Page 67 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 67
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Thrse [SPORTS \ Boxing Basketball Wrestling \SPORTS [ FROSH DROP GAME TO G-BURG W. VIRGINIA DEFEATS W. M. FROSH DEFEAT M. S. S.-D. CAGERS LOSE TO G-BURG TERROR BOXERS WIN 2 OUT OF WRESTLERS 7 FROM V. P. I. The Western Freshman bas- The W'cst.ern.Maryland Freshmen The court team of 'Western Maryland ketball team lost th\! yearlings of basketball quintet won a liard fought bowed to the Cage team of Gettyebnrg The western Varsity Meets Navy There on Marvlnnd boxing team Gettysburg Prtd.ry night ill a prallmln- game from the Maryland State School for the seeocd time this year at Gettys- February 25 lost to Virgi.l1ia Polytellhuie institution ary game 10 the W. M.-Gettysburg for the Deaf team February 14., 34.·24. burg Friday night by the scor-e of Saturday night at Blacksburg, vn., I))" game by the score of 47·26. The eeore: TIll! game was played as a preliminary H-30. After having been held scoreless ill the ecore or f to 2. Gettysburg Frosh its last two wrestling ruat.ches against to the varsity-University of Baltimore Gaining the lead during the first min- Callahan dropped his bout after tour G. F. T. Illinois and Oklahoma A. & M., the engagemellt. ute of pIa)' the Pennsylvanians held it rounds of fut boxing. Plater 10Bt to Baily, f. u West Virginia team reversed the pro· The larger and more experienced Lit- dnring tho entire game. Railer and his man by only a narrow mnrgfu in Lucas, f. o eesa and shut-out. wcatem Maryland's t.le 'I'errore were forced to the limit to ?lIeMillan who were responsible for the t.lrree Younds. Utz, f. 10 plucky grapplers at 'Morgantowu, last defeat the Silentees who were always downfall of the Terrors in Westminster "Cas" Bart proved to be a hard hit Haas, f. 'I'hursday night, by a perfect score of on the heels of the Freshmen. The ran wild again scoring thirty f-our points ter in three fflst rounds to score W.M.'s Bolli, e. 35 to O. score at the end of the first half was between them. first vtororv. Dick Norris was another Wilson, c. The Mountaineers won falls in the 19-15 in Western Maryland's favor. "Otta" Broil eontinued to show the of;), eloae bout which was the Henkel, g. first six bouts, aud were awarded a de Lindenberg was the big gUll of the 10- way for the Terrors sinking eight field feature bout.. for and fonls Rail, g. fanltin the unltmlted bout wheu Whit- enta a td.ack while Drinks and Henkleiu goals points. two The seere ; a total (If eigh· George Ekuifis hung up his filth vic· teen eraft, Western Maryland's heavyweight, were the Iuminnnee of the visitors. Totals 20 7 47 dislocated his elbow. The score: GeU,yaburg G. F. T. tory ani! to give tho V. I. P. mlln his nl wetsbeek and Downer defeat. first Western Maryland Prcsb Beed and Smith offered plucky reaia- so lost their bouts after VCl"y close G. P. T. tance in their bouts. The victory was Freshmen Haller, f. 3 19 Lindenberg, f tl!sfirst of the aeason for the Mountain- G. F. T. Scbultz, f. rounds. 'Woolley, f. ecrs, who previously had lost to Ind· Lindenberg f. 1 15 Cramer, f. Snmmary: Nellingcr, f. l!lna, M.ichigau, TIlinois and Oklahoma '\'ellingerf. Boke; e. 115·lb. elnas-Hmllphlett, V. P. T.won Longri(lge, f. A. & M. Rein!. ,. Doyle, e. 1 Hi referee's dedsion o'·er C1Illahan, Wilker, l'. The sUlllmary: Wilker Mellillan, g. Western "Marylunder nfter extra ~iaeJJea, c. 115-pOUlld class-Cooper, W. Va., threw MeLen II. Challenger, g. ron nil. Att,Yood, g. Attwood g. Gulian, g. Heed, Western Maryland, double body Cockley, g. 125·lb. class-Cardillo, V. P. I. \\'011 Grollweth, g. Groswith g. hold,5:20. judges decision o,"er Flflter, Wostcru 125-pound e.lass-Girden, W. Va., threw Totall1 Maryland, in three rounds. Totals ~ 26 Totals 16 " 6 " Captain Sims, 'Veatern Maryland, We~tern Marylalld 