Page 45 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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GOt VS. n. O. T. C. INSPEOTION W. )I. CAGEhl.EN JANUARY 16, 17, 18 ?!fONDAY, TUESDAY, :'lIT. ST. MARY'S WEDNESDAY TONIGHT Vol. 5, No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER. MD. Jan. 12, 1928 MR. ITO SPEAKS IN "Y" SPEECH DEPT. TO GIVE COLLEGE C.p.ENDAR Varsity Cagers Divide Games ON JAPANESE CUSTOMS THREE PLAYS JAN. 20 rHURSDAY, JAN, 12- on Tour Through Pennsylvania Varsity basket-hall game. en, St, Mary's ve. 'V. M. at Em- "Japanese Customs" was the sub- The students of the Speech Depart- mitsburg. The western i\lurylanll basketball second half was a repetition of the ject of lIlr. Ito's talk at the Y. M. C. ment, under the direction of Miss squall invaded peunaytvanta on a first in this respect. The 'rcmmtee A. on Wednesday evening. The talk Esther Smith, will present three plays SATURDAY, JAN', 14---- tour day trip last wednesday. Coach seemed to have plenty of scortng in Me- was a comparison of Japanese and in Smith Hall on the evening of Jan- Sunday school par-ty 7.30 P. M. Spier's proteges were successful in chances but were unable to find the Daniel Hall Parlor American customs. The Americans uarv twenuem. The casts are :lS W, M. Varsity Wrestling team two games out of the four played, hoop. Foley, forward and actlug walk on the right side of the street follows: ve. Va. Military Academy. winning from 'S1. Thomas at sera»- captain Of the Purple and White but the J'apeuese walk on the left; ton Saturday night by the score of played a bang-up defensive, Kelhul- many other things are done exactly "All on a Summer's Day" by Flora MONDAY,JAN. 16-- 29-25, and Susquehanna at Selins len was the scoring mainstay of the Col. Deems Inspects R, O. T. opposite, The American customs are Gebhard Grove, Friday night, 35-21. Penn home team, C. unit. ~latllrai and ours are unnatural One Margaret Willinger Women's Literary Societies at State defeated the local eager a at For the Green and Gold, Broll was "Americans use a fork the shape of Two Vlrg!nia Shockley 6.3IlP, M. State College, Wednesday night 49 to the star, scoring twelve points from the hands, but we eat with a pair of 'ruree.. .Heten Baker Men'S Literary Societies at 7,15 211 and Bucknell administered the the field and foul' from the tout line. chopsticks, it is not natural." Many P. M. other reverse at Lewisburg, Thursday Van Buren was also a big ractor in other Japanese customs he regarded Mammy ... , Eva Logue Varsity basket-ball game. Blue night 48-34. Weater-n Maryland's success. >'\aunnatural, tbeir dress, sbape of "The Neighbors" by Zona Gale, Ridge College vs. W. M C. at Too much Reopke was the cause of Otts BroIl was high scorer [01' trip suoes, sitting on floor, dtrecuon of Blue Ridge 8.110 P. M, the Terror Cagers' defeat at the llands getting forty points to run uts total writing, and choosing or utemete by Mis' Diantha Abel ,Thelma TUESDAY. JAN. 17- of the wtuanv Lions, Wednesday up to eighty-eight points. Bob van parents, and not the individual them- Shreiner S'ocial Clubs 7.311 P. M night. He was all over the court Bureu was Otts nearest rival, scoring' selves. "Amcricans and individual- Inez ..... Ruth Schlincke making beautiful shots and scored 32 points. Bob played the best de, istic, but we have family institutions. Grandma ..... Gertrude Ranok WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18- alone twenty points to equal the en- ranstva game besides scoring these Fathers have absolute authority in wnuama.. Col. Deems speaks at assem- tire score of the Tenors, points. bly 11.20 A, M. our family. The father's meal is Eua ... Wilmer Bell French Club meeting in Mc- During the Iirst half of tbe contest Those who made the trip were prepared In-st. then the sons begin- Peter ..... wrlsou Barnes Daniel Hall Parlors 7 ueures . the score was fairly even.but towards Coach Speir, Manager Summers ning with tile eldest on down." The Mts' Elmira .. ,.,i"I1argaret Science Club meeting in Chem- the end the winners pulled away from Broil, Ellis, Machamer, Smith. V:1l1 most polite salutation to rriends in Wilson istry Lecture Room at 7.311 P, the locals and the score was 20_12, Buren, Sullivan, Weinstock, O'Lea-, Japan is to bow lowly. Many holi- Mis' Trot .. , .. Anna Swann M The second half was a nightmare Keen and Gomsak. days are observed in Japan, only Mis' Carry Ellsworth ..... Elsie THURSDAY, .TAl'l". 