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PLAYS "-'~~-I TOMORROW NIGHT COl \lei VS LEBANON VALLEY SMITH HALL AT ARMORY TONIGHT Vol. 5, No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Jan. 19, 1928 Examination Schedule-s-First Semester COLLEGE CALENDAR Shakespeare Club Has Election. of 1927-1928 Officers and Gives Splendid Program THURSDAY, JAN. 19- THURSDAY, January 26, 1928 Varsity bnslretba.ll game-c-Leba- non Valley ve. W, U. at westmiu- The Shakespeare Club met in xre- added iu the title page. The third is- MOrning Aftemoon eter. Daniel Hall Parlor for its regular sue was merely a reprint of the for- Preneh T Greek 3 Biology 1 Social Beieuce ::I monthly meeting at seven O'clock, Jan- mer. The same text V\aQ printed in Prench B Latin 1 German 1 Bpanish 1 FRIDAY, JAN. 20.-.- uary 11. The ioll()wing ()fficers were 1605,1613, 16U, 1629, and 163~. The French 5 Latin 3 Greek 1 Speech department presents plays elected to serve until February 1, 1929; play was very popular, and was hon- in Smith Hall, 7:45P. xr. French 1 Latin 5 HomoEc.l·2 President, Margaret Martigoni; vice- ored beyond any of its fellows by con- French 9 Latin 9 Home Ec. 13 "boxillg team ,Os. George- president, Casper Hart; seeretarv-treas- temporary notice. Philosoplly 7 Horne E~. 15 Washington. urnr, Gatherine Read. Richard Burbage h~"'nle Identified tree.enasi ~'h() program e()mlllittee is cOlllp()scd with the iloro H SATURDAY, JAN. 21- Johns()n, Mary Wahl, Vir· ....."'_ ~atod perfcr- Varsity boring team va. U. of of Dorothy iuaneea of t.he"._J}. Th.. {eneral style, ginia Holland, and 'V. G. Eaton. FRIDAY, January 27, 1928 Philadelphia nt Philadelphia. Elizabeth Davis gave It report ou the though ebowiug a. deeidet' advance on Morning Aftemoon },[ONDAY, JAN. ~3- hlstorfcs of Shakespeare basing her in- that of tho second and tlJrd parts of ecnt.iuuoua 'yith VI is strictly llenry Education [I l'I[llth.l Biology 1 women's Literary Boclctdcs nt. formation on George Brandes work, ih-----historyand characterization of the German 3 (Olnss.) Mnbh, Ia Biology 5 6;30 P. M. "William Bhakeepeare," published in three knit them together as to make History 9 :Math. 3 Biology 10 Men's Litornry Soc.ielics at 7:]5 19~4. When about thirty years old the malt of one pieee and texture. Shakespeare began the project of work· Home Ea. 3 Math. 7 Chemistry 1 P.1I[. Shakespeare has been eritieised and llome Ee. 19 See. Sci. 7 Ohemiatry 3 Poets' Cluu, 7;30 P. M. ing out a whole aeries of hiater ical censured for the alleged blackening of Latin A English 17 pla.,-s. 'rile ()rder ()f plays is not eon- the dramatic hero, but tilose who try Latin B IIistory 11 TUESDAY, .TLl'{. 24- sistcnt with the historical order. They to tum the blame of the death »t: the HomeEc.ll Socinl clubs, '7:30 P. M. were all prcdueed, except Hcnry VITI, yonng prtueea must show evidence to ill one decade-the tle.Gade ill which support their thcories. Tho part that W.EDNESD~1,Y,JAN. 25- English national sent.iment was at its Margaret, queen of Henry VI takes in SATURDAY, Ja,nuary 28, 1928 Y. 111. nnd Y. W. C. A. moetings at height. Henry VI was the first at· the pln.y is fietiou, but very good fic- 6:30P.M. temptaud is a IDcreadaptation. Ricll- tion, for thougll she was imprisoned in Morning Afternoon !lrd II was too exclusl\-ely p()litical ev- the tower at tile tillie, and then exiled THURSDAY, .TAN. 26- Bible 1 Exalilillntion~ begin. or to bec()lIle popnlar Oil the stago. in PrallCr:, she was preflent in spirit. Eng.1ish 1 'l'ilere waro 110 female ehsracters. In John Paul Lambertson read from English ib the story of King John we find traces Englisl115 Con6.iets of Shakespeare's own griof at the loss Richard III the oration of tIle Earl of in Richmond given before the battle Chemistry 11 H. S. Dulany, Business Man of lriB Bon. The main theme of the whil'h Riehnrd makes ilis famous Pllysies 5 pIny is the relation between John, who speech, llorse! a Jlorse! my king· and Layman, Endorses Tithing rightful licIT, .T()llll,son of ,f()llll'a elder dom for a horsel" Social