Page 55 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, P(Jge Three ISPORTSi Basketball Wrestling Boxing ISPORTS i LEBANON VALLEY SHADED BY W. HD. BOXERS T,OSE TO PENN. BOXERS TO !t[EET PEN!.' STA'm WESTER..~ MADYLAND. NEXT. Terror jjjttmen Conquered By I'OUT With OUs Broil going at his best, Bonts To TIll"ee. The western nrarvtanrt bnxine ream the Terror basketball team easily de- will meet its fourth opponent of the at afternoon 1f128 season Saturday teateu Lebanon Valley College at the EKAITlS IS VIC'L'OIL State College, pa. The leather- push- Armory last Thursday night by the ers of Penusylvantu State College wlli score of 38 to 34. Knocks Out Lee Elliott In Minute be the hosts or the local mittmen. While only four points separated The local boxers have been going the teams at the conclusion of the All~l Ten Seconds. season. They ueteateu battle, the Terrors took an early lead very well thts and and were never beaded. At the end The Western Maryland College Georgetown and gave V. M. 1. hard fights to win from Pennsylvania of the first half the count stood at 18 boxers tried hard to avenge their last to 12 in favor at the locals. season's defeat at the hands of Penn- them. will choose Coach "Dick" Harlow Seldom have Westminster fans wit- sylvania, but lost to the Quaker mitt- nessed an exhibition such as Otts men last Saturday at Philadelphia, the seven men to represent the Green turned in. His marksmanship was four bouts to three. and Gold from the followlug men: deallly Rlld his speed drew foul after George, the Terror's 160- 115-pouncl class-Flater 01" Cnllahan foul, which he almost invariably con- pounder, repeated his victory of the 125-pound class----Crosby or Robertson verted Into points. Broll shot seven previous uight at Geargetown by 135-PO\llld class-Mears or Hart field goals and made good on 10 toss- kl1oo],lng 'out Lee Elliott in 1 mtn- 145-pouud ctnsa-cccn-is or Bush es from the free throw mark for a ute and 10 seconds. total of 24 points. The bout savored of a knockout at rsu-pouud clas~-Ekaltis, Newcomer Ellis was back ill the line-up arter Ihe outset, when both boxers rushed or Usinger a period of inactivity, due to an in- each other after B. few prelimlna.ries. 175·pound clsss-Klepacy, Tillman 01' jnry. They tore into each other with de- McRoble Machamer went out on personal termination, landing clean straight Heavyweight class-Kohnut, Down- fouls In the second haH and Long- punches. "\Y111ingto exchange blow er or Weisbeck. H. B. "BARNEY" SPIER ridge took his place in the line-up. tor blow they stood toe to toe, swap- For Lebanon Valley the work of ping punches for a full minute. Coach Harlow's able assistant, who directs the Gilbert and !\!iller stood out, especi- Ekaitis paused, measured the distance WRESTLERS l'REPAR£ ron EN- activities of the Terrors in the ally the latter, wllose center play was and landed a solid right cross flush COUNTER WITH 'JIIDIHES. excellent. Gilbert, a fast man, gave on Elliott's chin. Tb ls dropped the realm of basketball the local defense a lot of trouble, Quaker boxer for me count. The western Maryland mat men. while Miller was always dangerous Iu the most evenly contested bout who are coacbed by "Abe" 'rozzi, will of the sea- in the mix-ups under tbe basket. of the afternoon Dick Norris, captain meet the third opponent 28, at Anua- January son, Saturday, of the Western Maryland team. Wall a polis, Md., where they will wrestle D. S. GEHR westeeu Md. uectstou over Don Winorsky, the the erennrers of the United States Shipley's Pennsylvania's 145-pou\Jder. Nor- G. F. T. Naval Academy. Wholesale and Retail Hardware, ris was given the bout on points. Broil-f. 71024 The Navy has a very good mat The opening bout between Louis team. but thls does not d1scourage A'r 'l'UE FORKS Building "Materials, Cutlery, Ellis-f. I 1 3 Petuee, of Pennsylvania, and Bert the locals, who have shown quite an Machamer-c-c. 2 1 5 Callahan, was fast and went the full improvement over the- last exhibition .e rnmuuition, Paints, Oils, Longridge--c. o 0 0 limit of three rounds with Pel use at V. M. I. They will unrlnubtedly For Things to Please Stores, Ranges, Furnaces, Van Buren-g. 1 1 3 emerging as the winner by a dects- give the middies a hard fight. IrOll nni! Sleel Products Smith-g. 1 1 3 ion. Tozzi will select 1111'1representatives Your Palate (Eatabfiahed 1866) The ras-nouneers. J. Roaenbltth, of from the following men: Westminster, Md. Totals 121438 Pennsylvania, and Doug Crosby, 115-pound class=-Breuh l fought the only extra round bout anti 125-pound class-c-Simma 01' Robertson Lebanon VlIlIer. it was only in the last minute that 135'1l0und class-c-J. Warrell, De'Haven Crosby accumulated e.nongh points to or Penl1ewell G. F. 1'. will the decision 145-poulld class-Hershman LUNCH WITH US TODAY! Gilbert-f. 3 0 6 C. Hart lost his bout to William 160-pound cla$s-Fox 01' Evans Hot Soup! Plain-f. 3 2 8 1\1ills, of Pennsylvania, by a decision 175-110Ulldclass--Cook 01' H. O. Smilh Shroyer-f. o 0 0 DEthe judges. Heav}'welght elllss-Dowuo:\·. Hot Toasted Sandwiches! l'I1il1er-----< L. G. Miller, J. Kivlat, Pennsylvania University. Johnson, D. J. C. 1G0iski rodd, R. S. C. Cockran Subs. Lebanon-Freeman for Lane. Prosperity Methods! Sllbs. W. M. C.-Thornburgh for Johnson, Cockhurn for Todd, M.ilea WHY PAY MORE' for Engle, Todd for Cockhnrn, JOhll- Gmts' auits cleaned and pressed .$1.00 son for Thornl>urgb, Thornburgh for Gentsl suits pressed .3(i Johnson. Knickers cleaned and presscd .50 J,ndies' coats cleaned and pressed 1.25 Score by quarters: Ladies' one-pieee dresses deaned Lebanoll Valley 4 7 2 4-17 and pressed. . .. 1.25 Western Maryland 2 2 4 7-15 ::lA-HOUR SERVICE-24 ALBERT "ABE" TOZZI College Re}lresentativll of When MARY PICKFORD U. W, MILLER, Cleaner and Dyer W:lnted fl Good Westminster, Md. PHOTOGRAPH Estab.1906 She scnt for Sereck S. Wilson ALVIN T. ALBRIGHT, Levine Hall Representative
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