Page 51 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md. Page Three I SPORTS I Basketball Wrestling Boxing I SPORTS I W. M. Fleet Courtmen WESTERN MARYLAND MATMEN W. M. LOSES FIRST BOXING Inter - Class Basketball Eligibility Rules MATCH LOSE TO V. M. 1. Defeat Blue Ridge Cagers 'l'he WC!ltern Maryland College wrest- "\Vestern Mnrylaml lost the first box 1. Eneh class will be represented by 4. As the object of the league is to ling team, coached by .Albert "Abe" ing meet ef l!)ZS season to Virginia u first and second tenm. get as many men to parfleipa.te in ath- Western Maryland's Ileet courtmcn Tozzi, lost to the Virginia j\.fiIitary Military Institute Saturday night by tho 2. Each team will be composed of letics ns possible, no man WIIOis out No first team derented the Blue Ridge College cagnra Aca(lomy lagt Saturday by the score of score of 5 bonlsto 2. a squad of eight men. second team in for nuy other sport i6 eligible. man can play on the Monday night at New Windsor for the 33-0. Callahan in the 115 pound consecutive games. 5. Two games will be played each second time within a week. With the experleuee gained in this class was given decision by the 3. No player who has participated scheduled afternoon, the first to start The Green und Gold eagera played a meet and iu the previous meet with judges in a bont- that was featured by in a vnrsity game or is on varsit.r squad promptly at 4:15. The time of ha.lvea dlffercnt t~'lle of ball tho.l\ thnt which Franklin nnd )'farsliall, the mntmen are hard hitting. George Ekattta was the is eligible. No pla~'cr who ranks 011 will be 15 minutes. was exhibited in the Armory last "\Ved now looking forward to making 11- better winner. Be was awarded a teehnlcal first six men of the Freshman team 6. The official referees are: D'Lear, his opponent nesdayevening. showing in the Nary ~fcet, Januury 28. kno(·koulwllcnhe round. Mears will bo eligible to pIa)'. a-en, "£knitis, Ciark, and Pelton. Weatem 1Ilaryl:tud wrestlers who took three times in the '1'l1e10MI engera jumped in lead and held it. Instead of betug four points the mats against V.],1. 1. are: lost his bout on technical knockout after FIRST ROUND behind as in WedneSday ni.ght's game, lIS-lb. class, Callahan. IV! o.f hard hitting. was knocked Second Team Dick Norris "Capt." 125-lb. cress, Robertson. the locals led 14-10, at tile end of the 135·1b. class, Simms. out in the second ronnd when his op First Team firsthulf. 145-lb. ctass, Evans. ponent connected with n herd right. Wednesday, Feb 1 Seniors va. Sophomores Freshmen vs. Juniors The second half was very similar t.o 158·lb. class, Capt. Fox. Dick lwd taken the Brat round by a wide Monday, J.-~eb.G Freshmen ve. Juniors Seniors 1'8. Sophomoros the first. 'l'hc 'I'errors netted 16 points li5·lb. eluss, Cook. margin. l"IieRobie was o]lposed by a wedueedny, FcJ.>.8 Seniors V!!.Freshmen Juniors VB. Sophomores 10 the New Windsor avo's 13 and the Unlimited, Kohont. Inll Yirgini:tn who fought defensively. Monda}", Jo'cb. 13 SOl)h01l\orosVS.Juniors Scniors va. Freshmen fil131 Score was Western Maryland 3D, 1. m~ll the Seuiors vs. Juniors Sophomores VB.Freshmen Blue Ridge 23. Referee Ilwardell the V. M. Wedncsday, Feb. 15 iteeision after the judges disagreed. Tho seerc: FRESHMEN CAGERS DEFEAT NEW Downer won his firstronull by a larga l\Iond:.y, Feb. 20 Sophomores "S. Frcshmen Juniors vs. Seniors Western Maryland (30) WINDSOR mGH bnt lost ihe second two rounds SECOND ROUND o. F. 'r. The \Vesterll Mar.l'lnud freshmon de- fight. The summary: First Team Second Team Broil f feat<'(1 t.lle New Windsor high five Mou· Y. ?IT. 1. (5)-W. M. C. (~). We{lnesday, Feb. 22 Scniors '·S. Sophomores Freshmen '·S. Juniors (W. M.) de class-Callalw1\ Ellis f day night 53-24. The big gnlls in the Rogers (V. },.I. T.) by the Freshmen vs. Jnniors Seniors vs. Sophomores Smith f Yearlings attack wero I.indenborg and judge's deeision. Monday, Feb. ~7 }.