Page 50 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: :-: II NrtU6 II ]Inrtl'ly Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during I A6 Inu 1Gtk~ lit Wurl~ A REVIEW OF BOOKS, the neademic year by the atudenta 0.£ Western Maryland College, WsstmiIilter, PLAYS AND LIFE Maryland. Entered sa eecnud-elsea matter at the Ws~tminster Postoffiee. ____J Subscrtption Pries, $2.00 a Year. Heard ill dass: William T. Cosgrave, President of the , The editor of this column regrets Student: "Do you like Venice'" Executive Council of the .Irisb Free who has succeeded in bringiug rerj- much hi!! failure to carry out his Prof.: "Yes, I like ,·euiaon." MANAGING STAFF a in Ven- to the Island after its long original !lInn of reviewing books and been Editor-in-Chief ... . ... J. Paul Lambertson, '28 iee!" Student; "I.s tllcre moon history will soon visit A1I1eriea. plnys. This (1 failure has fluaneinl dna embar- to hope) temporary Managing Editor .. . Hubert K. Jobneon, '28 Prof.: "Yes, there are movies in Veu- assment, and lack of material in the way ice." is superceding Asst. Managing Editor. ..... Samuel II. Bryant, '28 Asia Africa as a land of hooks. And right here is a ehanee kind Soviet Business Manager ... .. Earl B. Lippy, '29 unexplored. Obcrccner, located lor the in Liberia for some of you especially friends who to make just GQverument, haa those IULI'e Eugenie Ass't Business Manager. .. W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 Sara "'fhis (slamming drcarlest book Graudet a few months ago" new mountain range of the uonteuts of this col- lever is tlte Advertising Manager ... . Marvin B. Sterling, '3D east of the River Lelia oceupying a ter- All contnbutto»s can be mailed to the the Oaucasue. larger ritory than Circulation Manager .. . W. Edwin Warfield, '29 Prof.: "The most injnriousT" Editor-in-Chief of the GOLD BUG, who Asst. Circulation Managers. .... {ROY L. Robertson, '29 Sura (irate) "No I dreariest!" will see Ulnt all i!! spent for the original Coolidge J. A. Stach, '30 Prof.: "o», curious." President. has become 1»), "isiting Havana. purpose, ant] not for breakfnaf nt Uar· fifth Art Editor .. .. ."Pete" Gomsak, '30 tbi~ the week United States the to see foot President gm-et ts, or lunch at the Tea Room . 011 tot- of Sports Editor . .... Clarence H. Bennett, '28 Prof. "Mr. Brown next." eign soil during his administration. 'I'hecdnre Rooserelt wna the flrst to break REPORTORIAL STAFF ll. K. J.: "Ah, the star French stu- the eustom-c-origiu unknown-which A !i,rst edition of Fames Joyc6'a dent will recltc.>" Aruerienu Presidents somewhat "Ulysses" was reeeutlj- valued at $150. New! Editors K. B.: "Shut up, Johnson! You were the entegory of the Grand Lama of Tha De(!rborll In(lcpcnd6ltt Dorothy L. Gilligan, '28 W. K. Barnes, '28 born with your month open nnd haven't Tibet, when he visited tho Paumun Canal publieafion with the issue of suspended Deeember Associate Editors shutityct!" Zone during its construction in 1906. 26th_ Ex-Pres- Ruth Fl'ench, '28 Alvin Albl'igl1t, '28 Ex·Presiaont Wilsoll Taft third, was and st:eond, Ex·President ident Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 Oscar L. ilIorris, '29 The aulhor of last week's editorial-on Harding fourth. 'Yallace Rice discusses "The Vul· Amerienn Elizabeth IT. Davis, '28 "Jflp" '\Veisbeck, 30 thought is ovorjoyed to note that the gate in "MMOUT!