Page 42 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 42
Pag~ Two The Gold Bug, Weatern Maryl.aD.d College, Westmil1ater. )Id, SPEAKS XAUFMAN :-: :-: ID4 t ~n 111 isu 9 Offieial newspaper of W6IItern Maryland College, published on Thursday during I All lau 1!jtkr lit I 1lJ nrtrtu DR, (Continued from Page One) TO SHAKESPEABEAN AUDIENCE the aeademil) year by the ~tudentl of Weatern Maryland College, We.tminlter, A REVIEW OF BOOKS, Maryland, Entered lUI ,eeond'l)lalll matt~r at the Westminster PLAYS AND LIFE ure in finding such a. elub carrying out omuSTMAS PRESENTS TO THE the high aims of the great National As· Bublcript10D Price, p.OO a Year. COLLEGE NOT GUILTY-ROBERT BLATCH- aociatton. He expressed a desire, not FORD, VANGUARD PRESS, 1927 to speak on the time-worn phases of In all probability Santa Claus "helps MANAGING STAFF those who help themaelvee." Let UB the great dramatiet, and his plays, but as- Robort Blatchford, a British Socialist·Chief. . . J. Paul Lambertson, '28 help him by suggesting presents to and propagandist, is still living in Eng- to point cue some seldom eoneldered With of Shakespeare's pects works. Ma.naging Editor ... . ".,.,. Hubert K. JOhl\.SOD, '28 whieh we would like to help curaelvea. land. He started life as a brush mak- thin in mind he had eeleeted his ex· we reeommend: Asst. Managing Editor. . Samuel H. Bryant, '28 For the Student Government Board er, later entered the army and finally tremely interesting topic. directed Dr. Kaufmll,n's efforts were Business Manager. .., Earl B. Lippy, '29 a Sherlock Holmes to track down those entered the field of journalism. He is towards analyzing one of the greatost the founder, publisher, and editor of Ass't Business Manager . .' W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 Romeos with eriminal tendencies and "The Clarion," a popular medium for problema in the universe as revealed in low I. Q's who whistle to languishing Advertising Manager .... · Marvin B. Sterling, '30 Juliets of the second floor. Socialist teachings in Eugland. Shakespeare's pIny, namely, the prcb- lem of fortuno and fate. The word t.~!l "bottom defends "Not Guilty," Circulation Manager .. · W. Edwin Warfield, '29 For the faculty: A vloleut antipathy dog from the point of view of the de' "for-tune" is used four hundred and fifo Asst. Circulation Managers. · .{ROY L. Robertson, '29 to receiving papers for at least three terminist. The determinlaf believes ty two times in Shakespearean lines. It J. A. Stach, '30 weeks before the departurs of the that anything a man does is the only is found spelled both with a small iet- Art Editor ............•........... . ."Pete" Gomsak, '30 hoarders . Receptacles outside thing he eculd have done at that epee- ter and with a capital, and aecordingly For the library: represents both the abstract quality of Sports Editor . .. Clarence H. Bennett, '28 the door, frem whieh felt shoes may be Iaj timc; that all our motives and pew- destiny a;d a personification of a god- extracted before e;ntering, and to which er, all our acts and all our words are dess Fortune. It is shown as being REPORTORIAL STAFF they may be returned at time of de- the direct result of our inheritance and shaped in two ways: by outside infln- parturc. environment. Thorefore ''Not Guilt.y" enec such aa surroundings and people, N8W1 Editors For the Infirmary: An elevator to denies the justice of any praise or and by internal influences controlled Dorothy L. Gilligan, '28 VI. K. Barnes, '28 fecilitate the journeyings of the milk blame, any reward or pUnishment, by the individual. Dr. Kaufman quot- either divine or human, guzzlers(') ed severer passages to illustrate tho Associate Editors For the post offiee: Another door The whole theme of the book, to my uses of the word. Rutll French, '28 Alvin Albright, '28 (This will make possible a one-way mind, is in error, and thl! rather foolish, Shakespeare was not a man of great Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 Oscar L. :Morris, '29 pallf!age, thus relieving congestion aL broad statemenh the author write. originality, neither was he a great Elizabeth H. Davis, '28 "Jap" Weisbeck, 30 times of heavy trllffic. tend to furthcr this opinion. For ex- pbil<)!lOpher. He was not a radical in For the dining room: We would sug- ample I will quote his main argument REPORTERS gest a system of bells, placed at con- against the Christian religion: his own day and eould hardly be con· sidered one today. He had no brilliant M. Gertrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C. Woodward, '28 venient angles for the young gentlemen "And God is The Great Firat Cause, idens of his own, bnt rather expressed Dorothy Mcllott, '28 Cmvin M. Seitz, '29 to inform the Dean that they have and how then can God justly punish any in an inimitable way ideas that were N. A. Pennewell, '31 Casper P. Hart, '29 consumed nuffieient food. of his ereatures for being as he creat· already in e:)
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