Page 64 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page FO'I~" The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollece, Weatminlter, Md. Class, Club, and Society Doings ~nrial News Alumni Nrw!i EDITED BY HELEN WHEELER AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI W.W. SHAKESPEARE CLUB Gladys Hamme spent tho week-end at her home in Hanoverj Pa. W. W. takee great pleasure in an- .At the next meeting of the Shakes- Any newa items concerning W. M. Mr. Leon BUTley and his wife with nouuciug that Helen Smith, Evelyn peare Club, to be held on March four- Helen Smith haa gone home for a AlllII1lli will be gra.tefully received. friends were on the Hill last Sunday, Pusey, Ruth Scldincke, Maybelle Rhine- tcentb, It study will be made of the week in order to take a rest. Dr. Thomas Mnlligan, '19, spoke in hart, and Elizabeth Mitchell have been comedy "As Yon Like It." The club is Hanllnh Hecht spent the week-end Baker Chapel last Sunday. He has a reeeived into full membership. IJlal)uing to spend the remaining' meet- with her family in Baltimore. We are glad to announce that Leroy young son born December 22, 1927, and W. W. IISd open bouse Bunda.y after- ings of this ecmeetcr in a systematic Bybam, '26, has a son. named Thomas Mulltguu, Junior. His noon February the twelfth. Tea was and extensive study of individual :lIfrs. Hammezlck is back on the Hill wife was Nellie Royer, '17. Esther Lawdcr, '27, spent the week- served from three totive. J,1la:\s. It is suggested tho.t everycno orter ba\"illg her tonsils removed. end on the Hill. r-ead or reread the play "As you Like Blanche Robinson and Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs. Murphy both of the ),!r. Schofield, former professor and It" in order to obtain the most bene- Howard spent tbe week-end in Baltd- Marian L. Curling, '27, and Blanuhe class of '97 visited their daughter Mad- dean a t Western Maryland College, has fit from the meeting. Ford, '27, were seen in Chapel Sunday eline this past week. Mra. Murphy was retnrned after a. prolonged absence. evening. E\'a Davis before her marriage. .Mis$ Sara Smith, Mr. Harold C. Beard, "Warhorse" Iiaa retnrned from Mary- Margaret Tull ,'15, attended the W_ Among the W. 1V. alumni who came and .Mr. S. Schofield are 110Wworking Professor and Mrs. J'arues B. Ranck l1llld General after hlLving his tonaila back for iniation last week were Rnth together in the c.lHlmistry department. entertained the members of Delta Pi removed. :M. C. banquet last Friday. She is Benson '26, Rnth Hubble '27, Hazel 11r. Behcfield has taken the classes in AIllh~ nt their home on the evening of Bctty Norman, Ruth Schlincke, anG teaehing in a private school in Balti· Bratt. '27, Emily Jones '27, Mary War· ClT/pmiennd quantitative chemistry. February 9. Brownie Reynolds were at home over field '25, ''Em'' Allnutt '25, Mrs. Lolita the week-end. Wade Illsley, ex 'Z8, Lee Btar-tt ,'llng Carrico '25, "Reds" Terrill '25, "Chew" Willard '27, "Chalky" Hannold Billy Be.vard eJ<'28, Mrs. Helon Stone WINNERS ANNOUNOED IN PRIZE ovcryfhlug ill nature except tuc begin- Miss Gesner spent the week-end in '27, and our well kno,,-n football star Bolt '25, Louise Thomas '25, Adelle. ]ling of the world. Tliat was eternal, Baltimore. 81m 8[lWthe "Mikado" and ESSAY CONTEST Frank Sillin, 'Z7, were seen on tile Hill Owells '25, Evelyn Beaton '25, and without boginning or end. They even "Pirn\es of Peuzallce." t.his week·end. "Tnmmy" Massey '25. o"piflined the umrb.-ingsof animals. One (Continued from Page Ouc) legend sitid tllflt one day a bear at· S[lrll Prccman Bpent the week·elld at At the Gettysbnrg game last Tuesday The editor recently received !.l. letter tempted to eatch a chipmnnk, bnt only the 11. of Delaware and attended th6 we snw Mrs. "Lil" ITollins Bonder '240 1'ro!USterling W. EdwardB, '25, who is tion agahlst wind and min. Tho homes seratehetJ his claws over him. The marks KalllJa Alpha dUnce. and her hllsbnnd A.IT. Bender '25. \Vith located in Minncapolis, Minuesota. Mr. 'vere usually groupcd into towns sur· that were left 011 Ius fur aro the OlflTk· Both )l:lyi)elle Rinehart and Margar. them Were Mrs. Silllpson Baker '24, Edwards, who was thll first editor of ronlHled by a stockade, within whiell 1.ngs the chipmunk wears today. The llt were ca1ted home over the better knowli as "Sonny" and Nell Par- The Gold Bug whielt was Ulen The was tho council-fire. Around this tbe IndianB j)clievcd ill immortality al· \,·eck·enrl to visit their parenta who 6011S'24. Black and White, wrote the letter in Imlb.ulI gathered to discuss public at'· thougl, tIle abode of their spirits was were ill. our: of :lIwllleapolis' fuleat theaters fahs and to observe religious corclnon not d('.Jinite <,lxecptthat it was a happy A11na S. Rei.fslliiler, ex '28, better while, as he put it, "for the hunting gmund. With tile dead war Pauline Leonard, Mildred Carnes, and known as "Aun" or "Reif" is attending curtain to go up on the Paramount rior was buried his pipe, tomahawk, his :Elsie Held hu\"c returned to the Hill Baltimore Business College. Her ad· .