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GOt EXAMS EXAMS BEGIN OLOSE THURSDAY, A. M. TUESDAY, P. M. Vol. 5, No. 14 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Jan. 26, 1928 What is Your Life? Questions Webster Hall Filled With Men COLLEGE CALENDAR College Players Skillfully Amuse Evangelist in Baker Chapel As Contest Rivalry Increases THURSDAY, JAN. 26- Audience with Plays at Smith Hall Examinations 8:35 A. M.-4 P. Dr. George W. Cooke, who is con- The best meeting of the year was M. Study for Exams 7 P. 1\1.-1 A. (Iueting revival services at the Cen- held by Webster Oil January 23, due M. BOXERS GAIN VICTORY Plays Were Directed By Miss Esther tenU-Y Methodist church in Westmtn- to President Meredith's maneuvering Smith. ster. preached in Baker Chapel Sun- and the present campaign tor at- E"RlDAY, JAN. 27- FROM GEORGETOWN,4-3 day evening, January 22. His theme tendanee. B. H. P)Jiljips is to be msummauons 8: 35 A. 1\1.-'1 P. M. was "What is your life?" credited wtth the organization of the ~iudy fOI' Exnmns. 7 P. M.-l A. Three one-act plays were staged by "It is not years that count. but attendance campaign. Ekujtls Dantures Honors With 'I'eeh, members of the speech department in what we put into them," declared the The roll call was answered by Spcial Hour not advisable. ulcat Knockout. Smith Hall Oil F'r-lday, January the apeaker-. He described a man of famous maxms and proverbs by the SATURDAY. JAN 28- twentieth. eighty, a millIonaIre who refused to members present. Mr. Lambertson Examination 8:35 A. 1\1,-12.15 The first play,"AIl On a Summer's do or to give any tIling to help auy- spoke of the coming oratorical con- P. M. The Terror boxers wou their first Day," by Colin C. Clements, was a one else. His life was merely a tests-national, iuter-collegiate and Examination tor Conflicting match of the season last Friday when fanciful little niece centering around cipher in his ccmmuuity. Other men inter-society. A splendid oratton was Studies 1:15 P. M.-4 P. 1\r, they defeated the Georgetown leather the widely varying ambitions of three Social Hour nrged. four bouts to three. pushers, "those lives have counted for much in given by Mr. Newcomer 011 Napoleon. Four thousand persons gathered at women, a young girl, a middle aged the world have accomplished a great A vtvtu review of his soaring amuttton MUNDAY. JAN. 30- woman and ail elderly woman, each of ". deal hi a short time. Alexander was and his final failure. A very Import- Examination 1l:35 A. 1\1.-4 P. the Arcadia to witness the first inter- whom had a singular fulfillment of a leader of men at eighteen; Wash- ant part of the program was the af- Study for Exams 7 P. 11'1.-1 A collegiate boxing match of the sea- her deatre. The old-fashioned cos- ington was a major at utueteen: fixing of another 'Webster star to ~he 1'1'1. son, muffling their- cheer-a in the man- tumes whlch the girls Wore and the that the intercollegiate datory snence Napoleon had conquered most of inter-society oratorical trophy by TUESDAY. JAN 31- rniesrequire. attractive dance which they gave as Europe hefore he was twenty-eight, Paul Lambertson and Hubert jchu.. Examillations 8:35 A. M. -4 P. a sort or epilogue added much to the Dr. Cooke viewed the question, son, the men who won it last enrtug. M. The teams shared the two kneck- charm ur this production. The Missee "What is Your Life" from three All entnuataeuc discussion of the Celebration 4 P. M.-l) P. M. outs that developed, and in the two Willinger, Shockley and Baker an extra round to Sleep 9:10 P. 11.1.-8:10 A. 1\1. bouts that required angles-retrospectively, prospecttve- coming oretoncet season ensued. Basket Ball game W. M. vs, determine the winner, Georgetown took the parts of one, two and three, ly, and introspectively. Great interest was evinced in the Loyola at Baltimore 8 P. M. and western Maryland each won one. respectively. Mias Logue was the To vtaw our lives retrcapecttvetv contest for membership and attend- WEDNESDA'Y, George Elmitis, who fights in the superstitious black "Mammy." we must coneider the advantages we ance. H. O. Smitb and G. E. Salter Second Semster I~EB. 1- class, earned the individual "The Neighbors," hy Zona Gale, was begins. have as a result of the labor of prev- are the two captains or webster's Basket Ball game 'IV. M. ve me-pound of the evening with a tech- the secoud play presented. It port- honors Ious generations. We must also thlnk teams competing for beat attendance. Penn state Forestry at West- nical victory over Charles rayed in a realistic manner the every knockout of the privileges that are ours be- 'nhe attendance showed very marked- minster McCarthy, of Georgetowu, 30 seconds day life Of typlcal village folk and the cause of the errol·ts and sacrifices of ly the results of the increased spirit Y. M. & Y. W. C. A. meeting at after the bout started, neighborly feeling which exists among our parents. Because we have these to which this dl'lve has given hirth. 