Page 38 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, :-: :-: lIntrl"-Q1nllegiatr 1Jaridy Dffleial newspaper o.f Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during [Aull _q41t Not I News A REVIEW OF BOOKS, the ncudemie year by the students of weeteru Maryland, Westminster, PLAYS AND LIFE Maryland, Entered as second-elaas matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. Col- Subscription Price, $2,00 a Year. Alice Frings, '31, gave 8. feed Wed· lege The with girl students of Washington the dean WHEREIN I AM RATHER SUBTLE of the assistance nesday, November 23. of women and the head of the Depart- :MANAGING STAFF ment of History, are eoruplcting the or- George Bcruurd Shaw must navo ow' of a wrote bill Editor-in-Chief. . J. Paul Lambertson, '2? Anna Oallahan, '30, has returned to ganization Assoeilltion. Young WQman's and Chris· the ed "The a hugo Doetor medical Dilemmu." when he Perhaps ta tion The faculty the hill after an illness of a few weeks. Managing Editor.. . ... IIubert K. Johnson, '28 students have been keenly interested in he even wrote the play on the baek of tbe new association since the opening the bill Bent him by the doctor. At any Asst. Managing Editor. . . Samuel H. Bryant, '28 of eellegu. 'I'he cundle·light initiation rate he takes a Iovaly "dig" at the Business Manager. . Earl B. Lippy, '29 Several members of the class of '30 ceremonies were held the students way doctors reach for their pay. AU nf chops, breakfast a eriticism Ass't Business Manager .. ...... W. B. Benders, Jr., '30 enjoyed buckwheat eakcs of alld pork eoffee at returned from their Tlwnksgiving reo ",hiah I conlli.(ler unfair .for charity seems of the to wnmes, professinn, medical Advertising Manager . . Marvin 13. Sterling, '30 Maple Inll on Thursday morning. be first ill their code of cuuee . not is Circulation Manager .. . W. Edwin Warfield, '29 On November 26 t.he new chemistry "'1'hG Doetcr:s Dilemma" comedy, a ecm- a It Asst. Circulation Managers. .... {ROY L. Robertson, '29 Amnng the Sophomores who spent the building of the Uuivcrsit." of Maryland on supreme isa and ethical eom- J. A. Stach, '30 'l'huuksgfving helid,,),s aWl\Y from the was dedicated. The building was built edy-life. 'fhe plot of the play is U11· a coet np was Art Editor . ..... "Pete" Gomenk, '30 Hill were Mary Moore, Nila Wallace, ut propriated of by *210,000, lnst which Legielature. matters are the tho Sports Editor . .. Clarence IT. Bennett, '28 Hannah xraee, )JlIry Webber Broughton, Much of Ihe equipment, however, W;IS differenteharae· Ruth Staley, Julin Williams, Ellen Gar· given to the universlt y by prominent ('elon and Selina Pickett. REPORTORIAL STAFF men of the country. Among those who And the Ideas of the play, wall, per- made donations were: Dr. It A. B. Dnn· tillpa )JoUere's Sganerelle tan Itl."press New's Editors aing, Dr. Samuel W. Wiley, and Dr. A. them il' that sp~eeh where he says: DI'l'othy L. Gilligan, '28 'V. Ie Barnes, '28 R. L. Dohme, .Baltimore; C. G. Cump- "I fiuu that it c. medi~ine) is 14rttvrs IDn IDI!l' bell, Nell" York, antI }'Jr. and M:ra.M. the best trade of bec!lnse whether Associa.te Editors L. Turner, Berwyn. yon do your work or ill yon ara paid Rut11 French, '28 Alvin .Albright, '28 1Ellitnr t.he $aDlP. k~ailure is never visited on Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 Oscar T.J. Morris, '29 The motto at Prinee!ou~"Athlef.ies ollr ]weks, and wa eut the Illuterifll upnn Elizabeth n. Davis, '28 "Jap" 'Veisbeek, 30 '1'0 the Editor:~ for all "~is rapidly gaining popubrity which col!bler, we ore in a8 we please. 