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Page Four The Gold Bug, Wutern Maryla.nd College, Westmimter, Md. Class, Club, and Society Doings ;§nrial News Alumni Nrw!i EDITED BY HELEN WHEELER AND MARGARET MARTIGNONl , Pili Alpha M:Utakes great pleas- RESUME OF WORK OJ<' THE MIss Mary Walzl spent the week- m:e...J.n... announcing that Miss Edna SCIENCE CLUB. end in Baltimore. AJly newa ltelllll W. M. We appreciate the help that the .roeenntue Nordwall has been term- Miss Isabel Douglass underwent a Alumni will be gratefully received. Alumni give us In making tWs col- ally pledged to the club. interesting. The present Science Cluh had its miner operraton at the Marylalld urn beginnings in a biology club formed General Hospital on Monday. Mrs. Kraus, (nee Nellie Gear) Philo had a short buatneee meeting ill 1926 by a group of interested Among those who entertained vts- Donald Parr was Been 011 the "Hill" class of '04 was a spectator at last Monday night. Eltzabetb NOrman, biology students. The cluh continued nora over the week end are: Mary thls last week. Saturday's basket hall game. president tor uie second term, nand- under the name of the Biology Cluh Ruth Holt and Mary Allnutt. Mary Warfield. class '25, spent the The 1928 edition of "Crab Lines," ed in her resignation and Kathryn for about a year. At the end of thai. week-end with her mother. the .Annapolis High School annual, Bryan was elected to the office. time it was decided to enlarge the Margie Wilson had as week-end is boundaries of the club to Include all guests her sister, MisS Katherine "Billie" Bevard, ex '2&, who is now being dedicated to Sarah Seney the uranctiea of science repr-esente/l wuson and Miss Jerusha Mitchell, employed at uutster's in Baltimore Lettcb, '22, who, for the last several Browning Literary Society held Its in the college, and to change the of Aeerneec. spends many of her week-ends with years, has been an outstanding mem- first mee,ting under the new prest- name from the Biology Club to the her parents in Sykesville. ber of the faculty of that Inatttutlen. dent, Elsie Held. After the plans Science Club in order to fit ill with Margaret Barnhart and Lucille for the term had been dtscuseec. a this widening of boundaries. The cneriee entertained the members of at breakfast program of poetry was given. Mtj- organization 'has been known as the Delta Sigma Hall Konpn Kitchenette. Sunday in BOXERS GAIN VIOTORY FROM ucneutet drerl Carnes gave a sketch of tue life Science Club since that time . .At morning. GEORGETOWN 4-3 of Rupert Brooke, and read poems to present the clnb has enrolled ahout illustrate different phases of nre. t'lfty active members. Miss rtoutneon and r-.frs. Stover (Continued from Page One) Helen Smith read three or Robart. The primary purpose of the Science will give a party in McDaniel Hall Service's poems portraying atrcoe- Club is to brtng together all of those Saturday night, February the fourth McCarthy, Georgetown, by technical phere ot Yukon. students who are Interested In at seven-thtrt.y. All students and HERE COllF.S THE BRIDEGROOM! knockout in first round. sCience so that they might have members of the faculty are cordially 17ii-pound Class-Ray McRoble, science discussed from various angl- invited to attend and anjo- the pre- Why slight. the bridegroom at wed- Western Ma.rylaud, defeated Ed. Fish, The Science Cluh held its first es, and that they themselves might gram or folk dancers. A number or dlnga? Georgetown, in extra round. meeting this year in the Chemistry take part in discussions. By these men nnd women are being coached He pays for some of the joint en- lecture room, January 18. The fol- means the etndeut gets a clearer in- b)' Misa Millard to take part in these tertainment-not to speak of all of 'Heavyweight Class-Fred Schaff- lowing officers were elected: sight In the things In which he or dances. the thereafter-e-sc it is only right that ley, tjeorgetowu. defeated Downer, Alvin Albright, rn-eatdent. she is interested in the realm of he receive some recogaition other Western Maryland. Mabel Barnes, vice president. SCience. than a reminder tnat another install- Referee--Harrl (Spike) Webh, Nav- Charlotte Wheeler, secretary. During the past year tile club has I,InRARY H'\S NEW BOOl~S. ment is yet due on the engagemllnt al Academy. Judges-CommandBr O. Thomas Braun. treasurer. been fol'tnnate In obtaining the ser- ring. O. Kessing. Naval Academy, and Den- Dr. L. K. Woodward as speaker of vices of several speakers of recog- The library has just purcliased 0 Mankind should rebel against the nis Hnghes, George \Vashingion. the evening gave a talk on the "Re· nized authority in their particular Henry's complete works. The titles practice of lhe press In devoting col- Timer-Charles 1..0. Ornstein, A. A. U. lation of Medicine to Science." fields. In addition to these addresses are as follows: umns to the tulle orsnge blossoms there have been papers and talks The Voice of The City. an({ other appurtenallceS of the bride prepared and rendered by SLudent and hridesmaids and giving thll garb The French Club held its rllgular members ()f