135-lb.eln89-Tfart,WcsternMarylauil, double. body hold, 5:45. M. S. S. D. G. F. T. won jndges' decision ov~r Welker, V. GIRLS LOSE TO VAGABONDS 22-18 135-polll1d class--Cox, W. Va., threw G. F. T. Broll, f. l8 P. I., in three rOU1lds. Warren, Western .Maryland, donble Drinks f. Clark, f. H5·1b. dass-Captain Petty, V. P. 1., body hold, 3:20. Snllivan, f. the gome Henklein f. won judges decision ol'er Captnin team of H5-pOllnd elass--Cook, W. Vs., threw Gncisco f. ~rnchamer, e. Nonis, "'estern :liar_\"la!!d, aIter e_x more, Saturday, 18. The two Day, Western Maryland, double body Knode II Gomsak, c. trarouud. tC!Ul\.S were yer~' e"enly matciled and the hold,I:00. Lowe g. Van Buren, g. 160-lb. cla88-Ekaitis, Westorn Mary game II'ns fast am'! exciting. At the Hi8·ponni! class-Captain Suder, W. Va., Topper g. Smith, g. land, won judges decision over Pnt· elld of the first half the score WitS tied threw Cook, Western Maryland, dOll Ellis, g. '0 tie, V. P. T., in three rounds. H-B, but ill the lust two quarters the ble bod~' hold, 1:42. Totals 6 24 Keen, g. o Vagabonds picked up flUi! won by the 175.])onud class-To Nixon, W. Va., lIii·lb. class-Jacobs, V. P. T., won ref- elOIle score of 22-18. 'lIliles starred as threw Smith, Western Maryland, dou· Seore by quarters: Totals )3 4 30 eree's decision over W(l.isbock, West- forward, shooting fin~ of the eight -field ble body hold, 5:03. W. M. O. 13 6 7 8-34- Scon' by ha]vI'S: ern i\laryland,in three roullds. goals made, and Todd did her usulII Unlimited elass--G. Nixon, W. Va., ,,"ou M. S. S. D. 10 5 3 6-24 G. C. 15 29-44. Heavyweight-}'Jilcs, V. P. I., won fast playing 1IS side eenter. The line- by default from Whiteraft, Western W.?lf. 7 23-30. .judges dedsion o\,er Dowell in three up: Maryland. "R,eferee-Gomsak. Heferee--Bohel. rOllnds. ,V. 11. C. Vagabonds Jlurphy, r. f P1Itlnson 1li1es, 1. f. Berger .T()hnson, j. c. BisllOp 'I.·odd, s. e. Dick AllllUtt, r. g. Rhine.lleiller Willinger, 1. g. Wyniger Subs-Vngnbj)uds; Corkrnn fQr Bish op, Barton for RhinclH~inH, H\ldnh for Wyniger; Western .'Illlryland: Wheeler for Allnutt, Hnmilton for Todd, Engle for )Iurph~', Todd for Hamilton, HIUll· ilion for Todd. Seore I)y quarter!!: "WI • .'If. C. 7 '( :! 2-18 Vagabonds 8 6 4 .j.-~2 TRIPLE TIE IN OLASS TILTS /}~\ &-Is . A new thing in il\ter-cla~ij haskelbHll, llappened when the freshm~n t.eam uoa· ~vr cd out the paee-set ling Sophomores on Monday ilfternoon in the gymnasium. The new situation is ~ triple tie. The defeat of l'.IH1Sed the Jnniors, /~~' Soph-o-morM Freshmell to be knotted lip eaeh team h~dng ,,"on two eon tests WilY Sf) MJ\.I\IYASMOK~RS UA"~ and dropped oue. After lending nine to four at half· time the sophomore~ were blanked by the fresl1111cn who seored eight points to win twell·eto nine. C"AI\IG~J) TO CU~STERt=I~LD ••• The freshmen drew fust blood when Woolloy scored nfield. 1Itil1er'H shot from the la-foot line broke tile iee for the sophomores. Benson nddcd anot.her WE STATE it a. point to the winner!!' total. Miller tied the score with a field goal. A field our honest belief that goal by Cook put the Sophs in the lead. the tobaccos used in During the seconi! half, the vietors seored their ])'oillts on foul go~l by Rein, Chesterfield cigarettes nni! Bush nlld field goals by Bensoll and are of finer quality Rein. Bellson'a seeonil goal prol'ing to and hence of better be.. the winning points. The second half will not start ou the taste than in any first balf of series hanl been eon· other cigarette at the eluded. price. Freshmell WGCE'IT & MYERS TOflA.cCO Co. G. F. T. Benson, f. Rein, f. 113 • •• and what's rnore_ l\1aeLea, u. o Wooley,g. o THEY'RE MILD ;Evans, g. and yet THEY SATISFY! Lawrence, g. Bush, g. Totals Sophomores G. F. T. Pelton, f. Miller, f. Cook, e. De Hal'ell, g. StReh, g. Total
   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72