Page 63 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 63
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Page Three, I SPORTS I Boxing Basketball Wrestling I SPORTS I Baltimore University Puts Up GETTYSBURG DEFEATS W. M. TERROR WRESTLERS DROP MATCH TO V. P. I., 33·0 basketball varsity The girls' team Hard Fight Against Terrors Visitors, Fast and Accurate, WiD in The Western Maryland wrestling won its first game played awa.y this Closing Minlltes of Game tealll, coached by Alburt "Abc" Tozzi, year when it defeated GettS~\)I1rg on Terrors Win in Extra Period lost to Virginia Polytechn!c Institute Saturday, February 11. III the ~irBt The Terror baskatball team lost to gatnrday night at Blacksburg by tho hill! the ball got out of 1Veslorn Mary- . Baltimore Ul.,iversity cnme within an Gettysburg College Tuesday, Febru- score of 33·0. land's territory only twice, and at the ace of defeat.lng the Terrors Tuesday ary 7, by the score of 37 to 32. match was closely contested, end of thatl1a.lf the score stood 22·10 night in a fast and well-played basket- However, the contest was H. nip·and but of experience for the Green in our favor ..... 11 the girls played credo ball game which requirecl au extrn per- tuck affair for tile first 30 miuutea and nnd Gold grapplers caused them to IOS6 itnbly and shewed trno Western Mary- iod to decide the issue. The fiual secrc it was only by dint of a tremendous the meet. land spirit, as the final score 35·~1 tcs- was 29 to 24. spurt about the middle of the eceoud Mcvey Reed, making his first appear- t ifics. Trailing from the outset by a mar- lIalf that t.he visitors were able to pnt ance ill an inter·colleg.iate'mect, lost to The line-up: gin that varied from one point to B(lV' tile game oniee. Grant. in four minutes and thirty·six W. M. C. Gettysburg eeeouds by a double arm hold. en, Baltimore Unlvcraif.y put on a great Having taken tile lead at 11) to 18 Miles R. F. Greellawoy Admiral Simms, wrestling in the 125 minutes of tl!e see rally ill the c.losing minutes of the see- after the first tile five Greon round class, was thrown l)y A,ndes in Murphy L. F. Fischer ond half, 'rerror eagera end half of the regnlar playing time. theentened to hold on to tl'eir margin six minutes and forty seconds by a body Johnson J. C. Horll 'I'his spurt erased a acvcn-polut lead Todd S. C. Smith Which the locals had run lip at the until the close. and arm lock. Simms put up a game Willinger L. G. Bowers figl!t, breaking hold after hold. start of the second period and eventual But with weatcm Maryland l(' Peullewell, who also made his first Wheeler R. G. Henne ly earried the visitors to the van by one at 24 to 23, MaMillen and Haller got 22 to 21. busy and somewhat bewildered the local appearance in wreetling, lost a hard- Subs: Gettysburg-Richard for Fisch- contested bout to Ward by a half net- defense with the speed of their paeemg ThOllBob VHn Bnren was fouled :llld and shooting. McMillen in part.iculnr SOli and hammerlock in four minutes er, Pischer for Henne; W. M. C.- mnde good on his try from the 15·foot and fifty-cigl,t seconds. Brady for Miles, Engle for Murphy, mark, knotting the count at 22 to ~2. wliS outstanding. Thornburg for 'I'odcl, Cockburn for In the last minutes wcatcm Jake Day of the H5 pound class pnt three For the last two minutes of the half Maryland crept up a point or two, but up the best bout of the evening, losing Thornburg, Todd for Cockbnrn, Ward neither team wna able to eeore. When the damage had been done and the end to Smith by It time advantage of nine for whccter, Wheeler for Willinger, the extra period got under way the came with Gettysburg refusing to re Willinger for Wheeler. Green Terrors opened their beat offen- sort to "freezing" or excessive stalling minutes and five seconds. Day gave a him- Prosperity Methods! sive of the contest and quickly ran up wonderful e:: TO CH ESTERI=.J:I.D ! Score by quarters: Western Maryland .. 9 13 22 7-29 BaltiulOre U. . .... 6 16 Referee-Menton. G. F. T. Broll f. 5 2·2 12 Clark f. 1 0-0 Ellis f. o 0·0 Maehamerc. 2-3 Van Buren g. H Smith g. 1-2 '!'otaIB Hl 8·11 32 Seorl) by halves: Gettysburg 16 21-37 Western Maryland .14 18--32 Referee---Mentoll. EVERHART WE STATE it as our honest helief that the tobaccos used in The College Chesterfield cigarettes are of .BARBER and BOBBER finer quality and hence ofbetler "Around the corner." taste than iJ::I: any other cigarette at the pl'ice. T. W. MATHER & SONS LI~GEIT &: MvElts TOBACCO Co. Westminster's Leading Store ARMY SHOES The shoes authorized for lile R. O. T. C.
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