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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westnrlmter, Md, :-: :-: 11nter-Qlollegiate II An lIou ~ikl' 111 I ]Jarir111 Official newspaper of Western :\:l:trylund College, pubfished on Thursday during Newn A REVIEW OF BOOKS, the academic year by the students of Western Maryland Colle-ge, \Veetminater, ,------- PLAYS AND LIFE Maryland. Entered as seeoud-cluaa matter at the JVestminster Pl;lStoffice. The Barbary Coast orchestra, of SPEAKING OF CHINA Subscription Price, $2.00 a Yeal'. In the light of the recent lecture on Dartmouth, composed of eight men, liaa accepted a eontract from the manage- "China aeeuia to have awakened from the 18th Amendment and the Volstead MANAGING STAFF mcnt of the Reserve de Ciuoume at St. its lctha rgy nnd decided 1.0 step out Act, tile following should prove inter Editor-in-Chief .. .. J. Paul Lambertson, '28 Jean de Lny in the south of France. uud Great leu(l its surprise own life. expressed on both eating to Christians. is will t.he In Managing Editor .. ., Hubert K. Johnson, '28 The orchestra July play the enttre sum- aides. John ChllJalll~ih was supposed to of St. Jolm s{:col1d chapter of the of gospel Our is an ececuut 1. mer tucru starting Asst. Managing Editor. · Samuel IT. Bryant, '28 be auef a peaec-loving eitizen that any Business Manager .. . .. Enrl B. Lippy, '29 one could on him with impunity. Ass't Business Manager .. ... W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 President William '1'. Cosgrave of tIle He l\'l1S chatnplcn rigllt and left had umny Advertising Manager . . .... Marvin B. Sterling, '30 Irish Free State degree exeeutlve of doctor council of laws handed has cheek·turner become fo1' converted years, and Ilia gueata, the ef- but now the honorary Circula.tion Manager. · \Y. Edwin \\1I11'fiehl,'29 conferred upon him at Catholic Ulliver- gone to war like the rest of tho civil fect of tile vintage, would uottcc ·.{noy L. Robertson, '29 the wine's illferiori.t)', it is not pre- Asst. Circulation Managers. The degree, the third of its kind ized nutiuns. He has given up the flat- sumptuous to suppose that the wine J. A. Stach, '30 to. bestowed, the first going to Car irons and ignorant wuya and from now used I)y Our Lord roulllin<'d 1Il0r.;: than Art Editor. ." Pete" Gomsnk, '30 dina I Mercier and the seecud to King on will keep hia 11(>8e in the trough in ollc-]Hl.lf of ouc alcohol. Can it, Sports Editor . Clarence H. Bennett, '28 Albert of Belgium, was conferred by the beat occidental manner and get be that the of American muraltt.y Archbishop Curley, Ounnocllor of the whatever is eoming to him. i~ hight'r tlUlll thut, of Our Lcrd t REPORTORIAL S'l'AF'1' University. He has a great many persuasive nr- Is there the lS111 News Editors gumenls to justity hi~ actions. In .faet Amendment :.111d Aet ill \Y. K. Burnes, '28 In n rcseareu trip unique in tJle his" uc has acme four-hundred million of the fact that three great Communions tllem. Anil these arc the kind of urgu- tor.'" of the Harvard engineering sehool, (Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Rnd Angli- Assooia.te Editors L. ments the highly idealistic oeeidelltnls professor nppro.ximatGly Rniil .F'tench, '28 l\lvin l.\li>l'ight, '28 Prof', geology C. Graton, tile sehool, is now of miu- ean thoroughly understa.nd. coulaining the Chriijti:ms of the three.