9hoes, If of fI " making pair The studellts. REPOR'l'ERS TIff!: GOLO BUG is the only college among Dr. the Rayeroft, Hnnounaes physieal that djrec, spoils 11 (liece of lenther, he must paJ nine tor, that my we may d:JHwge. the M. Gertrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C. Woodward, '28 paper tn or so inih knowledge pageedel'oted bas to Ilot tbat a out of every tell Tiger under·graduates for a 1II(,n without it while eoeting here anything." spoil (lolumn Dornlhy :Mellott, '28 Curvin 1\1. Seitz. '29 true !lclHocrat, "Puhlic Opininn." An :ntl engaged in some form of ntlllet.ies N. 11. Pennewell, '31 Casper P. Hart,' '29 opel! forum is an asset to any papeT and this ~'ear. Witl,in the unil-Hsity thia Elsie 1\1. Held, '~8 George E. Sidter, '29 l'articulflrlytnoneissueilllY nnd for stu y~ar illterest in sporh ha~ notieeably UP F'RO:\[ ~]ETHODISM- lIiargaret 1\Iartignoni, '29 Josepb I.J. Mathias, Jr., '29 dents. Tf properly ntilill;ed it would increased. In 1926 there were ~1)5 Herbert Asbnry lIlary A. Walzl, '29 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 t.eams enmpeting for championships ill Clllbcrine E. Read, '30 W. G. ]~nton, '30 give a true school "tolle" that no edi va.rious sports. The list in 1926 inetu(l ALFRED A. KNOPH .... 1!1:!ij~$:!OO stnfi:, Virginia C. 1\[_errill, '30 William IT. Brown, '3~ torial equal. however those representntive, ery, ed 30 baseball nilles, 38 basketball Severnl s~etions of the book hn,·c been <'ould Perhaps who "The faculty runs everything anyhow" quintals, 36 crews, 32 hockey teams nnd published ill the "Americnn Mereury," would he led to express their OWll opin 35 tQuall fnot.ball teams. among them, W(lS thp charming und mnst Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. ions. ·Whileit is true that the most of d~light£ul "IIatrnck. " :Most likely the this t~'pe express these opinions only for In "Tha Gown~man," one cf the un Amerienu public have forgotten "Hilt· Ihn nois~ they make, it lllust be remem dergradullte weeklies, there is mud, rNck" wiih tile eoming of "Paaches," l>ered tlwt there ure some students WllO "\Inrie," nnd the 19:!6 "Rel'ised Edi IE-D-I-T-O-R-I-A-L! re:dly have ideas find who w(luld weI· eritidml abQut the enulleiation nf tbe tiOll of the "llnlj·Mills" eseapade. tome 0 chalice to express them. lecturers. 'fhe students desire to know Nel'erlheicss. "Batraek" deserves to be why nearly all the leeturers are either Remember: Thll beBt wny Ollt of We were rat.her surprised that tlle We ask for the.cha.lI<.le, Mr. Editor, inaudilJle or unintelligible, or both, ree,ognized, she is truly Ameriean. Darn jQl) is through. junior lI'om(lf] shonld make th~msell'e9 and perhaps t.he result will surpril!e They feel that .l!ome. of them at leasl to tha outside worl{] ill true AmericlIll eonspicuous by the g~lIerous nnmber of thnse ",llo gather tbcir impressions of should take the trouble to learn the art f(lshiQ". and :lfter the sensation, left "Ds" whieh th~y r~eei\'ed for tIle see· the student body from its noisiest memo nf eloeutioll or elsa study rhe psyeholog) 10 rllt ill ~lissouri, but like most famoul' If we 1I!:ly coin it wQrd, "dease" onll six weeks period. 111 .faet, nntil"'e bets. ofteatllillg. c]mr:Kters, she CRn be disgnised, lind re ~eem tQ be the present fad. Better be heard the annouacem>;nt revealing th~ir P. S.~It mighlj .sanl you a little work l'ised,so thntewn herelnsest friends ....... ellrdul; it'~ not far to·ease. true matus, we had thoughT the junior ol1<.lein a while too. • will ne"n- recognize h~. women the most studions on the bill. Otterbein University of Ohio, one of This hook ia tJle autobiography of .1 A STUDENT. the strictest in the toUlltry, has reeenUy man, who wafi' f~i1 on Methodism, lIot eight students .for i1rinking. Now that !lbout one·half of the I'll'll· only was his ~Il\,ironment of that char eight were member!! of tile football l~ge is in debt to the olher half, it is (leLcr, but his hnitage was fnr mnre so. 1'here is one sport engaged in by W. '1'0 f.hcEditnr: squad, nnd induded nmong them was unll he ~efm8 to glory in lIis aollateral iuileffi well that we should have a "aea )J. C. men which, although it docs not When a eert.ain person asked me to the cnptain. He. was s\tspellded fQr tilt tj{ln tn enable tllose whe are belQw par rc, make them recognitinn of a 80rt ~o1l]parabl(' to this year! C'hri~tillllity, r(,member, is proximate w]Wt it shQuld. We do uot the best M it." How many tim€s (lid thnt grm1(ed a"hi("'cm~nt in ext·m·en,· till' 1}('11 of .