\lo,·ie, I Serde.e for Ladies,''' 11. screen Thia tribe was "ery wllrlike in ap· llfter :I week's alJ~en"'e.because of death drcss is 3109 St. PHlll straet,-Baltimore. play b." Joel Chandler Spraguc. Joel poamnce. A.lso, as Captain John best apparel, and food for the long jour· ill tlle family. AII11 is very much interested in the W. Chaodler Sllrn.gue was grad nilted from Smith said, "they seemed like giants." noy to thll lan{l (If his ancestors. W. Club and athlctics. Household gods, called manitons, were Ahont ono of the gigantic warriors, ill the firm of beare, featbers, or skins. •31':~I~~:~i~~~'tn~~~r~tirOe!~e"'I:;in~:~:~~It~~ Westcrn l\Iar~'laJld Oollege in 1912.- probably the greatest of the tribe, tIle Captain says, "'1'lm calf of his leg wa~ An Indiall, lamenting the loss of n Gene.ral She had llIallY visitors from child often exclaimecl, "0 manitou, thou Westminster Stationery Store Lllrce·quarten of a yard Hound and ali t he College over the- week·end. Shipley's tit" l"{·~t of bis limbs were in art angry with me; turn thine auger Mary Weber Onions," The "little tion. One bide of hill hai.r was from me and spare the rut of my chil Broughton, Eleanor Gunby, Virginia BIT.JLYDTTMAN, J'ro,:,. dreu!" while tlt" l'ig'lt side was closely shaven, ScrinlCT, spent the week·end at the Greeting C~]'ds for at! occasions AT THE .FORKS so ,hat it would not iIttcrfere W:til his Tho priests ani!. physicians were hOUle of Lueille Charles o.t Prince bc\\"str.lIl;;'~. This made [\. ri'l'~) o'er called medicine men or pow·wows, who Prederick, Md. t.he crown of his head that looked like too\[ prominent parts in the religious Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr a COCk'Bcomb. The llmguage of these ~orel'1.oniea. Special festival~ were For Things to Please lleople seemed to correspond their 'lCloor:L1l'dwith slnging, dal\ an..! FIRST HOME BOXINe MEET AT THE The N~west and Best Clothing mal proportions, 'sounding from them as a a great bal\quet, the chief feast being ARt-lORY ON FEB. 29 Furnishings Your Palate ·...oiee iu a vault!" at the hnrv('st of maize. Goods for yOUIlgmen The costumes of t.he Susquehalll.lock~ Pl'rhaps the most iUlJ)ona'lt habit or (Continued froUl Poge One) ]0 per ceut elf 10 ~Qllegesludcnts wore not unlike those WOl'nby other custom of thi~ trillo was lhe smoking tribes. They worc cl!}.(lin bear and of IODac t'nce of lIltl visitors, :u,(\ aftcr smoking stripeS. Their skins were naturally a little, handed it to their principal 1]0 E. }.Jain SL Phone 115 IuternatiollHl 1I1nd~·lo·1II~llsll"e SnIts light ill color, but wero changed to a Ulan. 1£ the yisitor r(>fnBedto smoke,"\re .'·ou sure till' ",a unger is dark ~innam(ln llUe by the dye.ingB ef it llI~allt that his intentious weT(~tlOS' llotiu' Toots alld barks. jjlr:bntifheBUlol,ed,itwilSfl.sigliof Dignificd Oili~c Bo.\--Do ."on donbt D. S. GEHR Westminster Savings Bank Iwae>:'. 'I.'he pipc was then sUloked nl· his word, sir' Arrow'points, spca!··llcads, axes, ham· 1.·rnaldy by hosts and guests. Jllers,and knives were of stone. The beautiful soun(lillg names of sev· ;'1IIy plate is damp," complained a 11'50,000.00 ~ot satisfied wltlI the water-worn pcb- eral rh-ers, the Pl\taps~o und the :Uono· IT,II'cler who I\-:ISdining at a LOlldon Wholesale and Retail Hardware, hles and roc.ks lying along streams, the ~n~~' Ill'e romin(tel's of the lndian. We hOlei. Rnilding ~rntel'ials, Cutlery, Surplus "Ear'le!l" 300,000.00 busqnehannoeks. went to the mouths of /Hl' '1(ltfar £rOllllhc ril'el'which be/,rs "Husll," whispered hia wife, "tlJal.'s streams and gathered selected roeks yonr aouJl." _-\mmunitioll, Paints, Oih, 1<'. 'rHOS. l3ABYLON, President. that were carried down b? tllll floodB 1lle name of tile tribe that we lUlVehec,' IP Stoves, R~llge$, Furnaces, MILTON r. MYERS, Vi~e Pres. <''lnllidl'l'inj.(. 'I'Ll' following leg"ud from the upper gorges. At the quar· loil1 ahout thu origin of the name Pipe sq,mw, thus Bc~ling the his-tor.I' in Car- Iroa and Steel Products .T.tlCOB·n. HANDLEY, Treasurer. ries iu tIle hill·sidcs, were work·shops Crack. The Susquehlll1nock tribe ~Ilt on 1'011rounly ef a Ollei.' pO"'criuI race. (El'ltablished 1866) for the manufaet\1l!l of all sorts of iui· oue hJtnk of tlliB stream, while another :Material was obt.ained from the fol· Security Sal-jngs plements of war and of tlH.lchase. SOliI" tribe &'ttopposito it to BlIIol'ethe peace· lowing: l\fa!'~'land lIi~torieai Magazine, West1l!inster, Md. ~tone was found in thiH section and the pipe. At tl,e npper cud of the stream March 1927; Indian History for Youug 1Iritives nsed this to make mortars for Drake; History of S. }'. J"(llks, lJy grinding corn. Several workshops wero only a small pipe was rcquired to reach Western Mll.ryllUld,Yol. I, by S
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