Page 69 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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COl AMERICAN U. MILITARY BALL VB. W. M. C. DEBATERS ON rBX FLOOR SATURDAY NIGHT TOMORROW NIGHT Vol. 5, No. 18 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINST}R, MD. March 1, 1928 Debaters Win From Elizabethtown and COLLEGE CALENDAR \/ferrors Win Victory From Temple Albright on "Direct Primary" Question FI~~;~;;,~~R~O;;',00 P M. U. Boxers---Four Matches to Three S]lriver. Bell. and Lambertson Win system; (3) the direct primary Is... SA~~~:t~,A~:n~~e::Hu=:eraitY af. Ekaitis Wins Again, In Extra Round was in bad shape when the referee 2-1 Declsion from Ellzlll)etht.oWIl working success and the people want. flrmafive, Y!l. W. M., negative, in Over Temple Captain. stopped the bout. It. Smith Rail. The results: The decrsron of the judges was tWO Albdgltt Debaters Lose To SterUng, Debate, W. M. C., negative, ve. The western Maryland College 115"Pound~Edward Cuden. Tem- to one In favor of western 'Maryland. American University at Washing- hoxtng team slugged Its way to a ltTatllln8, 111111Jcnnscn. ple U.• won decfstou over Bert Cal- This is a fine start tor the debating victory over the glova swingers of lug season, since Elizabethtown Col- Temple University at the Armory lahan i,n an extra round. The first inter-collegiate debate of lege is noted for its strong teams. MONDAY, MARCR 5- 125·Pound-Dougla8 Crosby. West". the season was held in Bnllth Hall, WOJ)){'n'~Lirernry Societ.ica ij:30 last night. four bouts to three. ern Maryland, won decision over Friday evening, February 24, between ],'EG,t.TIVE LOSES 2·1 P. nt. The feature bout. between George Nick Annunziato. Western Maryland and Elizabeth- The Western Maryland ccneae uc- Men's Literary Socictsee 7:00 P. Ekaitis. of Western Maryland, and 135·Pound-Caspe·r Hart. ',"estern town College. The question for do- bating team lost by a 2-1 vote to the M. Dave Beloff was a hummer from start Maryland, won decision over AI. Ben- bale was. "Resolved: that the direct Eltzabethtown College team, Fr\day 'I'UJo:SDAY, "1.,_\.&00 6- to finish. Ekaitls finally emerging primary as a methud of nominating evening, February 24, at Eltz3t;e~h- Soeinl Clubs 7:30 P. M. with th.e laurel sprig on uta brow state and national officials should be town. r'a. The question was, "He·· WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7- when the judges awarded him the 145·Pound-Dick NorriS, Western abolished." The amrmattve side or solved; that the direct primary as a Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. meeting at. decision at the clcaa of an extra' Maryland, won decision over Pete tbe question was upheld for western method of nominatlng state ana ua- 6:30 P. M. round. Horwatt. Maryland by Messrs. Shriver, B.,n, tional officials should be abolished." Le Cerele F'ranenis dons MeDnntel Three Rounds Even. 1f;()·Pound-George Ekaitis, West- and Lambertson, and the negative The weetem Maryland College team Hall Parlor. ern Maryland. won decision over side for Elizabethtown by Mes:!.l~. which consisted of Messrs. Sternue, Both boys fought on even terms in Dave BeloJl', in an extra round. Cassell, Overdorf and Mlller. PTvf. xraunee and Johnson, upheld thll THURSDAY, }.-[ARCH8- the first three rounds, with first one 175·Pollnd-Joe Brown, Temple U., L. H. Brumbaugh was chairman or the negative. Vn rait.y Basketball game, Bu~k and then the other seeming to have won decision over Ray McRohie. debate. The judges were Mr. E. C. nell University V9. W. M. C. at an advantaga and when they came Heavyweight-c-Tom (Swede) Hau- Seltz, principal of the Westminster NEGATIVE DEFEATS AI,BRIGllT IVestmillster. out rOr th6 extra round Ekai tta sen. Temple U.. scored technical Higll School, Mr. M. E. Wa.lsh, At- 2_1. Varsity Club in Y. M. C. wound up bis famous right hand and knockout over Jiggs Downer in the torney-at-Iaw, of Westminster, anrl A 2-1 decision of tbe judges ac- A. Hnll, 6:30 P. 1.