/." Fiction" III the De- ermber REPORTERS Ploper authoritiNl COHee-ted her Ivery U. Gertrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C. Woodward, '28 obvious misbke gil'ing Mr. }'irestone his The delegates to the 6th Conferellce of The Nobel for literature has Dorothy l'rIe1lott, '28 Curvin 1\1. Seitz, '29 full (Iue-in fact making him a fire American Stales, whieh meets on Janu beell awarded Gra~ia Deledda, the N. A. Pennewell, '31 Casper P. Hurt, '29 nwker. She is sure he wonIc1 enjoy he ealled upon to deeide foremost woman uovelist of Italy. Elsie U. Held, ';?;8 George E. SaHel', '29 hearing the news concerning Ilimself. which hal'S been grow- The American Academy of ArtS' ani! Margaret ilIal'tignoni, '29 Joseph L. :Uathias, J-r., '29 ing in moment. for fifty years. Two are Letters hns elected Edwin Arlington :Mary .8.. Walzl, '29 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 outstanding. First, arc those periodic Robinson, poet, iu place of btnart Shrr- Catherine E. Read, '30 W. G. Eat.on, '30 Samnel .TohllSOU·S definition of oat· conferences and the Pan·Ameriean Virginia C. Merrill, '30 Williml1 l:f. Brown, '30 !lleal: "Tlmt wh.ieil Scotchmen eat with Union to limit their services solely to delight for breakfast and El1g1ish economics lind or, may they, S. & Van Dine, a heavily·yeiled horses disdain." at times, ussume ill a role loose- pseudonym, start!'d unother of his unlr· Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. ly anaJ:)gons with of the Leagne der CIlSCS in the Jnnuary Scribner's. of Nati!lns. Seeon(l, are lhe different Stntes represented to he consii!ered [IS J.fy IIdl'ict' is to el'en at the eoliJt Peoplo generally need more to be re- on on equality, or will the U. S. eon- of flunking t.he eX'llll Euglish 108. with IE-D-I-T-O-F--I-A-LI millaod people, than only informed. Today, origin· tinueted011lin!ltein fact if not in name' most tJHl strikingly nl and indi"idnal has much show. Crud· CONCERNING PROFESSORS AND TO STRIKES (PARLOR VARIETY) ities appearing in all kinds of work ex· day or 80 some "educator" AIR c.He interest because of the vcry faet of \\'ith lIla ideas for II new You Leard in chapel not long ago' It their boldncss_ And then, once in n lIlttrr-(!lull~gint~ college. 'fhe btest to my mind happens For thc bonofitof our worthy protes· stMement to the effect that the ar· II'hile, one chan(los npoll Bomethingwell to be Jim 1'u!Jy, who seeurcd his degree ~0l'S, ill that they lIlay be able to dr.').w raugements made in eollego seldom last known, but so be[l.ntifully restated that Nl'IU6 from good old Alma Terra, in other n. moral from it, we give a quolalion when college d:\ys arc ovor. With tllis he is infinitely l)leused. After nil, tho words he is JIll e:dlObo. Dr. Tully airs his viBlI's through that most seholarly from the pen of a prominenL minister. statl!ment \\'0 nro, alas, compelled to real wort.h of a writer or of ll. speaker The }'acnlty Eduell.tiollnl OIub fit "I keep more lleollle ,-,-walto b~" my Yen- agree; for we jnst finisllecl reading a lics in his (lbil'itJ to restnmp BonlO old Lehigh Univorsity heard 8tudont prob- periodical kn'own to the aClIdemic world, tilalor8 tilan by m~" sermons." On our quotation in one of last year's Gold test of greutnosB with an imago of his lems, eurrieu.1ftr aud extra·cnrricular, ~s "College lluUlor." l'rofessor Till owu part wo shonhl like to Ildd-ani! Bugs which conl'1nced us of ihe folly OW". I£ the reader or thclistencr's at· discus8ed by five studenta, oach repres· college would oot reek of the usoal we 1I,ly this withont the lea8t int,;on' of infatuations. Here it is: telltion or illtcrcst is great cll()ugh, he enting a different type of uudergrsdu· lectttre~, idiotic ptofUl:!80rS, tiOll to be !mr~astie-lhat the best fill. you el'er a\1~lysed young 101'e, will Ill! as delight~d with the shade oj' ate. Provieus to the gencral disenssion de/ln~, eh:lpels nnd un the olher tidote for hot air is eold air. A U!l\r"el- or lire you so unfortunatel.