Page 36 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 36
Page Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Class, Club and Society Doing A_lu_:_:_~_e_mg~ v, W. C. A, get served Ilrat and everyone ._A__ U~__B_q_n_t_N_n_t ~1,I so happy. 'rtie Y. 1"', C. A. held its rogul::l' You come 100, next time! mee~ing Wednesday aventng. An er Asenat h Bay spent the week-end er and Gusty HutchIns. Mildred Po.well. '16, a.nd H:tl'rICl~ the devotional servrca In charge of _st.el' Fruits Do You Eat Some Fresh Fruit ning each game. loads of peanuts. big will send Mel;srs. Entoll, PhilJpips B C. KROOP peanuts, little peanuts, even three H. and Smith H, O. to the platfol'll\ Sweets Do You Eat Sweets Only At Meal Time? (Milk, 2& E. Main St, fruits and vegetables provide best sugar!!) litUe niggers in a jleannt sbell. "Aml to do the actual debating, and Ralpll Lhen the eats." Oil, beautiful day, Reed will assist them in the capacity Do You Provide Your Body With Butter oh, eullghtened sO\lls woo Invented of alternate. Fats the Best of Ean? Koontz Confecturant lolly·pops and ice cream cones, es- The question deals with wllether pecially Ilink ice cream cones. The the United States should afford mili· Do You Eat Dark Cereals and Dark Breads? little boys jostled the little girls to tary protection to iIoreign investors. cernlandBreadl A REPUBL1CAN CONVENTION, shouting and sCI'eeching of sirens, Water Do You Give Your Body Plenty of Water? CIGARS, CIGARETTES, CANDY, (at least sixgl>lsses every day) gave the houor to the man from i\ladlsou, \Visc, (By New Student IllinoiS. SODA, SUNDAES, SANDWICHES Service)-A republican national can· Do You Eat Your Meals Every Day at Regular Houl'ti? vention, with all the trimmings, from (jowbell~ to bands, political READ, BOOST, Dr. A. J. Morrell science students at !lIe University of \\'isconsin opportunity to tl'Y their SUBSCll.IBE TO AND konwledge o[ cOll\'entiQu workings. ADVERTISE IN Diet for the Overweights CHIROPRACTOR Confusion, noise, cat-calls, and IIOD- Phone 175 ing accomponied speel;!hes and bal- THE GOLD BUG 5% Vegetables 10% Vegelables 5% frUits 10% Fruils 110 E. Main SL 101Flng, unlil the final cheer when Frank O. f..owden \\'on all the second Lettuce, romatoeg, Pumpkin, Grapefruit, Oranges, King's Pharmacy cranbenies, vote, Tile delegates were divided EVERHART cucumber, spinach tunlip, lemons strawberries, lIquuh, asparagus, rhubarb Into state groups, and rallied to tiletr beel,green.s,celery beets, blackberries, naU\'e. sons with approved gusto. The College cabbage, kale, carrou, gooseberries, THE REXALL STORE :-loTrls Bnd Hoo\'er conntJiltl well on BARBER and BOBBER brussels sprouu, onions, peaches, !\fain St., 'Yeslmlnsler, Md. pineapple, the (irst ballot, Norris particula,rly "Around tlle corner," ",atercress, leeks, w3fermello~ 65 E, cauliflower, who got all of 'Wlsconsln's 25 votes, sauerkraut, but when Ii became evident that egg_plant, string MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT Lowdeu was the fa.vorite, tile delegat· beans, ",rusnes, dandelion, Swilis es joine(l the mDvement, and, midst Babylon & Lippy Company chard -AT- Bonsack's Tea Shoppe Drinks or beverages: lemonade, water, clear broth, coffee, tea, cocoa shells and cracked cocoa can be used and not counted as NOTICE ·FLORSHE\!\T SHOES food; and skim milk or buttennilk STF.TSON HATS SHIPLEY'S If YOIIwant the GOLD BUG this year. kindly send in yOllr subscrip- tion immedla.tely in order to reo Diet for the Underweights A'l' TKE FORKS ceh'e the next COpy_Mail subscriP- tion to Circulation Manager. THE Include in your day's meals: For Things to Please GOLD BUG, Western Maryland College. Westminsjer Savings Bank One quart of milk, \, Maryland. Your Palate (;apltal $50,000.00 A green vegetable, Nome Surplus "Earnl:'d" 300,00£1.0£1 Some fruit, F. THOS. BABYLON: PresidellL Some fat D. S. GEHR MILTON P. :i\fYFJRS,Vice Pres. (preferably cream, milk or butter) Chy JACOB H. HANDLEY, Treasurer. Some dark cereals and dark breads, Wholesale and Retail Hardware, St_ BtLilding Malerials, Cutler}" Savings Service Take plenty of rest Ammunition, Paints, Oils, Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, SUBSCRIBEl TO AND ADVERTrSE IN Iroll and Steel PrQIlucts THE GOLD BUG (Establisbed 1866) \Vestmillstel', Md. Sharrer, liorsDcb Ii Starr The Newest and Best. Clothing and FurniShings T. W. MATHER Ii SONS Goods fo~ Young Men 10 lIel' cent ol'f to College students Westminster's Leading Store When MARY P1CKFOHD ARMY SHOES Wanted a. Goo,,] PHOTOGRAPH The shoes authorized for the R. D. She sent for Sereck S. Wilson T. C. Try a College Special 15c A delicious Fruit and Nut Sundae Topped with Whipped Cream Griffin's Goodie Shoppe Soda Candy Tobacco
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