Page 52 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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,Page Four The Gold Bug, Weltem Maryland Oollege, Weetminlter, Md. Class, Club, and Society Doings ~nrial NelDn i\lUluut EDITED BY HELEN WHEELER AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI WEBSTER DELTA SIGMA KAPPA Mary Ruth Holt spent the week end at, her uome in Baltimore. Any news items concerning W. M. Kitty Foutz, class of 'Z6, gave II, love- Webster Literary Socie\;)' has begun !I Roberta Sentinan and Vil-gillia Rey- Alumni will be gratefully received. ly tea at her home this last week, for contest lor new members. Two tenms nolds entertained the club at tea on Mar~' Hitchcock returned te the hill hcr club aiaters. have beeu appointed, and lI'ill begin their Thursday afternoon. 1<'riday 11ftl)r au appendicitis operatton. competition at onee. Kathryn Fontz, £\.~K, Class of '26, Vall Lnthelll'~ former room-mate from Lillian Baker, class of '26, was seen Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gilligan liave At the meeting on Monday evening entertained the dub :lt a. bridge Iun- Hnllina College, visited her for the week· on the Hill January fourteenth with their daughter horne- with them. 'We :Mr. Salter gave a well prepared account cheon at her home in \Vestmillster, cod. Miss Snader. hope that she will return soon. 'of lhe life of Daniel Webater, and Mr. Saturday afternoon. Two of the shIm· Mary Warfield's, '25, favor-ite recre··· Margaret Reinicker, cxJ28, was the Grover presented an informative talk on nee members, Marjorie MeWiIliams and Mark Harshman, "ApCA" Warner, ation is horseback r-iding. At least it queet of "Dot" Mellott, Frances HaUl' enrrentel·ents. Ruth Harryman wore present. and Ed. Grifiith spent Saturday in Bal- seems that way. She enjoys this pleas- blin and Dorothy Roberts over the F. E. Meredith, the new president, timore. ure almost every week-end. week-end. urged the ruen to get behind the move RESUME OF WORK OF SHAKES- for new members. PEARE CLUB Dorothy Gilligan is at her home in Wsalungl.on recovering from s. throat The Shakespeare Club o.f Weeteru infection. COL. DEEMS SPEAKS TO STU. THE MD.-VA.-D. C. RIFLE Maryland Collcgo was founded, at the DENTS ON JEANNE D'ARC SCHEDULE PI ALPHA MU Walter Boroski ha~returned to College suggestiou of Professor Wills, by a nn extended to his group of etudenta and faeulty member-s nffer leave, due Colonel Clarence Deems, J'r., staff nffi- Tho schedule of the Mar yland-Dia- Phi Alpha Mu held ita elections for interested in Shakespeare. It was 11Jother'sillness. trict of Columbia-Virginia inter-colle- tile eecoud team Tueadny night, Janu- agreed from the first that every memo eer of tbe Third Corps Area, addressed giate rifle league of which Western ary the seventeenth. The following her of the nl ub should be required to "Beml)'" Leonard, "Brownie" Rey- the student body at the 11.20 assembly )'ylnud is a member was released by offieers were chosen: become affiliated with the National As- noldg nnd E,·clyn Prichard had tw<,..nt,y· period en Wednesday, January lB. The of Cnptatn Harold D. Wooley, Wednesday, of his lecture was "Joan subject fourhourlenves. .....lice Small, president; Margaret aoctat.ion. Msrtignoni, viee-presideut; Blaneh(l The "first meeting was held ill the "Erl" Warfield, Irviu GilI'., and Are." Jnnuary lB. This is the strongest league Bchedule At the begilllling of his luldrcss, Col Robinson, treasurer; Beth Howard, early part of U127. Mr. Bernard B:lrnes ITarry Smith speut the week·cnd