Page 68 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, WestmWter, Md, Class, Club, and Society' Doings ~nrial Ne1U!l Alumni Nrw!i EDITED BY HELEN WHEELER AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI DELTA SIGMA KAPPA ta.Inmenta by cach of the classes, were Reginald Mar-iner, '31, 1mBlI'ithdrnwn ar rauged for the rest of the year. from school. Any news items concerning W, M.. "Boll" 'Mac'Lea, '22, and his wife were Delta Sigma Kappa celebrated its .>\fter the business meeting, thllre was Manry H. :McMains, e,,·'Z9, visited alllong these who enjoyod the victory sixth birthday, Mouday night, Febru a social hour during which St. Valentine the Htll tl'bursday. Alwnni will be gratefully received. over Mt. ar. Mary's Tuesday night. nry t.lll) thirteenth, by a "movie pa rty." figured prominently. Ernest Nut.tal, cx·'29, was among After the "The Student Prince," lIliBl! Sara Smith eutertaiued h('r those present at the Western Maryland, the club went Koontz's for refresh- FRBNCH CLu:B brother on Sunday. WilI"rd Uawkius and Carrel! Rever, Mt. St. :Mary's game Tuesday nigbt. ments. Lucille Proskey sp('nt the week-end at '26, saw Ole Wesf.em M:irylau(l-Vaga· TIle French Olub met in MeDaniel bond Club game Baturday afternoon. John Donald Makcsky, class of 1925, Hall parlor Wednesday flight, l"obru her home in A1HlU]l0Iis. is now a professor of Engli$h in Wush· HOME BOONOMIOS CLUB ury the fifteenth, at seven o'clock. Af· Flo' Jones, Ilx·'30, visited her former ''POliS'' Lawson, "Joe" Umbarger, and iugtcn College, ilt. Chestertown, Md. 1I1r. tel' a short buaincss meeting, 111. n room-mnte over the week-end. "Bill" Hahn, wore seen at the Mt. St Makosky received bis A. 111.from Col· The Home Economies Olub met on Lsngley, chairman for the evening, Helen Smith is still at her home in .Marv's game, Tuesday lligll1. urnbin University. Tuesday, February the fonrteenth, in presented the program. the Pmctiee House. Aftcr the roll can Beenll~Jl of tho absence of several Louaeoniug laking a rest cure. FROSH ARE IN FINALS OF CLASS SENIORS LOSE AS USUAL and the reading of the minutes of the the program W:;IS changed at, Helen Wheeler spent the week-end last meeting, the new members, Betty Ole minute. Impromptu epeechce with her parents at Oheyy Chase. MEETS The Cain, Datbertne Downing, Bruce Win" were given by the. following members Mar~' Lee Darby visited her' room str:light seniors dropped their t lrird ill game Wednesday arternoon (h,r, and Ethel Ensor, were formally of U!Oclub-Elizabeth Norman, Mary mute, Clara Conw!Jj', fit her uome lu Mt. The Freshmen iuter-elaes team put tho inter-class. 'I.'he Juniors were the pledged. Weber Broughto!!, und A. S. Linden· the Juniors out. of runniug in tile first 0)' th~ 8COl"Il of 20-i. It was docided that Tnesday should berg. Dr. Bonnotte gave a talk ou Airy. game of tIle first round plny·off Wed- eOlhl'l"rOrs grahbed the lead when '1'he Juniors be definitely set as the day for meet- Paris amI poiutH of int.crest. 'fhe meet· 1-;dith KinkC!Jd and ),Iary Lee Darby neadu,_\" :lflernOoli in the school gymnas· Roby dlollped a two·pointor througb the ings of the culb. Illterestillg programs, ing adjourned with Ihe singiug of tlie serl'ed tea to lllUHY friends on Mon· iUlli15·10. hoop. Shriver, SllOekley and another including outside speukcrs alld <;uter- Frcneh national hymn. Uayafternoon. 