Page 35 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 35
The Gold Bug, Western Mary:~~d College, Westminster, Md. Page Three \ SPORTS I Boxing Wrestling Basketball I SPORTS \ WRESTLING HARLOW EMPHASIZES LOYALTY The line up: renee for the remainder of the game. Moore and Regent Edward Dickson, Orville Neat, captntn and runoack of the Daily Bruin, of the Untveratty of The Western Maryland College IN TALK TO STUDENT BODY. weetem Maryland Baltimore Poly the Terrors, performed some of the California at Los Angeles, bas been wr estllug' team will open its first Berkowitz individual ground-gaining feats which prohibited from printing any stories tnter-couestate schedule Thursday, "There is no law ill the world that Howard G. Albrecht have won for him. wide recognition relating to the Denver ex-judge. j arnuary 4, 1928, at Lancaster, Pa., will keep yon front going to another Hart R. F. this year, and practically single The Bruin published, as part of Ita when they will meet t.he strong mat meutuucu it Western Mar yland Col- Smith L. F. Stetler handed rolled up eight ru-st downs in United Press service, a. dispatch Stumpf team of Prauklln and Marshall Col- lege does not suit you," This was to Seitz R. H. Lorber the eeccnd half. from. Portland, Ore., dealing with talk the gist or Coach Hat-lowe's C. H. Reed lege. the, student body at the last pep Stach .L. H. Long Liud~y's lecture thl>i"e. Regent "Abe" Tozzi, will again coach the mee;tJ~g of the football season, on Benson O. F. "Mark:; M,unlenberg Defense Rallies. Dickson, owner of the Los Angeles tenm. He has avntlable from last evening, November 22. 'Iullfvan I.R. 'Wallace "When the goal line was threaten- Express, and one-time editor of the year's squad. "Admiral" Simms and Tueadny nouena Dales the defense Daily California, decl,ded that such Muhlenberg Il.oy Roberison ill the 135 pound Knocking, f)i.Ult-Jil1d,ing,r"idlcuting, Willis C. L. Mecates ed. however, to check the assault. etorfea have no place in student always rallied 1. L. class, -wau- Lally an,d "Whit" wnn- and belittling may be justified, be- O. R. MDler In only one instance was the nne papers, and he so informed Director craft. heavyweights, "Murk" HeN;- caatouauv, but for such material to Longrtdge unequal to its task. That came in. Moore, who obligingly placed the mau, 145 pounds, "Sbort.y' Breuhl, be continuously aud promiscuously Score by quarters: the fourth quarter, when Borelli tried ban. It has not been reported that 118 pounds. tee Bowers, 125 pounds, spread around to other colleges, as Western Maryland 0 0 0---2 to get a punt away behind his Mr. Dickson has deleted Lind~y "Dan" Cook, light heavyweight and rEipres,mtatiV'El of general student Baltimore Polytechnic 0 0 .2 0 1-1 OWl! goal line and n-om by news [rom his own publication that was tackled 'vrom'' Brown, mJddle weight. thought is absolute disloyalty to the Smith for a safety. reucuas teu-rear-oies. The editor of '''lUI the IISW material on hand college. Such action Is as disloyal Substitutions: Beanchamp for Seitz. The work of Bickert, captain and the Bruin had little to say, but other all(1 the experience gained from last. and ungentlemanly as belittling and Goals troru field: Benson, Langridge, of the Muhlenberg featured college editors on the Coast and else- year's coaching by the Western ridiculing ones own mother. Dal68. halfback while Nick Borelli star- where are rising to deny that re- on defense, Maryland wrestling mentor "Abe" r-ed on the attack. gents have the right ct news suppres- Tozzi, the matmen sh!ould make a Coach Harlow stressed the fact Referee: Stauifer. sions. Surprise also has been ex- cr-edttable snowing ngatnet the 'per- that although Western Maryland Col- Muh~nberg W. Maryland pressed that a former editor of a ror opponents. lege has a fine faculty, and although college paper, and present e.d1tnr or it bas a splendid student body, neuu- The first uracuce will be held tm- TERRORS LOSE TO MUHLE.N- Evans ... t, E. Cllirk a metropotttan paper, should CBSt mediately after the tootuen season er of uiese means a thing unless the BERG. TholllJlson L. T. 