Page 70 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md: :-: :-: 11ntl'r-(!lulll'giatl' llJaril'tl1 WUll 14ikl' 11t I Offlctal newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday Nl'1Ull A REVIEW OF BOOKS, All the academie year by the etudente of Western Maryland College, WeBtminllter, PLAYS AND LIFE Maryland. Entered as aeeond-claaa matter at the Westminster Poatoffiee. It was announced that of the 1,164 There Is a movement on root is students attending the University of MUSIC'S POWER. eliminate the "coddling" ot criminals. Subscription Price, $2.00 11 Year. Maryland only four succeeded ill It is claimed that crime Is fostered maintaining an average of "A" in all My soul, awakened, tremulous, in rather than retarded by making things their studies during the first semes- OIght easy for said criminals. MANAGING STAFF ter. It happened that the foul' were Would soar to worlds more uncon- On the other hand the crtmtnat« girls, which goes to snow that the fined and fair; state that nus is a free conn try amt Editor-in-Chief ... .. J. Paul Lambertson, '28 ladles reap the nonora in academic And yet a mystic charm seems that they consider It uncoustnuuonat for pay United to "The anything. the men get wher-eas everywhere their Managing Editor .. . Hubert K. Johnson, '28 studies on tile athlet.le field. Eleven To hold me apeu-bouud with a strange States," said one murderer, "guaran- honors Asst. Managing Editor. Samuel n. Bryant, '28 others received all "A's" with the ex- delight tees life, liberty and the pursuit ')f and all the judge gave me Business Manager ... Earl B. Lippy, '29 ceptton of one B for each of the That glorifies the day, transforms the happiness, and besides," he went on, WRS life, night, Ass't Business Manager .. .. 'iV. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 eleven and of these nine were girls. And fills the very earth with joy so "how could anyone get life and Iiber- reproduction of A miniature uie Some of Advertising Manager . . ;o.[arvill B. Sterling, '30 house of Odysseus made by Henry the ty at tbe same time." because thoy are kicking prisoners Circulation Ma.nager .. . W. Edwin Warfield, '29 Talbot of 'West Newlon, is being ex- That life is patpttant with bllss;- are not sent to Southern prisons dur- the air .. { Hoy L. Robertson, '29 hibited at the Fansworth museum, Itself pulsates with sweet, melodtcua Illg the winter mouths. It has Mall Asst. Circulation Managers. J. A. Stach, '30 Wellesley college, by Prof. Muasey'a might! proposed that prisons be esta.'blishNl Art Editor .. .. "Pete" Gomsek, '30 wife. The plans, furniture and de- Apollo strikes, perchance, the vihrant at Palm Beach and Miami for is theen a corattoua have been based on the jailbird modern birds-the Sports Editor ... Clarence IT. Bennett, '28 study of the Homeric poems and REPOR1'ORIAL S'l'AFF archeological reports. orstrl~~~~hymnla, tram cel~cu~~~;'e call no longer he classWeo. spheres News Editors "Science has not superseded relig- To lower planes descended, with her as a hazardous employment. crtmru- als are treater} to all sor-ts of theat- Dorothy L. G illigan, '28 W. K. Bar-nes, '28 ion among college Undergraduates brings rlcal and moving picture shows; they today, our modern studeuts have sim- Associa.te Editors ply shifted their cr-edultty. Instead The symphonies of Heaven to hu- get tnree square meals a dny anrl a their Rulh French, '28 Alvin Albright, '28 of believing everything teachers mints- And mn~;:i~~;heart ir-~staCY now ~:::s t::~:e~heyT!~er~~:.c~~n:~h~~~.I! tel's tell Sunday-school and E\'elYll E. Pusey, '28 Oscar fl. Morris, '29 them, as they did when children, sings, the jail and face the world. life Eli)':ahetiI n. Davia, '28 "Jilp" Weisbeck, 30 they now believe everythlng their Set free (rom all vain. dull, per- very The parole boards are making under- plexlng cares! uncomfortable for the tell them." REPOR'I'ERS biOlogy professors of the Howard Divin- .,......!Ielbert Taylor Stephens world boys They hardly get comtor t- Dean Sperry lIf. Gertrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C. Woodward, '28 ity school summed this up before the "? Bookfellow(s~ Anthology a:~:edIUO\~tl~;:lll cel~l=:~or:r t~:yp:,:~ Dorothy :Mellott, '28 CUJ'vin U. Seitz, '29 eastern religious conference of col- N. 11. Penn ewell, '31 Casper P. Hnl'l, '29 leges which was held at Princeton. --~ • ./oners are trying to persuade the El'lie 1'1[, Held, '~8 George E. S;\1Ie1','29 "Margaret