Page 34 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: :-: Qfticial newspaper of Wcnern Maryland College, published on Wedneeday during the aeadetnie year by the students ot Western Mllryland College, Wes"witl8ter, Maryland. Entered as second-elau watter at the Westmi"ster Postuffiee. Subscription Petce, $2.00 110Year. Although built. above, western In this day when so mauy people The course In Girl Scout leader- l'Ila!'yland does not overtook Unlpn are advocating "companionate mar- ship will be given again this year to Street. riage", and oth~ terms of "trial" Swarthmore women, under the dt; MANAGING STAPP marriages as a relief for the "neck- rcettou of II. Scout leader from Nn- Editor-in-Chief ... ... ,1. I'nul IJ/llullel'tson, '2H The administration has suggested ing" craze of youngsters It Is inter- ttont Headquarters. The course wnt for Baker Chap- Managing Editor .. . Hubert lv. Johnson, '28 that we have ushers "hushet-s" for morn- esting to note an old custom-esc deal with the fundamental points of el. We euaeeet with Asst. Editor. Samuel n. Bryant, '28 ing chapel. well explained Early In "Hawkers and ecoutcratt, iogther recreation lessons in Walkers teeue»- Organization' by in a~d Business Manager ... ~ild B. Lip py, ':3D Richardson Wright. .americcn," eutn. Tb,'ere is a fee or $2.00 for Ass't Business Manager., . W. H. Sanders, Jr., '30 . 'l'he trent seats in chapel are so "The custom of "Bundling" was those who enroll in the course. Advertising Manager .. ... MIII'I'ill B. Sterling, '30 near the speakers that we can see ordained, as the "Book of common The Twenty-ninth unuual confer The fillings ill then- teeth. We think time puts Prayer" "in tbe Ciroula.tion Ma.nager .. ... \r Edwin WHl'tleld, ':39 It would he a good tdea to reserve man's tunoceuv," It, to save heat anu of ence of tne Association ot Amerfcan Asst, Ciroulation Managers. .. {ROY L. Bobe,~·tson, '29 rneae seats for pre-med students. light. It was a winter medium b! tjruverstttes was held at Catholic .J. A, Stacu, 30 convenience. There were lwo Universities November 10. 11 and 12. Honora are pleasant, but revenues Art Editor,. . ." Pete" uomsuk, ';10 are necessary. (The Gold Bug costs phases of it-the ente~lnmf\n~ of There were about 60 delegates pres- Sports Editor . , .. Clarence H. Bennett, '28 two dollars a yefll'.) strangers and the courtship between ent from the leading unlverstttes of the or the country', The discussions Associate Sports Editor .1[al1l'Y n. 1I.Jcl\'fAins, '2D the young. The stranger would Conference were prlmarly concerned THANKSGIVING. Shal'e the extra bed with wh,om so Rl~POR'l'ORIALs'rAFF Since this is the Thanksgiving sea.- evlE)!' he found in it, although of it with the work of graduate schools. were open to delegates The meetings might be the wife or the daughter News Editors son, let's forget for a m.lnute or so the house. Young men and maidens only Wl10 took part In disCliSsio)li:!, J)\'rothy b. Gilligan, '28 W. K. Bal'lle!;, '28 our a"ersioll to the P,oHyanna com· went to !Je.(l with their clothes on of a teclmical nature.. plex. Of course. we must live up to l'atber than sit up, because Associll.te Editors our reputation 1I10Stot the time. 'iV's and heat had to be consen-ed. candles Tne Buckuell Educational Confer- This Ruth FI'elJ(:h, '28 Ah·iu Albright, '28 must be "modenl," the dreadful custom continned for a century aJld ences, which was held Seyeral weeks !i:\'el?uE. Pusey, '28 Oscar L. :Mol'l'is, '29 younger generation who tltink as no- a hair in New England and in the ago, was a bigger alfaJr than the one .l~lilr.:lbeth H. Dn\,i8., '28 "Jap" \Vei$l)("rh:,30 body eye\' ihougllt hefol'e (yes, we Dutch (.'Oloniea. It was found gener- held last year. Three noted speakers [ondly believe that). And so we were presenl The prQgram in gen- lower REPOR'l'ERS read a few morbid modern books, be- ally among the attendant classes. The eral dealt with problems of sen.lor consequences upon It were 1.1. Gertrude Rand" ':38 biugene C, Wilodward, ':?:S lieve, then, t.hat w;e are intellectual, not invariably as questionable as one and juuior high schools, and also the Dorothy Mellott, '28 C\ll'vin lH. Seitz, '29 aud get tim proper modern intellect- might suppose, althongh human na, relation of Normal scnools and Col- N. 11. Pellnewell, '31 Casper P. End, '29 ual frame of mind, best describel as tnre was no different than toda}'." lege to these schools. There were Elsie M. Held, '~8 George E. SaHel', '29 "thnllll)s down ou everything." Al- pl'obably a thousand educators Dres- l\Iargal'ct 1Hal'tignoni, '29 Preston \Y. Grant, '30 most any place is better th.::en the een with approximately fifty speak· Uary A. Walzl, '29 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 