Page 41 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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GOt VAOATION BEGINS FRIDAY, NOON DEO. 16 COURT TERRORS ENDS 8 P. M. DEFEAT .TANtTARY 2 LAFAYETTE 30-15 VoL 5, No. 11 Dec. 15, 1927 Illustrated Lecture Outlines Christmas Services at Baker Chapel Christmas Banquet Held Life in The Balkan States Are Marked by Impressive Simplicity in College Dining Room Dr. .T. K. Fal80m Is Authority on Annual Affair a Huge Success Subject 1'be nlembers ot the faculty who Dr. Joseph K. Falaom, professor of NEW RECORD MADE IN CLASS CONTRIBUTIONS live "oft' the hill" and their famillea eoctei science at Sweet Briar College~ were entertained a~ the Christmas din- ile1ivered' an instructive lecture on the ner in the college dining room Wednes- «CustomS and' Culture of Geecbo-Sro- The annual Christmas service of the Christ.mas bri.ngs us into the. presence sung "0 Holy Nigbt" by Ada.m$,Ruth IIny evening, December the fourteenth, ~~'J 'ILtAlunmi Hall, December 9th. Sunday School, in charge of Dr. H. T. of giving. We hear on every side that Bchlinke having the 8010,and "Blessed at six o'clock. Dr. Falsom baa spent over a year in Btephena, was held in Baker Chapel, it is more blessed to give. than to ro- be the Lord God of Israel," by Bergere The room was decornted witb lighted Czecho-Slovakia and is an authority on Sunday evening, December 11. eel ee, but there must be some virtue in as a reaponee to the offering. For acme Christmas trees, bneket.a of poinsettias, his subject. The colored lantern eunee After tho Invoeatlen and acrlpture re- receiving for there could be no giving of the carols, illustrated lantern slides pine, holly, laurel, and other greens. On which he used made the talk doubly in· sponses by the congregation, three ae- wft heut U. Many p(>(lp:lndo .not know witf (he words of the song were thrown the tables were smnll trees and lighted teresting. Jeetions from "Ben Hur" were reed. ho.w to receive; they have been so on the wall of the darkened chapel. eandlea. The presence of a piano, the .At the beginning of hill address, Dr. T1JelulIl Sh'reiner gave UU! description spoiled by having received a great Each eteee of the Bunday Sehoul pre- orebcstra, and the college cboir to the Fu'laom gave a brief outline of tbe his- of the shepherds (If Judea as they kept deal, that the mere they ere gi-cen, the will be used right of the center aisle further added tory of Ozet' TIe mentioned watch over their flock!! by night. Mae. leas appreciative tbey arc. sented an offering whleh to the Christmas !:Ipiritof the oceasion. that centuries ago it had been a united Mills read the scenes which te.ll of the for some ehurf tuble purpose. The tc- The fllieulty, guests, and speakers of the kingdom and was the ota.rting point of descent of the angels with the tidings .Another tbing to be remembered is tal amount was $122. evening \\"('ro seated at the eenter the religions reformation. Later the of Christ's birt.lJ.and of the visit of the :~~~,::r~:;;~~b~;~Io~~~:;i~cw::cl~ 'I'he chapel was decorated for the tables. country beeame subject to the rule of shephcrda to worship the Babe in the service by the PIli Alpha Mu club. 'I'he The gu~s1S assembled at ob: o'clock Austria-Huugary, and remained so un- manger nt Bethlehem. The appearance be only n pagnn fc~iival. He asks ns windows were banked with laurel from and entered fbe !lining room together. til after tbe World War, when it again of the star and the coming of the wise to open OUT Marts an~ l1v(,sto Bim and among whic11 gleamod candles which, l'resident Albert NIJrHlan Ward asked independent. ";But to have on- men who had followed it in seareh of in Christmfl8we siJould find Christ Ilim· with tI,e ~tllr auove th(J altar, BUpplied The blessing. Aft{'r the !!rst moments ly 11knowledge of the politiea.1 history tbe King was relatea by Paul