19- for the vtstttng cagemen. The Peun- merchants do any work on these days. Held Varsity basket-ball. Lebanon sylvaniana scored thirteen field goals Western JI"Il.ryhllld (20) Many bad customs exist in Japan, Valley va. W. !'If. c.Lawar. to the Mm'ylands' two. The outstand- G. F. T. drf nktng of wine, smoking tobacco, "Two Slatterns and a King" by Edna players of Penn State were Roepke n-en-«. o 6 belief in thiugs, superstitious and St. Vincent )'[illay. and Lungren while "Bob" Van Buren, 2 0 4 idol worship. These are the things The King .. ,. Everett Meredith DR. MAKOSKEY SPEAKS with seven and Otls Broil o 0 0 Christian pastors and missionaries led the l\lal'yland aUack. i\Iachamer~c, 1 0 2 are working to cast away. Chance.. . .iMabel 'Warde IN FIRST CHAPEL 1928 Thursday the team journeyed io O'Lear-c. o 1 1 Tidy.. . .. Leota Kolb !.·ewisburg to play the basketers of Van Buren-g, 1 6 7 Slut ..... Margaret Martlgnoni Bucknell University. 'i'here the Ter- Smith-g, o 0 l'JU:lSCH PLAYS TO BE GIVEN 1~ Dr. \fakoslley, President of the rot'S suffered their second defeat Weinstock-g. o SPlllNG. Maryland Conference of the MetllO- The team put up the usual good 'Gomsak-g. o 0 11 :J 'Ull. CUANG };XPLAINS CJlL~A'S dist Protestant Church, spoke in game but WIlre behind 20-15 -lt:--His "theme Wllr-th'e--att:rirf'r !:uclrneH.m~_·.()ut. ..litE PLA...~}:n. SEMBLY. Western Maryland Overcomes man and there Is none worthy of the Western Maryland will have at Colonel Deems, commander of the Blue Ridge Lead To Win 29-27 name without it. It takes courage to least two teams of men who wlll de- 3rd Corp Area, Is scheduled to ad- remain in honest poverty while others dress the student body at the 11.20 a8- get rich by fraud; it takes courage to bate Intercollegiately thia year, and sembly period on "\Vednesday, Janu- be genuine rather than sbam. Cour- I~erhaps a women's team. Thus far ''iI-ro~e'' UaehaTller, captain of the The contest wa~ a battle of centora age is the frnit of conviction. tlle meo have had two meetings and ary 18, The subject of the lecture is Terror basketball team, lcd 11il!team "Faith" is the work inscribed on have begun 'work on the questions. "Joan of Arc." Colonel Deem.'! is for his addre3s on well remembered to II 29 to 27 Yictoty ovcr Blue Ridge the last step. No mall has ever been Some of the men who are trying out General Graut, which he deIJvereu on known to die for his doubts but the for the teams are: Eaton, Sterling, the hill last year. Colonel Deems martyrs of faith have been legion. Reed, fi_. M., Smith, H. 0.. Shriver, also gave lhe address at the First of all must come faith in self; Bell, Johnson and Lambertson. mencement exercises in '26, little is possible without it. Then T. W. Reed, mallager of the men's faith in others is needed; the world is built on this basis as Is shown by teams, has stated that the men would ANNOUNCEMENT the fact that nine-tenths of the busi- probably debate eight or nine times Bluc Ridge. The latter lcd at half time ness of the wOl'ld is done on credit, this season, and that Elizabethtown 'l'lle Sunday school of Western 16to 12, but could not cope with West, When faith In God and in eternal College, Albright Coollege, Lebanon MarylSlld College will give a party in from an injured ankle, was in the game ern Maryland's rush in the !lecond half. things is added, then the way to the Valley College. Bucknllil University M'cDaniel Hall parlor uext Saturday for only a part. of the time and eagcd In a preliminary game the Western throne of true manhood and woman- and the American Unlver~lty would evening, January 14. Every student only one. Van Buren had two, (Concluded on Page Four) hood is complete, be among the institutions debated. is cordially invited to attend.
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