[uchIl11l0re 125 pouna class-Booch('r (V. ?If. I.) Wodnosday, Fcb. 29 Seiliors vs. Freshmen Juniors VB.Sophomores VUHBurCll g 10 Gr,;;,:i::~re: dcfented Crosby (W. }'_f.) by judge's Mondny, hlarch 5 Sophomores VS.Juniors Senior!! VB.Freshmen Weinstoekg Wednesda.'·,:M.areh7 Seniors n. Juniors Sophomores VS.Freshmen Freshmen (53) decision. Monda.v,UarehI2 Sophomores VB.Freshmen ,Julliors vs. Seniors Totals 10 10 30 G. F. 'r. 135 clas~-Cnpt. Griffin (V. by !II. It n.) :\fenrs (W. Lindenherg f Blue Ridge (23) Rein 11 o 26 kllockout first round. f G. F. 'r. Griffiths £ o lA5 pound class-Cilley (V. :l>f. 1.) D. S. GEHR Whitlow f Wellingerf knocked out Capt. Norris (W. M.) in Shipley's Benediet f \Yilker e sCt"ondround. P. Engle f o 160-(Eknitis (W. )1.) defeated Rig· Wholesale and Retail Hardware, Licklater c 2 12 GrOBwith g 12 gill~ (V. ~l. I.) by a ta.hnielll knock A'I' 'rUE }o'ORKS Building Materials, Outlery, At.wood g C. Engle g 1 Busll g onto Ammunition, Puints, Oils, We(ldle k o 1i5 pound clnss-Palmcr (V. M. I.) de feated .Mellobie (W. hl.) by the Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Total 5 53 rcfer{)e'~ decision. For Things to Please Totn.1s -7 2~ Iron and Steel Prodncts N. W. IDgli (24) Unlimited el:lss-Grlll'alt (V. lit. 1.) [le Score by lmlves: feated Downer (W. M.) by the Your Palate (Established 1866) W. i\L O. 14 16-.30 G. F. T. judge's d~cisio". Wcstmillstef, Md. B. R. C. 10 13-::>3 Rep]l f Baker f J~l)fc.rec-Shoekey (Gettysburg). Smith c King's Pharmacy LUNCH WITH US TODAYl 11IlBB011g Barnes g CO-EDS LOSE TO GALLAUDET Cautroll g The Rexall Store Hot Soup! 25-17 CJ.' E. ~ln;n St., Westminster, ]Ofd. Totnl 11 Hot Toasted Sandwiches! W.:I'lr. O.lost tila first eO-I)i!"I1(lrsity basketball grullo played ngainst GaHau EVERHART i!et Saturday, January 14, by the seoro BASKETBALL TEAM LOSES TO 25-17. The team lost severnl star play- The Col/ege Griffin's Goodie Shoppe ers last yea)", but the now playera did MT. ST. MARY'S COURTMEN BARBER and BOBBER remarknbl:l' well for thtl short time 59 WEST MAIN STREET U,ey IJa\"c boon 011 tile squad. Todd ~'he Western Maryland basketbnll "Around tl.o corHer." did her uaunl fast playing, and Murphy il!am was dcfcatlld 'l'hur~day night by and l'IIiles each acored eigllt pointa for ?1ft. St. Mary's conrtmell at ElllmitB W. M. C. burg, lJ)"the aeore of 3-!·22. .At the end of tllelllllf, th08eore atood The game marked the re-eBt:lbli8h- 12-9 in favor of the. visiting team and \\leut of athletie relations between the at tl1(l end of the t.hird 'luartor, 22-11. two schools. During the last quarter our tCllm made The score: severnl mOTepoints, but the 1311alscore was 25-17 ill the visitor's favor. Western Muryland (32) The line·up: O. F. 1'. Broll f W. M. C. Gallaudet Ellis f Englc,M R. F. 'Martini Smith .f MileB,G L. F. Coretti I.ongridge f Jollllson,D C. BrouTson ]'fachamore Todd,R s. c. Saliek Van Buren g Willinger,U R. G. Beasley Weinstock g "\Vhecler,C L. c. D" Boso Total Snbs. Gal1audet-Wahon for Beas- ley, Tllylor for Salick. Mount St. Mary's (34) Sub~. W. M. G.-Murphy for Engl<:, G. F. '1'. ~mokendon~tchange Thorn IJurgh for J ohn30n, IIamilton for Ryscnrago f Thornbnrgh, Coekburn for To(ld, John· Connllil f 10 son for HUlllilion, Allnutt for Wheeler. MeCall e with the fashions Kerrigan g GIRLS' VARSITY DOWN WESTMIN"- Hemler g STER HIGH 30-4 Total 15 4- 34 Tlw Girls' Varsity Ba!l'kethall team of S~ore by halves: "\'~esteruMaTJlllnd, pla.ved all 1.111 W. M. C. 1210-22 sllheduled game wit.h Westminster High in the "gym" on :llonday afternoon at M. S. 1\1. 15 19-34. 4.15. The high school lusiea plllyed 11 Referec--Eberts (Catholic Univer· good gamo but were no match fOTour sity). varsity. The final s~ore was 30-,1 in fnvor of '''estern lI[arylsnd. When MARY PICKFORD WaJlted a Good T. W. MATHER & SONS PHOTOGRAPH She sent. for Westminster's Leading Store Sereck S. Wilson IIAVE YOUR SHOES REP AlRED A'r TIm OOLLEGE SHOP ARMY SHOES SPECIAL PRICES FOR STUDENTS C. KROOP The shoes anthorized for the n. O. 'r. c. 25 E. Main St.
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