at their onel Deems spoke of tile deep reV<;Irenee ever arranged for a Terror rifle team. Relen Dennis, sergeant·at- read an original paper ent.iUed "In· tcspceti"e homes. Ou George Washington University's nrnlS; Small, 1I[~rgaret Martig- :fiuences at Work in Slla.kespeare's which the French people have for the monument of Joal1 of Are in )laris--a noni, Alma Taylor, inter·elub annual Tillie" which, by its remarkable thought "GellC" Weodward !llld POlll Lamb- reverence that was (lI'Cll more marked te~m will ba found three of the 1924 Olympic team which sllowB that the representatives. and stndy, set the example for the fiu ertsou, speut Suturday ~t "Gene's" during the stress of the World War Green and Gol(l r:tarksnien have quite ished work tllnt the club has been do· home ill \Vood\awu, 1I1d. period, when military aet.ivities were on their Imnds if they wish to ing all year. At the following meet- Evelyil :Mather entertaille(l Catherine eentering ominously around the Froncll till! trophy which is offered to the IRVING ings ether papers were read dealing ]lelIa nnd Nih W;aIlace 8t a theatre capital. "It seems pa·rtieularly notable winning school. with suell subjects as "Shakespeare, the ]lurty in Baltimpre Saturd~y. to me," be remarked, "Unit a young girl 'l'he schedule: 1st week ending Janu· In'ing Literary Society held its elee· .Man," "Shakespearean 'l'rage{lies," and only ninetecn years old eould havo ex- t.l.l'y 2S-M.aryland v~. John :H:opkins; tion of offiCers for the mid·year term "Personal Impressions of Hamlet." At )frs. Ranck is attending the pencil cen erted sncll a lasting influcnce upon tho Navy vs. V. ]'L I.; George Washington Monday, January 16. The naw officers one meeting Professor Wills gave alec· iorence in "\Vashington as a repn'lJenta- life of a nation." "s. V. P. I.; Georgetown "S. Wl)stern ture on Shakespeare ",hieh was illns- ti,'C of the Natioual Y. W. C. A. j\far,rl(l.ud. 2nd week ending February tratcd by sliiles made by Dr. Stephens. As ~n /tid to nnderstanding what fol· ~""rthur B. Cecil, president; E. Lyle )Jr. ~nd Mrs. Bcnnighoff entertained lowed, Colenel Deems g~ve n silort 4-Marylal1(l vs. George WaalliIlgton; Quinn, viee·president; Edwin Warfield, At several of tho meetings scenes Maude T,esher, Dot Grimlll, Polly Pisher akeleh of the history of events leading Navy vs. Western Maryland; Georg(" secretary; Whitney S. Downer, treas- from Shakespeare's plays have been and Casey MeLnne 6I1ndll)' afternoon. up to tho time of J011\1of Arc. He e::I'> town VB. V. P. I.; V. M. 1. va. Hopkins. urer; Marvi.n B. Sterling, e.rilie; Ruby givell. Two [Jetnal presEllItationB were plained the schiST" in tlw Papacy, and 3rd week ending February ll-Mary- given: t.he letter seene from "Twelfth Day, Chaplain; William Bay, Sergeant· Gladys Milcs, )[nrgaret Voorllis, Vic, the foundation of the Burgundian fac- land vs. Navy; George "\Vashingtoll VS. at-Arnls. Night" I\.nd the Pyramus and Thisbe toria Smith, AUIII'. Clough and Dorothy tion siding with the English alld of the Western 1Ifaryln.nuj V. P. I. vs. V. M. I.; scene frem "The :llldsnll1lller Night's Hopkins vs. Georgetown. 4th week end· The mid-year tcrm of Irving has Dream." Many other selections Tedd spent mo~t of the wcek in the in· Orleanist faction siding with the ha"6 wonderful possibities as shown by the bl)eu read by talent.ed members ef the firmary. Fronch Dauphin. During the !Jitter ing February lB-Maryland vs. GCOl'ge- (llltlmsiaam of t,he last meeting presided student body. iiiI'll war tliat followed. France WIlS tOW11;V. P. I. vs. HopkinSj V. M. 1. va. ol'er by Mr. Bay. "Ne(l" Shriver was On April 23, 1927, the elub held a "FrC1lehy" Dcna"en, Ray ~I..'IcLe~, in [J tenible eondition eeonomieally, "\VestCrll Maryland; Navy VR. George appointrd eh~irman of the program speeial JUI)(lti.ngfor the purpose of eelo- GeorgI) Usinger, Rarry Lawrence and politicnlly, and socially. Washington. 