Page 44 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 44
Page Four' Tho Gold· Bug. WOIIenI Ma!ylloDd OoU.... W_.III4. Class, Club, and Society Doings ~nria. News Alumni NtlU.6 EDITED BY HELEN WHEELER AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI w.w. DELTA SIGMA KAPPA Miss Ieaaogle will be at Thurmont. Mias Holdrcn will travel to Marietta, Any ncws items concerninc W. M. STRICKLIN-RESR W. W. entertained at its firs~ rusb Delta Sigma Kappa takes great pleas j1hio. Elmo B. Stricklin, son of the late party of the season Saturday night, ure in announcing that Margaret Aliee Alumni will be gratefully received. Mr. and Mrs. George Strieklin, Green- December the tenth, at five o'clock. Barnhart and Ida Lucille Charles have M~. !;el:.ld will return to hi~ homo in Supper WII.B served in thll. Y room been received into full membership. Gonneetteut, mount, and :Miss Elva Beah, daughter whteh was deeorated with evergreeaa, Ellen Gareelon and Virginia Merrill Miss Atwood will be at her home in Miss Margsret Snader, '21, was seen of Dr. and Mrs. Reeh, Hampstead, were 23rd, Wednesday, November married candles and other things typical of entertmned the club at tea' on Thurs Baltimore. on the Hill December seventh. at tlle parsonage of the Firet CIlriatmaB. The pledges of the club day. 1927, Brethren by the Rev. United church furnished the entertainment between Miss Sara Smith will he at home in Mary Warfield, '25, visited her moth- George C. Dougherty. They were at· eouraes. Jarrettsville, Md. er over the week-end. tended by Dr. and Mrs. George Beeh, After the supper, the guesh were Y. M. C. A. Miss Nan Wilson expects to visit her "Joe" Bona, '25, was here the 8th. ue brother and stster-in-Inw ef Mrs. invited to the elub room, where "Banta" presented smail gifts with appropriate President J. Paul Lambertson eon- brother in Chicago. seems to be very busy teaching. In Strieklin. Mr. Strieklin is employed by the York Dispatch Mrs. Stricklin his spare time he eeeme to find time to and vereee n.ttached. The party closed with ducted the weekly meeting of the Y. Mrs. EdwiJ,l.Wadield visited he!" hua- COO(lh. He ia very interested in has been teaching school at Hampstead. a dance in the Y room. M. C. A. Wednesday, December 7. band at college, Sunday. newspaper work. mueh They will reside in Hanover. ],fr. Wilson Barnes lend a dieeua- Miss Gesner will spend the Christ· sion on "How Can We Help Our College mas holidays in New York. SOIEN(lE CLUB Most'" T4e main features discussed Dot Wheeler and Anna May Gallion Miss Betty Norman attended the a.n· were: dc.structjve criticism, ~wcaring Mise Harrta will a-o to her home in had visitors from Baltimore, Sunday. uuul banquet of the North Carolina 'I'he Bclenee Club beld its regular alld gambling. Cooperation on the part lit the Emerson, ill was held meeting oa Wednesday evening, Dec- pf nil the students Wl\-B_ urged, Henderson, North Carolina .. Miss Lease will be at her home at Club whieh 011 Saturday night. Miss Baltimore ember 7, in the e.hemjstry leeture room. Isabel Douglas entertained 'l'Vith.a Mt. Plea~ant, Md., for the entire' holi· Norman's father, :Mr. Richard H. Nor· The speaker of the eveni':'g was Mr. hridge party Saturday night. days. . man is president of the clUb. P. R. White froTU the Graduate S(lhool of Hopkins. He gave a le(lture 9n "Pat": Murphy spe:nt the week·end Mr. and Mrs. Isanogle ,wUlleave for Miss Dorst lias been advised by .bel: "Some Bits of Central America," with fric~ds