Page 59 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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The Gold Bug, Western Ma.ryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Th,.ee I SPORTSi Basketball Wrestling Boxing \SPORTSi Terrors Beat Loyola Quint PENN STATE FORESTltY Girls Defeat Hagerstown Y.W. BOXERS BOW TO CHAMPS N. Y. U. TRIMS TERROR FIGHTERS DEFEATED BY TERRORS Penn State Opens Schedule With Vic- New York Unirereity inaugurated its Western Maryland Scores 27-25 Victory Coach Barney Speir started a new On Saturday afteruoon in the gym tory Five Bouts to Two boxing aeaaeon last Saturday by defeat- On Evergreen Court \Vestern 1>laryland cage eombinati{)n the girl's varsity basketball tcam de- ing tile Terror boxers 6 to 1. George was defeated by Murray Israel, against the Penn State Forestry five feated Hagerstown Y. W. C. A. by a Ekn.itds Although tlte Loyola plJi.yers were and defeated the Pennsylvanians 30 to score of 24,-11. The vlaitors played a NORRIS IS VICTOR former nattoua l amateur lightweight leading, 14 to 10, at half-tame in their 23, at the Westminster Armory Pebru- good game but were no match for West- champion. game with Western Md. at Evergreen aryl. ern Maryland. Miles with 13 points Terrors' and Ekaitis Earn Israel was nocred for a nine count in J'anuary :n, and scored two more two Lyal Clark, who haa bnt recently re- and Murphy with 9, scored most for the Tallies the first round, but came back strong. pointers in the fir9t minutes of the sec- ported for tryout, replaced Bob Ellis as local team. game showed the real Ray McR{)biescored Western MMyland 'e ond period, the Terrors surged forward Broil's running mate at the beginning Western Maryland spirit, out to win, only victory. The r~$nlts: and buried them under a volley of bas- of the contes.,.t. Clark played only part and win right. Penn State's intercollegiate ebam- 115-pouud class-Arthur Berger, N. Y. kets to win, 27 to 25. of the game, bnt displayed creditable The line-up; plonship boxing team won the opening U., won from Bert Callahan, Western Each team made ten field goals but teamwork in conjunction with his par· W.M. C. Hagerstown Y. W. Il1cetoftll!lSellIWUfrom~ernMary Maryland, 3 rounds, jndges' deeiaton. tho winners had more chances to tully (In ,Bcnlarly good individual playing. Miles R. F. Niceley land College, five bouts to two at State fouls, sinking seven out of fifteen tries. According to Coaeh Spei;, the team- L. F. Rohrer College, Pa., January 28. 125-pound class-Daniel Pinsky, N. Y. Loyola scored on five out of eight tries. work of the new five surpasses that of Murphy J. C. Miller Captain Norris and Ekaiti$ made the U., won from Douglass Crosby, Western Johnson 'I'wardowiea, of Loyola, was high acor- any other tried eomhinattou thb season. Cockburn S. C. Lorn!y points for the Terrors, the latter having 1>furyland, 4- rounds (extra round), er, with four field goals to his credit. to go an extra round for t.he decision. judges' decision, There were no outetandiug players on Willinger R. G. Cngiom Western Maryland either team. Both teams exhibited a Wheeler L. G. Robem Wolff and "M~And_rewB,of Penn State, 135·ponud class-Harry Cohen, N. Y. G. F. T. fast pussing and close guarding game. Subs: Hageratcwn-c-Gaeard for Lent- won their bouts by teehnicai knockouts. U., knocked out Jack )'fears, Western Broil-f. 2 2·3 6 ly. Subs: W. M. C.-Brady for Miles, The Lions won the first three bouts Maryland, in the third round. Ellis-f. 1 0·2 Western Maryland Engle for Murphy, Thornburg for John- und clinched the meet in the 160·ponnd l4-5-pound elasa-c-Miehael Secai, N. Y. Machamer--e. 4-78 G. F. T. son, Hamilton for Cockburn, Wnr(l for class when Onptalu Wolf!' defeated IDe· D., won from Dick Norris, We-atern Van Buren-g. 0·04- Bron-f. S 410 Wbeeler. --~- pue in the last round. This was Wolff's- Maryland, 3 rounds, judges' decision. Sooth-g. 1·37 Clark-f. 0 thirteenth victory without a defeat. Cap' 160·ponnd ehss-Murray Israsl, N. Y. Longridge--g. 00·00 Ellis-f. S 0 INTER-CLASS CHAMPS DEFEAT hin Norris nnd Boruch {)f Penn State, U., won frem George Ekaitis, l,Vc@tern Sullhcan-f. 0 0 0 FROSR furnished thefenturematahof lhemeet, Marylnnd, 3 rounds, judges' decision. Totnls 107·1527 with the former enrningll shade. Maehamer--e. S 0 6 175·pound elass-Ray }.fcRobie, West- Loyola Ekllitis bad his string of knockouts Langridge-e. 0 0 0 The Junior inter-class team elltered ern },Laryland,won from Henry Massari, G. }'. T. 1 1 , hroken when Bendick held him f_veufor Dudley-f. 1 lH Van Buren-c. a tie with the Sophomores by defeat three rounds. lIe won by a narrow N. Y. U., 3 rounds, judges' decision. TWlHdowiez-f. 1·2 Smith-g. 0 1 1 ing the Freshmen by the score of HI-13, margin in the extra period. Snmmary: Unlimited class--Galahad Grant, N. Rodgen--e. 0·1 Monday afternoon. 