Page 37 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 37
GOt FALL INSPECTION OF SOCOER O. W.M. R. O. T. C. UNIT VS. U. OF IS SCHEDULED SATURDAY, DELAWARE P. M. 2:30 Vol. 5, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Dec. 8, 1927 Webster Defeats Irving in Resume of Baby Terrors Green Terrors Complete Second COLLEGE CALENDAR Debate by 2 to 1 Decision Shows Excellent Seasea Gridiron Season Under Harlow ~'Rln.\ 1', DECE.\lBER 9- '1'he e!t'!\'enlh anuunl dl'batc between Lecture in Alumni Hall by Joseph The freshmcn rule is new in effect at SCORE 213 POINTS AGAINST OPPONENTS 21 Webster and In-ing Literary Societies K. Pnlsom on "Lite nud Culture W. M. C., and the first season has WIlS held ill Smith Hall on Friday even- in Czech<)slo\-akia." 8 P. xt. drawn to a erose with good results. Western ;\..1;lryI3uu has just complet- Captain Ne:tl :!gain played the stellar ing, December 2. Heretofore, froslllnen were eligible for 'fhe queetion for debate I\'~S: "Re· R.-\'I'URDAY, DEC'E..\lBER 10- tho varsity t('um, hut ]lOW they must ed its second gridlron season under the role while "Buck" Chambers made a solved: Thai Amerlean private 'h.vest- one yoar of freshmen football be- U:lrlow a eeuson CI'~" more sue ;i.;yard rUll for fl touchdown mcnh in fqreiJ!11 NlIllitriCf; should not be \'~rsitj Soccer gnme, \Vcstcrn Ud llwy get their big chance for the ccssful of J9:!7 when one Alhright \I':I~ the next victim, 3:} to O. protected ;1)), tile Go\'~rnrneDt oi the va. Unlverstty of Delaware, ~.30 P varsity. eonaidcts the severe hundtenpe that seem- Orvtllc N~nl ,lid not play in the Home' United St.ates.'· '1'11('; nffb-mative side 111. ,r Ravlewing tho results Of the seasons ed to multiply wit-h e\'cry gume- ft>JIling Day gal11~, hut Chambcrs and W;'8 upheld by Webster, which was rep ~arncs, the team waa a big success. Vie· I'll order to llomply with :J stundaed Gomsak h:lIt litt.Je trouble glljning reeognized :~mong the resented 1.1)' the Messrs. W. G. Eaton, Yaraity busl' name!! of the tain Neill \\,,!s out of the gnrue with ;n· the United St;1.tes. It leads to political '1.t 6.30 P. M. g:lme illrit:s susl.ained the week before, but imperialism, it I'ucouragcs economic ex frolll. ,111(1 his hrillinnt plllying "';l~ ~"mCwhal ~till tlHl 'ferrors rulled up ;t total of 26 pJoitalion; ~nd, 1»), d~slro)'ing the guod "Le Cerrle Pr:l!ltais" dans Ml< At left end \\'a$ (OIl)IU Bates, who IUlIuperell rlllring the rest of tlh'S('ason. \\bile ihe Jesllits were handed will of olher ndiolll1, lends to misun· Dnniel Hall Parlor, 7 heme$. ~!lme$ from LOB Angeles, (,:)lifornin gOOSll egg de"t~ndilli::S whieh might euusc war. AI left tll€ltle \\'''~ Wilker from Lorain, 'fhe first of the .y"ar W~'S lost Ohio. iilil~ from Harrisburg, ]':1 (}n ('vrn 1t'tUlS until ~Hded hQat.iliti,'~ 'l\he yel1{)w-jcrsi('d The sp('!IlietB for Uw negatil'c stated <'lel'('11 had tllpped the hdl..l_S timeN KINGDOM OF LORD" Orillith uf }'I.HrleJ\>') Pen.I·, Ohio, pbye(l the last qmHter when the l'r(.siilents tlmt all e'itil<('ns of the United Stales right In,ikl,''. _l>'o~, of Wl'stl'ille, N;;,w forged nhearl by lI{loring :J touchdown while Ann)' failed to regi~ter. Bn~ had a right to protection of' their intrr :t.ltHobi~, \'cteran guard, played lit hi~ est!! in :1lI.1' pnrt Of the world; a with- Pf\)fl'ssor Shro;er spoke froul the tl')..\ Jrr~e.\', h,·ld dowll riWlt end. fn tllC '-lIld n field goal. -~~:~~~~~!~ltf}:lP:I:.1:t;; of onr Lord,'·' kingdom ~;;~!;Y:;~~;[~!~~I;@E;-;ff'!;~frr~~fl/~t;~;iE~~~; 'fltl-~,'~!~~O't'!'''h ~~:,Ie!I'~:~!ri~;l 1;:1' t~:v~I~G!:lcl~:;jl:~;" in Ihk\'T Ihc "kingdom jng foreign markets, \\'hi~h hnve pro"cd Chnpel, Suniln,}' evcning, Dcrcmber .1. tioB of ddensil'c p13y during !lIP COl!te~1 th~ willi So1di~r~. of untold value 10 this eountry. It wa~ The speaker (leseribed Ihe of The lnst game Wl\~ llrl ~";unple of tla' asserted tll:tt the evils of protect;Qn the world as 11 ci\'ilization of power of ,,"umal{)ns thingij tlml t'HlI hOPl'fn ill \\'~re not i::real ~n!luglr to justify ah!w ~:I.r1 (j(,wn hy KO"hillsld, of Nanticoke, l\"uw 'I'rl~ur's daY'II'm, :1 h,1I'd ClirHed \'ie tile polib~al lype. It ~'!H 1,1' seen among football. By compnrnth'e scores West· donm~nt of the ]lolicy. the nations of the world buth in the pust lory ~I"'r ill their sl'c()nd ~rn ~lar)'l~lld was conceded to win the The judges {If the dd)~IC were !