the club. These discus· Sixes and Sevens. of the other party to the compact FUNNYBONE TICKLERS meeting in McDaniel Hall, Wednes· sions in particular \vere accompanie'l Options. only passing notice, if any. In fact, day night at seven o'clock. Elizabeth by Interest above the ordinary on the Cabhas-es and Kings. the scant mention made of the bride- Davis was cllairman of the program. part of the club memhers. Thll The Gentle Grafter. groom makes it seem like time wast- "Can yeu multiply'" Mathilda Thompoon rea.d a short ed for him to show up for the cere- "Do I look like a rahbitt" ancedote and \V. R. LanF;ley aud A. third activity of major importance is ..V·aifsand Strays. mony at all--especially so if he -Medley. S. Lindenburg gave impromptu talks the Scientific r.rotion Pictures ob· Rolling Stones. knows that the "best man" is Rlr~ady on assigned subjects. Elizabeth Nor- tained and sponsored by tile Science Wllirlings-Vol. I. there. man, as "teacher In llluslc," led in Cluh. These pictures are generall;' Whlrlings_Vo\. 2. Bnt sucli is blling done, for it Is "Why Is a campus llke a college the gJnging of a new song and a obtained {rom some industrial Ul'- The FOllr 1'I111lion. the custom of tbe land. Is It because catalogue?" round. Dr. F. Bonnotte related sev- ganization or from the U. S" Govern- The Trimmed Lamp--Vol. I. the hridegroom's costume is so con- 'It lies about the college." eral humorous stories. After the mllnt, always on some branch ot ventional? Even so, lie lias to dress scientific activity employed in every- ciub sang "Quand Madelon" and "La. day life. The Trimmed Lnmp-VoL 2 especially for the part or the guests Marseillaise," the meeting adjourn- Heal·t of the West-Vol. I. won't feel repaid for the presents Mistress: The master was very hap· .d. Two short m.otion picture reels He;,]l'tof the West-Vol. 2. parted witli like so many eyewetli. tilis morning, jane. He went off \\'ere r;,vi:)n Tuesday, January 14, at py the Star T}:leatra under tlle allspices Roads or Destiny-Vol. I. We once knew a benedict~oor to the eity whiatling. The Home Economics Club lIeld of the Science Club. The first pre· Roads of Destiny-VoL 2. lad!-who hired a "soup-and-flsh" J"ane: Yes, mum, it was my mistall..! its first. meeUng of the New Year in sented a most interesting history of Strictly Business-Vol. 1. for such a ceremouy only to discov- -I made his porridge of birdseedl the Practice House last Wednesday the manufacture of dynamite and a Strictly Business-Vol. 2. er at the last minute that one of the -Passing Show. a('ternoon. The (ollowlng memoo'rs demonstration of a few M tile nlany buttons on his coat was missing were chosen as officers for the sec· uses to Wllich dynamite has l)een "0. Henry is universally acknow- "Oh, don't bother about it," the ond semester: put. The picture was taken at the ledged the greatest American sliort bride's kindly mother reassured him, When in Rome, do as the Romeos Mae Mills, president. DuPont Manufak:.lurlng Compauy's story writer that ever lived. Ro· "no one will notice you anyway!" do.-Louisville Satyr. Dorothy Hooper, vice president. plant. The se'c,ond picture took the mance, Illystery, love, adventure-- In this day of equal rights bride- IHannah Mace, secretary. ohserver on a journey through the all these are in his stories-and grooms should dllmand equality In "These eggs.are hard as roeks." Marie Richmond, treasurer. oll wells of the United States. all his marvelolls genius is in the wedding cllstoms as in other things. "They ought to be. They were laid Margaret Barnhart, reporter. France, Spain, (',.ermany and Afri,ca. telling of Utem. He makes them Oh for a real he-man reporter wlio by Plymouth Rock l,ens. JJ Betty Cain, Freshman representa· With the beginning of the new so real that you forget every- woulcl dare write an unbiased account -Annapclis Log. tlve. semiater the newly IlI!lC.tedofficer~ thing abont you tn the joy or them. such ss this: After the election, a full and inter- assume their duties. The old officers He SllOWS you life as it is-and he 'Phe manly beauty of the bride- esting program was planne{\ for the wish the club great success in the holds you enthralllld with the rom- groom was strikingly displayed in a Compliments of rest of the year. There w~ll be two ance, the mystery of it. All the jackette of darkish material, snnggly meetings each month, one social and new year. world, from the great cities to the [itting over his ample middle, the ef- the other for an outside speaker remotest corners his name is known. fect being heightened by a cauliflow- Bansack's Pins for the National Homll Econo· Or. Ferdinand Bonnotte went to His stories are on the stage, In the er in his upper left buttonbole. He mlcs A:ssoclation may he ordered Gett}'sburg College on Tburs({ay, movies, in newspapers, books a.nd was married ill tlIe same trousers from tile secretary. January 19, at the Invitation of the ll1agazines. College pl'esldents ac- purloined by his paternal grandfath- The husiness meeting adjourned French Club there. He spolte to the claim O. Henry's gallius-tlle man all er, a cheris1led family heirloom orig- Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr and the freshmen served refresh- club on the subject of Mollere's the street loves him for him human- inally cut boufTante. one leg furnish- The Newest anil Best Clothing and ments. "Bourgeois Gentilhomme." ness. He has become almost as un· ed with an uneven hem showing Furnishings Ivel'sally known as the Bible. as oft- teeth marks made by sn unfriendly GQodsfor young men quoted as Shakespeare--in short, hiS bulldog at tilll time the old gentle- COLL"EG.'ESAND DRA1U. sentillg three one-act plays for stOrillS ha,e oome to be an indlspens- man selected the garment. A slight ]0 per cent oil' to college students theater's first first-night. 