'I'he first linlf was n sce·saw af'fnir !i"W goul by Rohy the score to 10 The lend ehnllgcd hunds mUlly times. rUll ),!;u'y Ruth Holt entertained ller 'I'ho Fr~shlllC!l seorlld first on a foul \\"hill' the seniors had becu ulauked. BEST·SELLER TEXT LATIN AMERICAN STUDENTS fnthcr, motl";!,, l)rot.lJer, am] sister·in- goal llr Bellsen. Ora\'etz put lhe up· l:lhrinlr, Keen twd Chillnbera equalled LOOK AT US lall" Sunday evening. per·elassmen in the leea with a field the nrst half score of the wiullcrs while Wil] Durant's "StoQ' of Philosophy" goal. BenSOll lied the score with his Bill Bay wit-Ii th'c pOilltt> and Gene lias been adopted as a te):t at WillialU Iu contmst with the meager interest Dean :lnd Mrs. :i\Iillor attended the secol1d foul gonl. Ora,·ot" eageu IllS Woodward with two aeeeunted for the :Illd :Mnry College, according to an- American students show ill conflicts be· pel"fonuuuee of "Othello" in B:lltimore seeond field goal to give tile Juniors the losers soven points. nouncement of Dr. J. R. Geiger, head t.ween Yankee nnd Lntin American, tho 'l'hunduy nigM. lead. Benson evened tho issue once Th~ seore: of the dllpartment of 1,syel,010gy und LatbH~.merican students Ule inteusely marc. Shockley thll losers two JUliiors philosophy. toncerHedwithtllonationnlstllkoson Shifty Oraveb, '29, returned to thc Ulorepoiuts. Hein'sfoul nmdo thc score G. F. T. Explaining. tllflt thll book will n~t IILis continent. Tho eonfiietiJlg inter iiill Thursday afternoon after several at thc eud of the fir~t half ij·5 in fav· Shriver f. be used in introductor), eonrses, but III est~ of Latin·American uations forbid days /lbseuce lJecause of illness in his or of tl1e.Tuniors. Keen f. study of the history of philosoph,\', Dr. us ret n political mpproel,ement bnt on fnmily. Field goals by Shockley nud Orln'erz Chambers c. Geigcr said: the intelleetualle"el there is much un· Wilfred Whitcmft, '29, snatained a doubled ti,e score, but tl!e y~arlings re- R.oby g. "The usc of Will Durant's popular tmimit.\,. That solidarity is i"sl)ired by book is an experiment that the de]lart· It fcarof theUllitcd States, fcar of he!' di~located elhow ThursdllJ" night duro fused to be Ooaton. l':.dlillg n time out Shoekl('), g. the }·reshmcn talked the situntion over Itis l)out ill tho Western Mar.l'lalld- lllent ,,·ill attempt in ordcrlO make 1110 eeollomiceucrOllehmcnt, of lLllrspiritual Virginia wrestling moet. aud ellme back \\"ith determinntio1) Totals 10 0 ~O of philosophy morc human and written on tbcir faces. Rmlson caged Soniors to college stnd~uts. If tlll' America Looks at the Unit Vi.rginia Holland, Heleu Dllnnis, aHd III e"pori.ment is sucee~sful wr shllil usc ed States" Professor C. H. Hnring of •.l,liee Small visitod ].fargaret MIlrtig· II. field goal and n foul aua Bates tied Woodward.t'. G. F. T. the ~eore with a Rein's the book next year." Harnud reeounts the many student !!oni at her home ncar Baltimore. Sat- fonl shot with two to play de- This is the first know case iu whieh 1l1l111ifestlllil,))!Sll.gainst the "Yallkee Col· urday night tlle party went to see e.idcd the i~$ne, but Benson and Bntes QUi1l11 f. He-ed e. Durant's best·seller hilS beon given full (lsaus." When in 19:!5T'resid<,nt Solor- "Macbeth." eliHehed We contest with two more ficld BHy g. aC:ld..-lllie rocQgnitiOIl. ral1ed iu lhe Amcrie:\lllllnrines Sllt.h('rland Bat('s, iu ?UlIO tu Cecil g. stai;ilize his conutry, all assotinlioll of NOTE The Freshm~n alld the Sophomores for "The New Stu\l('ni." st.udcuts of law and the social sriences of Durant. thllt "he hal! \\"rilten not. 11. in the 1;ni"ersit~· of Buenos Aires pro· will (lngage eaC,L otherllloul1!IY after TOt~11s 1')001; of philosoJlh.\, nor a hiBh-.ry of tested energetically and senllheir "\"olc The Blaek nnd White Cluh hns pro- ~\~iO~IO~\I;:l~!;l~:~~ctlfor the ehlunpion· =n'=f="'='~=O·=L'='='.===== philoijoph,\', but fin ex~enellt introdu~· of adht'sion" :-liearngua's ~·outh. vided tile library with t.wo additional li~n lo philosophy," \\'1I;,·h Dr. BHles re l'her~ to <)f Latin magazines, "Scribners," aud "Th~ Thcsllore: ijillnU10US w~s al~o a commended for ht:'ginners. Alllerrcnn ~-onth 10 comhat intel'\'enti<)11 "Forum." -Tla· Ne\\" Stll(lcnt. II"hCI"l)\'cl'l'l·acticed. ,\ short lime af G. F. T. Koontz Confecfaurant I~r\\'ard when some PH!HlnHlninu Rlu· W. C. STEPHENS CALLED BY Reinf. YOUTH ABROAD drnts were imprisoned for lnking part BeHson f. ill a riot of atriking rent ]JaYl'rs at Bates ~. "In genrral the .vounl of .\sia ~II:tlcdto the Llitin-.'