Page 46 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, :-: :-: lIntrr-Q1nllrgintr Official newspaper of Western ~raryland College, p\1bli~!Jedon Thuredaj- during NrlUn the aeademie year by the atudenta of Western Maryland Colle-ge,Westminster, Maryland. Entered as secondelaes matter at the Westminster Postoffice. Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year, The Fulton Debating society, senior debating organtaauon of Boston Col- Death? lege, opened its season by defeating Did you ever wonder what Twelfth "You will ask: Why death? W'hy MANAGING STAFF the all-British debating team. Tbe Night stood for~ I had always sup- not some alternat.ive ? Fight or putton society upheld the negative of posed tbat 'Twelfth night was syno- nrtsont Well; prison would be an Editor-in-Chief. ,. J Paul Lambertson, '28 "Resolved, that tbls house couuemne uyrucus with or at least had some- traveling through time, Managing Editor. . Huber-t K. Jobnson, '28 the democratic principle as exerttns hing to do with tbe twelfth of Jauu- unendurable traveling fight. an equal unendurable a corrupting influence on modern ary. au the contrary after some in- through time with space added. Both Asst, Managing Editor. . Samuel H. Bryant, '28 llfe." vestigation 1 found that it meant the these things are familiar. Death Business Manager ... , .. Earl B. Lippy, '29 sixth of January whtcu is the twelfth alone, in spite of all the experience Ass't Business Manager., .... W. B. Sanders, Jr. '30 The drive for $20,000,000 which Yale/ day after the birthday of the Christ that humanity has had of death, is was made Child. This day Christ Advertising Manager. . l\Inrvin B. Sterling, '30 untverettr recently made and was sue- knowu to the Gentile world represent- the utterly unfamiliar. For the gamb- beyond be- Ier it is a coup alluring Circulation Manager. . W. Ed\yin Warfield, '29 cesstui in raising over- the amount ed by the Magt, the three kings from lief-as we know neither what we __{ROY r. Robertson, '29 desired, now places her on record as tIle East who followed the Star to stake nor what we stand to win." A:sst. Circulation Managers, being tile richest university in the Bethlehem town bearing him gifts of J. A. Stach, '30 "Nature of a Crime," Joseph Conrad United States. frankincense and mvrtu. In the early Art Editor. ."Pete" (Iomsak, '30 The latest audit of the university's days of Chrfstdantty twelfth ntght Sports Editor .. Clarence II. Bennett, '28 fund gave a total of $49,144,159, wbich was observed as C'hristmas, but later "Death it is felt, 'is not Import- with the amount recently raised make on, the twenty-fifth of December was we REPORTORIAL srAFF $69.354,737, or $284,828 more than generally accepted as the day of the ant. what matters is the part or may in the world, played have Harvard, which previously headed the nativity and twelfth day as Epiphany. News Editors list of wealthy universities. Colum- the day belonging to the Magi. Twelf- still play there by 0111' inti lienee. We metodramatrc Dorothy T.... Gilligan, '28 \V. K. Ba-nes, '28 bin university ranks third with tII day is also, according to tradition, are not going into a We are shrinking Judgement." "Last Associate Editors endowment of $59,484,980. the last day in which the Christmas into ouraetves. Irito the seed we came may be allowed to greens hang . a long Ruth French, '28 Alvin Alln-ight, '28 Every vestige must be removed on from. into in another winter's sleep. springtime we Perhaps Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 Oscar L. Morris, '29 that day lest it bring evil to the in- a travelling secretary 1'111'. Stmrnona. Elizahclh u. Davis, '28 ".Tap" Weisueck, 30 or the Inter-collegiate Prohibition As- mates of the house during the ensuing may revive and come again to the It was also the day on year. which among those sweet somewhere, R,EPORTEHS soctcuon gave an tntereeung, witty the carnival that p)'ecenen lent began. those deal' ones we have lost. M. Gertrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C. Woodward, '28 and educational talk on the enforce- In tllOse days twelfth night was That is God's secret. We have tried Dorotby Mellott, '28 CU!'vin .M. Seitz, '29 mellt of the Volstead act before the celebrated by magnificent pageants to do right here. If there is any be- N. 11. Penn ewell, '31 Casper P. Hart, '20 assembly of Bridgewater College in which the Magi on richly caparis- we shall try to do right there Elsie 1\1. ReId, '28 GeOl'ge E. Saltet·, '29 students. Although .'\11'. Simm()ns is oned horses attemled by gorgeously :Margnret l\lartignoni, '29 Joseph L. ],(athias, Jr., '29 not a polished orator be impressed a.ITayed. leading long processions to- "Soliloquies in England and La.t!:\' :Mary A. "\Valzl, '29 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 the students by his sound and nnbias- ward a beautiful star suspended by Soliloqllies"-GiJorge Santayana Catherine E. Read, '30 W, G. EatOll, '30 ed thoughts. some mysterious means in the heav- Virginia C. Merrill, '30 William 11. BrolVn, '30 ens. It was celebrated, also by mas- !]nf's 01' whatever sorts of plays were A Philosoplly of Life. Dean Raymond Walters, of 8warth- In vogue at that time. But later on "1'0 submit is the great lesson. I Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. more College, shows hy tahulations these twelfth night oelcbrations