- of wo.rld vis- ill EI"l!lyn E. Pusey, '28 Oscal' L. Morris, '29 the deepest gold, silver, and OTe The Chinese have been ellned t.IH) yel have not forbi\ldcu their eOlUl11unieanh for many Rlizllheth n. Davis, '28 "Jnp" ,\Vci'3ueck, 30 tHill~s in the worll1. His trip will cov- low peril countries mllny have years aeted and aeeord- to use intoxicanh in moderation' powerful REPORTERS er the remainder of the academie year, and will take him in adrlition to Bra ingly. However, they arc beginuing to 1\1. GerLrudc RaIlck, '28 JJ:ugene C. WoodwHnl, '28 :til, where 1m i.s 11011', to Peru, Chile, find out tlmt the Chi.nese arc not so DOES THIS MAKE FOR PEACE? Dorothy l\[cllott, '28 Cllrvin 1\1. Seil:l, '29 yellow. Wo I1re just heginuing to real N . .n. Pelluewell, '31 Casper P. Hart, '211 South "Urica, H11(11ndia. ize tllat the Chinese dragon is really OVll-r in Hilly }"[r. Mussolini is ruling Elsie ::II. Held, '~8 Gf'01'ge B. Salle]', '29 a drngon. We llad about deeided that with an iron tiBt. We know that, and iHargaTct 1\farLignolli, '29 Joseph [,. lUatilins, Jl' .. '2H it lUUBt be a goat. yet we do no.t know that he is build Tllury A. Walzl, '29 Wilmer V. Bell. '30 'rILe New England Inter·eollegiate It seems that England has suddenly ing up al) attit.ude of mind in his coun- Cathcrine E. Reau, '30 W. G. Baton, '30 Ole(! Clnb Contest Assoeiation met t.o deeided Lhat some of her policies with try that is c..,rtaiu to make for war be- Virginia C. 1'Ifer1'ill, '30 Willill1ll n [l!-O\\"11, '30 plan furlher for the New England China were un imposition on the latter chHmpionship, whieh will be contested fore very many years. Here is the an(1 hna only been too glad to nlter "dee:Jlogne of the perfeet Faeist militia- for by thirteen college elubs on Febru- Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. ar.\" ~4. The echools represent.ed at thc or cancel them ut China's request. 'fhat umn" that i~ hUllg in e\'ery barraeks in Uleeting were \Vesleya.n, NOl·theastern, just goes to show what a good con· Haly today and that 1111must le!lrn by New Hampsllire, Worcester Polyteelll1ie science will do-a good conaeieuee and henri: E-D-I-T-O-R-I - A -L Tnstitute, Vermont, Bowdoi.n, Boston four hnndred million prospective op· J. RememlJar t.hat a l>'aeist, and es- Amllerst, an{1 Mussaehusetts ponenh. a militiaman, must not helieve . All tllat China nOGds noll' to be up of Technology. perpetun.lpeuce. word VALENTINES to pass the a last prohibition in law civilization begin is to to :l. If yon reeeive pnuishment, it. is and in Ac,"ordillg to. a TE'Cent quo.tutiiJn three I ~l'ttm; to f.tllUor I drink and carouse. because ~'ou desern;l it. the « Sun" ure "Yale's Aims in Medieine" are set Amen 3. 0110 can scn-c hie conntry evell by forth in n. statement in which the dean kinds of Valentines sold-the "slap- aet.iug as a senrry llea,l' a two-gallon tin of the Yule sehool of medicine gives stick," the "mushy," und the serious. Do of gMoline. 1"1'0111 all indications the fait· sex of '1'0 t,he l:ditor of The Gold Bug:- lhcdetailBofthellewcurrieulumwl1ich Freshman to. Prof. Benningho.f: 4. Your c.omrlldeBmust bOYO(Jr broth- Western 3laryland seem to h:\.\"e been I wallt. to take. tlLis opportullity has been ndopted in tho school. The the gell1fish die I'cry often. ers lwcnuRe they live witll you and lhe recipients of a.ll types. On Valeu· throngh the colnmns of The Gold Bug ncw eurriculum has practically made Prof.: No, only once. think as ~'ou do. tillO mOfHing, as SOOl1 as brcnkbst lI"a~ of thanking as well as eongratulQtillg Yll.lesehool of mcdieiuc an honorscllOol. 