'fhe stu- ~ble part of the library at every and Intriguing glimpse was given of "The Influnce of tlle Ameri~an col- dents outfitted the quarter!). con- well-read man a baby hlue Paris garter-double grip lege and university lias resulted In structed a stage, aud aTranged the '"His appeal is universal. He wrote -a present from the bride. In saying Dr. A. J. Morrell an improvement in the drama," Prof. lighting,-trallsforming one of the for you w'hether YOll live in New "I do" the hridegroom exhibited George Pierce Baker, famous play- university halls into the Wesleyan some beautiful bridgework, the gift CHIROPRACTOR maker, of Yale University, told a Little Theater. York or in TCohomo. He makes you of Dr. Yankum, our popular local Ill) E. Main St. Phone 175 a friend witil his first story and then student audience at Brown Universi- tells yon a thOllsand others. dentist and piano tuner. ty. Tllat thi$ improvement is great He The best man wore the bridegroom's is indicated from the remark that ST.ARV_.\TIO~ COl~SES. hrings SpoklWe's hUlldred thousand other shirt and necktie, the latter ex- into intimate contact with l'IIanhat- "We are at the beginning of a really So intent has Johus Hopkins Uni- tan's five million. , hibiting traces of severnl departed significant drama-a. second Shakes- Versity been 011 eliminating the fi:'~t "He found romance everywhere- menus, and. for something old, ex- pearean period." two years of instruction aud the Col- IImOlll;lligh and low-rich and poor hibited the same socks in which Jeny "American college and universi- iege at Arts and Sciences and con- alike. He saw the good there is in Simpson appeared hefore congress. ties," said Professor Baker. "ha"e centratillg on graduate study. that all of us. He made allowances for The best man proved his title by Koontz Confectaurant taught students to respect drama as a undergraduates in the University are OUl'dual natures. knowing that few throwing rice (which he neglected to fine art and to see that it ({epends suffering from neglect, says the News- of us are wholly good and, believing remove from tIle call) with such tell- not alone on the text, bul on the In- Letter, In looking for more adequal~ none to be altogether had. He built ing !!ffect that It speeded the de- terprlltatlon, setting, and Ilspeclally instruction until the new plan o house of faith in humanity upon a partiug couple. Is in this present time, Ulll lighting. actu~l1y put into effect. That changEJ, corner-~tolle of truth. That is why P. S. The bridll and bridllsmaids CIGARS, CIGARETTES, CANDY, "Tn my time the worthy members says the stm.lent paper, is stlll far in were appropriately garbed, as is of society raised their hands ln hor- he is great." customsry on such occasions. or if a young member of society even the distance. Turn about is fair play! SODA, SUNDAES, SANDWIOHES Suggested entering the legitimate Commenting 011 the effect of con PATRONIZE OUR ADVER'!'lSE}lS From The Pathfinder. thea!re; today the news that a mem- Cetltration 011 a. program that is far ber or SOCietyi8 planning to take up fl'Om being realized, the NewS-l..oeUel· J. Stoner Geiman a stage career is received with en- ~ays: Westminster Savings Bank Babylon & Lippy Company thusiasm. "Fo1' the past year the Univenitl' H.\DIOLA, l~RESIIMAN, ZENITil, "A.nd study of the theatre in the llas centered its attention upon lh1 ,\ 1\TJ) KOLS1'ER RADIOS Capital $50,000.00 colleges and universities bas brought New Plan. Tbe Ulldergradunte de- 77 W.Main St. out this fiue, new American drama, partment bas l'ecelved little notice WESTMINSTER, MD. Surplus "Earned" 300,000.00 alld continued study will improve it and considerahle neglect. The list of l>'LORSllEHJ SHOE~ immeasurahly." courses has been drastically Cllt. ano F. THOS. BABYLON, Presidl'nt. STE'fSON HATS Wesleyan University's dramatics many students are being subjected 1.0 Westminsfer Stationery Store have taken on new life with the open- high schooi pedagogical methods at 1fILTON P. "MYERS,Viee Prell. jng of a little theater. The class In the hands of earnest and well-mean- 'BILLY DTTMAN, Prop. ,TACOBII. HANDLEY, Treasursr. dramatic Interpretation. and the ing, but green, stuclent assistants." Paint and Powder Club united in pre" From "The New Student" Greeting Cards for all oeCRsioas Seeurlty Sel7iee Illternational :Mndc·to-Men~ure Suit~
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