Lambert- self, I the only light 'tor balf of th\! program. of "getting aequllinted" bad passed, of a nation is not sumcient," Dr. Fai· son. The JJlul;iefor tile 6Glvie.eeonsisted of The a.implieity alld beauty of the dec- overyon...joinud in singing "Joy to th~ 80m st.ated. "Aequ8J..ntane.e with the A lJdnf address WR8 made by Dr. anthems by the e.hoi.r and Christmas orations adtlcd grontly to the impres· 1\'orl(l,'1.. life and et1stoms of the people ill also Ward. ResllOke first of tile fact that enrols hy the eongregnLiOn. '.rhe choir siveness of the service. The' menu eons.isteil of OYij"tereoek- neces!lII.ry,ellpeeinlly in regard to bring- Inilll, bouillon, snltines, cel1Jlj-, olives, ing about international sympathy and swcet pi('kle~, panned ehicken, dressing, undorHtanding." NEW PLAYS TO BE :PRESENTED MUSIC DEPARTMENT GIVES Dr. Fnl80m prellCnted tbe fonowing TERRORS ARE GUESTS OF LOCAL nanhrrry jelly, sweet p(lt(l.toc~,, f\ontrast!l between the life and eondi· ROTAlUAN8 IN JANlJA.&Y RECITAL I!nurkraut, pear salnd, mimle pie, demi· , tas!lt'; DUts, raisin!!, and candy. tions in Czeeho·Sltlvakia and IhOll6 in The Junior and SeIDor Speech Depart· In between eourscs tbe students Bnng The delJUrtment of mU9iegave one of the United Statcs. The WaatmiR.stllr Rotru;y GlJJlj gave ments, ll\Hh'r the direction of Miss ita Aeries of recitals;il; Smith !lall on "Affesl<,!Fidelcs" and "0 Little Town 1. The geogrllphic arrangement of the 'rerror .football team Ihl;! annual Estlwr Smith, lire prellaring a sccond i.he e\'\.Ulillgof Thntll:da.y~.Q(:(·.ew1J.4trthe of -Betblehem." The ~ollc.gechoir civilization IS dilrerent. For example, banquet at the We~tllliD.lih..r Hotel, 'g.roup (If p111,)'H!o be vre~ented in Alum- eigltth. Tll~ t:Qw"?iaed talent .of tho "The Pir!!t. ~oel" and a mixed Jningsonterta.inme.nt. ~rude fashion. All convenionees such cbaracter, "Chane.e," the last play is a qniom," by Bomer, and ''Lovo is a Buh- Mill8Sarah Smith "drank" to the health as good heating appliances, ventilation, clever feminine sketch. The chaTs.C- 01"," by All.itsen. MillSRuih Schlinekc and happiness of everyone and wi~hed ete., are undeveloped, and art and dec- on a eommunity baai8 find consist tars are thr('c young girls and a negro sang "Were M.y Song With Wings Pro- them all a "Merry Christmas nnd n oration, ratber than utility, are 1I0n- largely of eeremonies and social gath- bousc servant. vided," by Hnhn, and "Thou GrelJ.t Hsppy New "lenr." sidered. erings. Great gymnastic erganiz.ations Mighty Sea," by Delibes. 'I'he progrlLm Aa a fittillg elo$Cto such n night ef 6. The divi!>ionof labor between men, tnke the plaee of our eompetitive team THE BUNDAY SCHOOL OFFERmG cntled with two piano solos; Chopin'e festivity, the sehool SlIng the "Alma women, "lnd children differs. Women games. These gymnastic organi-!:ations "PolonlLise in C Minor," played by Miss Mater" and the banquet was over. perform all the drudgery, men do the were instrumental ill preparing the 'I'he splendid offeriug at the Christ- Mary Aliee Bennett, nnd Weber's "Per- skilled and interesting work, and even young men of tbe country to start the mas !It)rviee of the Sunday School, by petunl Motion," played hy Miss Mabel children do aimple tasks. revolution. "ot.e of offieers and teachers was ap' Ward. DR. "KAUTM.AN SPEAKS TO 7. 'l'here is a definite political lifq TI. There is a lower material Btand· portionednsfollolV6; The recital givc$ evidence of eonsid· SHAKESPEARIAN AUDIENCE among the people. Party lines are very To the Near Eaat Relic!... . "100.00 crable talent on the part of the mum- strong and bind tbe people striet1y. ard of Hving but a bigllc.r intellectual To the M. P. ROPle for the Dr. Paul KanfmtJ.11,professor of Eng- There are ten parties in Czecho·SlovRk· !!tandard among the Czeeho·Slo\·akia.nB.. Aged 5.00 enl .'!Lu
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