Page 48 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Fou,. The Gold Bug, W6IIItern Maryland Oollege, W.. tm.tmt&r, Md. Class, Club, and Society Doings l%nrial Nl'Ul1l 1\luluni Nrlun EDITED BY HELEN WHEELER AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI ,V. lV. JUNIORS ELECT OFFICERS. DURING VACA.TION. Miss Katherine Parker, class of '27 W. "iV. entertained Miss Margaret At a meeting held Tuesday afternoon and Gilmore Lippy, class of '27 were M. Robinson at a tea Tuesday utter- in Mission parlor the Juniors elect- -ma r rted at the bride's home in Alex- noon, January the tenth, in honor of ed the following officers: Vice presi- Helen Wheeler underwent an ooer- andria, Va., December 31, by the Rev, her return to the hill after au extend- dent, Robert Rowe; secretary, Gladys auou for sinus trouble. Mary Warfield, class of '25, visited Mr. Hooker. They are uow living at ed vacation. Miles, treasurer, Richard Norris. her mother during the week's end, Pocomoke City, Maryland, where they Artbur Broil was elected to the stud- Elsie Held was lucky enough to are both teaching. ent goverument council to fill the spend the week end at home. "Billy Bevard, ex-'28 attended the BROWNING place left vacant by cnartea Oham- dance given by the Black and White Mabel Smith, class of '25 whose bel'S. The President, R. C. Chambers, Ruth Schlincke and Evelyn Pusey Club. engagement was anqounced in a Browntug Literary Society elected was elected earlier ill the year. entertained rrteuds on Sunday. former "Gold Bug," was married to Us officers tor tile second term, Mon- Katherine Johnston spent nert of John Wooden, class of '27, was seen 1'111'. Harry Carson, of Wlslnus Col- d·ay evening, January 9. Tile follow- DELTA SIGJfA KAPPA ~L"ECTION. the holidays in Hartford, Connecticut. 011 the "Hill" last week atter the lege on December 24th at one o'clock. ing were chosen: President, Elsie Black and 'WhIte dance .. They were married by her father, the Held; vice-president, lIfargal'et Kyle; The aemt-annua l election o~ Delta Virginia Reyonlds was visited by We are very pleased to annuuuee Rev. Mr. Smith at the M. P. Church secretary, Virginia Holland; Sigma Kappa toop place Tuesday her mother, thIs Saturday and Sun- the marriage of Virginia Hastings, in Bridgeton, N. J. Margaret Wilson er. Anna Ely. evenlng, January the third. The fol- day. class of '27, to David Johns, ex-'30. '28, who was her little Sister, was one lowing melnbers were placed in Dorothy Hooper entertained Messrs. They were married November 23, 1927 or the bridesmaids. 'I'be bride wore a office: MacLea and Bates at her at Westminster by the Rev. Mr. Rup- fuschia velvet and georl,;"ette embroid- Y. W. C.A. Mae ;\Iills-President Gomsak, ley I9.tthe Lutheran naracnage. Edith ered In rhinestones. 'I'he maid or home. Louise Baus-c-vtce President Lynch and "Bob" Ellis were their at- uocor, her conatn, wore blue velvet At the meeting of the Y. W. G. A., Virginia Merrill-Secretary MIss Edith KInkead entertained Mr. iendants. Their address Is not known and georgette. Miss Annetta Yeats, Wednesday evening, Jan. 4, Frances Lucllle Charles-Treasurer Bruce Foster at her new home in as yet. of Cumberland, sang. ward gave a report of the Internat- Rutll Staley~Cha.plain Glen Rock. ional Stndent Conference which was Roberta Rowe and Margaret Bank- held In Baltimore, The purpose of art were appointed to act with tbe Because of illness, Margaret war- S P 0 R T S---Contiuned the conterence was to consider president as representatives to the uer was not able to return to school economic problems In which vartoua Inter-Club ccuncn until Friday. nations were mutually concerned. Tommy Massey and Polly