5. Your rifle lind your uniform 'LrU o\'()r, an unusually large number 0.1' the iltud('nts of Wostern Maryland ou The student is not taught but assisted Eees provide us with honey and g-i1"Cll 10 ~'ou nOt to ~poil them in idle- "eo·eds" were seen expectantly their sportsmansllip nt the "adous in in aequiring knowledge. Prof. Bertholf with 11 subjl'et for his ness, hut to keep them in readiness for at the Post Olliee window. Well might door nthl('tic contcsts this winter. "For a numbl'r of years," Dean \Vin· they be expectant, for was this not t,he It is extremely gratifying to us all ternity ~:t.Ys, "one of the dlief ohjee- tlHISis, but. Prof. Beuni.nghof says the (I".,. whell they would not only reeeive to $ee these visiting tcants treated ((s tins of the faeulty of the aellool of ~est thing to (10 with bees is to let U. Ne,'er say "It doesu't matter be- n VulelllilH' of Ote first "ariety £rQm eur guests and friend~ ralher than as medicine hns heen to integrllt.e more them be. nlUSC the gOVC.l"11l11eJ!tI,uyg," becaase the it government, aud is .\"(lu II'ho pay the some practienl ,jo.ker but also one of. opponents. In general the spirit nnd closely the lllodie,,1 seienees both in eitller of tIl(' Iwo Intler t~-l)es, dcp(lud- eOul'teB,\' shewn the viaitillg t.eams hilS their pnre and applied forms with tIm Wheu the heroine threw the bero :';U"ernlllClllis tho ene yon have chosen iug n1111n the (lpg-rel' (If alft'etiot! to be been fully 011 a par with that of the mother subjeet of biology; and to dis' o.ver we had drama, but when shelhrew ((.nd whose uniforlll yon wear. Cyi11eeill 'l'hey were not disappointed, ,·,'ry best eolleges in the. eoun1ry and criminate less and less between the him over the clift' we hud melodrsmll. 7. Diadpliatl is the light of armies; for it seemed !IS if the "lfia]e" distrihut- I am 1110111proud of our student boa." prospecti"e candidllte for the degree without it there are 110. soldiers, but ~d 011 thill morning fur exeeeded any "'hid hns made this IloBsible. ofdo.etoroimeiliciucan<1 the doctor of only confusion and (lefeat. di~jrihution~ 011 ]In'''ioIlS mornings. Let us all remember that it is our phil()sophy in the vll.doui hiological Granpa: Adam didn't fall-he just S. Mussoliui isnl\1"a)'sright. Mert'(ltrust to hallddown these tfll.di- tripped over Eve. 9 . .A. volunteer ean plrnd no ext.ell- !ions to eaeh ineoilling class. Let u~ uating eirCUl1l3tllncCS for disobedience. YOUR CHANCE be known thronghout tile college world lIerbert Hoover another col· SHE'S MINE-ALL MINE 10. One thing above lLll others must as 11 college where mell fight Il!lrd nnd legiate st,ra\\" election, time !It lhe lie prl!cious to you: the life of the It tukes brains au(l plenty of work clean, whe!'I' men are modest in victory Cuiversity of Oregon, wh~re the ele,'- o tllo~e 11enutiful, beautiful tresses, DnCI!.-Onr Young Peol'll'. to. be an "A" student. Yet there ure :lnd gentlemen in defeat, and where the torate,·otedOllsev('ruieurrenttopies, Such beautiful, bouutiful llllir, IIIUJ1)' such in o.ur eolleg(', at lrast !l student hody lleyer values a vietory induding the. jiresidnlley. seore 0.1" eo.. And, though, e,'en more tlwt is not aehievc(l in a mUliner that Hoover reeeh'cll 4~9 \'ol~8, while Al So eonstantlr tossing, with tonch that FOREIGN FOLICY AIMS intdlC'ct alld Ull even gre:tter eapneity is honorable. Very sillcerl'ly )"ours, Smith, whn led the opposition, carried Cllres~es for work ar" r(''1uired to he lin "A" RTCH.o\RD C. HARLOW. 139. Clmrles E. llugha w:t!; Republkall The face of my loved one, so fair. The Uuit!'