Page 39 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 39
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three iSPORTSI Fall Season's Sports Close i SPORTS I FRDSH WIN ANNUAL GRID Coach Harlow Picks All-Opponent Team COEDS OPEN SPORT BAG W. M. C. 3, UNIVERSITY OF CLASSIC DELAWARE 3 'I'he field ball games were the first off t ha year. Atlhough this is in n fast and weU·lllayed soccer Sophs Outclassed by Yearlings First Team Seeond Team first time that a field bnfl touma- gnrue Western :IIuHylHlldwas held to End-8mith-Rullionburg Gulian-Gettye.bnrg mont lias been attempted, it went off u 3·8 tie by the Uulcuretty of Delaware The freshmen football team trounced wilh fine spirit, IJlld much interest was at Jo~ Fr'lI"er l"iold, Oil Saturday, Dee.· the sopucmorce in the annual freshman- Tackle-Slaughter-Gettysburg ThompaOn-J.fultlenburg shown. The prospects for next year ember 3. Tile mateh was packed with sophomoro grid classic last Thursday both teams ex· afternoou OJlHoffa Field by the aco eo Guard-Pauly-W. & J. Gnllagllel'-W. &, J. nrc even better. Ench ctaaa played the plays in whieh brand of soccer. other three classes. an excellent The freshmen won of 2-1·0. The sephs received tho kick Center-Gordon-Muhlenburg Desmond-e-Lcyola all three games thereby becoming the PJ'.1~ti(lally nil the fn~.tors eondueive off and marched down tim :field to tho four yard line where tile freshmen Guard-Watson-Loyoln .Miller-Gettysburg w,nners of the contest. The junior· to a good eonteat were prcsent-c-tbe forward stiffened. Three plays found Taeklc-Douds---W. &, J. Hcaly-c-Loyola sophn11l0re gmue wa~ not. played be- squads were eyellly matched, bhe air was cold and bracing; and the :field was enuse the t,onrllalncnt was won before the ball 011 the 15 yard line and the their opportuulty to ploy eamc. The ill ,1 fairly good condition. aOl)hs attempted a lntern l pass. Thill End-Kostos---Sehuylkill RobillBon-W. & J. MeLea illtereept.ed on his own 2G yard Dtckcrt-c-Muhlcnburg rusults of the touTlliJlll('nt are as fol- The work \If Collius at fullback for line nnd ran the mterventug dlatnuce Quarter Baek-c-Bnrkman Selluylkill lows: W L Delaware was most eommeudabiej and watson, the outside left for Delaware, for e, touchdown. The kick wall Hnlf Baek-Williams-Gettysburg Cook-W. & J. a blocked. The second SllOreClime in the Freshmen 0 dirrt'tly aeeounted for one goal and was middle of the seeond quarter, whon, af· Half Baek-N . .Dorelli-1\[uhlenburg Ue1Ullnn-Gettysburg Sopbomores 1 1 indirectly resl'onsihle for hls team's two 0 , ter a gain of 25 yard~, the Bophlltried Pull Back-Amos---W. & J. Abhott-Albright Juniors 1 1 other gOllls. Longridge, who starred a forward paas. Wellinger intenlellted Senjors for1\[arJ'11lIld,pln;Ved1,isusunleonsis the.ball on the fresh 40 yard line and The volley llrl.11tournament hogan t.rnt gmn(' and wus ably assisted hy ont·distalleed tho SopllOlllore team for THE SOCCER TEAM GRAPPLERS PREP ARE FOR 011 Honday. The girls have gotten Willis. the second six points. MATCH WITH F. &: M. more praetiee in tllis thlln in field ball, 'rhe Del;n\"lnialls started slowly buL After tho. baUllad seo·sawed during With the end of the soeeer season on b('~nua(' they have dll\"oted their gym SQon lannched an effective offensive tIlc third quarter, the frosh gnill{>llpOll l)eeember 10, rapidly approachillg, it is 'fhe wrestling tram ill bNng rapidly ~lass{'s to prnetit<". The schednle for wllie.h sCl.lredtwo field goals. Westel'tl session of it Oil th~ir forty ~'ard ];ne. pesaible now to retrospect and review whipped into for