\Ir. ,\"IJUr~·. the religion ~i unselfish sen'iee. intl.'nd 10 start <,¥horting .for iuterest in Or. Ward l'11)' from the platform in ri~nlar ael.ivilies. -.Y~w SIur1t>ll 'rill' tir"l tw,l tlllC~tinns ,·au be IIll deba1illg; for we know Ihat thne is i'imith Hnll. "1'011 mell and women hm'c swercd b~' a siJ!gl~ qnotation-"WithQUI aennsideroble pnrt of the atutlent I' gren! ehnnet'. carpI" diem." 1 reo "cligioll 1 thorough]~' enj(l~' lilt' bllsincBB When eX/'nH! roll around tQ whom (lr whie!! has no interest. wilute,'er ill 11I<'llJ],er I'HY diHillttl~' hN"ing hl'ard :\'urtl'II'~Slerll lJnh'ersit,l" i~ Qfferiul! nf lil"iug.'· The IllS! question ,·all only Lo what will yO\l flee for aidt A plId"isoftcnunfiblotQpene· InlUld meet with :1 ('ontempluous re· there on the "liBI" :,lTe ]i,.jug u life- mr,l'e ;1I1~r~st lllidollbtedly ",how~ " rCl'i,',,] "r in s.chol.uship. Ifnte into 11'or),. 'l'hose \\'ho are interested in ,,,ake the hr~t "f it, for in the .,·ears to ~.\'nv if1wlt·lIl. eulluml, a~ all college men sbouhl "-O"lC yO!] :lre going to look baek on be, not lieI'd ally stimulus from >':6. yonr college days, rccall yonr fri\!nd· Thoughts (If the coming Christmas ships during the four short on llie King's Pharmacy dinner at W. M. C. have first place in "Bil!." our mimls. It is only natural, for we And tiM]]Y a~k yourselves why you We hear much about traditions, es· The Rexall Store still remember with pleasure the abund· didn't aetdifferently. We all8fJ.y dnr tablishillJ; traditions, breaking trlldi ance {Ji well·prepared food whieh we ing our college clays that we WiEh we tions, abolishing traditions. We hear 5f) E. Main St., Westminster, Md. made 11 part of ourselves Oil Thnnksgi,,· n Iwd Ollr diplomas sn that we eould lea,,!! that Western lI.l:lry]and is eollege iug Day. the "Hill" torel'cr, uut nfter we geL II'hieh i~ ll1an~ged with a view to C{ln· forming to certain long·established tra· them \\'1' lrul right ]mek nnd say \\'1" Dr. A. ]. Morrell would gl:Hlly begi1' ,H freshmen. So. dition!!. '1'he word "tradition" to us College men a.e divided into three rllllnotes a sta!ieide:l,:l state of im· .1"I)!1Sfudents \\"ho nn' {!Jere, work when CffiROPRACTOR (:tasses; tliose who Worship thc mighty mobility, a Ilcgati..-e r.oll~er"atisJ1l. We, it is fin,e to work. I'J,,)" wlien it is time gail "Athletitus"; Ihost' who make therefore, do not liklltheideaofn I!.ol· to pl,1}', uet likc l~!lies :nlll genLlemen, ]10 E. '\lai" St. Phone ]7(i obeisanee to "Seholaslieus" as suo lege hound l)~' trflditions. and thc proper s~I",{>1 spirit wi]] lalie preme potentllte of the world; aud, fill' Ruther, we want Weatern 113r~'land to ('''''1'' of itself. lilly, those who qllaff off their respeets ])p a college I1cvl'lopiJ/(! from well·estflb· AN ALUll1\'08. Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr to "Baeehus," "enerated deit~· of the liahe(] 1}',el·('I7t:~tk. To us the w(lrd "pre· mOV D. S. GEHR sOI·illlrealm. '1'111" Newest aurl Best OloUlillg ""d "edent" eonnntesthe idea of dCI·elop· Furuishings Illent, of e"olutioll, of dynnmie, Ooods for young "'ell ing, positive for~e. We aTe looking for· 10 per tent oil' to cQllege students }.Iy life must touch a millinn livt'l; in Wholesale and Retail Hardware, some way ere T go "'flTd to fI de"eloping Western Mnry· From t1lis dear world of struggle to the land; a. West('rn. :Mar~'lllnd dew'loping Building Materials, Cutil'ry, When lani! Ido not kuow. nQt in size, butiu seh(llarship,;npres A!l1ll1unitioll, Points, Oils, ~]ARY PICKFORD So this the wish I always wish, the tige; in influenee. Therefore, we eug· Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Wanted a Good prayer I e,'er pray: gest a llew slogllu for Western Maryland PHOTOGRAPH Iron and Steel Proi!ueta Let my life help the other lives it Collega in the ''I'ords of A. S. M. Huteh· She sent fQr touches by the way! inson, "Not trllditiQlts,~'but prece· (Established 1866) Sereck S. Wilson _:'Str\()1.:;lanil Gillilan. dents! " Westminster, Md,
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