5th week eniring Fehru- committee anil is to be assisted by WI.'fi· brating the birth of Shake~pearc. 'I.'he Doe.,' Rein, spent the week·end at their After these introducing rcnwrks, Col- ~ry :!5-1I[aryland vs. V. P. L; Navy ley Day and ''Bus'' Lippy. ent.ire stndent body was iuvited to n.t, hOlliesin Baltimore. onel Deems diseullsed the history of vs. Georgetown; George W[Jshington vs. VB. "\Vestern Mary- :lIf. 1.; Hopkins hmd the pregram of readings, 801lgS, Many "isilors took advantage of the Joan of Are's life. As a child, she V. ][Jud. 6th wl'ek endillg March 3-Mary- 1l11ddrllmatized seencs. lo,·el)' spriug w<:IMher. Among those seemed perfeetly normal. She was, DELTA PI ALPHA This yenr the work of the club h~s whQ entertained ~OUJp"n)'were Do John- IlOwe\'er, extremely devout ililldhcrenee land vs. "\Vestern :M:nyhln(lj George bee.n more intensive. A systematic SOI1,Det Hooper, Betty Normnll, Dot 1.0 her religion, und when she heard Washington vs. Hopkins; V. M. I. vs.. 7th 1. vs. Navy. V. P. Georgetown; Professor Shroyer spoke to DIe mem- study of the comedies, tragedies, and Roberts aua Grace J()J]es. voices spe~king to her in her father's week ouding )Jarell 10-Maryland vs. bers. of Delta Pi Alphn last Wednesday lJistories hns hecn madc. Committel)s gllrlleu sho llid not belleme skelltillal, V. :M. 1.; Georgetown VB. George Wash- night. He emphasized the faet that havo been nppoillted to }Jurehnso books hut in all seriousness believed wlmt ington; Navy vs. John Hopkins; West- men are becoming muth more liberal of interest to the club, to keep lip a 'they were snying to her. "\Vhenfinally ern Uaryland. in th!,'ir re.ligiollS ideas, and that this board iu the library, and to 1925 FINANOIAL CAMPAIGN ENDS t,htl messago taUle for her to go and liberality is making it possible for the build up a scrap book of (llipllillgs and FEBRUARY 1, 1928 ha,·e the Dau(Jhin erowned, alld be il different denominations to get togetllcr notices al)out Shakespeare. lend(lr of his troops, she unf:.lltering· A well·known oni,';al of a te\ephoue to do Christian work. Tho club was greatly honored this (Contiuilod from P[Jge One) ly w(lnt to fnlfill hor mission.• C01l10flll)'Wfl;rrodel)' nW:Jkenedfrom his In eommenting on the difficulty of year by having as its guest Dr. Paul Joan of Are suffcred scveral rebull'B slombNS 4y th~ riugillg of the tclt'phone. ela.rifying one's religion~ iduna, the pro Kaufman, a prominent mcmber of the the workers, tile eilmpaign m1Jst be sue lit first, but finally she sllllllnoned a After bruisillj{ llis knee on a chair, he .lessor stated that lIe had sl)en some ex- National AssoeiRtion, who addressed eessfully completed b)' Ihe time stilted . troop of llCrown men, went j,o the Dau· renchetl the phone. "ilello," he growled. cell~!lt lldviee in all article appearing the members OIL the subject "Fortune '1'0 those illumni, frie.nds ~l1d studeuts phin, and led many snecessful attacks "Are you nn offieilll of tl,e tolcphone ill the January issne of the "Atlantic and Destiny in Shakespeare." who have not ret nllsw~red the call of ngainst the EngliSh. Rer vietories eul- eompilll)"" said the voice. Monthly." Tho sentenees to which lJe '1'his month tho terms of the old offi· tho Alma I\'e would suggest thflt minutod ill pulting an end to the weary "Yes, what e'lH ] (lo for your" referrod are, "Go to some church and cers expire and the newly elected offi- you iJid heritl honrof ueed nn(l siege of Orleous. 