'Weinstock the first stone. Lindsey is now in Chapman .... closes and Coach Tozzi invites all students themselyes sincerely agree L. G. . ... V.n Buren the south, so the Bruin will have c. new men who al'e interested ill tile concerning their college lUe. The Gordon Havens plentifni opportunity of bringing sport to come out 1;'.lldgivE' the old students can make their college ca- Western Maryland Victim Of Fumble Jacobs R. G. Machamer ahout a showdown by disregarding hoys a. fight to It.:'el) their positions reers anything they choose; It is a Spotts R. T. O'Lear the dictatorial edict o.f the governing on the team. matter of serious indiYidual think- In 6-To-2 Defeat. Outgain Winners Smith R. E. Peltbp officials, and printing the news. 'rhe mat game is new sport on the ing; it Is a matter of harmonious Rolls 15 Pascall Q. B. Miller "Hlll." It was begun last year and group agreement and gronp adjllst- Westminster Clan Up Bickert ...... I.H. Gomsak was a SUCC"BSS. Two meets weres ml(nt. College is no place for an in- First Downs To 6. N. Borelli ... R. H. Ellis BAD NEWS FOR THE. ACTIVITY staged and were well attended by cessant inveterate public knocker. s. Borelli F. B. Neal the students. The sport has been Coach HarlOW adylsed the men to Score by periods: BOYS, put on the Hi11 in order tbat those be clllvalI'.ous, never to pick a fight, Taking advantage of the one big Rochester, N. Y. (By New Stud· who are not a.vailable for other to give the smaller fellOW three- break which came Its way, Muhlen- Muhlenberg.. . ... 0 6 0 0-6 ent Service)-"Experiences derived sporls may enter the field. berg College defeated Western Mar)"- \Vestern Maryland .. 0 0 0 2-2 [rom participation in stUdent activo fourths of the road, and always, un· der allY circumstances, to be gentle- land College, 6 to 2, in one of the Substitutions -'Western Maryland, ities are considered least valuable by Jan. 7-Frallklin and Marshall-away big upsets at tIle Thanksgiving Day Jan 14-Virginia Military Institute men. He asked the women to have football card. C. Chambers for Ellis, Long for Mill- alumni, according to the results -away. faith In the men, an.d by their influ- Muhlenberg was outgained by the er, Smith for Clark, Norris fot· shown in a. survey taken by Prof. Jan 28-United States Naval Acad- ences and actions to nelp the men visitors, making only six: first dovms Smith, Oravetz for Long; MulLlen- Charles E. Watkeys, director of emy-away. make themselves the best possible. as against Western Maryland's 15, berg, Horner for Chapman, Snoicn statistics," reports the Campus of Feb. ll-Virginia Polytechnic Ins.tI- Ite asked ot the wlloJe student body but heady defensive play saved the for Thompson. Touchdown-N. BOI'- Rochester College. It 1S reported un- tute--away. that tbls popular knocking fa,d be lead gained in the second quarter of ellL Mjissed try for point-No Bor- officially that the news causoo sever- stoPlJed and more at.tention be paid the game against a powerful Terror elli. Safety-Smith (sub. for Clark). al nenous breakdOwns in the ranks BOXING to worthwhlle, wholesome, and help- sttack In the second half. Referee--E. J. Rallkin. Urnpire--C. of present student leaders. The 'Weatern Maryland College ful phases of college life. L. Miller. Head linesrnan-R. Kea,dy. boxing team wlll open its second in- Fir-st Quartet' Scoreless. Time of periods-15 minutes. in methods dealing with ter-collegiate schedule this year Coach Hat"lowe's creed ill: facts and problems were placed first with the Geol'getown boxers in Wash- "I believe in Western Maryland The first quarter was sooreless. by the men, and the foundation of 8. ington, D. C., Jan. 20. 1928. The Coilege--its faculty and Its students." Then came the only touchdown of the BRIDLING THE COLLEGE PRESS. liberal education, secoud, as the most schedule, which IS a good one for a contest in the SB'cond period, when Los Angeles, Cal. (By New Stud- valuable holdovers from college days. Nick Borelli, right halfback ot Muh- newcomer into sport, establis~s lenberg, scooped up a fumbled ball eut Service)-Judge Ben Lindsey's Tile women reverse:
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