Page 60 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 60
Page Four The Gold Bug, Wettern Maryland Oollege, WestmiIllter, Md. Class, Club, and Society Doings §nrial NeIDa Alumni NrUl!i EDITED BY HELEN WHEELER AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI DANCES IN PARTY AT ing. Mr. Eldcedlce gave the story of- Mary Allnutt visited her sister in Bal Robert Burns' life in II charming man timore. McDANIEL HALL Any news items conoerntng W. lI!. ".Joe" Umbarger, ex-'27, was seen on uer, explaining his weakness and Ellen Shank was the guest of Mary the "Hill" this past Saturday. strength as sho ....n in his poetry. As a Alu.mni will be gratefully t"eeeived. was g"'en in McDaniel Hall Ruth Holt. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kindley are natural poet, Burns has no greater in the parlor S .. tnrday night by Miss moving to New York City. and Mrs. Stoyer. TIHl program world. "Re was the one nearest to na- Ruth Preach spent last week at her Margaret eonststurg ()f the Minuet, the Circle ture's heart." home in Baltimore. campus. Snader, '26, was seen on the :lilies Caroline E. J. Shriner, '96, of Dance, uud the Virgini:l- Reel was eon- Hagerstown, attended the basketball Mary Dr:yden "isited ller home in the week-end game last Saturday. ducted by the phyeieal education direc- Buckeystown, last week-end. LiUian Baker, '26, spent tor, Mise },'uith Millard. The young DELTA PI ALPHA with her parents at New Windaor. Mrs. Murphy, formerly of W. M. O. is ladies and the young men of the college man of seienee Relen 1fyers spent the week-end with Walter Smith, '2;, attended the dance visiting in Glyndon, Md. Her daugb took part in the figures. Ruth Sehlinke, "'L'he has to guard her parents in Mt. Airy. given by the Gamma Beta Chi club last ter "Pat" is a freshman. Elizabeth Norman and Alice Small pro ugainst bigotry just as mnch as docs the Arvnlene Hitchens spent the w~k end Friday night. Miss Adams, '21, attended the girls vided the music and songs. The dcecra- man of religion, "was one of the-salient stressed by Professor J. B. nt home taking a "rest cure." Rosalie Smith, '27, is teaching IIIusie varsity game held in the gymnasium. tions were in charge of Edith Kinkead. in speaking to the members of in four eehoola in Wicomico county, Md. We are all to see her when she 'I'he icc cream and fancy cakes we-e eerv- Brittiugham visited Ruth Kel- W.M. Della Pi Alpha 'I'uesday evening, .Jan She Jives at home. comes back O. ed by :Marie Richmond's committee. her home in Baltimore. lU\r.\'31. The Alnmni Association will hold its Eneh guest was given a tiny heart in Leota Harold RarshnUln, '27, visited on the which hs found his destiny inscribed. "Just because a statement can not be Rolb spent the week end with "Hill" l1]i3 Iast week. H6 is tuking annum banquet Friday evening, Febru- proved in a aeleuttflc laboratory, docs her grandmother at Woodbine, Md. advaueed mathematics at Cornell. ary 10, at the Southern Hotel, Balti net proyethat it is not correct," said more. Dr. O. Alfred Shreeve, '06, is end )1ar.'· THE POETS' CLUB the professor. "I can see you gentle- Baltitnorn Blauvelt the Betty week Mead. in Mrs. Laura Ben Hawkins, '89, broke chairman of the banquet committee. visiting men, bnt I enn uot prove that I see you. her wrist in an automobile accident and Preparations are beiug made for a. large The Poet's Club met in :'IleD::tnicl l'he scieutist should think twice before Vim I_"lhmn is jouriug Pennsyil'ania has been llnnble to teach since January. group of Alulllni from all sections of Hall reeeplion ]lllrior Monday night. sl
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