Page 47 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Page Thre4 \SPORTS I Basketball Wrestling Boxing \SPORTS I W. xn, COURTMEN ItEl'EAT LA· nzsmrn SOCCER. CAJ[PAinN. and defense. Reed and Sullivan, noth "DICKY" .NORRIS wixs nOUT IN CO-EDS ~[EET GA.LLAUDET IN BALTlliOBE. F.AYETTE (!UlXT"E'f 30·1[;, seniors, will be the only player;; the CAGE CONTEST JAi'i. H. team will lose. In the tour years they have played these two players Richard M. "Dick" Norris, gnuth were always found in the thick of the Atlantic welterweight champion was The first girl'~ hasketdr til gutne a victor in the first monthly wi!! be played Saturday afternoon in fight breaking up many dangerous progr-am the gym agatnst caueuoet. 'rue plays. Hart and Smith at fullhauk of use Central Y. ;'0.'1. C. A. [or 1928 at Central "Y", Sam-day night. squad has been practtcsug eepeclal ly and Howard at goal perfected th"'l de- "Dick" met a willing' boxer in hard stuce va!ation. The team wtft fense. These two fullbacks both euro George (Red) Mason, 'United states not be picked unU! the day of the boaters ere all a team could want. Army, and he had his hands dur- Their abilIty to kick the ball far down xame and everyone is anxious to see the field tree probably saved many a jng the first round. Red Iu'll wasn't who will play. goal. Howard guarding the goal for afraid to take a rap to get one homo thr+lltng. the leading team changing The schedule for the eeaacn is as at nearly every basket. Lafayette margins. Franklin and M:Jr- the second season always seemed and "Dick" swinging wildly at umca. and Towson Normal won by follows: got off to a. flying start by ecortns one and two point margin and were (l- to play his best wben the going WhS However Dick's greater experience The defense and team Jan. 14 Gallaudet at Westminster 3 P. tWO field goals before W. 'hI. could the only teams against which the the toughest, the entire back field has enabled him to carry off the judges' dectston. work of Broil a.nd Ellis, tbe star M. get started. of 'Western Maryland, soon 't'ar roi-s did not score" The Navy kept down the scoriug of the oppon- forwards Jan. 21 Lehanon Valley at westm!u. tied the score at 4-4. W.:r.f. gained SCOI'ewas ~-3 in their favor but this ents. Seitz, Belote and Flater, sub- Shipley's eter 3 P. M. the lead when Broil shot a foul. Han- game br-ought Nuvnt many nommeudattona next stitutes. have also given valuable aid The officials. from the son, the Lafayette star. made a beau- to the team and will be called Iur.o Feb. 4 Hagerstown at Westminster game was played at Easton, 1'<1.., service next season. t.iful shot givi))g his team the artvan- 2.30 P. J\1 against Lafayette and since W .. \1. A'r 'I'HE FORKS age. 'iV. M. scored anomer 2 points lost by a 7-1 score it seems that. ttl(· Feb. 11 Gettysburg at Gettysburg 3 P. and after each team made a rout shot team was out played and almost out- ·i\1. the half ended; W. ,,1. 10, Lafayette !l. classed. King's Pharmacy For Things to Please In the second half the Lafayette Feb. 18 Vagabonds at Westminster ::\ team appeared weakened (rom the All tueau games were played Oil The Rexall Store P. M. rapid pace of the nrevroue session. roretgu territory. Normal. the Urst Your Palate Feb. 2" Amer-ican University at Wash- while 'V. M. seemed merely warmo t game played on U10 home flelr! was !jtj E ~b.ill st., Westminster, Md. up. "AI" Smitb hung up 4 more taken into camp by a 3-0 score. :~l'l!t Ington 3 P. !If. points. And when Lafayette pl'oCE:IOd-Came the return game with "laJ'. 3 Gallalldet at Gal1audet 3 ·P. ){ ed to score again. he hung up 2 on the home grounds. The two te,tUJ<; EVERHART Prosperity Methods! Broil Mar. 10 Lebanon Vally at Annvil~c 3 more. It was in this halt that sinking baUled two extra periods but could The College change a. 2-2 score. went on a seOl'inl; rampage, '!';v(o could not P. M. two field goals and 5 fouls, giv;ng 11i8 Baltimore teams, Polly and City lllst BARBER and BOBBER WIlY PAY MOB]';? Mar. 17 Gettysburg at \\'estmillSte:" 3 team a lead of 14 points. E1li~ .o:llOt to Western Mirtyland by respentve "Around the eerner." Gents' au ita !llcaned and pressed .