Page 40 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Fout' The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Class, Club, and Society Doings j!jnrai NelU6 Alumni Nrw!i EDITED BY W, V. BELL AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI PROF. BENNINGHOFF SPEAKS AT W. W. CLUB GIVES BANQUET FOR DOL Wheeler had BalUmore visitors, Y. M. C. A. TERRORS Sunday. Any news items concerning W. M. "Dave" Johns, eX"'30, was seen on "'I'he Measure of a Man" was the The W. W. Cluu entertained the Ter "Pat" :\furphy hall tl ~ousi!l from St. Altullni will be gra.tefully received. Thanksgiving Day. subject upon whic.h Prcfeascr Beuuing- rcr s at a banquet in the college Tea JOllll'lI to visit h('r Sunday. ~JrS'. ),fae Whaley, '94, was seen on hof t.alkeulI.t the regular meeting of the Room Satnrday evening, December a. Gladys Hamme spent the week-end the hill this last week. Y. M. C. A., Wednesday evening, No- The Tea Room WHS suddenly transform fit her home at ill!mpstcad, Md. Sue Bromley, llx-'29 was seen on the vember 30. The professor stated that ed into a. banquet, hall; Ole eclora for "Dot" Todd spent the week-end hill Th(lnksgiving Day. The clnss of '27 had a reunion in the not on account of phyaleal might or so- wh.ieh the Terrors fought were tI.1'tistie· wlth :MlI.ryWarfield at llf:r npartment iu Tea Room on Thanksgiving Day. Those cial standing or intellectunl attainments ally displayed by {:an(llos, crepe paper, Balttmure. C. G. Wnrd, .~{ WM Illso seen on the that were seen on the "Hill" were: does n man deserve most praise. Un chryeunfhemutns and ferus. hill during the 'fhanksgh'ing holiday. Virginia Hastings, Esther Lawder, sclflsu service is the true meusure of Besides the members of the 'Varsity, 011 Friday, Uary Barnhart eelebrnted .<\fter hlJl'iug suuouneed the engage- Anne Lewder, Maude Brown, Hazel other guests were Dr. and Mrs. Ward, her birthday with a big feed in her ment of :Mable Smith of the ctnse of ':?5 Bratt, Sue Beyer, "Besa" Hayman, Conch and Mrs. Harlow, Mr. nnd Mrs. to .Mr. Harry Corson, of Bridgeton, N. Ruth Hullbell, JDy Reinmuth, Rosalie PI ALPHA ALPHA Smith, Velma Richmond, "Gina" Wil- Spier, :Mc.Robio,and Mias Millard, SpOIl Brneo Winder anri Eloi~e Nock spent J., we arc litill more pleased to announce sor or the ejub. the' week-end in Baltimore wlt h their their weddlug which will be held on SOli. "Enlily Jones, Mcree Hayme, Man- The "Blnek and White Club" held its nie Curling, Er(l Lyn~h; "Herb" Eli· seml annual alumni banquet at "Elmer 'I'he usual speeches for such an event parents frOll] Virginiu. December ~.Jth. iot, "Gil" Lippy, Joe Umbarger, .lun" on Friday, November 25 . .Many were made nt the request of "Polly" Dr. S. Luther Bare eelebrntod his We are hnpP.l· to nnnouuce the wed- "Johnny" Wooden, "Charlie" Uta, toast-miatrese. foot-ball alumni returned and wcre welcomed by cd candy I\'a$ A prescnted flll- to birthdny with a dinner tit his home. .Miss\lf "Lil" Hoilins, elnss of '~4, 'H1(l Wl11ter Smith, "Clmlky" Hannold, theil" old (lnd new cluh brothen. "Greasy" by "Dot" Mellott, prcsident ha.nogle was among the guests. Alva Bentler, Clalil!of '25. They w~re "}Iurll" Nichols, Carr[)ll Royer. 'The menu eoru;istBd of frnit c-oel.ohesfrom Ule lIessrs. W. W. tljl.kcs great pleusure in lin her club silrten anti friends at breakfast ville,i'lld. ul)eth Diffenb(lugh, Gladys Benson. 