{' aimed for a, knOckout. second round. 1\tr.M. R. Wolfe. principal otthe NE'I\' corded tbe \Vestern Maryland debat- He socked his opponent and sent Referee-Ritchie. Judges-Capt. Windsor High school. ing team the victory over ,Albright at DR. SHIPLEY DELIVERS him against the ropes but, whUe the The main contentions ot the amh'- Oollege, Saturday, February 25, fans were still in ful1 cry for the ~D.~~ maUve side were as follows: (1) tho Myerstown, Pa. Messrs. Sterlin;-, ADDRESS IN CHAPEL sieep punch, BeloIT rallied and kept CO·EI} CAGE TOUR.lI.'A,,;U1~NT BE- direct primary is wrong in prlnclplll, Mathias, and Johnson upheld lh~ on the defensive until his head GINS MONDAY J],' GUT. negative or the prlmary question for because It vl91ates the principle of Western Maryland. Mr. A. M. Ree,1 Dr. R. L. Shipley, a graduate or lhe cleared. but was unable to come back democratic government and is popu- \V-estmlnstel' Theological Seminai·V with enough to keep [rom losing the Tbe girls inter"basketball tourna- lar in form and not representativti': went on the trip as alternate. of the class of '03, addressed the decision, the first he has dropped to ment wHl start M)mda.y afternoon. (2) the direct primary has not sc.. The question tor debate Saturday student body at the Sunday night ~.~l·-a collegiate fighter. March 5 and will end on Marich 23. compllslled the one big thing fOT night, March Srd, Is: Resolved: that vice in Bakel' Chapel The serm:lll which it was brought into being, I. l'.. American Private Investments In was based on the statement, in the Cuden Beats Callahan. Tile tournament will be only one to do away with the political 110S8 Foreign' Countries Should Not Be story of the figllt between David and Another outstanding batUe was tbe round and the games will ~ played and the political machine; (3) as :i Given Military Protection By The Goliath. that David carried five clash between Edward CllJlen, of in conjunction with the men's lourn- bettel' ......th9-dWt"ct--prhrF".._1&:£_exnment.of the.n. S. "Stones 11\ his-sllug'"!l.ltlIougb he Ilsed T_\'!m~d ~rt_g_aJl!lJ.&n. T s wal!._ ament. ary, a return to the party COl1Vention The affirmative team, composed or Ollly one. To Dr. Shipley, this IJre~ another extra round altair, with Cu· The following--scbedule is Issued system is advocated. Messrs. Shriver. Bell. and Lambert- caution symbolized tbe two Quah~t1:c(·. "Greasy" Neal. vice president, "Hoot" written by Cli1'1'ordBox. It Is a rhym- ence, "Challenges Involved In tbe states the secret in a few w:ord!l- Dr. WSI'd announced that the speakp.r ed fantasy. an amusing satire. The World Expansion of Chrl!!tianlty" "Keeping everlastingly at It briT'g~ at the Commencement tbis year wil! Chambers, secretary, and Alex O'Lea, plot, wins interest because its th!!me was diVided into five sub-topice, each success!' be Dr. Brown, Dean of the Religloas treasurer. "Hoot" Chambers wa·s is: at once modern and medievaL of which was discussed In a separate The second quality, reserve, brim!;!; College at Yale. Three thousand sergeant-at-arms. Hilda is an English girl of our day commission group. its pOllaessor peace of m..lnd. The Alumni are expected bR(lk for this The purpose of the organizati;}1J i'l and Gio{'unda is a Velletian girl of The first of these commissions. question comes up whether or not great commemorative commencemen:'. as follows: "Because of the int~rest the sixteeutll century. These two "The Appreciation of Other Religions David's extra supply of stones did Among other festivities of the 'lC- in atbletics In Western 1\farylawl Col- who are discontented with their awn and Cultures" was led by Dr. Ed" not weigh him