Page 43 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 43
The Gold Bug, Wutern JlazyJand Ool1ege, Westmiuter, Md. Page Th,.e6 \SPORTS \ Inaugural Basketball Games \SPORTS \ WESTERN MARYLAND 3, U. OF CAGEMEN DROP GAME TO BAL'l'I· basket and rolled the score to 35 while COURT TERRORS LOSE TO MID· again assume the responsibilities of SHIPMEN WITH VIOTORY IN that pneitton. Captain Beauchamp ia DELAWARE 0 MORE CLlJB the visitors acored only four points. Tile Balttmotlana did not give up but SIGHT to be commended on the auceeaa he ho.lI kept plugging away at the nine point had this year in holding the team to- The Western Maryland ecccee team Old Man Hard Luck camped on the lead enjoyed hy the Terrors. With the The U. S. Naval Academy basketball gother in the absence of a eoaeb and completed its aehedule Saturday after- trail OJf the Terror eagemen and forced team came from behind to beat the in his consistent performance as a play. noon, December 10, by defeating the them to bow in defeat to the eourtmen aeore 35·32, Old Man Hard Luck pnt in Terrors 22 to 19 Saturday night, before er. ilis appearance and "Bob" Ellis wa~ Llniversiby of Delaware 3-0. The game ot tbe Arundel Boat Club, champions of forced ont of the game on personal a crown of several thousand puraons at was marred by a strong west wind Baltimore, last Wednesday night by the foul8. Franz made the foul shot and a Annapolis. ARGUMENTATIVE BRITISRERS which gave a decided advantage to the score of 31·35. moment later tied the score with a field During the first fifteen minutes Ii teams defending the western goale. The game was a thriller from whistle goal. 'Vestern Maryland victory seemed as- 'l'WQ British debate t!;)llm~,one repre- Benson scored first for Maryland when to whist.le, The lead see-sawed many sured, but the sailors pulled up toward senting Cambridge Ilniveraity, and the he received a pass and", second later times in tbe contest and was not won With sixty seconds to play, Lyetcu, the end of the first half. Only one other the National Union of Studenta, sent it through the uprights. In the until the laet minute of play when Lye- visiting left guard claimed the spot· point separated the teams at half-time nre now well into their schedules of eon' same quarter Longridge scored from a ton netted the winning points. light honors by sinking a beautiful the score being 10-9 witb Navy lead test'! with numerons .American Univnrs- scrimmage in goal area. Western Maryland was represented field goal which gave his team victory. ing. ity teams. have ~uggllsted topics The visitors In the second balf Delaware came to by "Ottll" Broil, who played hiB u!IU9.1 The eccre: Before the Navy conld realize wbat rlUlgjng from dtsapprcvul of woman to life and consistently puebed the hall good game and eccred fourteen pl)ints; Western Maryland (35) had happened the eecre waa 11·10 the corrupting influence of democratic into seoting position. The smooth work- "Bl)b" Ellis, "Otts'" running mate, al- G. F. T. against them. However they came prrnciples. On some questions the de- ing of the Maryland defense, however, so played a fine game scoring eleven Broll f. 6 !J.4 H back with the same number of points to baters split, one of the British memo kept them scoreless. The ease with points. "Moec" was seen in the thick lead 18·17. The Tt'TI'orsngain went in- bera joining the American side, and cue whieh the game was won was acme- of the fight and contributed tbree field Ellia f. 3'4 11 0 to the Iead 19·18. Smith, Navy center, Amerien.n joining with the two British· Sullivan f. 0-0 what of 9. surprise for Maryland, since goals to the score. "Bob" Van Buren Machamer e. 3 0-0 t!len tallied the winning poinlB and ers. only a week previous at Newark, the wall back in hia old guard position a.nd LiDlloln clinched the gIl.mewitb n field The t1lllntl!e\idently liave been ehosen Dclaware squad had exbibited a. IIplen- made life miserable for the visiting Smith g. 1 0-0 goal from th8 center. "arefully, and with an eye 10 ihe rep- did brand of soccer. That day the forwards. "Al" Smith was selected hy Van Bnren g. 1 0·0 Ot19 Broil tolled up most of Western rllSllntll.tionof all political faiths_ On game went to extra halveB in an effort Coacb Spier to teke the place vacated Tot-alII 15 5·8 35 Marylaud's points. Tbe stilt forward both Cambridge ani! Union teams there to break the tie. by "Ca.p" Weigle and Smitty proved !leored five .fieldgoals 9.nd ail: fouls for nre each one e(lnsen·ativc. one liberal, that the coacb's selection was just. "AI" Arundel Boat Olub (37) a total of ai.xteenpointa. TIle Western nn(] ODO laborite. All of tht' English Howard Ryan played a very fine Maryland team played Ii very elean representntivCfJm'e from the bll\lt of the Smith R. F. Bringhurst G. F. T. gamc, as was evidcneed by the small inatitulions they represent. A~ is ns· nut L. F. Powell The visitors Bcoredfirat, and held the Sehuerholz f. 0-0 10 number of roul9 Ilharged against them. ually the ease, tl1(' Englisbmen, becnuse Trice R. H. Long le9.d intermittedly during the first half. DudJey f. 0·0 of the sheer joy of debating, which Reed c. H. Collins When the referee's whistle announced Allison c. o 1-1 Immediately after the Delaware Cl>ntrasts.with the deadly earnestness of Stach L. H. Potts the end of the h9.lf the score was Arun- Brown g. o 0·0 game on S'
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