6.30 P. M. Elkaitis was thoroughly business- them. Miss Ranck had the role of advantages and privileges a heavy Practically every Beat was filled b~ like in the mallller in wbich he dis- GI'andma, wise in tbe philosophy of responsibility rests upon us to see the wide awake memhers. I\lessn;. patched McCarthy. Elach team had "folks," and unwilling to resign her- that we do not waste them, but pre- Rohaut an(l l\Ielcalf were elected aue!. VARSITY DEBATE CARD previousiy won two l)Quts and Ekait- self to a life of cutting carpet raga. serve and add to them for the future. initiated in the SOCiety. The fill"l is [lut Westem Maryland In tha lead. Miss Shreiner took the part of the In thinking of our lives prospec- touch to a pel'fect program was adderl FIRST LISTS FEB. 24 capable Mrs. Diantha Abel, Mr. Bell tively we meet the question, ''What by the fine critique of Mr. Smith Ekaitis was originally scheduled to that of the blustering Ezra Williama, will tomorrow bold 1" 'IVe can shape face Ed. Fish, the ace of Coach Cal- Mr. Barnes the bashful lover, Peter, our future oUl'selves by our Idea of it. A men's Inter-collegiate debating houn's Georgetown team, l.m:' George- with Miss Schlinke in the character of The a('iel test is not. "How much can NATIONAL INTER - COLLEGIATE scherlule, \vhich il1c.llldes _)'OUI'home towu strategists made a ~st-TIlinute Inez, :Mrs. Abel's daughter and Peter'a shirt I get 7" but. ''How mucll can I give?" ORATORCIAL CONTEST debales a~":"_:ur - colltti~~away, was thtlt was w -l';aCl'lUCt lIICJa,·tllY loved one. Miss Wilaon as Mrs. EI- "Life Is not just gettillg a. squara approved by the Inter-collegiate De- to Ekaitis' punches and ve Fish m\ra Moran, Miss Darby as Mrs. ~t deal for oUl'selves; it Is giving a Western I\lm'yland College. orators b:t.ting Council at a meeting held Sat- for n later l)eating l)y Ray ~cRobi!B, and Miss Held as Mrs. Carry Ellls- 'Tenors hea'"ylI'elght, in the match square deal to others." wijI have a chance this year to com- urday evening, JaDuary 21. The that (lecided the contest. wort.h. were the other neighbors. When we consider our lives intro- pete in The Fourth National Inter- schedllle, as prepared by manage)- Edna St. Vincent MllIay's "Two spectively we must think of what we Collegiate Oratorical Contest, should Reed, is as follows: Striding aCI'oss the ring hefore the Slatterns and a King," was tIla last desire most. Is it making a good they desire to do so. For any who Elh:ubetbltown College-dual debate sound of the bell had died down. play given. The central theme was living? Making a life Is more than may be interested the following in- Feb. 24 Ekaitis put McCarthy down with a the important influence that chance making a. living. Jesus set ns the formation should prove helpful. Albright Colleg€l-away .... Feb. 25 straight right to the chin. Arising exerts upon the \lves of people even example ot a life of service for man- The National Intercollegiate Ora- American University-dual debate from the floor at the couut of nine to tile extent of causing a king, with kind, College offers training for the torical Contests are for the purpo!;e .. March 3 McCarthy staggered into the arms of a ruling paaaion for tidiness, to mInd, wiill that we should also get of increasing Interest ill and respect Lebanon Valley College-dual Referee Harry (Spike) Webb, who choose a slattern for a wUe. The the coordinate training of the heart. for the COns~ltlltion ot the Unite'l Marcb 23 escorted him to his corner in token or cllaracter of the King was taken blY With a trained min(l and a pure States. The three preceding annual Bucknell University-here victory for Elkaitis. 1\1r. Meredith and that of Chance 'by heart we can go out into the world contests, lhe fil'st ones npon a nat.- April 13 Summary' Miss Ward. Misa Kolb portrayed to serve and bless. lonal scale in Ille history of highel' U5-Pound Class-Bert Callahun, Tidy, and Miss Martignonl Slut. -~~- education, proved so successful that All of the debates excepl the two Western lIfaryland. (Iefealed Thomas and tbe hearty University will be on The large audience LETTER FROM JOSEPH MILLS. it was decided to continue the move- with American "Resolved that direct McDevitt, Georgetown. applause given to each play teaUfied the question, ment. 'I'be contests are financed and the The general appreciation. lZ5-Potllld Maryland General Hospital. conducted by the Better America primary as a metbQd of nominating Georgetown. Class-Emmet Doug Hagerty, to plays were given under the direction Crosby, defeated Jannary 18, 1928. Federation of California as a. con- state and national offlcials should be 'IVester)] :Maryland, by teCbnlcal of Miss Esther Smith of the speech The debates abolished." with Ame,'- lily dear MI'. E(litor: trlbuUoll toward hetter aud more In- lean University will deal with. the knockout In fOllrth round. department. 