$1.00 P. M. another field goal as the game enden scores 2-1 and 6-1 Gents' suit.s pr!lsBed ..... .35 This game brings Broil's tot!!.l Western :\ial'yland again set root Oil Kuiekers cleaned and pressed 50 La.dies' coats !lleaned and pressed 1.25 points scored up to 48. He scored 1-1 (ol'eign tenltory when they met Uni\'. Ladiea' one·piece dresses cleaned TEHROR GRArl'I-,"EUS LOSE GA.:lIL points against the Arundel Boat Club of Delawsre at Newark and ·.ver ... D. S. GEHR al\d prr.sscd . . ... 1.25 FiGHT TO F &; )I. a.n;:1ill the Navy game he scored 16. foreed to return with only a 3-3 dl'U'.v. 24-!IOUR SERVIOE-24 This gives him a wide marglll a~ high 'Wllen tile sallle team met at W~st· Wholesale and Retail Hardware, Western Maryland wrestling team point scorer of the State. nlinster a week later the Terrors ti11- AIiBERT "ABE" TOZZI made Its tirst appearance of tbe S'Jn.- The score: ished the game and 1927 seaSO'l h.v Building 1Jaterillis, Culler)', College Rcpresentll.t.h·e of son at F'ranklin-Marshal1 Col1ege winning 3-0. Ammunition, Paints, Oils, U. W. MILLER, Clea.ner and Dyer last Saturday. Failure in this case Western ~£aryl8nd (30) Twelve players were awal'ded Stdvcs, l~anges, Furnu~es, Hersh Ave. Westminster, Md. is not a seJ10us reflection on th~ G. F. T. their letters. Those on tile fOl'war'j Iroll lllld Steel Products Estab.1906 ability of our wrestling team because B1·01l.-f. 6 6 18 line are Capt. Beauchamp, HO::l1Il'l. (Established 1866) ALVTN T. ALBRIGHT, Le\'ine Hall Franklin-Marshall was the eastern Ellis-f. 2 0 4 Willis. Longridge Rnd Benson. B,"uu- collegiate champion last year. o 0 0 cbamp, l1uanimously elected captain Westminster, Md. Representativll Headed by Capt. Fox, tI1is was the M.achamer-c. (capt.) again. Is tlle le1HlingSCOI'eran,l t~le first wrestling team ever to represelit Van Bnren-g. best at dribbling the bait. Holland \Yestern Maryland on tllll mat. Co~- GomSak-g. find Benson playing on the wing:'! LUNCH WITH US TODAY! sldering the number of years it taKe~ SmIth-g. 3 1 7 wel'" good at llan,.Hhlg and pflHsitl,;' to develop a good team, our wrestler" the ball. Willis. who has played every Hot Soup! deserve the highest praise. Every Totals 11 830 game for two yeal's, plays the gan..-' man showed the necessary fight, bOlt bnrd and well. Willis and Long- the lack of experience was the main ridge. a former Barton star, are ac- Hot Toasted Sandwiches! factor In tbelr downfaU. G. F. T. curate sllots when close to the gultl. Leiseuring-f. 1 1 3 These players had an offense t.bat 115 lb. class. ., Griffin's Goodie Shoppe T~ipetz-f. 3 enilbled them to score against 111e Reiner of F. and M. won rrum o Bruehl. W. liT.. by time ad"antage. Messinger-t. 59 WEST MAIN STREET 6 ITjinutes, 37 secon.ds. 3 points. Houser-c. 3 0 0 McGuire-g. (capt.) o 1 1 125 lb. class Sherwood-g. 1 0 A. Moore of F. and M. won frolll o Callaban, W. M., by a fall, 2 mlnutes, Chiminti-g. 0 0 15 seconds, using crotch an(j body hold. "points. Totals 6 315 135 lb. class Scorea by 11alves: W. M E. lI[oore of F. and M. won from 1. c. 10 20--30 Simms, W. M. by a fall, 4 minutes, 5fi li------lii seconds, using half-nelson· and body Referee---Wiuton. hold. "points. Wheu 145 lb. class. Crleder of F. and M. won from . -"1Any ]'TCRFORD Wanled II Good Hershman, W. 1'11., by a fall, 9 min- PHOTOGRAPH utes, 12 seconds, \Ising crotch and Slle sent for body 1I01d. 5 points. Sereck S. Wilson 158 lb. class. Capt. Lehmen of F. and M. won JIAVE YOUR SHOES REPAIRED A'1' from Capt. Fox, W. 1'11., by time ad- '.rHE COLLEGE snop vantage, 4 mjllutes, 23 seconds. 11 ~mokendonl change points. SPECIAL PRICES ::FOR STUDENTS 175 lb. class. c. KROOP 25 E. Muin St. Slonaker of F. and M. won from with the fashions Cooke, W. M.. by a fall, 6 minutes, -Hi seconds, using crotch and body hotd 5 points. !Heavyweight. Koontz Confecturant '\\"hela.n of F. and M. won from Downer, 'V. M.. by extra time advant- tage, "minutes, 35 seconds out ...l two. three minute periods. 3 poll\ts. CIGARS, CIGARETTES, CANDY, F. and M. 29, W. M. C. O. Referee---Al Riggs A. A. U. SODA, SUNDAES, SANDWICHES T. W. MATHER & SONS Babylon & Lippy Company Westminster's Leading Store F'LORSllEDI SHOE~ STETSON HATS ARMY SHOES The shoes authorized for the R. O. T. C. Il1ternationnl ;\lade·to:"lensure Suits
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