11:1.11 Duncan, CharlelJ Bi$h, Wiliard nouncing the formal pledging of Evelyn in the kitchenette Snnduy morning. Huw],ins llnd Carroll Royer, alumni Pusey and Gladys Richards. Catilerine Relld, Edith Lynch and mombera of thu eluh. Frllnces Ward were in Baltimore. Miss HAVE YOUR SITOE::!REPAIRED "\'1' DELTA PI ALPHA 'L"lI..B GOLLEGl~ SHOP' THE OFFICERS' CLUB Wlud aHelld~d n "Y" CQnferenee lilere. SPECIAL PRICES FOR STtJDENTS 'l'his yeur hns been a most snccessfnl The Officers' Club, reorganized NOI'. one in the history of Delt/!. Pi Alpha. e/~:er T~~:~;;:Vi~~m:~!~n ~~:~ r~~~li~'r C. K ROO P 'J'hanksgivingt f!2, hy the ulembers of t,he aenior elasa Although sUl"erul,'nluable members weN of tha R. O. T. C. unit, 11~S bognn to l08t through gradu~tion l~st year, the ~:n'~;t~ra~n~~~'\:~;' gUl'(l(I big feed -",===25=E="="="=in=S=t,==~ funetion. Suggestions were m~de last initiates this year, inereasmg the mcm week for the Offi.cers' Club to put':l hership abont sc\·enty·fivo per eent, hnvc !f:l~~hi~ayK~t:i 'Ko something durUlg the eoming year, ecr- amply replneed 1111 vacancies. Tll~l~t~el:~r~;:;s ~l~ tainsoeia.lfuncti"onssnehasa(]anee,a It hns been the poliey of this organ- lion were ~ol1le of Ule lucky to spend, a ten, and perhapll othctB. igation to provide intcre!Jting speakus Thanksgiving at home. A motion wn8' m:)de lind voted on to for Ute meetings. A~ one meeting Mr. spent Taabcl Douglnss hold II. mu~ting every two weeks, on Chang of the Seminary, presented a with Louise Derity at Annapolis. Tiley IGARS, Thnrsd(lys at 6.30 P. i'lI. The first reg hitherto uHprrceived liglit on the present attended Soccer Game the nlll.r meeting will be held Thl!r~(lay, De- situation in China. .lIr. Ito, an ordain- nlld the NavyHop evening. Columbia Jewelry Co. ~cm\.ler 8, al the ~et hour ill tilt' senior ",d minister of tlJe Me!hodist Protestaut ledure room. £I-eryone seelUS 10 be ('hurch of gave [lU interesting One ,,"QHlirrswhat" Cllristiau eolJ~ge OD , A fnlI selection of Christmas Gifts I'f~rymuch l'llthw,ed 1l1101l1 th~ ~luh lind tnlk on lhe that impelled him might be, when this is heard ou the tllat will please everybodY's taste. we arc e~rlain of its funcliolliug. 10 emne to this c(luntry. .Mr. Ro"berts, ('(llilpUS:"'l'his might he eallcd 11 Chris- the of the club last year, ad tian follegu if Olle didn't ('nrc what ooe W. M. C. SUNDAY SCHOOL this !lody on another oecaaion. s:lid.' , ~Ir. Jenkins, profeaoor of Latin nnd BnIlday, Derember ,j" Im~ !.teen Greek, ga,·~ a vcry interesting talk COli' Louise BllllS, Dot liooper, "Benny" aside throughout tbe country Il.S cerniJlg his receut trip to Europe. He Ll'o!lard, "1.luddy" Allnutt, Marjorie Ealll Relief Day. Stull~nts :lTe tt) illustrated various phases of his talk Kolb, Ruth 8tal('~' "Libby Clough, lle a!l liberal lIS possillle ill their offer- with pictures LUkenby him on thi~ jour. "J"ud~'" WiJtinlll~, E,sther Rollins, M~ry ings \\"l,i~h"ill be gi'-ell djr~'<.'tlyto Ihe ney. After a spCitker has finislled hi/! 1Iloore, Eyclyn Smil\I, AlllUnd:l Bell, ""enr Enst Relief (ISthe 8tudents' Cbrist- address, the meetings are thrown opeu Allnfl Callnlnlll and Rut.h Rello/lUgh, Se· mas fund. The remaining Sundays be- to a general aiscussion. linll Piekett (Iud ErlllaPieklJtt, spent the weuk-entl Oll !..helljJJ. fore Ihe hoLidays, will be spent in rais The elub consists of those men who ing this money. il~ve the ministry in "iel1"(IS n life work '1',,"0 members of the faculty hal'e "'Phe college Sunday ijchool Si.'