1\lay I lu\\'e space in your paper to telligent cltize.nship. It is hoped that question of whether our govel'nmel!t thank my many frien.ds for their they will continue to be the means of should give military protection to 135-Pound Class-Richard Norris, great klnduess to me? I ha(l h'oped to tUrning college thought and enthus· Westerll Maryland, defeated Benia- write each one for myself hilt it iasm toward the great and unending caplt.allnvestedabroad. min Davl~, Georgetown, In extra ON ACCOUNT or alld J. P. Lambert- H. K. Jobnson seems now to be impossIble. business of government--.'\nd partic- son, PI'esirlent of ;t.he council, were I·ound. EXAMINATIONS Every flower, book, letter anti card ularly toward tllat form of conatitu· I~5-Pound Class-Henry MUrphy, bas been truly appreciated and bas tional goyarnment under whicb Am- anthorized to select the men wllo will Georgetowll. defeated William Bush, THERE WILL BE NO ISSUE or ad(led its Uleasure of happiness iu the erica has risen to the primacy anJrlT1g compose the respective teams. Western Maryland. long trying days 1 have had here. I the nations of tbe eal'lh, 'I'he women's schedule bas not yet l60-Pollnd Class~orge Ekaitis, THE GOLD BUG feel so unworthy of all thls knidness The prizes will be seven in \l\\lnber heen arranged, but it is pl'Obable thn "restern Maryland, defeatecl Charles NEXT WEEK and intel·est. 1 cannot rind words and wlll be paid in cash at the gl'lwd there wl11 be several borne debates. that tell how grateful I am for such final meeting in Los AngeleS on The Misses Ranck, Held, Mills Rnd (Continued on Pa,e:e Four) good friends. June 21, 1928, in the following French were authorized to seJeet the I hope I am getting better each !tmollnts: women's teams. day and that I shull be back ou the First. $1l>00.00 A. B. Cecil and H. K. Johnson wer::= Hill as soon as pOl;lsible. Second. 1000.00 appointed by the president of tlu; A L U M N I ---NOT ICE! Joaepb S. Mille. Third. 750.00 council to report on the advisability Fourth. 550.00 of II debate with several alumni wbn DR. H. L, ELDERmCE ADDRESSES 'F'\fth 450.00 hal'e snggested such Hn encounter. Here's Your Opportunity Y. M. C.A. Sixth. 400.00 Seventb 350.00 Dr. H. L. Ellderdlce, president of ploma or certificate oE graduation the Westminster Theological Semin- Total. $5000.00 from any instllution Of blgher learn- TTlE GOT__.DBUG-FOR SECOND SE:.\IESTE~NE DOLLAR !try, addressed the Y. l\f. C. A. on The orations must be original, Ing is not au lllldergraduate in this We(lnesday evening, Jalluary 18. Dr. mnst not require more than ten use of thl:! term, and Is. therefore, in- If you want The Gold Bug during the second semester, kindly Ellderdice asked tIle question, "Do we minutes fo\' delivery, and must be on eligible. A student in any of tbe pro- fiend OJl{!dollul' ($1.00) to know the influence of this association fessional courses is eligible, provided on the hHI and our Influence on a.ny Olle of the following subjects: he 01' she has not received II degree, others?" Our cooduct exerts a direct The Constitution diploma 01' certificate of grnduaUoll Cil'Cllilltioll 1\Ial1agel', The Gold Bug, force upon the lives of others whether Washington and the Constitution from any institution of hlgher learn Westerll l\fnry]und College, visible 01' not. Dr. Elderdice said, Hllmliton and the Constitution ing in this country or ahroad. "\"cfihllinsier. l\T f1I'ylancl. "Speak right words. do I'igllt deed~, Jeffersou and the Constitntion The fact that a stUdent participa.ted think right thOllgllte, and hy right Marshall and tIle Constitution in a preceding National Iutercolleg- acts you wlll be a good infiuence. Franklin and the Constitution iate Ol'atorical Contest does not dis- Name Keep Bweet in all situations and you Madison and lhe Constitution qnalify him from taking part in the will be a master of yourself and Webster and the Constitution 1928 contest, unless he was a naUOll- Street others." If olle does a thing at the Liucoln and the Constitution 11.1finalist iu ooe of those contests. A Ume, in the way, and in the sp!rit In Any bona fide undergraduate stu- national finalist. even though other- City which the task should he accomplish- dent in any college or university In wise eligible, will not be allowed to ed, his influence wm reach far be- the United States is ellglhle. A stu- become a contestant for the second State yond his own observation. dent who has received a degree, dl- time..
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