'rbEln the Dauphin manifest a good intontion toward tllO eersaSBu\lletheirilnties. ltisthesin- subscribe your shllre before the first of was crowned and Jonn of Are had fin "Tell me," said the voice, "hoI\' it Master. In the eud the God of hUlllani cere wish of all tho retiring eflieors that l"ebruar.Y. '1'0 those who hal'e Bub· islled ller task. She thel\ wished to ro- feels to gl·j out of heel at 2 o'clock to ty will set your t,opsy-t,U.Tvyreligions the coming year will be n. most suceess· s~ribell, lI"e would urge that yon pny turn homc, but the King would not al- auswer a wrong nnmber." honse to riglitB." ful one for the ('Jub in every w[Jy. ycour part Ht ouce in order to carry the low sueh a valuable Il)ader go. 111the emnpaign to a successful dose ou the (latc $ct. Yeur Alma Matcr needs you, skgl! of Campicgne, Joan (11' Are was Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr answer with your loyal snpportl captured by !lIe Euglish and imprisened The Newest and Best Clolhing aud A L U M N I ---NOT ICE! PATRONIZE OUR ADVEHTISERS for sevoral months. Afler an unfair G()ods for young lIIen Furnishings trial, during Ivhich sho showed her dig· llity :lnd depth of character, the Eng· 10 ]ler ccnt of!' to college students J. Stoner Geiman lish, silanlod by this noble French girl, ignominiously sentenced her to be RADJOLA, FRESFL\[AN, ZENT'T'B, lJUrncd at the stake as a heretic. This Dr. A. J. Morrell AND KOLS'I'ER RADIOS was done Oil May 30, 143]. The lut CHIROPRACTOR 77W_Ma.inSt. Here's Your Opportunity WESTMINSTER, MD. words of the IloroillC were, "Jesus! no E. Main SL Phone 176 In conclusion, Colond DeeJ\ls statOll Westminster Stationery Store tlmt the larger of Are. The regard of of the popula!le part sided with JOUIl later she was made Koontz Confectaurant TJ1E GOLD BUG-FOR SECOND SEiUES'rE-H:-ONE DOLLAR Bf1.JLYDI'l'MAN, Prop. Ihe llatiQIl for her was shown When five hundred yean Greeting Cards for nil oeeasions 11a.a.illt. "Jol1.nof Are," he added, "was literally the greatest woman military lend~r of history. She was eouta,geons, If you want The Gold Bug during the sccoud semester, kindly sha posaeasell a keen knowledge of mili- send one dollar ($1.00) to Prosperity Methods! tary tactics an(l strategy, nnd she was CIGARS, CIGARETTES, CANDY, not only [J good leader, but a pure wom· WHY PAY MOREt an. Juan of Arc redeemed her nation SODA, SUNDAES, SANDWICHES Gents' snits elealllld and preBsocl .$1.00 ..'Imlis t.he truc heroine Of Frmlee." Cil'c.ulation J.fanager, The Gold Bug, Gents' snits pressed .35 "1ester!! J.fal'ylund College, Knickers elcanc(] and pressed 50 Westminster Savings Bank Babylon & Lippy Company J.Jn.dies' coats eleane(l and pressed 1.25 \Vestminster, .M ul'yJand. Ladies' oue·piece dress(ls cleaned 1.25 and pressell . . Z4--HOUR SERVICE-24 Capital $50,000.00 Name ALBERT "ABE" TOZZI Surplns "Earned" 300,000.00 College Representative of PLOHSllElll SHOE~ Street U. W. MILLER, Cleaner and Dyer F. 'flIOS. BABYLON, President. STETSON RATS City Hersh Ave. Estab.1906 Westminster, Md. lIfJLTON r. MYERS, Vice Prell. JACOB H. R,,\NDLEY, Treasurer. State AL VTN 1'. AJ,BRIGliT, Levine Rall Representative Security Savings Sel,iee Internatiollal Made-to·Measure Suits
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