Darby VARSITY CAGERS DIVIDE GAMES MT. ST. MARY'S TO PLAY Representatives of twenty-two na- motored to New Jersey, New York and ON TOUR THROUGH PENNSYL- WESTERN MD. TONIGHT tionalities were present at the meet- PHILO Connecticut. Polly spent part of VANIA ings. her vacation with Edith Kinkead. Mount st. Mary's quintet will play Philo Literary SOCiety held Its (Continued from Page One) election of cmcers for the mid-year We wonder If the New Year has the first home game aince the return BURNS' NIGHT AT POETS' CLUB, term I\londay night, January the anything to do wttn the number at Western Maryland (SiI) from the Christmas recess tomorrow ninth. The following were placed in new diamond rings and tr-ater ntty ~. Fi io The Poets' Club will celebrate office: pins seen "on the Hill." Broll-f. ~:;:\:v~:e:r::; :aes!~rs:n~ear~!a::v~r~~~ Burns' Btrthday at its regular meet- "Betty" Norman-president ing in McDaniel Hall, the fourth "Bushy:' Voorhis-vice president ~~~~ha-:~r---c. ! ~1~ ~:rsS;e;"j:~(~8el~::eo;11:~:~n:~v~I,:~;::~:: )Ionday of the moutb, January "Ginny" Scrivener- corresponding w. l\ru. 1fE:N WORK I'on P. O. 0"" ~3rrl. President Hugh L. Elderdice, secretary VACATION. ~:ne~::!~_g, ~ ! t:t~::~::at~~,: ::~tc8:~on~tl~e tl~: D. D., L. L. D., who has traveled ex- "Polly" Darby-recording secretary \Veinstock-g. 0 0 0 Mounta.ineers. l\ tensively and is familiar with the "DIonday night. The retiring presi- In Miss S'mnll, followed by the read- may seeIll, the men were always Referee-Musser. moutor has i!lcn pportunity for (lent. Mr. Johnson, expressed his ap- ing of one of In Fontaine's failles by eager to go to work, but dreaded th~ f preciation for the cooperation he had 1\Iiss Voorhes. The next ll111uber, the moment when they were told to "ring Western Maryland (29) :t:~~g e~l:llft:tit~ ill elliug the first received from the society. TIle re- sUI'prise of the evenin!;", given by out;" for they wiShed to mal,e as sults of the election follows: Presi_ i\1es~H's.1\le1].1'8and Langley: was R milch overtime as possible. HowsvSl', Broil-f. ~. Fi ~~ Alt.hough Mallo.\' luu plenty of ma· dent, Francis E. 1\.feredith; vice presi- dramatic Interpretation of Longfel- when their work was -concluded on Smith-f 0 0 0 lorial for two fast qUilltcts, IlS thnt he dent, W. K. Barnes: secretal'y, Sam- low's "Village Dincksmilh," adapted Christmas Eve, they were all ready uel H. Bryant; chaplain. B. H. Pllil- to the }<'rench. Miss Atwood's talk to give up their pOSitions to enjoy the ~;~~~-:-~er-c. ~ ~ ~ ;~: ;:~::Bt:~c~;en~~e~,~::;~~~:~~'~l~td~ lips; critic, H. O. Smitl\. Mr. WQod- 011 Lhe "Malson Fl'ancalse" a.t Mid- rest of iheir VB cation. O'Lear-c. 0 1 1 pond ia great mcnaure on },[eG:t~rignll ward continues in office as treasurel .. dlebllr~' was interesting and informa- The following men worked l1.t the Vau Buren-g. ° 3 Z 8 and Conncll at forwards, Cap!.. JImmie After the election, Mr. Kochinske tive. Miss Darby lhen l'ead sevend Post Office during tlle Christmas f()sh Weinstock-g. 0 0 Kerrigan :llld llemler nt guards, with bared the very soul of a banjo, es- amusIng ~necdotes. Mias Nable in_ ~1essl"s. Cecil. Goodhund. C\f!rl{. i\I.ike lIr.eCullworking lit ceuter. pecislly iu a Polish air I\rr, Calla- troduced a game Which called for Neal. H. Chambers, Rensch, Long. Totals 11 7 2!l han read a humorOIlS Irish selection. much thou gilt OJ! lhe part of the Roach. l\'laeRobie, Wooley. F:kaitls, The meeting was adjourned after dis- players. The meeting was closed af- Gomsak. Bates. l\1aclea, Norris, Broil. St, Thomas (!!1j) lXTlm-COI,LEGlATE N.F.WS. cussing plans for the present admin- ter sInging "La 1Ifadel
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