down and hinder his caslon, there will be a parade of all lege, we deem it wise to form all 0(- lives, llIeet one dar in a garden !lnd mund D. Soper. Vice President of progress. Though the extra ~tones tile returned Alumni and the stlld· ganlzatlon of men, who have won let~ are given the power to turn time ~~ Duke University. The discussion of may 11ave increased David's burden. ents of the College. The pageant 11'111 tel's In the various sports for thO!Ilur_ lheir wills. After the discussion. this group tended toward the Idea the self-confidence tha.t they gave lum be tbe grand cl!max of the celebra- pose of elevating the standar.l of to function for the ideals or each aecides tbat her century Is tlJ~ lhat the best features of other rellg- greatly overbalanced their wcJght.. tion. ~ athletics better after all. ion!! should be appreciated by the rest The same idea is applicahle waar. "I regard Miss Elderdice as one of Western Maryland College. "Paddly P·ools" was written during of the world and should 'he recoguiz- It may be 'Posslhle to an .)Ver- the greatest pageant directora In the the war by Allies ;) WhOll~ ed especially hy missionaries; Chrlst- loaded mind, hut it is far worS3 to United States." said Dr. Ward. in In- Marylanders took such a COUrageo,ls mind the ravages of war seemed lr. lenity, however, Is unique anel has in have aD underloaded on,e, when the troducing her. part, will he reprodnced. Betsy Pat- lurk. He does not mention the 1',':11' It elements of finality as a religion. day of trial comes" It is tbe r.;!SClv-a Miss Elderdice gave a brief sketch terson, Francis 'Scott Key, and all tlHI directly so many times as he seems Dr. George Richards, President of supply that gives ona the confj.:1enf.'e of her plans fcr the pageant. She other outstanding characters in ~he to be carrying uppermost in his min>:!. the Theological Seminary of the Re· to go into the battle and win. stated that tbere would be about two history of Carroll County will be throughout the play, the cruelties of formed Church. at Lancaster, Penn- Dr. S'hipley cloa!Jd his sermon wlt.Jl thousand participants in this eVRllt. portrayed. The first birthday d ClI.~·" war. Tbis play is a fairly play ot sylvania, led the second commission an account of Dr. J. R. Miller's seCl'et The first scene will show the Puritan roll county and the later actlviUE!gof two sfdea-"this side" is our physic:).1 on the topic of "Christian Unity." of attaining peace of mind. When and the Cavalier, wllo are Quarrelil'g the county In the Civil War will be being and "the other side" is nur This group believed that. while tbe questioned as to how lIe managed to over possession of the land in \\"11'11 shown. III the end. the future wilt be spiritual being. union of Cbrlstlan denominations maintain such calm and ease through is now Carroll County. and who fin- unveiled by tbe rainbow of hope. :-tnd Tony, the Inquisitive little hero, was theoretically desirable, it was a all the interruptions and disturbances ally take their dispute to Columbia the entire cast wlll join in singln~ leaves his Grand(ather to go to "th" pra.cH-cal impOSsibility at present. As of his great wOl'k Dr. Miller rep:ir"l, for settlement. The Indian clllcf "America the BeautifuL" "I hope othel' side" in searcb of informaUOIl. a result of reUgions education, how- "Jesus and T are friends,," These cornea before the court, and In speech. you will write this pageant as II. p3J;e He is met on "the other side" by an ever, thEire was the possibility of the words are significant only becaalll'C song and dances, presents hia :;>l'ior of gold in the memory book of your qld man and Ws three friends. 'rile union of churches in the same com- Dr. Miller spoke from a wealtll ot claims. Colnmbia. decides ag!llll
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