place we are-that is why we write I loath stare-o-typed reactions. And Catherine E. Read, '30 \V. G. Eaton, '30 these <11'eaMultirades against West- yet sometimes in our life we mnst Virginia C. Merrill, '30 "Tjllialll IT. BI'o\\-n, '30 ern Maryland. It isn't because it's all stoop and "do as the Romans do." The Registrar of Lyncllburg Col· ,\Viestern Maryland, bnt simply that III other wOI'ds, it is very dangerous lege has recelltly mAde an analysis II would npt do at all to express loy· to be "differpl1t." If it is respect· Worthy opinion~' Model management; Correct news. ally to our Alma Maier. The "ray able to do so and so, then we mpst of tile occupations of the students been has analysis rail collegiate" idea Is ~ry, very all do so and so. If nice people eat parents. out Such for thirteen consecutive carried greens, then we must eat greens too, years beginning with the year 1915-16 E_D_I_T_O_R_I_ A -L\ But sInce this is Thanksgiving. 1'.11" If college boys [ulmire football, so and including the present l'egistra- en a "moderu" will pl'obably concede must every male who goes to college tion. THE COLLEGE CONSERVATIVE. ~ot Intended lo be a re(~eption hali tha.t this isn't such a bad place, after be admil'e football. It the Protessor The statisLics ore secured from We rave ~bout chapel~let's or a. "Pretty Parlor." 1t is often ov- all. of English laudS the drama of Wdl- the so-called "pedIgree sheets" which We believe tbat the man who as- et' crowded because a ll\unber ot per- tbankfuI lhat it doesn't last long. 1ium Slml{espeare. so must we sing (.he students fill out everr year. The sumes a conservative aUitude toW" sons are ]lretending to study lessons and lhat never in the history of the the pralse~ of this lll,Ust,eir of the results howe,-er iRre Oll.1yIJRrtially ad]'!! college life as a whole has more which could be mucil better prepared college has an absent one l)een sent English language. If the tb.,eatre accurate because in many cases the t'eaaon on his side thall is generally in their own rooms. They like to sit for in order tllat the sen-ice may going world loves Otis Skinner and students are not accurate in report- conceded, His reluctance io advo- and watch all that's going 011. 'rhls begin. ",Ve can not express our 1\1rs. Fiske, so must we love them, i1lg certain details. The Registrar cate an'Y sort of change or innova- in itself is not barmful. except tha.t opinions." 'Va wail. As a matter for we also go to the theatre. feels tbat the data Is valuable in se\'- tion clearly rellulbi from a. I'ealizatlon it is 'keeping some pllf80ns with ser- of fart, we. could. bu!. Iet'~ be thank· And that my dear (,lhlldren, is the eral respects. In the flrat l}lace It or (.'ertaill basic truths. He knows, ious intentions from gelting a seat ful tlmt we lack the courage mId are \'en- reaSOll I applaude.d, and said; is vnluable for measuring the quality that, although it is not difficult for in the library. Be considerate. spared making fools or ourselves allN "It was marvelnlls," when thl! cur- of the student body, and In the sec- anYlOneto point out a few obvions de- more often. And ahove all, if we tain closed op the last acl of "The ond place it is valuable for the PUl"- fects, It does take Intelligence not COLLEGIATE V5, COLLEGE. are members of the superior sex who ~Jerry 'Vives ot Windsor." pose of cOIDlrnrlson with other to overlook merits which are not never heard of signing up to go to scnools. brought to the surface by a. casual "Is it possil)le t.o geL a college ed- town, baving to get permission to go Those of yon w1lOhave always had The coach at Randolph-Macon Col- observation. He argues logicaliy ucation and a co:iegiate education at away tor a weelt-end. or puUing a deSire to live in "Greenwich VIl, lege recently made an al)peal oor when he affirms tbat the existing the same time1" 'Ve hll\'e [)'eqnent· lights out at ten '10'clock, lilt's he lage," and thus become an artist or funds to purchase 1m athletic bus on order has sume worth \Or It could 1I0t Iy pendel'ed o\"er tills question. By it meekly and reverel1tly tbankful that fI. writer, will probably develop u the campus The students were ha\'e existed to the preseut tillle. It, collegiate educa ion we mean, of we aren't co-ads. "sour-grape" mechanism, if you not asked to gi\,e mouey to purchu6e it very apparent to 11imthat many of COUl'se,the efl'e<::tproduced by de,'ol- HONOR SVSTEM TESTED. would read "Pseudo-Geniuses," by the bus bul to loan it to the ath- lhe defects of any college exiSt only il~ the ll(osl or one's time ano st- Carollon Kendnll in this months letic aSSOciation v.1thout interest, for In certain very vivl
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