1I5-pound clnss-:lIIahon, State, de- Y. D., won from Samuel Downer, 3 Liston-g. 3 2-3 Totals 12630 The Juniors were lead by "Joe" feated Plater, Western Maryland, by de· rounds, judges' decision. Monohan-g. 2 O-D 4 Keen wbo scored seventeen points, get- cisioll. Almine-----e. 0 0·0 0 Penn Statc For. ting eight field goals and one foul. Offieials---Jn{'k Elliott, referee; Cap· , 0 , G. F. '1'. Benson led the Freshmen wit.h six 125-pound elass-KJtern Maryland, by Silwr, Glencoe A. C., judges; Francis Seore by periods: Longbead-f. , 2 foul. decision. Prince \Vall, Boston College, timek('Cper. Western Maryland 10 17-27 HartmlLll-c. 0 1 The score: I35-ponnd clnss-FiJeg-nr, State, de· Loyola 14 11-25 Gearhart--e. 1 , Juniors (19) feated Hart, Western Maryland, by de· Wlten Referee-Newell Day. Timn of per· Vogenberg€r-g. 2 8 Shockley f. G. F. T. ciSlOn. ~lARY PTCKFORD Wanted a Good H-5·poun~ cIMs~(hptnin iods-20 miuutl'5. Rile-g. 0 1 1 Keen f. 17 Western Maryland, dcfeated Norris, PHOTOGRAPH Borneh, Tot.als 8 '23 Kinhart e. State, by decision. Site sent for Oravetz g. CLASS TILTS OPEN WITH Referee--Paul 1Ifenton. Chambers g. 160-pound filass-Captain Wolff, Sereck S. Wilson SENIOR'S DEFEAT State, dafeated Klcpaez, Western Mary- Total 1 19 land, technical knockout, third round. 'fha 1928 iuter·dass basketbnIl tour· D. S. GEHR M. C. A., Freshmen Crush Hanover Y. nament, sponsored IJ~- the Y. Freshmen (13) 175·pouud class:'_EkaiUs, \Vestern started Wednesday afternoon, Febru· G. F. T. _Maryland, defeuted Bondick, State, by Wholesale and Retail Hardware, ~ry 1, with a f!euior-sophomoretilt. The Tho Western Maryland freshmen Rein f. decision in eXlrn round. sopbs emerged victorions over the sen· basketball team ran rough·shod over Benson f. Heflyyweight-l'oIeAltdrew8, Stat.o, de- Buildinglllaterials, Cutlery, iors by the score of 21-9. the Hanover Y. M, C. A. team Wednes- MeLea e. frnted Weisbeek, West.crnMaryland, by Au"nuuition, Paints, Oila, The under-classmen jUmped into the day night, Jo'ebrnary 1, With R final Geoler g. teehnic31 knockout in first round. lead alter several minntes of scoreless 8eoreof49-11. McGowan g. SLol'es, Rnllges, ll'Ufnllees, play lInd netted eleven points before the Tbe Red Triangle men were handi· Lawrence g. Referee--Lucas, Penllllylvania. Jron and Steel Products upper-elaslIlmlll tallied. Tlle seeonil capped by the lack of two of their baat (Established 1866) half was a little better for the seniors as players, and by their ignorance of Total , 13 Judges-Rodgers, Harrisburg; House, they held the sophs to ten points while :Marylfllld inter'collegiate rules. "Lin- Referee-O'Lear. State College. Westrrinsler, Md. they netted eight. dy" Lindenburg and ''lck'' Gro8with Charlie Ha"ens was the "big gnn" staged a nip and tuck race for indi- of the winner's attaek, searing twelve vidual honan, bnt the former nosed points. Woodward and Quinn of the ont the latter by a single point. "Lindy" losers, scored four pointseaelJ to share netted eighteen points Rnd "Iek" seven· the scoring honors of their team. teen. The score: Theanore: Seniors (9) Freshmen (49) G. F. T. G. F. T. Woodward-f. 0 '" Lindenburg f. 4 18 Quinn-f. 0 4- Wellinger f. Alhright-f, 0 0 0 Reed--e. 0 0 Rein f. .Bay-g. 1 1 Wilker e. Cocil-g. 0 0 0 Atwood g. Groswith g. 1 17 Totals 419 Bush g. 0 Chesterfield Sophomores (21) G. F. T. Total 22 5 49 Pelton-f. , 0' Havens-f. 012 Hanover Y. M. C. A. (11) ~moke~ doni change Staeh-e. 00 G. F. T. Neal-g. '" H. Lou f. Seitz-g. 000 Willet f. Miller-g. 00 Bemiller c. with the fashions DeHfll'en-g. 00 Honek g. Total 1D 121 V. Loss·g. Referee-Clark. Tyson g. The Jnnior second te(lm failed to materialize se the Freshmen were award· Totlll 11 cd 11 forfeit game 1-0. Rcferee--PeJtoD. Please Patronize Our Advertisers LUNCH WITH US TODAY! Hot Soup! Hot Toasted Sandwiches! Griffin's Goodie Shoppe 59 WEST MAIN STREET
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