Page 66 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 66
Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: TGug :-: Official newspaper of Western 'Maryland Dallege, pnbltehed on Thursday during 1\n lUll llitkl' lit 11,_lI_u_te_r_-:_e~_l_~e_g_ta_te_II_If_u_r_lb_N_e_lu_n_J the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, WestminBter, Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster POllto:flice. Profeasor L. L. Rockwell, or Bucknell The League of Nations will call a. dis- A great nnttonat figure such as Wash· ington, seems to possess scarcely any University was recently appointed chair armament parley for March 15. The Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. privnte life. And. it is true, that he, man of the committee in N. E. A. reo United States and Russia will be includ- "our worthiest citizen," was pre-emin lations. The appclntment inelurles both ed in Ihe parley. cufly It public character. Only the the Pennsylvania and National Eduea- UANAGING STAFF trce incident remains, year after tional Aesoeintiona. Professor Ro()k· The proposal to mobilize. women, a endless theme fer joke and bur- well will study the polic.ills and works measure eonecived during the war, was Editor-in-Chief ... J. Paul Lambertson, '28 of the asacoiatlona and keep the univ· finally rejected by the French Senate, Ma.naging Editor .. . Hubert R. Johnson, '28 Yet there nee some few things-some ersity in touch with all educational although it lUII1 passed the Asscmbly .• Asst. Managing Editor. .. Samuel H. Bryant, '28 even foolish Lhiuge which mnke this high inspired leader, who ever clung to real- The aecretnry of the National Assoe Un(ler the new "m:luhoor1 suffrage Business Manager ... Enrl B. Lippy, '29 ities, a human being. Practically al· iati(ln says that all eollegea and uulvers law" recently passed in Jepan, laborers, Ass't Business Manager .. .,. W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 wuys, he is represented as practical and itiea have favored the plan of selecting rickshaw pullers, and fnrmers voted for unemotional. Yet, in his boyhood, he representatives to meet «t appointed the flrst time as equals at tho polling Advertising Manager. . .. i\[
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