~msto and those who hll"e II definite iuterest gl'r;\tly interested tho eo-et'ls hy tale!J of \.Ieinerell8ing in altendnne.e," Dr. Steph· in religions wQrk of any kintl. Visit. wed(ling$ that lhey h~ve reeenUy llttcnd- I'JlS ~tatl'd Ht the lust sen'iee. He hopes ors ~re wdeome /It the regular meeliugs ed. ,,1 iss Millard W(lS maid-of·honor 111 Weste und urges !h'lt there will be silll lllOrl! lleld every week. her brother's ehure.h \\"~dding. It eo;;~:ra~~:nd:;l ~~~;:~r\sOf ;;~~(i~;dCil~~: ==";,,,======= soundeJ. glorions /Uld exciting. in .Miss has gone for IS(lnogle furthermore reaults Maryland :;;(~~.~S~~~:~t:tle!a~e\"~~~~j tOt:esp~~:~~ Westminsler Stationery Store mateh·mnking /lUll hilS gh'cn wedding cake to mallY of the girls to sleep on. which appeals lo them most. BILLY DlnJAN, Prop. Boys-ask the girls what Ih~r Plans are now being made for a Snn- dny school seeial whkh is to be gi\'en at Greeting C(lrds for un oee.'l.sions fin enrly dnte. Euch elnss is rtrrtlngillg Seal· for" s(Jug, yell, and ~bznt ill rOlllJeetioli EVERHART WITH THE FACULTY with the J,.:.)l"O::_gC....'ll::;". _ The College :\liss S:)f(l Smith gove a '.rIWllksgiv PROFESSOR' WILLS SPEAKS AT BARBER alld BOBBER tea jn hallor of her lllotJl~r who Y. W. C. A. MEETING "Around the corner." spent the holidays at ",Y. ~r. C. Gifts· !llias spent a few days in Pr!)fCSll'!l.lloglcatt~nded a eon- proaeh 10 the Bible." ("I'cnce of' college professors at Atlantic> In the del'rl0l!ll1cnt of his theme, Pro AT THE FORKS C'ity during the Tlm.llksgi1'ing holidn}'s. feseor Wills statl'd that ~'Ollllg p!!(lple SIrs. Hllmrick ClltCl"tainedill hOllor of today nrc finding themselves in a good )Iiss Esthor Smitll after the Jllays Oil d(>al of tronhle c[)n~erning the illt~rpre For Things to Please Thanksgi"ing e,·ening. tation :lnd meanillg of the Bible. :.'I1iu I~auogle ,1tt.endel.! the wedding "Th"re are somt' things in the Bible of her eousin al Thurmont, null played Leather that are !Jot to be followed," l'rofes~or Your Palate the wedding march for jhe t~r(Omony. Wills said, "owing to the fact !..hat the Bible is a eombinlltion of \'arions types Westminster Savings Bank of literature, and also that the Bible was written during that period of history Babylon & Lippy Company Goods when (I l(lrge !lIass of the people were Capitfll $5Q,000.00 ignorant nnd narrow·minded." SU1'plu~"Earned" soo, This neeonnts for the fact tha\" many pnssages in thu Bible were writrell es FLORSTIEDI SHOES peeially for the peuple in those tilllel! F. TROS. BABYI~ON, Presi(h'llt. lind under lhose cireUllisrUneeS. Wh(lt STETSON HATS 11lvrON P. ):1)'.10.:]18, Vice l're!!. lhenshould be our reaetion! .J.'\COB H llAi\"J}T"HY, 'l'r(>asurer Pen and Pencil Sets --- Desk In summing up the attitndes of an in tclligcbt. person toward the Bible, we lnt~rnutioulll .lJade·to·MC(lsure Snit" Se('nrity HU",lHgs find it Wl'lI to uae onr intellect, to get Perfum Lamps -- Perfumizers and D at 1111the inct!:l,ta renllze that 1111the reel.lrds are not Rnlhfntic Ilnd finally t~ Whitman's Candy flnd th~ rflll (lim nlld value of the Bible. XMAS SUGGESTIONS VARIETY NUGGETS Hand Painted Brooches The crowd orator knows that he can nand Made Handkerchiefs Bonsack's "l\\'~ys "get the erowd" by casting Il slur npon tIle educated. Griffin's Goodie Shoppe "No man e(ln see o~er his own THE COLLEGE SHOP heig!Jt." Iutelled is impereeptible to 59 WEST MAIN STREET the lllan who has none.
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