\)1!orican Union at retirpd OJ! July I, 1921, notal 5 1(J rope," 0p(LIl Close (JoSl!f Washington Huellos Aires fQr nid uguin~t the Unit- s!;'rl"1ce as eli"ision freight ag(.>ut died SODA, SUNDAES, SANDWICHES HaU), writer nnd I~dllrer, t,,1iI a rc- ('(1 Slates. '1'11I'ge stndents arll n few dHYSago at, his lO:~O Easl Juniors • porler for "The Priucct.oninn," of re:Hl~'witl! 0 mnnifcslo when ~Oll!e Tenth street, Clwttanoog1!, G. F. T. Princeton University. is nri~es hctwcell a l"·utin·Ameri('nn Steph('l1l1was prominent in rnil· Lippy f. "rn Chilli) Ihp atudel1t~, as we nil state lInd the Ynuk('c Colossus. IIlr. ~irdea. 11" i~ Shoekle.v f. Babylon & Lippy Company know, /ifr U!C.1Ja~kbonfsit_r Confedemtion \\'hich ,,·ill Westminster Stahonery Store Rcferee---Ellis. IutcrnatiOHll1 illa!le·lo·.Measnre SuUs r.,· (>ITa ruler or destroy a gn> unite tiLe youth of nIl the llisp:l1\ie of pro])erty, bUI that doc!:! !lot uecea eoul1lries ill a eOlllmOllIlifart for 8(1~ial BILLY DtTilfAN, 1'ro'1. sarily O"en],row the g<)Ycmmcnt or nud politi~:ll regeneration." '''fhnt rhe Gn!eting CJlI'(ls for :ill oCI'/lsious D. S. GEHR Westminster Savings Bank cause a marked gain of illfluell~.e.ChiulI, Ol"ganiz1ltioll is rapr..,selltali,,~ of the howe,-cr, has 1I1w[lYs been ruled 'by UHiyersit.,· student oo(ly iu J\tcxiro, i~ Capital $50,000.00 aeholars, but form(lrl~' tliese ,,·ere el- "Iwn t" question," Dr. tinring helie,·es. Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr Wholesale and Retail Hardware, derly men. Th~y have noll' given wa.v <'But olle wonders, gin'lI the politiclIl Surplus "E:lrned" 300,000.00 to the younger stuu1:nts, whom lha peo· relatiOlls past nnd present oetween The Newest ~JIIl Best, Clothing and Building ).fntcrinls, Clltl~ry, Jlla in turn look Ull tu and respoct. 'rhe lLl~xie(jand Ihe United Slates, what its l~nrll;shings Ammnnition, Painls, Oils, P,'l'llO!';_ RABYLON, President. more youtlJful men havo )!lad" nsc of political objectives nHl.\"oe." Gouds far yuullg men Staves, HnJ1ges, Fllrnaces, MILTOX P. UYERS, Vice Pres. their influence indisHct·\l.,' at times but -The New Student. l0l'CI",·ellloITtoeallegestuilents iran ~nd Steel Products always eour:lgeou~ly. JACOB U. HANDLEY, Treasurer. "In Uussia, likewise, age hn$ yielded Compliments of (El!tnblished 1866) Security Stlxings SCI ~iee hefore the flggressivll spirit of youth. "At lust," gro:tHC(1lhe eld,'rly IlilHi'r, We~tn'iuster, !lId. The COllllllunist pnrty hal! estublished "tl)lall'arnl."si~ of tILe left leg-T have social organi7.nlions a()!1igucu eSI'eeinlly feareel it for ;.~urs." . Bonsack's for prepal"ing young llHln for poIiU,·nl The Blue Ridge Transportation Company i.t will relien,> your ntilld Imy," "If l1/1.reor6. From theBe lhe governmcnt is wlliSl'cre(l the s.,·cct 1~1l!1more or I(>~$ recruiting l1ational lend~r8 \\"ho will young thing at lJis ll'l't, "it is min.' that When We are Specialists on 111ayan important part in the aibirs of ~IAnY I'ICKI:'ORD SPECIAL TRIPS the world. ~"Ollhanl been feeling:'-L~high Burr. Wanted /) Good Anywhere AllY Time "The l)oys o£ Russia realize thnl lht'.,· PHOTOGRAPH Por information phone WESTMINSTER 389 or WESTMINSTER 52 are but cogs in the maehinc of 80~i()· PATRON"lZE OUR ADVERTISERS She sent for I)", alIi! that n.' illdividuali8rn much uc Sereck S. Wilson ~lIcriflced." ::'.[r. Close )l<·"t 8UlUllll'rwill It'lid lhe HAVE YQUU SHOE!:>REPAIRED AT LUNCH WITH US TODAYl first American student tour of the Ori TJrn COLLEGE SHOP Shipley's "nt, of whieh he and '''rhe Kew Stu· SPECIAL PRICES FOR STUDENTS dent" are eo,spollsors. C. KROOP Hot Soup! -'fhe New Stmknt 25 E. 1I1lin St. AT THE FORKS Hot Toasted Sandwiches! King's Pharmacy Dr. A. ]. Morrell For Things to Please Griffin's Goodie Shoppe The Rexall Store CHIROPRACTOR .55 E. Main St., Westminster, },Jd. 110 E. l\[nin SI. Phone 175 Your Palate 59 WEST MAIN STREET
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