\t una in tlie present. Ii Wnli found ill the 'l'hr substitutes, who a,'serve honor J..!:~!mc, I ~ to O. Barkmllll was the big gUIllO, bUL a muddy fi~!(l and j slipp~ry torneys"llt·Law ~Iichael E. Walsh, ahas. ('xIIloitation of the N~\\' 'World by the abl(llllention ure UBinr;er, Atwood, Till· lhrs:l! for the Orange lind Blne eleven, b"llj)rO\'cd thcir downfoll. O. Clemson and Guy w. Steele, ail of Spauiards; it may be obsel'l'ed to\hly in 111011, )ltl_e:t, Long-ridge, Newcomer, ~nd only O,e ~ri11iaJ\ee ~lld individual The season closed with 213 poiuis Westminster. the corrupt prlleticCll"of'-our gOI·ernmpnts. Oar, and Gue, linemen; l'I'hile Welling- pla)'illg of Captllin Nesl kept the game "hHlked up on 11,e score.l eolumn while Tho fin~l decision was two votes to Conlrnsted willi thls (-ivjliz~l'ion is er, Bush, Borows"ki, Evans, lind ,Voolley from being n scoreless tie. only 21 were tallied by the Terror 'a op· one in f~l'or of Webster Liter~ry Soci· the civiJizatiOll of culture whieh reste wcre worthy Bubstitutcs for t.ile back· 'rhe game \VitIl Diekill$On wns won poneots. Thia record alone- enn gi\'e ct-y. upon reo~onableues8. 'fhi~ is the king- fiela. ",ithout !Ilueh dif1'icult.y, >[,fi to 0 Thr the reader nnd now idea of the strength of the nn dOllloftheI-,ord whiehlheseer,John, Terror line ll{'hl the Dif·k;nson b~eka Green el\'"ell durin!! th~ 12, DR. KAUFMAN, ENGLISH AUTHOR- I-ision€d while on l'atmos, a \'isiou which NEAL UNANIMOUSLY REELECTED IOII\·ofirstdownslluriogtheenconnter. CAPTAIN ITY, TO ADDRESS SHAKES· jl(> recorded in the book of Rr,·~hlJion. lJf lhere hope uf this kingdom' Yes. PEARE OLUB at Otl·ill~ . .E. (Greas~') Keal was unani ENGLISH COURSES FOR THE .JOSEPH MILLS' CONDITION uN- for thel'c are forces work which (lie stronger Ih~n those or the civilization of mously ref01ceted captflin 0:1' the Green SECOND SEMESTER OERTAIN AT HOSPITAL Dr. P:lUIKaufman, noted anthorit." 011 Terrou last Wedneada~' b~' the let.ter powcr. Therc may bc rC\'01l against Shakellpenre, will der_I'er nn address be· Christiunil~' in pnrts of the world but mell of thn tranl. 'fhia is Gr~asy's Joseph .Mills, a :freshman on the fo(e the Slwkespcare Club on the even· there must be hope when sueh n man ns second year as varsity lender. ~llg. 4a-RODljn literature in Irons "hill" i$ still ill :In une_el'tain condi ing of Tuesday, December thirteenth. l:ltioll, llis~ DrydeJl. Open to all ex tion at the Maryland Genna! Hoapita.1 Ue ha5 beell reqneat,'d 10 select his own Ghalldi of Hilly S~~·S Hull the Sermon Coach Harlow Announces Letter Men eept Frb ~1i1l~, the father of tha status 0:1' contemporary literature in the )'liS!l 11. XI. Hohinson, Dean of Woo received letters are Arthur B. Cecil, IJ with credit. 1-:nglish 16 lUn)" b~' boy, is fln AntiSaloon Leagne w{)rk~r currieula of colkges and universities in me", h:ls been r~quired by her medical Charles L. Go.dhanu, Albert Tozzi. and :,rmngeulelll with the uistrudor, in Birmingham, Alabama. Both Mr. this tountry. Dr. Kaufmnn is a melll l:ik~n by students who hnre Il{)t lmd Bibb ~fi1Js and his falher nre well advisor to take n greatly needed rest. William R. Bay, Jr. Eng. 15, if they arc qunlified to tnke the ber of several lcarned soeieticsand the kno\\,l1 for their faithful work through ~Iiss Rol>inson left the ill!! Slllun1ay, author of sel'eral bool<~ in the genernl out MllTyland nlld the South. ,Toe •.1111. Decl'moer 3; she will probnblx rctUl'l' 3~lf is n man of the highest calibre, witb department {)f Eni::lish. The j'reshm~n 1928 FOOTBALL SOHEDULE Bog. 17·]8--Jollrllalism, Miss Dry· may be interested to know that Dr. after the Christmns holidays. )lin d~ll. The eours-e, being II year·eonrse, is fI record on the campus that any stu Kanfmnn i!:! the author of their text, Faith lIlillard, the women's physical tli O
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