Page 57 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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COL SOHOLARSHIPS 'le; ALUMNI BANQUET AND AT SOUTHERN HOTEL ATm.ETICS TOMORROW NIGHT Vol. 5, No .• 7:1- WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Feb. 9, 1928 ALFRED P. DENNIS WILL CAGERS BREAK EVEN IN COLLEGE CALENDAR Dr. W. W. Ellsworth Delivers Five SPEAK AT ALUMNI BANQUET DREXEL, TEMPLE GAMES FRn)A Y, FEBRUARY 10- Lectures Before the Student Body Aununl Alumni Banquet at 80util· ern Hotel, natnuiore, Md. SOUTHERN HOTEL TO BE SCENE The Green and Gold Court Terrors in Dr. William Webster Ellsworth, guest~ in lIleDaniel lIall parlor. He OF 2Srd BANQUET "aded Philadelphia Friday and Satur- SodHI Hours 6.30-9.00 P. ~L prominent college lecturer, delivered read from tho manuscnpt of his book day of last week nnd split even ill t.he S,\TURDAY, FEBRUAI{¥ 11- acme of his remnrkable addresses before on poetry which :!Iiacmillall will publtsb two contests played. Drexel was west- the student body on February second 'I'he twenty·third annual mid·wintar Vuraity Boxing: t'cams vs. in 11 fcw weeks. It is expected that thia banquet of the Westeru .L\Iarylnnd Col· crnllbryland's fifth eonaecubive victim Poly Iuat. at Blaeksbnrg, Va. and third. The crowded benches in anthology will be used ne a text- book lege Alumni _t\ssoeiation lYi1l be held in Friday b~· the score of 33·:!5. Temple Smith Hall gnve cv.deceo of the popular Dr. EIISI'·orth said tilab the grenter In- an end to the Terror9' streak of luck Varsity Wrestling team vs. itv of the lectures. Baltimore to-morrow night. The affair terest in among scnoci boys ancl def{'ating them 38·31 ()n Saturday Pol)' lust. at Blacksburg, ve. will he staged in the ballroom of the Dr. Ellsworth was born ill Hartford, girls today is to the "new poetry?" home Southern Hotel and festivities will ue- Sceial Tlours 6.:l0-9.00 P. M. Couuecticnt, and hilS made his secretary with its variety of subject matter, its gin at 6.30 p- TIl. }'rida~' ,light the Tetrora, with :'IiONDAY, FEBlWARY 13- there ever siuce. He has been clralll:ltic qlll11ity, and its prose-Iika Dr. C. Alired Shreeve of the Class of "Otts" Broil as star, got off to an early women 's Litemry ,Societies at 6.30 and thcu preaideut of Tho Cenhlr)' Pub- .. erac. Hie selection WlIS based almost recent 190G is ehalrrnnu of the Bnnquat (lom- 1~,1d which lI"as not relinquished ollce P. M. lishing Company, bnt. in years cuurcly UpOIl lhe dramatic quality of pnrfleiputiou mittee and in charge of the general ur- dU"ing the contest. "AI" Smith, has retited from active n teeture iu the poems. To illustrate this ilc rcnd rangements. Plaus are being made to dimiuutitye gnard, SClit four long field ''''Jen'sLilernry So~ielies al 7 P. hl publishing to llluke tenr of first Vaehel LindsaJ's "Abrnlwm Lill' make this the most colorful and elabor· goala through the cords fer eigilt. poinU. American Colleges. Dr. Ellsworth is a (joIn Walks at .lIlidnight," Edgar Lee uto banquct c,'er held by the Alumni. Hey, Drexel's fnrwanl, led the 1'UESDA Y, FEBRU.ARY 1'1.- grallchon of Noah 'Webster, tJle c.ompilcr .:\InSICrs' "Tile Snake," Carl Sand· '1'11e' SehE'Ule i9 being 10~r:r'lI ntt>.!ek a remarkable emi· Social Clubs, 7.30 P. M. (If the Webslcr Dictionary. He is the "Chi'\lIgo," Hnd Ednl!. St. Vin· 1,iti()n ef shots and fouls, 1ll.1lking fi\"c Varsit)" B~skethal! team vs. ullthor of "A Golden Age of Anthors" ",:!d an.d e<,e"uted by Silverson, wllo "God's \Vorld." lie fol· orate(l DalUmore so artistically for gaulf! ont of as many attcmpts. University of Baltimore at West· aud an nnthology of poetry net yet off lowed these with the colorful verSGS of Buclcly Week. The defeat of SRtllrd~y night was the minster. the press AllI.r Lowcll nnd the words ef Coneh Barlow will be prcsent and an first. break in tha winning streak ef the WEDNESDAY, }'BBRUA.!