.Gettysburg .Collego at Gettys- Menu, Speeches, Dances Elevate Spirit Tested on Dry Law. SOPHS TAKE LEAD FROM burg. WINNERS ARE ANNOUNCED For Alma Mater JUNIORS IN CLASS TILTS Reel tnl-c-Speeeh Dept. in Smith IN PRIZE ESSAY CONTEST Mr. George A. Douglas, student see- Rnll 7,30 P. ~f. The twenty-third Midwinter Alumni rotary of the Inter-Collegiate Prohibi- SA1'URDAY, FEB. 18- Banquet, held at the Southern Hotel on Juniors Suffer First Defeat in Four High School Students Each Re- tion Aseocintiou, spoke in Smith Hall on Western Maryland Boxing Team February 10, proved to bo the moat Wednesday morning, February 8, on Three Years. \"8: Poly Inat., away. ceive Y2 Year College Scholarship eucceesful alumni reunion of many "AlIloholism." Mr. Doughl$ had eon- Soci:~1Hours, 6:30-9:00 P. M. years. The banquet was given in hon- dueted tests of forty-five of the senior Havens' field goal, with the aeorc 18- MONDAY, FEB. 20- The Historical Committee of the Pa- or of the class of 1903,wh0ge members nnd junior mcu lind women fit. W. 18 nnd with but a miuute to play ill the geant of Carroll haa reeenbly conduct- were celebrating the twenty·fifth anni J\f. C., and he told of the results in his extra period of the J unlor-Sophomore Men's LITerary Societies at 7:00 ed an essay contest among the high veraary of tbulr graduation. The eom- talk. The questtona in the test were Interclass game, gave the ecpha a long- P. M. eeboots. 'l'be prizes are four half-year mittee in charge consisted of Mr. O. ones of undebatable historic raete, and sought victory Monday afternoon in the wcmen'e Literary Societies at scholarships at Western Maryland Col· Alfred Shreeve, '06, chal rman, Mra. Ed the students made a. good showing. gYlllllasium. also gave the un- 6:30 P. 1\[_ lege (cash value of $75.00 6Mh). na T. Beauchamp, '12, secretary, and Ninet,y-one per cent said thu.t the prob- derclassmen the lead on the first round TUESDAY, FEB. 21- The judges were Prof. Wm. B. Ban- Mr. 'V. T. Stultz, '17, treasurer. rem of alcoholism is the greatest inter- of the 1928 tonrnament. Va ruify bnakct-ball game, 'V. M. ders, department of History, West(lril The majorit.y of the members of the nal question of this generation. Eighty C. va. .tilt. st. Mary'a at Weetm!u- Maryland Collcge; Prof. Prederie S. faculty and a few fortunate members per cent agreed that alcohol has caused The Juniors scored first when Siwek KleiIl, department of History, New of the. student body attended the ban- greater distress than any oth(lr single ley dropped a goal through the cords. SO"ial Clubs ):30 P_ M. York University; and Dorothy Eldor quet. 'I'be Alumni Assoeia.tion was very feetor=-eveu more than war. Havens tied thc score and Smith put dice, director of the Pageant of ,Carroll. well represented also, there being pres- The score at half- the victara ahead. These two fjucstionswore clear to the time wns 11-4. \YEDNESDAY, FEB. 22- boxing The prizea in the Carroll Ocunty His ent members of almost every elaaa grad- Western Marylnud students, but the queettou concerning ,'1'1. ynln, uway. t.orical essay contest have been awarded uated from the college. The representa- the riSl! of prollibition was not plain. The losers started the 8e(loud half to: }'ranees Patricia Knin, Plcasaut tives of the present stndent body were Mr. Douglas explained that the l)rohi- \\ritb a dct(lrmination !o eom(l back. Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. meetings at Valley rugh School; Evelyn B. Kanff- ihe l\1isses Ruth Sel1llncke, Margaret lJition fJne~tion has been fI- long, tcdiou$ Howe-ver the winners matched I)oint fl>r 0,3U P . .hl. 111311, Westminster Righ School; Doro· Wilson, and F.lizaheth Norman. The point uutil with four miuut()s yet to dri,e, dnring a hundred years of eur play and the score 16-12in favor of the Sci('n~e Cln\) lUcelillg in chemistry thy Kt'phart, Ta.neytown High School; aluumi ranged all the way from Mrs. national history, and not one that has lecture room. Prof. Schofield will Fidelin Gilbert, NBw Wind::lor High I~(',yis, a member of tho first class ever grown up in rceent years. Another puz- Sophs. Two minutes later, Keen cut th(l spcak.. School. :Honorable montion is given the graduated from Western 1Ifaryl~nd, zling 'luestion was that of the drink lead in half. Hoot ClJambers tied the Iwper of E. Vnneta Wentz, of Hamp- down te sevcrnl members of the cla9s ing of ligltt wines and heers. This, Mr. score with a .field goal just as tllH stead of ':::7. Douglas st- Millerg. No. Rubeustein-Mabel Sterling and we find many in!.er(!sting fRefs the two celebrities of his elnas, General ent generation must destroy this illegal Nealg. ::!, about thia individual nswe eousider the .M,,~AI·thllr and ~Iabcl Gnrrison. Otl",r (last move- Warde; duct,Sn1honyNo.4 liquor t.raffie." lllcnt), Brahm8-Primo, UiriUUl Irone l'nrly days of tillS land. speeches were 1l1adeby fhe HIlJ\. JQsh,,~ Mr. Douglas closed by sayin~ that, at· Totals 2 20 Royer and Miss Gesner. W. Milos, '7S, of PrintcslI Aline, und Mr_ The Snsl]uelUllHloektribe of lndi~ns, ll'mpts to modify thG Volstead Act or to Juniors which was really of Troquoiae stock, T. 1(. H~rrison, seerotary of Lhe Alumni Mr. repeal the Eighteenth Amendment G. F. '1'. SHAKESPEARE CLUB GIVES IN- was one of the fiereest and most war ASlIoeiation. Hanison outlined would do no good, only harm. He as- TERESTING PROGRAM IN like llations on the Atlantic Coast. Tllis the pageant., parade, and alumni cele- s('rtl'd that scientifie, edu(lll.tiGll1l1en- SllOckley f. McDANIEL HALL PARLOR tribe, which found its way into Car brn.tioll to ile held the S:~turday before tightcmnent is the only solution to the Koenf. roll connty, had come down from New Commencement_ Coach Harlow gave a prohibition problem. Norrise. Shakespeare Clnb Giv6s Interesting abort speech on next year's football pro- Chambers g. Program In McDaniel Hall Parlor York through the valley of the river gram_ He promised the college two Lippy g. The Shakespeare Club met on Wed that now hears its name. Thes~ In· home games, oue with Mount St_ ]I[ary's nesday, Fehrnary 8, in McJ)aniol Hall dians ranged tim territory of the Sns and one with Dickinson. Mr. liar low Y. M. C. A. DISCUSSION Totals o 18 Parlor at eight o'eleek P. M. A study quellall1111River Il.ud the valleys east fllso announced tha.t football relations They were eallod Hunting ~\Ir. G. .L\. Douglas, a representative Referee----O'Lear. was made of Shakespeare's sonnets and of the Blne Ridge. while most of the have heen fesumed with the University Indians of Maryland. of the Inter-Collegiate Prohibition As- minor poems. other tribes of Mnrylandwere elauified 'fhc bll.nquet was over at eleven, but Grace Jones read a paper on "Shake- sociation, was the speaker at th(l week- SENIORS TO GIVE READINGS speare's Non·Dramatie Compositions." as Fialling Indiana. several of tIle young couples remained ly meeting of the ''Y'' on Wed.nesday FROM SHAKESPEARE'S Alice Small, aeeompanied ill' Dorothy Tho mmet 10
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