Ual'tignoni, '29 Joseph L. 11athifls, Jr., '29 Gen. Oharles H. Sherrill or New MY CREED. / st~:etop~~:: t~r~:d 1::::iSng each mall 1IIary A. Walzl, '29 Wilmer '\7. Dell, '30 York city has given Yale University at Ilis former occupation but as mOSt Cntbcrine E. RCAd, '30 W. G. Enton, '30 $55,000 with whlc!1 to establish a 1'0 live each day as thongll I may of them claimed to have been mar- Virginia C. Merrill, '30 William IT. Brown, '30 Yale LuI',' school, the Oharles H. never see the mcrrow come; to be athon runners, they had to for-go the and patient Sherrill lectures on international strict with myself, but to give the ad- plaJl. lenient wilh others; Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. law aud relations. The first lectures vantage. 'but never to ask for it; to To milch -lIme spent in front of bars Booze is the chief cause of crim(). will bB given by United States Sena- lOr George H. r.loses, of New Hamp- be kindly to all, hut kindlier to the Is apt to lead to more time spent be- shire, and he will speak on "Interna- less fOl'tunate; to respect all honest hind them. A person who killed" !E._D_I_T_O_R_I_A_LI tional Relations." Alhert Shaw, edi- employment; to remember always man in a drunken brawl said ht:' tor of the Review of Reviews, will that my life is made easier by the ser- wasn't to blame because he didll'~ vice of others and to be grateful. s.peak III April. know he was loaded. WITH CREDIT. "Half of our funny heathen lit'eil, To he toleraut and never arrogant; Tbe same soft hearted people wlw we aTe bent double picking up those The development of "womanly" to treat all men with equal courtesy; every COllsideratiOll he. that demand We students of Western Maryland tbillgS we have thrown away." women will be the aim of Bennillgton to he true to my own in all tblngs; to given to murrlerl,lrs think that hang· can !lardly be expected to engage in college, Bennington, Vt., which will make as much as I can of my strength ing Is too good for the poor beggar ex.tra curricular acUvltles which re- be opened in 1929, according to its ann the days ot opportunity, and to who steals their morning milk. GUil'Svery much mental applicatioto: "As 1 would not 'be a slave, so 1 first preSident, Dr. Robert D. Leigh, meet (\isappolntment without resent- for the ones of us who are not hzy would not be a master.-This eXJ;lress- at present of the faculty at Williams. We, often wonder how a jury fM\S can worlt hard enough on our stlidieH es my Idea of democracy. WbattiVt·l' Dr. Leigh said, "Despite tl1e in- To be friendly and helpful whenever when a judge sentences a crook to to make additional labors distu3cefu1• differs from this, to the extent o[ L:H) cl'easing number of women who are possible; to tlo, without display of jall after telling him he haas hecn difference, Is no democracy." \Vheu we have a few free nlQmont~, Abraham Uncolll entering vocatiolls and professions in bitteruess. all tJrat fair conduct de- found guilty by a jury at his peers. we crave a change. We do not care competition with men, It Is recogniz- mands; to keep illY money tree from Coddling of criminals ShOlIId he to spend every spare minute In wril' ed that there are many points of diff- cUllning or the shame of a hard 'bar- stopped. It makes them sott aNI Ing articles for student papers, in Herndon, the transcendentalist, el'ence between their natural Interests galll; to govern my actions so that I unfits tJlem for the pursuit at thoil' preparing debating speeches and the considered the mental Llncol!1 a~ and needs." He also said tllat the col- may fear neither reproach nor mis· professions when released. calm, cold, 'Precise: lege Is plallnlng to develop a curri- nndersiallrllng nor words of maJlce Now do not mistake our meanln,;. "Lincoln's fault, It any, was that culum wJlich will make ava[]able to 01' envy, and to maintain, at whatever women a higher education which will Well, well, would Vre shouLd be hearlly ashamed to he saw things less than they j'cal~y truly be their own. The majority of teOlporllry cost, my own self respect. Henry Ford I~ going you believe. it~ m>lUll- to start attend a college which did not have ;1 wel'e; less beautltul and more frigid. the women in colleges seek culture 1'0 keep faith with God, my fellow facturing small airplanes In great nc.wspaper, a debating team, or nny- He crushed the unreal, the inexaCT, aud special exrperiences of value to men ,
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