in Reisterstown. Cum her land on Deeemj)er twe)1ty·~ec· n.tte:ndiJ;lgphysician to take a rest cure whieh he illustrated by lantern slides The Beniora entertained at Philo ond to spend the holidaya with Mrs. :Mr. White's first trip to ~ntral Ameri· Monday evening, Ih:eember the twelfth, Miss Browne will spend the holidays Illanogle'! parents. anu Ill! a consequence she left Monday to go to hOllle in Cincinna.ti, Ohio. ea, wlUeh 1vaa under tho auspices of tM at sil:-thirty. A quartette composed of in Phihdelphia und New York. "Kitty" Tnll eelebrated being out of For the past fourteen years, Miss North American Fruit Company, IlJ1d ''Betty'' Norman, Ruth SehlinckB, Al· Miss TaJ;ldy will epon,d her vacation the jnfirmary by sharing a hig hox of Dorst has been the hcad of the voiee de· WlUI requirlld for his graduation, was ao ice Small, and "Kitty" Bryan Bang'Bev· eats with the girls on Smith Rail after partment at 'Vestern Maryland and the 8UMessful that he wae elected to go eral Christmas carols. About twenty in Baltimore a.t the Y. W. C. A, again the following summer to eolle(lt seniors then presented a. ahort humorolUl l!:liza Rossell ia out of the infirma.ry: the game Wednesday night. COnductor of Ihe College Choir and Glee S11eis a graduate Club. of Cineinatti different specimens of the ballunn sketch, entitJed "Thl! Origin of the Ban· after more tllan a week of grippe. College of Music and eame here from fruit. His speech, although of a bill- jo." This acene represented Chrilltmas Presidep.t and Mrs. A. N. WlJ;rd, Dr. Hollins Collegc, Virgini!!.. logieal nature, eontained suth general in slave qnarters long years ago. Af.· ']\lr. and :Mrs. Wills will speud tbe aud Mrs.-McDaniel, a.nd Dr. and Mmc. F. ~ollp.ottel_.~nd Dr. lind Mrs. H. T. material that it was beneficial to every· ter refreshments were served, the meet· C~.r.istmas vacation at Gray Gables. Stephens duro "Mias Dorst says shc will "bloom out ing adjourned. will remain "on the Hill" like a rosc" duriug the holidays. We Mis! Estller. Smith will visit her sis· ing vacation. hope,~ol ter at fwummbia, in New Yor». GAMMA BETA om HOLDS BANQUET Y. W'. (l. A. . Miss Pauline Leonard spent the week TIll. VE YOUR SHOES REP AIRED AT end ift Baltimore, doing her Christmas THE COLLEGE SHOP PrQfeBsor Benningllpf was the spe"k' Koontz Confecturant Tuellday, December 13, the Gamma shopping. SPECIAL' PRICES FOR STUDENTS Beta Old Fratenrity held a banquet at er at tI,e Y. M. C. A. meeting, Wednes· C. KROOP Elmer Inn. After a short ride the memo day eveniug, December 7. His theme Mr. and l..tra. Hendriekson will move bers arrived with a. feeling of emptio was the different types of philosophy into their new home just before tbe 25 E. Main St. !less Qnd expeetation because it was shown in the slory of t)le good Samari· Christmas holdia.ys. pa8t the mlUal meal time. Without for. tan. Dean ~1Hl~rs. Miller will spend their OIGARS, OIGARETTES, OANDY, malitie~ the meal proceeded with great The pbjlo~ophy of the thieves was, holidays in MartinsbUrg, W. Va., with suecess. Only once was there CAusefor "What's youra il:l mine; I'll take it." Mrs. Miller's mother. dean napkillB and a. clean table cloth This same idea is held by many today S9DA. SUNDAES, SANDWICHES but ac(li(lents wil1 happen, 80 the meal w"l:1Ilno their rohbing in a more refined Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Benninghof will went 011. way. The manufacturer who exploits be at tlleir homeOii"College Avenue duro As toast