Scienee 5 usurp-cd the English crown, and tlul "A brother. Shnkespeal'e concentrates all A resume of the Shakespeare Olub is MONDAY, Jannary 30, 1928 on page four. Mr. Renry 8. Dulany, a "bnsiness maIl his political streIlgth in making Henry Morning Afternoon of Baltimore, was the Slleaker in Baker Va glorifieati()n of the national ideal. E(lueation 1 Education 5, 7 Ohapel Sunday r.l'oni~f', January 16. Henr,\' VIU is f()lInded 011 HoliJI~hed'A w.W. English 3 English 5a ms subje~t was "Tithing." Chronicles and tile Book of the Mart.yu. Ur. Dulan.v spoke of the blessings, rt is held by sOlliepe()IJle that l~letcll· History 7 History 3 particularly that of prospority, which er helped with the play. The voice of Y'/. W. held its election of officers for Soc. Sei. 1 Physics 1 the enc()nd term Tuesdny night, Jauu· follow the hOliest of the the clergyman is heard in feeble ]las- ary the se\'enteenth. The following giving of tho titho to the Lord. God toral strains. The Quecn is rather well \\'ereelccted; TUESDAY, JalJt\ary 31, 1928 had required the tontil irom the He- {hawn-atMely and dignified. Dorothy Gillcgnn, preside.lIt; Kathryn bTl.'lI's,the !Ust mcntion of it beblg in :Margaret Voorhis I!:avo a report on Morning Afternooll Genesis when Abraham "brougilt tithea. Killg Riehard m. Bryan, "ice-president, l\Iartila Engle, German 3 (ScienU1le) Bibl03 Sci. 3 As loug as the Hcbrews paid tlie This history was trcnsurer; Gladya MilCH,secretary; Lu· eille Proskey, S. S. messenger; Margar· History 1 English !) Physics 3 tenth, thry were prosperous; whcn tl,ey registered nt tho stationer's October et Voorilis, alumni sccretary; Dort]IY 1597, as "l'ho Tragedy of King Rich- History 5 English 3a. did followed. It was nt ard the Third, with the Death of the Hooper, sorgcnnt·at·arms; Do rot h y Math. 5 Geology 1 olle of times wilcn they lmd ne- Dnke of Clarence!' It was issne(l in Hooper alld Mary L. Darby, reprcaenta· Mil. Sci. 1 glected it that Malnehi, as God's 1598 lI'ith ''By William Shakespeare" tivefl to the Inter·Club Council. spokesma.n, admonished them: "nring ye ~ll tbe tit.hes into tile storehouse COL. DEEMS INSPECTS W. MD. LEADS IN ATHLETICS blessing that there shall not be rOOmto S. S. PARTY ATTRACTS MANY TO 1925 FINANCIAL CAMPAIGN au{l I will pour you out a. ''It is a faet, ll,()ngh not gellorally R.O.T.C. DEPARTMENT roeognized, that Western M1Lryland001· l'eceive it." IIaving ne\'Cl' been re- McDANIEL HALL ENDS FEBRUARY 1, 1928 lege has tho most complete progmm of cailc(l, thnt demand "ud premise still Tile long looked-for SUllday School hold good. sp()rts presented by any colloge in this Congratulates Unit on Excellent The speaker cited cases of tithers, the pnrty held Satnrday evening in Mc· The 1!)25 Western Maryilllld Finan· stale, and indced our Jlrogrnm almost mostprOll1ineut boing Johll D. Rocke- Daniel Hall \\'r,s one of tile most en· Showing takes lirst plnee iu the whole sauthern feller, Wll() began life in loumble cir· joyable parties ()f this year. A large eial Campaign is nearing it$ eud. Feb· ruary 1, 1928 will deeide the climax of area," said O()lielJ Riclmrd C. "Dide" cumsttlnces and later became rieh. Be' number of students, both members of the stQry and make it an ncc()unt of 001. Olarencc Doems, Jr., stllff offiecr Harlow, when intcrviewed eoncerniug sides these ef IH~resa'yel'idence, he men- the Sl1l1(}aySehool and others, were suce~~sful venture or e failure. The II of the Third Corps Arca Headquarters, tho stntus of atllietics at Western tiQlled iIlstanecs tha.t had cOllie under prosent, aud everyoue entered into the fnH amount, :1'375,000,must be paid now inspected tho R. O. T. C. nnit here l\ion- Marylnnd. his OWlI obseryation aIld attribntcd ~pirit ()f the occasion. if we :Ire to meet the conditions upon day. He c()ngratulatcd Captain H. D. "',",e have enough branches of sport his Oll"nprosperity to his almest life- which the Rockefeller Foundatien agreed Wooley upon the excellent showing here," continued the coacil, "to enable long ha.bit of titlling. Tile party opened with