the eoming Olll gamos is as folloll's; Mnr_yland reooubled their efforts and at End runs by \\'ellinger and line buck the 1927 season. While it is not a bout, with Franklin :lnd Marsh,,]1 001 ~[nllda.l', Deecm\)er 5th, 4;00 o'clock. (he eno lOf tho;!first half lm.d tied the }'nsllllleu-SovllOlllOreS ing by Boro~ld carried the ball to the wmpletely sueces!il'lIl year, it has eomll lege. Coach Tozzi seems very optimis· .l·uniors-Seniors ~eore. In th", third quarter, Langridge aix yard lin<'. Boroski thon crasbed off up to the expectatioll9 of most of the til' oyer the p"'ogress of his team aw] r<,c<,i"f'd :1 paslI mId ~ent the ball tnekl('s for n,\! third touelHlown. fUIIB. Moreover tile games lost have belicvl'sthat.·Wcstern :lIinrylnnd Il'illlw \\"~an{'s{ln.'·.D<"eemb~r7th, 4:0(1 o'eloek lilrtnlgh the posts for the thir(l goal. Evans set'rl'll in the finul quarter been by rat.her dose seores--witb the able h, mako II. shuwillg in thift new 8{l1'Io0mor,'s-JIl'liors With a few minutes left to play, Dela' wllenlle skirted Ole left end for twen· one exception of the ganle p\l.iyed wit]1 sport. This is tlle fint yenr tMt West Fl'{'shmpu-Seniors 'I'are tied the scere and caused the ty·five yards. I.afayette at Eastoll, Pa. The first tilt ern Man'l:mil has l)cc.n 1J11leto pro i\[ondHy,Deeember 12tll, 4;00 o'eloek game tl.lgo to extra. halves. Two 5-min· TIle sophomores were eompletely ant of the year with Franklin nnll Manhall du(:t'an intc.reo.ile!;iat,· wrestling"t('am. Frcslllllen-JnnioT8 ,,,,1.(' l1('riods were then pla.yed which played "by thp;r opponents in all the was lost by one goal and Ole Na.vy var There are twenty-one mlln on tlll' Seniors-Sophomores failed, llowe"er, to get the victory to phflJ'jes of the game. 'Velling-cr'1I end sity was able to win by Q. single tally. ~quad although the~1.'",ill be only ~e~' 'l'his last date is subject lo change. either side. runlling aud Boroski's line bucking In fnet, the early part of tIle season en to ]lInl'e tlle trips. This in itself ,~ 'rile ou!look for vanity Im~kf!thnll W.M. C. 1.1. of Delawarp were exeeptionully good. "Tom" Braun was llOt wholl.y eneouraging, but with n cause for the friendl.,·, lnHd eOlltcstNI I'or Illis .),,,ar is very ell~ournl!illl!. At and "Dan" Cook wen' the best gronud the of the home games, the serinlll1agl!on the mat. least fwent?-J;ve eandi(lntre<':Fletcher (Wilmington) Boroski F. B. Braull again next year. Willis, his lino·mate, has also played the ganle Imrd and well. Seoril by period Freshmeu (j 6 () 6-2.4 Sullivan nnd Trice hnvc proved to be Sophomores 0000-0 h~lfbneks equlilly us good on the de fensive a~ on tIle offensive. Smitll, at Tonehdowtls-},r('l~ea, Wclling!l.r, 13or· fnllh:tek, has donbtless saved many a oski ani! Evans. goa.l and has perreeted a defensive eYII' SubatitutiOlls-.Fro&h: P\llll1ewcll for t~lll with Hownr(l, Ihe-goal tender, thlll LQngridg(', ~lcGowal1 for Dn)" BrOWll hns kept down the scoring of the Ol} for .'\t.wood, Riekcnbeeker for Gu<". ponenh . .Muriner for JofCGOW:).ll,Crosby fOT "Me· In conclusion we ma.\· sny tlle team LOi'Il,Day for Mariner, Gue for Rieken· has done nll that can be rCIHlonablyex· beeker, Ly1H.~h,Seitz for JIershman, peeted of it. Soccer is a minor IIjlortat Stott for 8.i1lld('rs,Grant for Braun. Westeln Marylund .• ret it ill indillpen· 1~eferee--NeI11 L'mpirc-Ha,·en8. sible for those who ueed the neeessary HMd IinCSnHLtl-1\liIh'r. Time of quar exereise and to whom football ters-ll1Illiuut(>s. praetieall_t a closed door. The i'leal i~ nfhletic~ for
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