\' nml fOOl· difference as he wonld be struck with tho stndent speakers touched on teneh· rigamnrole gOI's to uwke up (j grenp QUS dednction for us to 1'111"0 made, is it iBhly (:ntrapped in its meshes that your lilc extraordinary. There is a mystery ing method8 and the. influcnces affect- of l)uildings rNwguizcd b~- fin Associa· notf heart is already your int.cllect' Young nnd greatness in eOlllmon life which is ing scholastic work, as w(lll as netirity tion ns " Class A college. [(oll'el'er, love i~ hopelcss, expensive, doceiUul, a never fouud in oceasiollal or ~triking fees. -New Studellt there win he slui[cnts and eo·eds. Slu- silly ,lnilllal emotion." ineidonts when ouo takes the uruvenal dellts who drink giI1,co·e(}s who "neek," students lind co·eds who dance nt WANTED essence of life as his thome, his work "hops" nnd attend _football games. III stunds the test. How often the very Nilletcon Ynle 8tudents, chargei! with KULTUR 1ST mER short, the side·show will be therc, but WANTED:-Olle who is a demoerat Ullil'(lrSnlity of a wor!, is what blinds illegal di8tribntiou of 111l11d bills, in the l)ig lil'c-ring cireus will be mis~illg. nnd doeBn't eare that Al Smith is a us 10 its greatness! violation of a city ori!inance, wore ar The atmosphere which surronnds tIm Catlwlic, or who is a Republican and rested. The pamphlets, signed by three "Four Hundred," Ims at last reached knows that Coolidge is medio(lro; ono Western Maryland College! An)' carn· Yale students opposed the open·shop w1l0 docsn't think that the Vatican ful obsorvl'r, Wl10 is fortnnate enough OLD BULLETS ruling that brought two lIeekwear ilIedical hil:bale at Boston College. Tile fered. The popul/l.rity of this conrse 110t in his ]Xiwcr but in his fOIl!l(l in e\'ery field where the men question to be dobateil i~ "Resolved, Isn't it strange, may be tested by tlle faet tllat the or· that there lies the C6selHle of were h\lSil~' engll.g~d in an .1ttempt to that A1 Smitl, is eminently qualified That princes and k:iug~ iginaJc.lass was so large that it was last ill hll11lnn life. bring ord!')' out of that dreadful chaos; for the prcsidency." Every melnl)er And clowns t.hD! eaper necessary to divide it into two seetions. -P. Yar"ke POIVI;II. lhese wcre burned as soon liB they be· ()f the learns has had wide rxperienee In And saw·(lnst rings, rommon folks The judieious realize thllt such II course camc too large. One day this prsctice in pul)He speaking. 1,ike you and me, ia essential to their cultural welfRre. "'!j~ brought to a hagic eonclnsion. A Arc builaers for eternity' 'l'hi8 is a great advaneement, but a A friendShip ",ill be )'Ollllg :.fter a hnge bonfire wss ragiug about such Il still grea tel' at.ep hl~s to be taken. The Illpse of a century_ A pnssion is old hen]), whieh had a$ its keystone an nn- Plans and designs for Hall a new build- at the end of three months. eient uprooted tree·trunk. Sud!lenly, ing kno""n as Lel'ering ha ,"e be6ll Ench is gil'en a bag of tools, eillssies shonld not only be stnilied in -Nigll. 1l\US~, translation but in tile original as well. with a terrific explosioll the entire fiery completed that and the approved ani! it j~ ex· A sllupe](~5s of rules; bock A peetci! Y. M_ C. A. of Johns In addition to the faRt that I,atin and maS8 was bcing scattered in eVf
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