the singing ()f to give $125,000 to the college. made. every man to have a fair ebance to Dr. -Ward nlso spoke of tithers whom tlle Alma Mater, and tllen the program, 1'hst mauy 1()I'c 'Vestern Mal'yland Oo!.Deems inspected thc cntire Corps represent his eoUege ()n !.,YarRity tealll. he ltad known who wcre especially suc~ which eonsistcd of an original stnnt, College is an established fact! When in the llI()rning, watcbing elosely the There nrc varsity teams in football, ceufnl in the world. song, and yell by eacll class was given. the eampaigu begfin three yeats ago, the plat.oon aud company drill. Tho cere- basketball, basoball, tennis, riile, soe- The stunts, whieh wcre very clever, ret;rp()lUjcwae lllagniiicent and the ven monies of tile mOTllj_ngwere completed cor, lacrosse, boxing, and wrcstling. In DEAN SPEAKS TO ''Y. W." were the main feature. Miss Robin· ture is worthy ()f being u()wned with by the distribution of lotters to mem- additi()n to these varsity tcams, thoro Bon's class presented a m()ck opera, success. Alumni, friends and studllllta bers of the rifle team ()f 1926·1927. Col. arl3fr()slllllan tell1ll9in football, basket- which hnd for its theme a firo in an rallied to the cail and over three thau· Deems congratulated each man upon his bnll, and baS!lbal1!' At the Y. W. O. A. meeting of Wed- allartlllent house. Mrs. Stephens' elasa snnd persons made sUbaeriptions. Com· rating aud congratulated cspecially That thore is no track team here, ac- llCsday evening, .Tanuary 11, Dean Mil· gave a one- act play entitled "A Wife's petent nuthorities in the College fleld ler spoke on tho t()pie, "Why I Believe Reed, Lusby, and Summers on being cording to the c()aeh, is due in part to Tha!. 'l'lj~re is a Snpreme Being!' Love Affair!' A short sketch, "At the say that our w()rken h:we not been e.,-..- membors of tho Third Corps Area. rifle tlJo fact that track teams are hard to t;t:J.til.m,"was given by tlle girls ill Mr. cecded by any college or uuiversity in belllllat the National ]'I[atehe$ at Camp fillauce, bnt chiefly to the lack of· Dean Miller 8tated tlm.m tlrings that Amcrica. "In proportion to ()ur Dum· Perry, Ohi(), this.past SUllllllcr. It will est on the part of the men. "We will ho folt wero proof of a Supreme Pow- Jenkins' class, and two girls in Mrs. oers, the Wcatern 1iaryill.nd College Fin· be remembered that Reed won the provide. a track team when tilere is er. Tho first was tho system of order St.over's class toM the story of Goldi aneil.1 campaign stands without parallel Thhd Corps .Area Gold Medal .for tlie sufficient demand," nsserted thc coach. C\'iden~ in nature. Plauets in rheir or· locks in Chillcse fashion. in t.he history of college eampaigns." l)its ha"e pcr.fectly timed and spaced highest sc()re in tile 'l'hird Oorps R. O. "What I lI'ish to urge above all el8e m()vemenhj from a seed sprouts a plant A nniqnc violin solo, played by tl,C We must not now fail io our undertak T. O. Inooor Competition with a score is that more of thOlllOll take a.dvantage fanwus RnssiOIl violinist, MiSJ R3Cll- ing. Y('t II'Ccsn uot succeed unless each of 7901in a possiblo 800. Tills score of the athletic opportunities wc offer lI"ilicll grows as all plants of its type nlflllinnff, Wl.lStne stunt given by Dr. and e,'ery subscriber pnys his share now was the seeond 11igh in the United to thcm," were the concluding words of do; physics and cllemistry foll()w uefi· Stellhcns' class. The wonder of tllis -before February firstr Ii;ltat6s. The following \lUlnwere o.ward- our highly esteemed athletic mentor. nite laws. All thesc things could not was the violin that was crlpablG of even 'i'() accomplish this task, a. Oommit· happen by chanec; thcra must he a cd letters; teo ()f Oue Hundreil has bcen formed. higller power to accouut for them. walking. Dr. Shroyer's class presented Downer, Rolland, Lippy, Lusby, Morris, Offense"-Reedi and the "Menge·Ar· In the second place, all peoples a slunt ()f three acts entitled "It Pays This committee is con
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