{Y 15- Robort. Frost. A negro poem, nounce the 19~8 football schedule. Terrors. Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. meetings nt and a repre· poem, "No Hol~s," Tha guest of henor and speaker of lile "OUs" BroIl was .. wero read. They The lC(>tllre aud slides lena vcry clear prOSllcrous. Your boys and girls enter 17 year old Wcstern Maryland College included the poeu Lindsny, FrQst, impression ef the city of London during (E'rolll HMIOVrT EU(lI.illg 81111.) high schools, colleges, and universities student, who is eoufined at Maryl[wd liughes, liardy, .\!illll)" O'Neill and tlle lime ef in the mind Qf easily. But in Japan it is more difficnlt General Hospital suffering from II.frac- .:.1orle'y. In nddltioll, Dr. Elll:lworth read every o.neill the audience. His article which he calls "My Feel- for our boys and girls because we do tured spiu(!, WIIS forecast Wednesday HOlM Indian 1l1l!1 negro poet!"y. Ac· The e()iored lantern slides thut he ings in Westminster," ill asfoll()"ivs: not have S() many schools. Very diffi by the physicians at the institution. eording to the speaker, Ilegro poetry "is (Coutinued on Page Four) "A long time age when I was in the cnlt examinatious must bo passcd. Out. Young Mills, who is tIle son of J". eoming into its own" bccall!le of the second ycur class of my higil seilool I of 1,000 who take entrance el!lgue. in Alabama and a for· feelings and sentiments. ANNOUNCEMENT a.m accomplishing my long·cheriaiH.'(1 freshmen can be admitted. meT legal adviser attllched to tile Bal deelJired that "poetry hop!.' now. Bceanse you Americans im· YO,1 hll\'e n very good system of timon! branch of tlta dry- erganization, Ilot U{' redue~d to cOllllllollpla~e ported spiritual all(1 llluterial civiliza- heating your hous!lsand schools. Where· was injured November 28 in an acci- Despite this, Dr. EllsworU, S"llluci B. Schofield hilS tion to Japan, yon gave me a good im· a~ in Japan we have only cbarcoal dent ou the college campns. modcrn poetry f!!lOuld be 3 rcturned aHerall absellceofnearly Jlro~sion. You are II great benefactor braziers in onr home and in onr schools person!)l enjoyment !)lld ntilize the .ua· fonr year;; to resumc Ilis position as of tiJC Japauese civilization. I lmva a no hoat. terinlistie and commonplace language hea(l (If the Chemistry Department of great appreciation for you. There nre many empty fields in your SHAKESPEARE CLUB gh·e cnjo;meut of poetry to a greater 'Westorn IIlnrylaud College. He has As soon as I reached Westminster, I country. Your house~ ara standing in number of people. been studying at Princeton UniverB was surprised tllat you have 90 many the wide gronnds. But our houses are The Shakespeare Cluj) met on Wed· ity, \"I'here he has almost completed automobiles. I was strongly impresscd standing sido by side with no spRae be- nesdlly, February eighth, in McDaniel Poets' Club Enjoys Lecture work for his Ph. D. The faeulty and to see girls and woman driving thorn, twaellthem. Hall Parlor at 8:00 P. M. A. study was At tile Poet's Club, Friday afternoon, thc student body weleollle Professor f·or iu Japan WOillen do not drive auto· Yon hs,'o 110 work 011 Sunday except msde of Shakespellre's Bonnets and min· Februllry 3, Dr. EllBworth gare plessure Schofield back to the Hill. mobi"les at aiL We have many biaycles (Continued on Page Four) or poems. to a large gronp of members and
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