mallter, WilBon Barnes was hill workmen, tile employee who watehea ing the holidays. unsurpassed. He held the roomll in an the el(lck, unjust landlorils, those who Babylon & Lippy Company MiBSEbaugh Bpent Saturday at Johns uproar with his jokes and modest wjt. adulterate foad---all have this danger· Hopltins University doing researeh As an aid to his splendid abilities the ous philosophy. president, }.ff. Hobert Johnson, gave a The Levite and the priest held the work in psychology. short talk whieh was well received not idea. "What is mine is my own; I'll Alias Millard will be at Binghamton, FLORSREIM STIOES only by .tJlI~ mcmbers but by the wait· keep it." ·'1'he;r6 was a selfish spirit New York, this vacation. ~he will b~ BTET.sON D ATS resses ae well. One of the new memo which did nothing to help others. Col· the gucst of her grandmother. bers, Mr. Tillman, gave a short talk lege sfudents are esper iu Smith Hnll, Wedne~· three, '21. day, Decem!)er 7. Himself, his hungering neighbor, and THE Professor Rnn(lk traced tbe develop· )Ie." '.rhe 'Green and Gold 'Parrots were ment of international law from its ear· wl.'"11 rect:h'ed lit the SonUlern Hotel, ly Greek origin throught the period of Friday Tlight. Thc orehestra ill. eom· BLACK AND WHITE CLUB ita latl.'r appearance, alter strong na· SOCIAL NEWS po~e of; "Ne(l" Sllrh'er and "Ed" War. tione replaeed the old feudal system, fieM, sll:>:aphonesj "Frenehie" De Hn.v· and then up to the present time; cns, I,raps; George Bn.umgnrtner, banjo; ANNOUNCES throughout this development he illus Mr. and Mrs. Ranek will lII/cnd most "Ken"· Brown, trumpet; "Jap" Weill.' trated the inadNluaey of the theory of of their vMaHon in Washington with beek,J:liano lmlance of power. During the last five l\.b.·Ranck's l,arente. A Post-Yuletide Dance eenturiell outstanding violntions of the of power, bringing in their Mrs. Hamrick will 6pend part of her mak(l tremendous suffering to the world, vacation in Boston and part in New NOTICE TO BE HELD were made by Charles V, Frll.n(lis XI, York. Napoleon I, and William n, respectivlI' Mis~ Robin!lOn will continue her "rest If you want the GOl-V BUG thill JANUARY 6, 1928 Iy. year, kindly s{'nd in your 5ubscrip· eure" ILt the home of her brother"in The importa.n(le of tho present phase la.w. Her aduress is Dclta,Pa., eareof tion immedilltely in order to receil'e of int(.'rnationai law nnder the League W. B. Kindley. the ne"t oopy. )lail ~ubBerjplion to AT THE of Nations, with the eeonomic boycott Circulation M!ln~ger, 'I'HI!;GOLD BUG replacing the old disastrous theory, was The condition of Mr. llills is v-ery Western i\fl!rylnnd College Gamma Beta Chi Club Room vigorously stressed by Profeoor Rallek. low IJ.t the present date. lio is suffer· Westminster, Marylnnd. That, in' the future, the words of Sir ing from a brJ}ken back in a. Baltimore Edward Grey, British Foreign Minillter, hospital but hope for his life is still Music - by - ")" who said in 191-L "Weha1'ethemaeh· held. Name inl'ry for quick war, but not for quick pearl'," shall not be true; that future Street. (WaLch for later announcement) textbooks of internat.ionn.llaw Bhall not Nusbaum & Jordan he cntitled -"International Law in Time THE APPAREL STYLE CENTER City SUBSCRIPTION $2.25 of 'Var," but "1I!.ternational Law in Time of Peace and War," was Prolea· :rOll. WOMEN State. J!O.I<__.J4nek's ina.p.i~g; plea. 1l.}~J.3(',E~::lj,"!D:._.~t:t.;}y. ..c~.~~n!1e~)"~~d:
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