(l Sttltes will rl!mai(l friend· IIludelltamlal;;oto.bealeaderinao· Those wonderful eyea !l0 bright and im runner-up, Ilnll William G. McAdoo, the Iy "'ilh ether lllltione ,iust so long as ('ial lind lit,..ral·y dubs, we can thiuk DR. T. C. MULLIGAN, '19, GIVES DcmOHlltic. Tho faculty vote followcd ploring, the,\' prott'ct AlUl'rkan lives nnd prop- Qi aL lenst a dozen students of OUl" col- Ihes:u]luo.rder. Ru kindly, so big anti erty within their.bonlers. Thi!:! is the l!'ge who hU\'1l dono thi9. 'l'lJe most, CHAPEL SERMON -By N('w StUllenl :"len·it·('. '!"hose generous !ips so sweet udor· $UIJ$IUnCe of our foreign poliey as act however, tltat anyone student ran pos- lllg; forth by President Coolidge. His eoUl- sibly tlchi('v~ is to bQ 1111"A" student, (Continued from Page Olle) Those eheeks-just :1S soft-are like' 11 I(,llder ill literary a.nd sodal actiyitics, down. Inenl on indivicnusc it is fiuite anti lie is in- selves atheists rC(llly are not athei~ta at AT YALE We are there to proteet , £aditlg ~e!1f!ration accu~~s us of mental finite. nIl. ,\n:\, one who Iws ~1n.\' idenls at all, our and their property from I(.)\"il~" auil indifferenee. which are \\"orth while, could not be an College Paper Urges Abolitien. The religi()u~ of tlJ(' Orient :tr.., large being destroyed by wor and i;'Imples of n r~ligion of volition "The.v lire 1)0 longe r(]('Cl'ssary in ('01· honor syst~m at Yale Universit~' is a Panama Caual we feel 11 moral reeponsi So 1"<"n laughingly defend ou.rselves IllH St. Paul hns s:tld, '''fllough I be· \()J.:"es. ~lan~' institutions ~till insi~t hilure, the Yale News declared editor· bilitr that do~..s not attnch to other na· ag:til1$t the soeinl, moral, and metal on· ~tow Il.llllly goods to feed Ihc "poor, and chapel, hilt :\ ially today. liens." slaughts o.f our o.fficiously and anxious though 1 gi"e my l,o(l~' to IJl' IH1rll~d, gre(ttlllllll)' lhei(kll,and "The alul1het.ic atritu(lc of the entire Cbinu,. "We do not wish to pursue a in ~ univcrsi'r.y like llarvnrd, it is in· atu(\('llt l,ody tow,Hd the system" lI'a~ Iy ilutiful cIders. And atill laughingly, li.'llllt:n'c not lovc, it profitcth me noth- course of aggression against the Chi- we go our own restloBs and thouglJtleas ing." d<.'i!d justifiahle. TIm lHl're fuel, how- held to be tlir eause of ila failure. nese poople. \"6 have no concessions. wars. So be it. That's youth. Wh('re tllE'l1 t>an God be found' Not ever, that there is 110 required clmpel pass "Flagrant vio.lations the are system permitted is nmro- to We are there to prevent aggression for unlloticod, Uay we, though, in our fading years in rhe emotions, the intelleet, or the Ilttl'udanee doce not 111('an that onr Iy tolerated as an ineidental and unim- against our people by any of tlte disor' remember our youth and its foibles. wil! alone hut in all three. The reli l\lust turn his back upon it. Prellident portant feature of the university en- derlyelements. mti.111a!ely the turmoil PerhAl)S it will help us in our under gion the world ul.1ed~ toda~' ill one ll,st Angell, of Yalll, told mc reeentl~' th;lt will qnite down and some form Qf nu article a sfundhlg; eertainly it will sase us. much "ill touch every p11l1ee of life. It will voluntary ILUendallce had proveil mnre vironment," of the the attempt said, tha in student dis· thol"ity will emerge u'hieh will be pre· eUMien of WOl'r." (lUd anxiety. But we won't. pl'epllre,netferdeath,but £or life, for, satisJactory at Yalll thau the o.ld a~'s· couneil to make the system effective. pared to make adeqtlute settlement for We'll nag and S\'.old. So be it. That'a to die right 011e. must first ha\"e lived tern." The News urged abolition. sny wrongs "'6 hav6 suffered." age, right. -Br N"ew Student, Ser ....iee.
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