seem too was once !I dreamer, and in that the enrollment in American col- to have grown much merrier in cbar- dreams there are lessons. But to leges ana universities has increased acter, each country, each district, and sul)mit, Witjlout dreaming any more, IE-D-I-T-O-R- -A-LI twenty-five per cellt ill tlle last five often eacb social class of a country is the great lesson, to submit, without as to lending its own interpretation either The figures the tabula- for undel'standing or repriving, yellrs. ticns were taken hom 211 institntions what was befitting for twelfth night and without demanding of me too Speaking of resolntions, The Gold SJLU,J:], on the approved list of the association entertainmeut. mueh beauty or of holiness, and with- Bug has resolved not to print allY of American Universities, out shirking the [act that ulliverse is more articles whose theme is "Thumbs Due of the greatest of all gifts to The University of California leads oun }'ORGOT'.rEN LIBRARY, undel' no least bond even to grant down on this place." humanity Is a smile. One of the all institutions with 17,311 full time us. UPOIleither side of the grave, our greatest benefactors of humanity is students. Columbia has 13.275 stud- I wonder how many students on desires. 1'0 (10 that, my son, does not the person who brings a smile day af- The weather man is cheating all ents enrolled and the University of this campus IlaVe ever spent so much satisfy and probably will not even \l~ with the appalling result that ter day into the lives of others. If IIlino!s with 12,033 students stands as five minutes in OUr forgotten lib- satisfy a Puysage. But to do tlmt is you were b{)l'n with this great gift or several seriOUS cases of spring revel' third ill full time em'ollment. The l'ary~ No. I am not merely raving, wisdom have beell repored. III these hecth: gOOd hUlllor. you were Indeed horn \!niversi ty of MBluesota is fourth but I have reference to the fascinat- "The High Place"-James BranCh weeks before exams, tool lucky. If not, take courage, 3S i.he with 11.307 studeuts and New York ing, generally undiscovere(l, dust- Cabell. speaker in cbapel Sunday evcnin;; ad\'ised. Smiles can he cultivated. t:niversity fifth with 10,218 students eOlcered racks of books whlcb remain "'Educationally we are n. nation of So when some pessimist tells you that uudlsturhed yeal' after yeaI' in the The MaJlia for Bigness. Cl'eflit bunters and degree worship- balcony of our College LIbrary. At "As for me, my bed is made; pers," s!J}'s Henry W. Holmes in 1Ile things are all wrong, and the world i" tl!e early part of last year T was In- against bigness aud greatness in I am and calamity and dis- I;etting worse. all "Atlantic." We think that tbe critic- aster are jllst around the cornel', just The undergruduate curriculum formed by some upperclassmen that theil' forms, and with tbe invisible ism is Bound. Most or liS take one or laugh ami say: "So's your old Ulan." committee at Haverford College is only b(){)l.s of statistics could be llJoleculal' moral forees that work perhaps two courses in which we Smile! You will have more frien(ls drafting its annual report to the fac- [Olllld"upthere," so I never bothered from individual to individual, steal- al'e really interested. The other anllell yOllllg write and does away with the thought mistakahle deadness." Tbe author best possible social life." Scholar- were ImlLlmerable hooks ()f travel to Goods for to college students which proper W)'iting facilities so dis- was Irving Tressler, whp was llavlng ship is lIOt expected to surre)·. nc- all places. Silrely. _HI ere is no place 10 lwr ('ent orr courage. a little fUll with M)·. Anderson's lit- cording to tbe conncil president. On where you would find disused history :lUU geography bookS piled with liP i\fl'. 1"01'(\ holds the same thea!·y. erary style. The article did not come the contrary, slle helieves it is one qf tedious volumes on tbeology and per~ Westminster Savings Bank He found his old "Lizzie" hecoming a to the dean or men's Ilttelltion until lhe duties of the livillg org:tni2atlon little too much of a joke with its fall l' the mnguzine was printed. so It oe- to try to bolster pOOl' scholarship iodicals of every nature except in Capital $50,000.00 cylinders and arm breaking "crank." cume the sad duty of the sta!l' to tear among its memiJf'rs after election. some deal' old family attic or In 'rhe necessity of thought became up- flut the page when the dean decided The university president thinks that forgotten library, SurphlS "l~arued" ~oo,ooo.oo ~~:'.~l,~s~ffiC-:l~;th~IO:~~::~: ofi~ de~~: ~:~d;~:.~t;~~ea!:i:~ats~~\~ere~:::~~z!~r~!)~ :~ye;::le~~m:ll~;:I~oli::b~~i~~l:t:Or~;~ =========~ I~. T110S. BABYLON, President. It may be tbat in our college life of publication. Perhaps it was in a scholarship of persons who bave here- Compliments of 1fILTON p, lIrTERS, Vice Pres. we w0111dhave better success if we spirit of mockery that the editors tofore been outside the plae. Scholar- write Jess and thougllt more. Snrely. surcharged an inoocent article on ship requirements bave long been the .TACOB H. HANDLEY, Treasurer. the general growth of ollr mindll "The Town Band," with the words, chief of bugaboos that haunt the eol- Bonsack's Security Snriugs Service would be greater. "Printed By Mistake." lege fraternities.
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